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Brexit..the meltdown has begun


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14 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Fuck off then cunt. Don’t come back. Not wanted, wanker.

I have no intention of so doing, you silly little man. You and Paul Dacre can enjoy the wasteland together while you search for someone else to blame. Buy a fucking mirror you halfwit.

Just one question. After you’ve kicked out all the Poles, and MC all the noirs, who the fuck is going to wipe your arse in your retirement home?

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

There was a young girl from the Azores

Her cunt was all covered in sores

And the dogs in the street 

Used to lick the green meat

that fell from her pus sodden drawers.


Now that's culture.


There once was a doctor called Gerry,




And was dumped off the Tangier ferry. 


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Guest judgetwi
29 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


Just one question. After you’ve kicked out all the Poles, and MC all the noirs, who the fuck is going to wipe your arse in your retirement home?

I’m not kicking anybody out cunt. You’re the one leaving the country not me.

I think you’ll find that the working class and the cheap foreign labour you are running away from exist in every civilised country. It’s called globalist capitalism you fucking dimmo.

By the way, I don’t know what “MC” means. Rather unfortunate considering I want to “kick them out.”

Is it Muzzie Cunts by any chance?

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6 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

I’m not kicking anybody out cunt. You’re the one leaving the country not me.

I think you’ll find that the working class and the cheap foreign labour you are running away from exist in every civilised country. It’s called globalist capitalism you fucking dimmo.

By the way, I don’t know what “MC” means. Rather unfortunate considering I want to “kick them out.”

Is it Muzzie Cunts by any chance?

Rattled to fuck.

And still pigshit thick. 

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Guest judgetwi
6 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Rattled to fuck.

And still pigshit thick. 

Rattled? Is that all you can do wanker? Repeat cliches from other pricks on this site? Get on that helicopter and run away like the miserable arselicker that you are.

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6 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Rattled? Is that all you can do wanker?

You seem like a very angry man, I’m sure you are no stranger to a coat-holding tussle in a flat-roofed pub car park among the burning cars and discarded carpet. 

The inevitable massive stroke will be no doubt even more tragic when the St Nigel of the Infinite Bullshit Hospital has no staff to look after your Gammon arse and you rather appropriately get shunted into a side room to wither and die. Poetic. 

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Guest judgetwi
18 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

You seem like a very angry man, I’m sure you are no stranger to a coat-holding tussle in a flat-roofed pub car park among the burning cars and discarded carpet. 

The inevitable massive stroke will be no doubt even more tragic when the St Nigel of the Infinite Bullshit Hospital has no staff to look after your Gammon arse and you rather appropriately get shunted into a side room to wither and die. Poetic. 

Working class? Yes I am.

So sorry that people like me offend you and they gave me the right to vote. Major fucking mistake that was.

Still, that’s why you are fucking off to somewhere where you think you can escape cunts like me. You can’t. Stroppy angry cunts like me are everywhere. You invented us you soppy thick wanker.

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6 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Working class? Yes I am.

So sorry that people like me offend you and they gave me the right to vote. Major fucking mistake that was.

In one respect you have a point. 

My Dad was a miner. I was lucky enough to get a good, free education, and I’ve had a very nice middle class life. I’m a few weeks into an early and comfortable retirement. I have little to be angry about. Many in my primary class in the South Yorkshire coalfield have not been as fortunate. My Leave voting schoolfriends have by and large led lives punctuated by divorce, redundancy, casualised work and a much poorer outlook for their children. An embittered chance to lash the elite was not going to be missed. Far easier to blame a soft target than yourself. Particularly in these narcissistic times. 

Cameron’s error was to badly misread the mood of the country. His social circle was so tightly drawn he had no idea how the disenfranchised felt. Asking angry people with from their perspective nothing to lose to vote invited a hindbrain response to a complex problem requiring cognitive dissonance and cool cortical reasoning. Stir in lies and misinformation in a post-truth, anti-expert world and chaos reigns. Britain will live with the hangover of its drunken night out for decades. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if in a dozen years or so we are pleading to be let back in, like a pissed husband hammering on the door at dawn as his wife chucks his clothes on the lawn. Imagine the deal we’ll get then. A national cuckold fantasy.

