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Get WOKE sister

Guest N/A

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I’ve been on a sabatical all this year and came back to find you fucking cretins have not cunted ALL the main topics of society in 2019.  So before the years out the Lord Monumental Cunt has returned to sort you all out. You limp wristed cunts.

WOKE movement and all of its infestations is just a bunch of ugly lezzers wanting to replace the imaginary patriarchy white male privileged supremisists with weak feeble victim females.....or that’s how they portray women..... in every avenue of social, political and business life.  James Bond is being replaced by a black female victim.  That’ film is just going to flop like whale shit to the bottom of the ocean like Charles Angels where the attractive girls have been replaced by short haired lezzers, Bosley is a split arse and terminator where John Connor is now a fucking Latino slut.  Football punditry can’t have a serious conversation without at least one black, lezzer, weak female victim in the studio, claiming the same money as the men who have played top flight football of course...... not that shit fest ....played by spastics with tits in front of 1500 average gate every week.  U15 boys team regulalry beat world champions USA and Australia, etc it’s that pathetic.  Why should they have a woke voice in the pro men’s game? Irrelevant.

Woke is also pushing the mansplaining line, that every white man talks down to women.   Of course there is no female equivalent of women splaining as we have in fact had it for thousands of years.....it’s called fucking nagging!   These WOKE mansplaining complainers are just pushing a pile of shite aggressive, tribe like, shut down mentality that hates white men......whilst probably listening to Drake or Snoop Dog on the train to work.  Yo yo mother fucking bitch.....is fine coming from an oppressed millionaire rapper....it’s their culture!

Get WOKE comes from the angle that anyone who is male and white is privileged and needs to be blocked, held back, prejudiced, vilified, attacked, demonized.  Yet in reality, the most deprived, cast aside section of society is actually young white men.   Statistically only 37% of white boys go onto further education in the UK.   Compared to 40% black, 60% asian, 75% oriental.   Interesting stats listed on the Andrew Neil interview with some hollow aggressive black transgender twat recently.  

SO in conclusion I think the dissenfranchised white youth of the UK should get fucking WOKE and tell all the ugly fucking lezzer types to fuck off and make them a cup of tea, and get them some buscuits whilst they are at it.  Cunts.


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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

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Get you sister.   You are up early, are you going on a WOKE activists convention in Brighton and you can’t use a car or train as it’s not environmentally sustainable.  So you are setting out now on you cycle.   

I've missed you Decimus.  Your BANTS is unrivelled.

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Ahh, the return of the still small voice of calm. Brilliant!

Is: " Your BANTS is unrivelled " a Norfuck-peasant insult?

Welcome back and Happy New Year,  if you can stay out of the cooler for that long.

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2 hours ago, Piston said:

Ahh, the return of the still small voice of calm. Brilliant!

Is: " Your BANTS is unrivelled " a Norfuck-peasant insult?

Welcome back and Happy New Year,  if you can stay out of the cooler for that long.

You've been stuck on Troughton for an indecent amount of time, don't you think that it's about time you regenerated? 


Edited by Mrs Roops
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3 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

I'd normally chime in on this, Decs, as you would expect, but my posts seem to be disappearing quicker than a fucking Tardis.

Or perhaps, in your case, reTardis.

With the greatest respect etc...

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Guest judgetwi
On 27/12/2019 at 03:30, Monumental cunt said:

Get you sister.   You are up early, are you going on a WOKE activists convention in Brighton and you can’t use a car or train as it’s not environmentally sustainable.  So you are setting out now on you cycle.   

I've missed you Decimus.  Your BANTS is unrivelled.

Only a spotty teenager uses the word “bants”. Add that to your appalling spelling and grammar and you’ve given yourself away. Do you really think anybody is falling for your faux alt.right bullshit? Well, maybe a few dumbfucks have but that’s the nature of the beast. 

