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Brexit..the meltdown has begun


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47 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Varadkar needs to make the Brits sweat in order to boost his standings with his Nationalist supporters, thus his willingness to hide behind the fig-leaf of 'it's us showing solidarity with the EU, guv' schtik .

His immediate predecessor, Enda Kenny, created joint committees of Irish and British civil servants to resolve cross-border issues. This was seen at the time as uncontroversial. In May’s Lancaster House speech, she said Britain was leaving the customs union and, for months afterwards, no one raised Irish border issues....all up until May lost her majority, became reliant on the DUP, Varadkar replaced Kenny as Taoiseach and the EU saw it's chance to politicise (i.e screw more money out of) Brexit.

Given the UK accounts for €1 billion of Irish trade each week and one in ten jobs, around 55 per cent of Irish exports of timber and construction materials are sold in Britain, along with 50 per cent of beef exports and 45 per cent of all food and drink sold abroad as well as in purely practical terms, four-fifths of the Republic’s exports use the UK as a ‘land bridge’, crossing the Irish Sea, then Varadkar has embarked on a high-risk strategy.

 I'll only take a few racegoers at Cheltenham to buy John Smiths instead of Guiness and Panzerknacker might not have more mouth than a cow has fanny.

If we don’t take their goods, no one else will in the EU. Everybody knows this....especially Eire.

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I haven't seen it, that said, I would have thought it was incumbent on you to remember since you were the one that bought it up. I suspect that the "economist" wasn't "wheeled out" by Rees-Mogg only to make an about turn, instead it was yet another talking head which you latched onto 'cos it suited your bigoted Anglophobe narrative.

So what would you look for if you were tessy


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17 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

If we don’t take their goods, no one else will in the EU. Everybody knows this....especially Eire.

This is the real chip on old spud boys shoulder spotto; he's bricking it because Ireland will be up shit street with no their big brother to hold their (six fingered) hand

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6 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

This is the real chip on old spud boys shoulder spotto; he's bricking it because Ireland will be up shit street with no their big brother to hold their (six fingered) hand

The U.K. has burned up every bit of good will it had with its behaviour in the last 17 months ..EU want rid of you and have no interest in talking any more 


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31 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

We are well aware that you will disrupt our goods ..we know what yer like when ya don't get yer way..we've lived beside ya for long enough


That's the ticket!

The old 'passive - aggressive' card with 'de loveable old Oirish brogue' thinly veneering the threat of a return to tube bombings by the good old bhoys, when you don't get YOUR way.

.....'Cept no one's scared anymore

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25 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:


That's the ticket!

The old 'passive - aggressive' card with 'de loveable old Oirish brogue' thinly veneering the threat of a return to tube bombings by the good old bhoys, when you don't get YOUR way.

.....'Cept no one's scared anymore

Your paranoia is growing by the week jiggers baby 


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1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

The U.K. has burned up every bit of good will it had with its behaviour in the last 17 months ..EU want rid of you and have no interest in talking any more 


Except they don’t. They really don’t...... and a significant number of the governmental class  in this country don’t either . This is all smoke and mirrors.

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1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

The U.K. has burned up every bit of good will it had with its behaviour in the last 17 months ..EU want rid of you and have no interest in talking any more 


What old spotto said. You're really at rock bottom now panzy, just admit that you need us a hell of lot lot more than we need you.

Some goes for the EU- one of the big boys is leaving meaning Germany and France (Italy? ha ha ha!) will have to pick up the tab

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1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

We are well aware that you will disrupt our goods ..we know what yer like when ya don't get yer way..we've lived beside ya for long enough



49 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Your paranoia is growing by the week jiggers baby 


"Hello Mr Kettle, I'm Mr Pot and you're black......"

