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Tamara Ecclestone

camberwell gypsy

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So, I wake up to the distressing news that Tamara "Born with a silver spoon in her gob" Ecclestone has been burgled. It is estimated that she's had jewellery stolen to the tune of £50m. Now, whilst I do not condone crime (I'm sure I'm gonna get the usual, highly original 'Lead off roofs" jibes) this robbery doesn't register on my "give-a-fuckometer". Its actually quite amusing that with all the security and security personnel in the Ecclestone's employ, they still get fucked over. 

At the same time, a family in Sheffield had a break in where kids christmas gifts etc were stolen. I'm sure Sheffield's finest are on it. 

Anyway, anyone wanna buy some jewellery for the loved one for christmas? Let me know and get them out of the van. 

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50 million. What a load of bollocks. 10 grands worth of Lizzie Duke baubles, the good stuff hidden away and only still visible on the insurance claim. 

The gullible cunts will pay out too. Good publicity for their insurance services. Different story for working class cunts who've genuinely been robbed for their hard earned possessions. Then it would be a case of not paying out because the door locks were not the type specified in the small print of the policy.

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36 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

50 million. What a load of bollocks. 10 grands worth of Lizzie Duke baubles, the good stuff hidden away and only still visible on the insurance claim. 

The gullible cunts will pay out too. Good publicity for their insurance services. Different story for working class cunts who've genuinely been robbed for their hard earned possessions. Then it would be a case of not paying out because the door locks were not the type specified in the small print of the policy.

Some cunt at Lloyd's will be splattered on the pavement in Lime Street. Can they open the windows at Lloyd's? 

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6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Any cunt with that much jewellery in their house should be fair play to hunt down and kill on the basis of blatantly being a fucking dragon. 

It was never in the house. It's in a safe deposit box, which are private. The Ecclestones will present the receipts to the insurance company, who won't question any of it because the Ecclestones are rich. They've just taken advantage and made tens of millions for fuck all.

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11 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Any cunt with that much jewellery in their house should be fair play to hunt down and kill on the basis of blatantly being a fucking dragon. 

On a semi-related note, I'm planning on hunting down every cunt associated with this year's John Lewis Xmas advert and burning the cunts to death in the most post-ironic fashion imaginable. 

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7 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Some cunt at Lloyd's will be splattered on the pavement in Lime Street. Can they open the windows at Lloyd's? 

They won't give a shit, they'll just put up the price of volcano insurance and recoup their money from the Kiwis.

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53 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It was never in the house. It's in a safe deposit box, which are private. The Ecclestones will present the receipts to the insurance company, who won't question any of it because the Ecclestones are rich. They've just taken advantage and made tens of millions for fuck all.

Actually isn't their abode in Commander Basu of the Yard's domain? Well, they can sleep easy now. Old Neil will fucking find her tomfoolery in no time. I mean it only took three searches to find a decomposing child's body in a loft, so searching for Ecclestone's sparklers will be a piece of piss. 

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4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Actually isn't their abode in Commander Basu of the Yard's domain? Well, they can sleep easy now. Old Neil will fucking find her tomfoolery in no time. I mean it only took three searches to find a decomposing child's body in a loft, so searching for Ecclestone's sparklers will be a piece of piss. 

The dead child was white British, not a priority. Her welfare and safety certainly seem to have been less of a priority than the welfare and safety of poor little 'fake-baby' Shamima Begum later became.

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

It was never in the house. It's in a safe deposit box, which are private. The Ecclestones will present the receipts to the insurance company, who won't question any of it because the Ecclestones are rich. They've just taken advantage and made tens of millions for fuck all.

I’ve had five or six Christmas trees go missing in the last couple of weeks and there’s been fuck all on the news about it. This cunt gets all the news time. Probably cos she’s got a fine pair of tits on her. I probably didn’t lose any trees either. Just counted up wrong in a rush to go for a pint or something.

Anyhow, Tamara Ecclestone’s a cunt.

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2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Actually isn't their abode in Commander Basu of the Yard's domain? Well, they can sleep easy now. Old Neil will fucking find her tomfoolery in no time. I mean it only took three searches to find a decomposing child's body in a loft, so searching for Ecclestone's sparklers will be a piece of piss. 

Once he finds the ‘Tom’ he can pop over to Praia de Luz and find Maddie.

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5 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I’ve had five or six Christmas trees go missing in the last couple of weeks and there’s been fuck all on the news about it. This cunt gets all the news time. Probably cos she’s got a fine pair of tits on her. I probably didn’t lose any trees either. Just counted up wrong in a rush to go for a pint or something.

Anyhow, Tamara Ecclestone’s a cunt.

Since I've been murdering trannies and hacking their tits off, I've accumulated several sets of implants. I could hook you up with a lovely set of double Ds, if you want to do swapsies for a 7 foot Norwegian spruce.


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5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Since I've been murdering trannies and hacking their tits off, I've accumulated several sets of implants. I could hook you up with a lovely set of double Ds, if you want to do swapsies for a 7 foot Norwegian spruce.


Some cunt came in the other day and was surveying my splendid display of Nordmann Spruce beauties. Foreign looking cunt, a wap or a bubble. He says to my worker: “I’m looking for something around my height” My mate said to him “What, about 4’6”? The miserable fucker turned around and walked off without saying a fucking word. Arsehole.

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9 hours ago, Neil said:

£50 million in jewels eh?....shame she wasn't fucking whacked over the barnet and put into a coma,spoilt little cunt.

My inner wee fenian would heartily agree with ya...id have at least crippled her with one through the base of the spine..the ostentatious really ruffle my feathers 


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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

Some cunt came in the other day and was surveying my splendid display of Nordmann Spruce beauties. Foreign looking cunt, a wap or a bubble. He says to my worker: “I’m looking for something around my height” My mate said to him “What, about 4’6”? The miserable fucker turned around and walked off without saying a fucking word. Arsehole.

Did he answer to the name MikeD by any chance?

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15 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

So, I wake up to the distressing news that Tamara "Born with a silver spoon in her gob" Ecclestone has been burgled. It is estimated that she's had jewellery stolen to the tune of £50m. Now, whilst I do not condone crime (I'm sure I'm gonna get the usual, highly original 'Lead off roofs" jibes) this robbery doesn't register on my "give-a-fuckometer". Its actually quite amusing that with all the security and security personnel in the Ecclestone's employ, they still get fucked over. 

At the same time, a family in Sheffield had a break in where kids christmas gifts etc were stolen. I'm sure Sheffield's finest are on it. 

Anyway, anyone wanna buy some jewellery for the loved one for christmas? Let me know and get them out of the van. 

Tamara is upset and angry about it.

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17 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

My inner wee fenian would heartily agree with ya...id have at least crippled her with one through the base of the spine..the ostentatious really ruffle my feathers 


Neil would spare her. Shit has got to properly work below for her to be of any use. He may be kind but he is also a huge perv.

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