Edited by Mrs Roops
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On 27/12/2019 at 01:35, Monumental cunt said:

SO in conclusion I think the dissenfranchised white youth of the UK should get fucking WOKE and tell all the ugly fucking lezzer types to fuck off and make them a cup of tea, and get them some buscuits whilst they are at it.  Cunts.


The feckless 'disenfranchised' white youth won't get 'woke' until they pull their fuckin' snouts out of their mobile phones and stop eavesdropping on social media to find out what the latest trends are they need to worry about, the fuckin' little shite-hawks.

Wake-up and smell the coffee you gullible cunts (not the latte, that's for queers and marketing media cocksuckers)

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On 27/12/2019 at 01:35, Monumental cunt said:

I’ve been on a sabatical all this year and came back to find you fucking cretins have not cunted ALL the main topics of society in 2019.  So before the years out the Lord Monumental Cunt has returned to sort you all out. You limp wristed cunts.

WOKE movement and all of its infestations is just a bunch of ugly lezzers wanting to replace the imaginary patriarchy white male privileged supremisists with weak feeble victim females.....or that’s how they portray women..... in every avenue of social, political and business life.  James Bond is being replaced by a black female victim.  That’ film is just going to flop like whale shit to the bottom of the ocean like Charles Angels where the attractive girls have been replaced by short haired lezzers, Bosley is a split arse and terminator where John Connor is now a fucking Latino slut.  Football punditry can’t have a serious conversation without at least one black, lezzer, weak female victim in the studio, claiming the same money as the men who have played top flight football of course...... not that shit fest ....played by spastics with tits in front of 1500 average gate every week.  U15 boys team regulalry beat world champions USA and Australia, etc it’s that pathetic.  Why should they have a woke voice in the pro men’s game? Irrelevant.

Woke is also pushing the mansplaining line, that every white man talks down to women.   Of course there is no female equivalent of women splaining as we have in fact had it for thousands of years.....it’s called fucking nagging!   These WOKE mansplaining complainers are just pushing a pile of shite aggressive, tribe like, shut down mentality that hates white men......whilst probably listening to Drake or Snoop Dog on the train to work.  Yo yo mother fucking bitch.....is fine coming from an oppressed millionaire rapper....it’s their culture!

Get WOKE comes from the angle that anyone who is male and white is privileged and needs to be blocked, held back, prejudiced, vilified, attacked, demonized.  Yet in reality, the most deprived, cast aside section of society is actually young white men.   Statistically only 37% of white boys go onto further education in the UK.   Compared to 40% black, 60% asian, 75% oriental.   Interesting stats listed on the Andrew Neil interview with some hollow aggressive black transgender twat recently.  

SO in conclusion I think the dissenfranchised white youth of the UK should get fucking WOKE and tell all the ugly fucking lezzer types to fuck off and make them a cup of tea, and get them some buscuits whilst they are at it.  Cunts.


I didn't even know what the fuck it was. I had to google it. 

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6 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I didn't even know what the fuck it was. I had to google it. 

Get WOKE gypsy.....

I suppose you don’t need to as you are a strong self confident woman who does not feel the need to play the victim in order to make yourself heard.  It’s these snowflake soft arse activist lazy types who shout loud on any topic that’s flavor of the month.   Back in the day activists argued against meaningful matters such as anti nuclear bombs, now it’s so pathetic millennials feel the need to argue about someone speaking to them in a tone they don’t like.   They should get used to it, because as cunts they will spoken down to all their miserable lives.

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8 hours ago, Joker said:

The feckless 'disenfranchised' white youth won't get 'woke' until they pull their fuckin' snouts out of their mobile phones and stop eavesdropping on social media to find out what the latest trends are they need to worry about, the fuckin' little shite-hawks.

Wake-up and smell the coffee you gullible cunts (not the latte, that's for queers and marketing media cocksuckers)

I do agree, whole heartedly

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  • 2 months later...
On 27/12/2019 at 01:35, Monumental cunt said:

I’ve been on a sabatical all this year and came back to find you fucking cretins have not cunted ALL the main topics of society in 2019.  So before the years out the Lord Monumental Cunt has returned to sort you all out. You limp wristed cunts.