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Pansy’s viewpoint isn’t that different from anyone with a fixed and intransigent view on this mess. Whether they be hard for or hard against. However.....Business is business and international trade will continue whatever....even if the respective governments have to spread a little bulshit and deception to do it....... which is precisely what will happen now. Veradkar and his Irish colleagues will work closely with the uk to arrive at some kind of deal with NI.. although they are the devil’s spawn....what will be interesting is who comes  out looking like a winner....My prediction? Arlene and her chums. The rest of Europe and UK will seem honours even and trade will roll on.regardless

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14 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

Pansy’s viewpoint isn’t that different from anyone with a fixed and intransigent view on this mess. Whether they be hard for or hard against. However.....Business is business and international trade will continue whatever....even if the respective governments have to spread a little bulshit and deception to do it....... which is precisely what will happen now. Veradkar and his Irish colleagues will work closely with the uk to arrive at some kind of deal with NI.. although they are the devil’s spawn....what will be interesting is who comes  out looking like a winner....My prediction? Arlene and her chums. The rest of Europe and UK will seem honours even and trade will roll on.regardless

Its highly unlikely anyone will trust the UK to keep its end of a deal having witnessed the theatrics of the last few months and the very visible and failed attempt to go around and undermine mr barnier by sending out fleets of underlings to meet with various heads of state and were very publicly told to fuck off..even by that proto dictator lad in Hungary ..they're done with you


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34 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Its highly unlikely anyone will trust the UK to keep its end of a deal having witnessed the theatrics of the last few months and the very visible and failed attempt to go around and undermine mr barnier by sending out fleets of underlings to meet with various heads of state and were very publicly told to fuck off..even by that proto dictator lad in Hungary ..they're done with you


Well that's a euro-rimming even Punkers would be proud of!

.....and (to mix perversions) does 'Mr' (I just love that 'Mister'! It's so homo-erotic) Barnier's cum really taste like chocolate?

I think it was precisely because we didn't take the initiative, guarantee EU citizens rights (and, get this.....) guarantee the free trade are with the Republic, invoke article 50 as early as possible, tell business to get ready for WTO rules (thus giving them two years of certainty and preparation time), start talking with individual heads of state (or better still, the CEO's of Saab, Airbus, BMW, Fiat etc) and only then started talking with the EU - and left the moment the risible words 'divorce bill' came out of their mouths, that we've found ourselves in this mess.


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7 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Well that's a euro-rimming even Punkers would be proud of!

.....and (to mix perversions) does 'Mr' (I just love that 'Mister'! It's so homo-erotic) Barnier's cum really taste like chocolate?

I think it was precisely because we didn't take the initiative, guarantee EU citizens rights (and, get this.....) guarantee the free trade are with the Republic, invoke article 50 as early as possible, tell business to get ready for WTO rules (thus giving them two years of certainty and preparation time), start talking with individual heads of state (or better still, the CEO's of Saab, Airbus, BMW, Fiat etc) and only then started talking with the EU - and left the moment the risible words 'divorce bill' came out of their mouths, that we've found ourselves in this mess.


The ignorance yer elected elite have about how europe works is truly mind boggling..ardent brexiteer nadine dorizz MP has stated her intention to vote against mays deal because it leaves the UK with no influence in europe..no commissioner... and no M.E.P.'s..


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28 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

The ignorance yer elected elite have about how europe works is truly mind boggling..ardent brexiteer nadine dorizz MP has stated her intention to vote against mays deal because it leaves the UK with no influence in europe..no commissioner... and no M.E.P.'s..


Would you smash Nadines back doors in Panzer? I rather like Michelle O'Neill.

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Proving that the gene pool for Tory talent is now shallower than Matt Lucas’ paddling pool, the dribbling idiot Matt Hancock MP made a complete arse of himself today.

Addressing the prospect of medicines stockpiling in the World’s 5th largest economy come March, Health Secretary Hand-Cock stunned the committee by announcing “I don’t make contingencies for hypotheticals”. No Matt, course you don’t. 