My Leave voting friends don’t offend me. I feel sorry for them. I’m emigrating at least in part because I don’t want to be around when the angry mob finally realise what they have done. One model of depression is as the result of a conflict between expectation and reality. Thinking you have nothing to lose, then losing spectacularly, will be too much for many. We have some ugly years ahead. I will watch from a distant beach, ever grateful for my wife’s passport. 

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Nadine these days is the media's rent-a-quote goto gal. That said, she is a Brexiteer who has indicated she will vote against the Brexit proposals as it does not follow the mandate laid down by the referendum result.

I think shes as deluded as you are roops baby


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2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

In one respect you have a point. 

My Dad was a miner. I was lucky enough to get a good, free education, and I’ve had a very nice middle class life. I’m a few weeks into an early and comfortable retirement. I have little to be angry about. Many in my primary class in the South Yorkshire coalfield have not been as fortunate. My Leave voting schoolfriends have by and large led lives punctuated by divorce, redundancy, casualised work and a much poorer outlook for their children. An embittered chance to lash the elite was not going to be missed. Far easier to blame a soft target than yourself. Particularly in these narcissistic times. 

Cameron’s error was to badly misread the mood of the country. His social circle was so tightly drawn he had no idea how the disenfranchised felt. Asking angry people with from their perspective nothing to lose to vote invited a hindbrain response to a complex problem requiring cognitive dissonance and cool cortical reasoning. Stir in lies and misinformation in a post-truth, anti-expert world and chaos reigns. Britain will live with the hangover of its drunken night out for decades. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if in a dozen years or so we are pleading to be let back in, like a pissed husband hammering on the door at dawn as his wife chucks his clothes on the lawn. Imagine the deal we’ll get then. A national cuckold fantasy.

My Leave voting friends don’t offend me. I feel sorry for them. I’m emigrating at least in part because I don’t want to be around when the angry mob finally realise what they have done. One model of depression is as the result of a conflict between expectation and reality. Thinking you have nothing to lose, then losing spectacularly, will be too much for many. We have some ugly years ahead. I will watch from a distant beach, ever grateful for my wife’s passport. 

Where are you going, just out of interest?

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Guest Erroreptile404
50 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

Where are you going, just out of interest?

If he says Japan or some developing cat and dog eating shithole in asia he deserves to be strangled to death with an extension cord. 

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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

In one respect you have a point. 

My Dad was a miner. I was lucky enough to get a good, free education, and I’ve had a very nice middle class life. I’m a few weeks into an early and comfortable retirement. I have little to be angry about. Many in my primary class in the South Yorkshire coalfield have not been as fortunate. My Leave voting schoolfriends have by and large led lives punctuated by divorce, redundancy, casualised work and a much poorer outlook for their children. An embittered chance to lash the elite was not going to be missed. Far easier to blame a soft target than yourself. Particularly in these narcissistic times. 

Cameron’s error was to badly misread the mood of the country. His social circle was so tightly drawn he had no idea how the disenfranchised felt. Asking angry people with from their perspective nothing to lose to vote invited a hindbrain response to a complex problem requiring cognitive dissonance and cool cortical reasoning. Stir in lies and misinformation in a post-truth, anti-expert world and chaos reigns. Britain will live with the hangover of its drunken night out for decades. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if in a dozen years or so we are pleading to be let back in, like a pissed husband hammering on the door at dawn as his wife chucks his clothes on the lawn. Imagine the deal we’ll get then. A national cuckold fantasy.

My Leave voting friends don’t offend me. I feel sorry for them. I’m emigrating at least in part because I don’t want to be around when the angry mob finally realise what they have done. One model of depression is as the result of a conflict between expectation and reality. Thinking you have nothing to lose, then losing spectacularly, will be too much for many. We have some ugly years ahead. I will watch from a distant beach, ever grateful for my wife’s passport. 