WOKE movement and all of its infestations is just a bunch of ugly lezzers wanting to replace the imaginary patriarchy white male privileged supremisists with weak feeble victim females.....or that’s how they portray women..... in every avenue of social, political and business life.  James Bond is being replaced by a black female victim.  That’ film is just going to flop like whale shit to the bottom of the ocean like Charles Angels where the attractive girls have been replaced by short haired lezzers, Bosley is a split arse and terminator where John Connor is now a fucking Latino slut.  Football punditry can’t have a serious conversation without at least one black, lezzer, weak female victim in the studio, claiming the same money as the men who have played top flight football of course...... not that shit fest ....played by spastics with tits in front of 1500 average gate every week.  U15 boys team regulalry beat world champions USA and Australia, etc it’s that pathetic.  Why should they have a woke voice in the pro men’s game? Irrelevant.

Woke is also pushing the mansplaining line, that every white man talks down to women.   Of course there is no female equivalent of women splaining as we have in fact had it for thousands of years.....it’s called fucking nagging!   These WOKE mansplaining complainers are just pushing a pile of shite aggressive, tribe like, shut down mentality that hates white men......whilst probably listening to Drake or Snoop Dog on the train to work.  Yo yo mother fucking bitch.....is fine coming from an oppressed millionaire rapper....it’s their culture!

Get WOKE comes from the angle that anyone who is male and white is privileged and needs to be blocked, held back, prejudiced, vilified, attacked, demonized.  Yet in reality, the most deprived, cast aside section of society is actually young white men.   Statistically only 37% of white boys go onto further education in the UK.   Compared to 40% black, 60% asian, 75% oriental.   Interesting stats listed on the Andrew Neil interview with some hollow aggressive black transgender twat recently.  

SO in conclusion I think the dissenfranchised white youth of the UK should get fucking WOKE and tell all the ugly fucking lezzer types to fuck off and make them a cup of tea, and get them some buscuits whilst they are at it.  Cunts.


Unfortunately the Bat/Dog/Chink virus has now proved something that these woke cunts have been shouting about for a while now.‘Male White  Privilege’ is now proved beyond any doubt. Since the gooks unselfishly decided to share their wonderful new virus with us recently, almost all of the thousands of fatalities have been white people. And just to make sure the leftie hate screamers cum  uncontrollably in their pants the stats are now starting to show that  twice as many males die from it than females. That news alone must help to ease the feeling of injustice felt by all the poor trannies who’ve been denied a hospital bed to have their meat and two veg removal procedures because of the selfish bed blocking virus corpses.

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I fucking love it Billy. I'm too long bored, tooled up and looking forward to going full 'Snake Plissken' when society breaks down. I suggest everybody watch the original Mad Max trilogy and any old shit directed by George Romero for advice on how to cope with the new world.

Ignore the advice from 'Shaun of The Dead' about 'removing the head or destroying the brain'. Modern education has already done that. Lol

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9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I fucking love it Billy. I'm too long bored, tooled up and looking forward to going full 'Snake Plissken' when society breaks down. I suggest everybody watch the original Mad Max trilogy and any old shit directed by George Romero for advice on how to cope with the new world.

Ignore the advice from 'Shaun of The Dead' about 'removing the head or destroying the brain'. Modern education has already done that. Lol

“When there’s no more room in hell the woke will walk the earth.”

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Today I’m fitting a set of heavy duty bull bars to the front of an old 4x4 I recently bought. Grills on all the windows and run flat tyres already fitted. I won’t fit the FN MAG on the roof until things are so bad that no one is enforcing the law any more. I can’t fucking wait!!!