Such Cunt-brained idiocy would once have had him ridiculed, now such is the calibre of our leaders we all just tut and roll our eyes. 

One can only conclude Baroness Trumpington died of acute shame at this fucking omnishambles. 

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2 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

The ignorance yer elected elite have about how europe works is truly mind boggling..ardent brexiteer nadine dorizz MP has stated her intention to vote against mays deal because it leaves the UK with no influence in europe..no commissioner... and no M.E.P.'s..


What's that got to do with how the EU (which is what I assume you meant rather than 'Europe' which is a continent) works?

It's the truth for fucks' sake!

It sort of begs the question, what does £39bn buy us?

Don't bother looking. I've checked to see precisely what this figure covers, never mind how it's been arrived at. Unsurprisingly (for an organisation that's cavalier with their own money and accounting protocols, never mind other countries) there is zippady do-dah.

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5 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

The ignorance yer elected elite have about how europe works is truly mind boggling..ardent brexiteer nadine dorizz MP has stated her intention to vote against mays deal because it leaves the UK with no influence in europe..no commissioner... and no M.E.P.'s..


Panz babe .. I am a European but, I think that the EU is a load of tosh.

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4 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Proving that the gene pool for Tory talent is now shallower than Matt Lucas’ paddling pool, the dribbling idiot Matt Hancock MP made a complete arse of himself today.

Addressing the prospect of medicines stockpiling in the World’s 5th largest economy come March, Health Secretary Hand-Cock stunned the committee by announcing “I don’t make contingencies for hypotheticals”. No Matt, course you don’t. 

Such Cunt-brained idiocy would once have had him ridiculed, now such is the calibre of our leaders we all just tut and roll our eyes. 

One can only conclude Baroness Trumpington died of acute shame at this fucking omnishambles. 

I couldn't believe she was a real person. Baroness Trumpington sounds like a character from Fireman Sam. 

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4 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

What's that got to do with how the EU (which is what I assume you meant rather than 'Europe' which is a continent) works?

It's the truth for fucks' sake!

It sort of begs the question, what does £39bn buy us?

Don't bother looking. I've checked to see precisely what this figure covers, never mind how it's been arrived at. Unsurprisingly (for an organisation that's cavalier with their own money and accounting protocols, never mind other countries) there is zippady do-dah.

I suppose the 39 billion buys the tory party and the U.K.  a slight bit of credibility..that they destroyed in front of the world.


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5 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

I suppose the 39 billion buys the tory party and the U.K.  a slight bit of credibility..that they destroyed in front of the world.



I'll take that 'credibility' to the bank.

I'll eat that credibility

I'll build more hospitals, pay more teachers, build a huge fuck-off wing at GCHQ to cover the legions of new cyber-security engineers I'm going to employ.

I'll put it into the overseas aid budget to help deal with REAL refugees.

'Credibility', eh?

Well fuck me furiously!

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It is worth reading this @Panzerknacker and getting past the guff. The effect of what has happened since we joined the EU is significant in many areas where employment opportunities are limited. The formerly large UK based fishing fleets processed their catches within the UK for every fisherman on those boats there about 25 people on land in the UK processing and otherwise dealing with those catches. There are still lage numbers of UK flagged vessels, the problem is that most of them are crewed by Dutch and other none UK Nationals and the catch is landed and processed away from the UK and in many cases then sold back to the UK .. a totally preposterous arrangement.

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1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:


I'll take that 'credibility' to the bank.

I'll eat that credibility

I'll build more hospitals, pay more teachers, build a huge fuck-off wing at GCHQ to cover the legions of new cyber-security engineers I'm going to employ.

I'll put it into the overseas aid budget to help deal with REAL refugees.

'Credibility', eh?

Well fuck me furiously!

Fact is that 39 billion is nothing compared to the damage the moog and the gove n the bojo did to the economy over the last year and a bit with their theatrics..yer firing the wrong people ..


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