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56 minutes ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

If he says Japan or some developing cat and dog eating shithole in asia he deserves to be strangled to death with an extension cord. 

No I'm genuinely interested.

In high falutin' terms (as a Leaver) I see myself as being from 'Somewhere' (in a term coined by David Goodhart in his book 'The Road to Somewhere').

If you can get past the 'gammon and crypto-fascist' bullshit; past  the minutiae of 'the deal' (which is what Brexit appears to have turned into) and actually get them on to the subject of sovereignty (which is what the referendum was all about for the vast majority of the 17.4 m, not that that ever gets addressed) they do eventually acknowledge that the endgame of the EU project is an overarching European Superstate.

In other words, they would be happy to be from 'Anywhere'.

That's fine. They are conservative and scared. I just wish they'd own that fact.

It is rare however for any of them to have the courage of their convictions, up sticks and move to their safe European home and enjoy all the benefits of, well whatever the individual agenda (and you get neo-liberals, 'progressives' and nationalists all claiming that Mother Brussels will deliver on their aspirations) they cleave to today.

Hence my interest in whether our friend here is off to Europe or is in fact, 'doing a Clegg'?


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16 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Pulling out the "racist" card then? In this country, parliament (namely the House of Commons) reigns supreme, not a figurehead monarchy.

I'm actually siding with old webby on this point. The monarchy and the class system that dates back to William the fucking Conqueror is a lead weight round the necks of this nation. The countryside we so eagerly fetishise as our green and pleasant land is largely owned by an elite of inbreed cunts with little grasp on reality for normal folk and allowed, with government consent, to pollute, poison, denude and generally flog this land to death. This land which was probably granted to their slave fucking ancestors by Cromwell or for fighting those scots savages in the 11 hundreds. The aforementioned Scotland is a prime example: huge swathes of land owned by absent landlords which earn them millions of pounds in subsidies every year whose other purpose is to provide "sport" in the form of grouse shooting and deer stalking for a disgustingly wealthy elite, two past times which have been positively proven to be disastrous for biodiversity, hugely increase soil erosion and flooding and release a shit ton of CO2 which could be absorbed by a more natural landscape

Fuck off

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I'm actually siding with old webby on this point. The monarchy and the class system that dates back to William the fucking Conqueror is a lead weight round the necks of this nation. The countryside we so eagerly fetishise as our green and pleasant land is largely owned by an elite of inbreed cunts with little grasp on reality for normal folk and allowed, with government consent, to pollute, poison, denude and generally flog this land to death. This land which was probably granted to their slave fucking ancestors by Cromwell or for fighting those scots savages in the 11 hundreds. The aforementioned Scotland is a prime example: huge swathes of land owned by absent landlords which earn them millions of pounds in subsidies every year whose other purpose is to provide "sport" in the form of grouse shooting and deer stalking for a disgustingly wealthy elite, two past times which have been positively proven to be disastrous for biodiversity, hugely increase soil erosion and flooding and release a shit ton of CO2 which could be absorbed by a more natural landscape

Fuck off

Stubby, this is worse than cancer, and I should know.

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56 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

I'm actually siding with old webby on this point. The monarchy and the class system that dates back to William the fucking Conqueror is a lead weight round the necks of this nation. The countryside we so eagerly fetishise as our green and pleasant land is largely owned by an elite of inbreed cunts with little grasp on reality for normal folk and allowed, with government consent, to pollute, poison, denude and generally flog this land to death. This land which was probably granted to their slave fucking ancestors by Cromwell or for fighting those scots savages in the 11 hundreds. The aforementioned Scotland is a prime example: huge swathes of land owned by absent landlords which earn them millions of pounds in subsidies every year whose other purpose is to provide "sport" in the form of grouse shooting and deer stalking for a disgustingly wealthy elite, two past times which have been positively proven to be disastrous for biodiversity, hugely increase soil erosion and flooding and release a shit ton of CO2 which could be absorbed by a more natural landscape

Fuck off

Yeah, land reform is an issue around the world irrespective of the country's constitutional history. Your point is moot, if not irrelevant to the issue.

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