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Disk jockey cunts

Earl of Punkape

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These people really are a complete sets of twats, pumped up with their own self importance and effusing relentless drivel onto the airwaves often at the licence payers expense.There is no end to the list of these outstanding wankers from the 60s to today.Preposterous turds like Tony Blackburn with his affected trans-Atlantic accent, Noel tosser Edmonds and the arch-pervert and bonker of the dead and disabled..Jimmy Savile.Gargantuan cretins like ********** and Kenny Everett festooned us for years with verbal horseshit whilst conducting depraved private lives.

Danny Baker is a recent example of how these cunts find it impossible not to be a cunt of the highest echelons effortlessly.Chris Evans has leeched millions out the BBC and other gullible fools for his banal badinage and pointless piffle.

Is there a DJ who isn’t a cunt ?

Fuck off.

Edited by Mrs Roops
Libellous Content Redacted
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Guest judgetwi
7 hours ago, Earl of Punkape said:

These people really are a complete sets of twats, pumped up with their own self importance and effusing relentless drivel.There is no end to the list of these outstanding wankers from the 60s to today tosser arch-pervert and depraved private lives.


Physician heal thyself.

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1 minute ago, Panzerknacker said:

I liked kenny everett ..gizzard puke..the leather jacket fellah..sid snot ..brotherly love..the dancing girls ..had it all


Fucks sake Panzer. Twice today I've had to agree with you. Kenny Everett was funny as fuck. I don't really care if he was a poofter, he made me laugh.

And any bloke who got Cleo Rocos wearing stocks n sussies in front of a camera, can't be all bad. In her day, one of the sexiest women in the world.

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Guest judgetwi
15 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Not many, Punky, I agree.

But I have nothing bad to say about Ken Bruce, and thanks to the internet, I can still have a go at PopMaster over a coffee in the morning. 

What we do without coffee in the morning eh Remoaner Boy?

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18 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Fucks sake Panzer. Twice today I've had to agree with you. Kenny Everett was funny as fuck. I don't really care if he was a poofter, he made me laugh.

And any bloke who got Cleo Rocos wearing stocks n sussies in front of a camera, can't be all bad. In her day, one of the sexiest women in the world.

I know..im scared too


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10 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

What we do without coffee in the morning eh Remoaner Boy?

I think you omitted the “would”, though I imagine this is nothing new.

I’m grateful to you for helping to fund the BBC Sounds App, which is great over a morning flat white. Speaking of which, it’s time for The News Quiz and my breakfast. 

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2 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I think you omitted the “would”, though I imagine this is nothing new.

I’m grateful to you for helping to fund the BBC Sounds App, which is great over a morning flat white. Speaking of which, it’s time for The News Quiz and my breakfast. 

Where did ya end up doc?..its a nippy night here in Dublin..was in the brazen head bar tonight talking to a quite attractive lady doc who works for the nhs..word is theyve been told to tell their patients not to throw away expired meds in case they cant resupply them..this true or was it the gin talkin?


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12 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

Where did ya end up doc?..its a nippy night here in Dublin..was in the brazen head bar tonight talking to a quite attractive lady doc who works for the nhs..word is theyve been told to tell their patients not to throw away expired meds in case they cant resupply them..this true or was it the gin talkin?


I retired to the sun at GMT + 8 Panzy, it’s a beautifully warm Saturday morning here. Is that pub on Thomas Street still there - Arthur’s, is it? - seemed like the drinking section of the US Consulate when I popped in for a pint on my last visit.

Before I retired from the NHS last year, one of the last meetings I went to was an emergency planning meeting held by my CCG. Some suit from NHS England led the session. It was felt worth “wargaming” a medicines supply problem of at least 6 weeks, with particular reference to insulins, antipsychotics, and diamorphine. When it was suggested that we might have to advise patients of means to take long holidays abroad (including Eire) and source medicines over there using their EHIC cards until “it was all sorted out”, many of us got up and left.