Ill keep an eye out for you on the road Eric. I’m sure I’ll recognise you. I’ll be wearing a bowler hat and an orange sash. LOL

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9 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I fucking love it Billy. I'm too long bored, tooled up and looking forward to going full 'Snake Plissken' when society breaks down. I suggest everybody watch the original Mad Max trilogy and any old shit directed by George Romero for advice on how to cope with the new world.

Ignore the advice from 'Shaun of The Dead' about 'removing the head or destroying the brain'. Modern education has already done that. Lol

I have exactly the same outlook on this, Eric. You might have noticed I'd changed my avatar in honour of 'Snake Plisskin,' I'm thinking more 'Escape From New York as opposed 'LA.' 

I've got a Terminator 1 style list of weapons I'll be stashing at the Majors residence, particularly a Franchi SPAS Automatic Shotgun. 

I've had a half decent life, let's go out in style!

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Just now, Major Cunt said:

I have exactly the same outlook on this, Eric. You might have noticed I'd changed my avatar in honour of 'Snake Plisskin,' I'm thinking more 'Escape From New York as opposed 'LA.' 

I've got a Terminator 1 style list of weapons I'll be stashing at the Majors residence, particularly a Franchi SPAS Automatic Shotgun. 

I've had a half decent life, let's go out in style!

I bought some corned beef yesterday so I'm up for it MC

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Just now, ratcum said:

I bought some corned beef yesterday so I'm up for it MC

Good man, Ratters. Remain in CB radio contact my handles Major Cunt, okay.

Me, Eric, and Bill, will probably be requiring you as a pilot. Bring the corned beef along, we'll take care of the firepower!

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4 hours ago, Major Cunt said:

Good man, Ratters. Remain in CB radio contact my handles Major Cunt, okay.

Me, Eric, and Bill, will probably be requiring you as a pilot. Bring the corned beef along, we'll take care of the firepower!

Good idea. Ratty can be our Howling Mad Murdoch.

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4 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Good idea. Ratty can be our Howling Mad Murdoch.

Fucking spooky how I changed my avatar to 'Snake Plisskin' last night, then you mention it in a random post this morning.

I believe this might have been Donald Pleasence's last film, I might be wrong. He was a fantastic English actor and a favourite of mine. As 'Doctor Samuel Loomis' in 'Halloween 1' is probably his legacy part in my opinion.

I just felt reminded of Snake, and am hoping to possibly do some of his acts. I'm a convicted criminal who knows a bit about firearms, but unfortunately not ex special forces. However I've read Andy McNabb's book from a squadie to SAS sergeant, so I'm hoping that's enough.

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

Fucking spooky how I changed my avatar to 'Snake Plisskin' last night, then you mention it in a random post this morning.

I believe this might have been Donald Pleasence's last film, I might be wrong. He was a fantastic English actor and a favourite of mine. As 'Doctor Samuel Loomis' in 'Halloween 1' is probably his legacy part in my opinion.

I just felt reminded of Snake, and am hoping to possibly do some of his acts. I'm a convicted criminal who knows a bit about firearms, but unfortunately not ex special forces. However I've read Andy McNabb's book from a squadie to SAS sergeant, so I'm hoping that's enough.

I think that we Lee Van Clefs last film as well?

"when I'm paid, I always see the job through"

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1 hour ago, Major Cunt said:

Fucking spooky how I changed my avatar to 'Snake Plisskin' last night, then you mention it in a random post this morning.

I believe this might have been Donald Pleasence's last film, I might be wrong. He was a fantastic English actor and a favourite of mine. As 'Doctor Samuel Loomis' in 'Halloween 1' is probably his legacy part in my opinion.

I just felt reminded of Snake, and am hoping to possibly do some of his acts. I'm a convicted criminal who knows a bit about firearms, but unfortunately not ex special forces. However I've read Andy McNabb's book from a squadie to SAS sergeant, so I'm hoping that's enough.

Check out ‘Paddy Mayne’  MC. There’s a statue of him in my home town square. Proper.

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