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The Cenotaph Anorak v2.0

Last Cunt Standing

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Now I know I’m probably wandering into an intentional outrage trap, and that Jezza is probably playing some very clever reverse dog-whistle politics to electrify his base of hand-wringing lickspittles and bedwetters.

However, having just seen the bearded imbecile shuffling about on the nightly news, I feel morally obliged to Cunt the shambolic prick who Would Be King. He looked like he was popping to the shops for some Palestinian Muesli and some Fairtrade soya milk, not taking part in a solemn State occasion. Does he not own a decent Black overcoat? Why can’t he get his Gentile backside into M&S? His shoes were a fucking state too, a sort of soft-soled ShoeZone affair you’d expect to find on a Midlands RE teacher. The red tie was a straightforward obscenity. He might as well have pissed up the Cenotaph to the strains of Nimrod. The wreath laying was so reminiscent of a Parkinsonian man walking a Jack Russell, I expected him to return to the upright with a little warm bag of dogshit in his hand, which would have been somehow befitting his appearance. 

The man is now confirmed as a fucking disgrace, and should be flayed across a gun carriage on BBC2. Most unforgivably, he is giving Treezer and her mob a free pass as they grope chaotically forward like Helen Keller on GHB. 

The last Labour leader to try this virtue-signalling shit was replaced by a ginger Welshman partial to bollocks, so I imagine Gareth Thomas will soon be getting a call. 

Cunts all round. We will remember them. 


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9 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


Now I know I’m probably wandering into an intentional outrage trap, and that Jezza is probably playing some very clever reverse dog-whistle politics to electrify his base of hand wringing lickspittles. 

However, having just seen the bearded imbecile shuffling about on the nightly news, I feel morally obliged to Cunt the shambolic prick who Would Be King. He looked like he was popping to the shops for some Palestinian Muesli and some Fairtrade soya milk, not taking part in a solemn State occasion. Does he not own a decent Black overcoat? Why can’t he get his Gentile backside into M&S? His shoes were a fucking state too, a sort of soft-soled ShoeZone affair you’d expect to find on a Midlands RE teacher. The red tie was a straightforward obscenity. He might as well have pissed up the Cenotaph to the strains of Nimrod. The wreath laying was so reminiscent of a Parkinsonian man walking a Jack Russell, I expected him to return to the upright with a little warm bag of dogshit in his hand, which would have been somehow befitting his appearance. 

The man is now confirmed as a fucking disgrace, and should be flayed across a gun carriage on BBC2. Most unforgivably, he is giving Treezer and her mob a free pass as they grope chaotically forward like Helen Keller on GHB. 

The last Labour leader to try this virtue-signalling shit was replaced by a ginger Welshman, so I imagine Gareth Thomas will soon be getting a call. 

Cunts all round. We will remember them. 


Excellent nomination.

Outstanding cunting of comrade Corbyn who clearly hates all traditional establishment figures and was obviously sticking two fingers up at the whole ensemble.

The horrible, weedy, scrawny vegan git would have been as much use in a trench as a water pistol at the Grenfell flats fire...

I hope he chokes on his next bowl of lentils and bean curd.

Fucking cunt.

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Inevitable “top five things not to do when leading the Labour Party” on the radio this morning. 

5. Don’t fall in the sea in front of the press.

4. Don’t yell “alright!” repeatedly on the eve of an Election. 

3. Don’t get your Press officer to invent spurious evidence of WMD.

2. Don’t offer succour to Hamas, the IRA or other terrorist types.

1. Don’t wear a casual jacket to the Cenotaph. 

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11 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


Now I know I’m probably wandering into an intentional outrage trap, and that Jezza is probably playing some very clever reverse dog-whistle politics to electrify his base of hand-wringing lickspittles and bedwetters.

However, having just seen the bearded imbecile shuffling about on the nightly news, I feel morally obliged to Cunt the shambolic prick who Would Be King. He looked like he was popping to the shops for some Palestinian Muesli and some Fairtrade soya milk, not taking part in a solemn State occasion. Does he not own a decent Black overcoat? Why can’t he get his Gentile backside into M&S? His shoes were a fucking state too, a sort of soft-soled ShoeZone affair you’d expect to find on a Midlands RE teacher. The red tie was a straightforward obscenity. He might as well have pissed up the Cenotaph to the strains of Nimrod. The wreath laying was so reminiscent of a Parkinsonian man walking a Jack Russell, I expected him to return to the upright with a little warm bag of dogshit in his hand, which would have been somehow befitting his appearance. 

The man is now confirmed as a fucking disgrace, and should be flayed across a gun carriage on BBC2. Most unforgivably, he is giving Treezer and her mob a free pass as they grope chaotically forward like Helen Keller on GHB. 