It was always a complete fucking shambles. I’m sure BoJo will solve it. 

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I retired to the sun at GMT + 8 Panzy, it’s a beautifully warm Saturday morning here. Is that pub on Thomas Street still there - Arthur’s, is it? - seemed like the drinking section of the US Consulate when I popped in for a pint on my last visit.

Before I retired from the NHS last year, one of the last meetings I went to was an emergency planning meeting held by my CCG. Some suit from NHS England led the session. It was felt worth “wargaming” a medicines supply problem of at least 6 weeks, with particular reference to insulins, antipsychotics, and diamorphine. When it was suggested that we might have to advise patients of means to take long holidays abroad (including Eire) and source medicines over there using their EHIC cards until “it was all sorted out”, many of us got up and left.

It was always a complete fucking shambles. I’m sure BoJo will solve it. 

Isn't Bali now becoming one of the terrorist hot spots?

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39 minutes ago, Glowworm said:

Isn't Bali now becoming one of the terrorist hot spots?

Why not go and have a look? You could wear your new shirt. The one with “Allah is a Cunt” printed on the front and “Mohammed fucks pigs” on the back. Have a lovely time and make sure not to come back you reptilian Cunt.

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6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Why not go and have a look? You could wear your new shirt. The one with “Allah is a Cunt” printed on the front and “Mohammed fucks pigs” on the back. Have a lovely time and make sure not to come back you reptilian Cunt.

That is more your type of thing Albert.

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Just now, Glowworm said:

That is more your type of thing Albert.

More spellbinding replies from the corners resident brain dead, vegetablised, shit donor coming soon. I can’t take much more. My quivering finger is hovering above the ‘Block Pen’ button. I may be affected by ‘Boring Faggot Cunt induced paralysis’ Have I left it too late? Fuck it ‘Here Goes’

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8 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Where did ya end up doc?..its a nippy night here in Dublin..was in the brazen head bar tonight talking to a quite attractive lady doc who works for the nhs..word is theyve been told to tell their patients not to throw away expired meds in case they cant resupply them..this true or was it the gin talkin?


I know that you can't read this Panz but local doctors here say the opposite, they are still moaning about hoarding of medication. The reality is that the NHS is a large customer and the drugs companies are not going to willingly lose the revenue they get from the NHS and that is going to override any nonsense from jumped officials in the EU or elsewhere. I do understand that your own Health Service Executive is at panic stations over a number of issues.

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

More spellbinding replies from the corners resident brain dead, vegetablised, shit donor coming soon. I can’t take much more. My quivering finger is hovering above the ‘Block Pen’ button. I may be affected by ‘Boring Faggot Cunt induced paralysis’ Have I left it too late? Fuck it ‘Here Goes’

The block user option is there Billy so why don't you use it?

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8 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I retired to the sun at GMT + 8...

Having spent a lot of time in the region on business, I can vouch for the quality of the internet in Singapore. Less so, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong. Still, I somehow don't see any of these as your sort of place. My money's on Perth, or somewhere nearby.

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1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

Having spent a lot of time in the region on business, I can vouch for the quality of the internet in Singapore. Less so, Kuala Lumpur and Hong Kong. Still, I somehow don't see any of these as your sort of place. My money's on Perth, or somewhere nearby.

I am sure that he made mention of Asians at some point .. not sure that the skippies would put up with him and haven't they also got some fixation about older people moving there and potentially becoming a drain on their social services?

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1 minute ago, Glowworm said:

I am sure that he made mention of Asians at some point .. not sure that the skippies would put up with him and haven't they also got some fixation about older people moving there and potentially becoming a drain on their social services?

I suppose I can just about picture him lounging in the Long Bar at Raffles, wondering why the natives are mocking his pith helmet. 

@camberwell gypsy - if you make a comment about "taking the pith" I'll be very disappointed in you.

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