The last Labour leader to try this virtue-signalling shit was replaced by a ginger Welshman partial to bollocks, so I imagine Gareth Thomas will soon be getting a call. 

Cunts all round. We will remember them. 


I'm generally not bothered in the least by anyone's appearance (other than Frank the fairy's middle-aged Miami Vice semblance), nor am I a Corbyn-hater by any means, but his showing yesterday was wholly disrespectful. It's at times like these we're reminded he is, like most leading politicians, merely an actor.

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8 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

November the 11th has been hijacked by the british establishment as a default national day as y'all dont have an offical one ..its partly the reason the poppy never took off over here ..its seen as an entirely british thing ..although march 29 could be yer new independence day 


I once went to Liverpool on The Shamrock.

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12 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

November the 11th has been hijacked by the british establishment as a default national day as y'all dont have an offical one ..its partly the reason the poppy never took off over here ..its seen as an entirely british thing ..although march 29 could be yer new independence day 


While your Anglophobic trolling no longer surprises, through our previous exchanges you'll have seen my comments about my dislike of Britain's military history, which clearly wasn't achieved through benevolence.

11.11.11 however is a time to show respect for innocent soldiers and civilians who essentially died at the hands of remorseless politicians – as well as the pain their families suffered on an unprecedented scale. Most with an inkling of compassion understand this. It's not been 'hijacked' by any means, and rightly remains an important part of the UK's calendar. It also serves to remind us war is to be avoided at all costs.

Which part of the above troubles your moral compass, Pansy?

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

While your Anglophobic trolling no longer surprises, through our previous exchanges you'll have seen my comments about my dislike of Britain's military history, which clearly wasn't achieved through benevolence.

11.11.11 however is a time to show respect for innocent soldiers and civilians who essentially died at the hands of remorseless politicians – as well as the pain their families suffered on an unprecedented scale. Most with an inkling of compassion understand this. It's not been 'hijacked' by any means, and rightly remains an important part of the UK's calendar. It also serves to remind us war is to be avoided at all costs.

Which part of the above troubles your moral compass, Pansy?

Im not troubled in the slightest ..ive no time for any of that solemn shite..the same breed of cunt that got all those saps killed are still in power and will continue to do so aslong as they can get the dopes to swallow their jingoistic nonsense 



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1 hour ago, Panzerknacker said:

Im not troubled in the slightest ..ive no time for any of that solemn shite..the same breed of cunt that got all those saps killed are still in power and will continue to do so aslong as they can get the dopes to swallow their jingoistic nonsense 



Granted, but what makes our politicians any different to those who've been at the helm of Sinn Féin for the past couple of decades?

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3 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

November the 11th has been hijacked by the british establishment as a default national day as y'all dont have an offical one ..its partly the reason the poppy never took off over here ..its seen as an entirely british thing ..although march 29 could be yer new independence day 


Utter nonsense on so many levels, you even contradict yourself in the first sentence.

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Guest judgetwi
4 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

its partly the reason the poppy never took off over here ..its seen as an entirely british thing ..


So is Brexit.....doesn’t stop you sticking your big paddy nose in though does it?

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8 hours ago, judgetwi said:

And.......whatever you do.....don’t appoint Diane Abbot as Shadow Home Secretary for fucks sake!

"Shadow" Home Secretary is an apt description. 

I imagine that as she stomps through the dark and dingy halls of Westminster she is nigh on fucking invisible on overcast days. 

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36 minutes ago, Decimus said:

"Shadow" Home Secretary is an apt description. 

I imagine that as she stomps through the dark and dingy halls of Westminster she is nigh on fucking invisible on overcast days. 

It would be prudent to keep her alive though. One day we may need her to respond to the signal of an ancient alien probe.

She could be stored in a huge aquarium, made from 'transparent aloominerm'.

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11 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It would be prudent to keep her alive though. One day we may need her to respond to the signal of an ancient alien probe.

She could be stored in a huge aquarium, made from 'transparent aloominerm'.

No. That's got to be Bjork. Because the signal may be beeps and boops so she'll be ideal, seeing as her fucking songs are nothing but beeps and boops. 

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Guest judgetwi
2 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

I know more about it than you do..ya gammon faced angry little bowsey


Am I the only one who hears clown music in their head every time they read something from this pig ignorant clothespeg salesman?

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2 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Deep down ya know im right roops baby 


Deep down its the normal Panzerbollox. Remembrance Day (previously Armistice Day) is commemorated on 11/11 by all Commonwealth countries and few others including France & USA (known as Veteran's Day).  Strangely enough, the Poppy thing originated from the USA but hasn't taken on to the extent seen in Britain.

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