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Cunt Kids, Off School & On My Tits

Guest Cunt-End Of The World

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World

Appreciate my father's attitude toward his own children, that being disgust, built over several years of failing to fetch the correct tool from the garage, asking too many questions (one per day permitted) and that time I tried to hug him after my aunt died ('what are you doing? Imbecile').

Now I have a useless child, I really understand what fucking cunts they are. My son plays fucking Minecraft, needs help spreading fucking jam and fails, regularly, to excrete his turds INTO the toilet as opposed to exploding it everywhere but. They're fucking idiots.

Thankfully this moron lives with his mother for most of the week, but now I'm going to be forced to have him more. I'll be hearing zap zapping and bongs from that Cunting Xbox, not to mention the rolling thunder noises from the local douche kids on their skateboards and wanker posh kids gobbing off with their mincy fairy-boy voices from back gardens as I shuffle to the co-op to buy goods I know are now not available.

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
1 minute ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You sound like a keeper. Why on earth did the useless cunts mother let you get away?

Breathing like a fucking rhinoceros led me to believe she no longer gave a fuck. And I was right, she now weighs LARD.

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31 minutes ago, Cunt-End Of The World said:

Appreciate my father's attitude toward his own children, that being disgust, built over several years of failing to fetch the correct tool from the garage, asking too many questions (one per day permitted) and that time I tried to hug him after my aunt died ('what are you doing? Imbecile').

Now I have a useless child, I really understand what fucking cunts they are. My son plays fucking Minecraft, needs help spreading fucking jam and fails, regularly, to excrete his turds INTO the toilet as opposed to exploding it everywhere but. They're fucking idiots.

Thankfully this moron lives with his mother for most of the week, but now I'm going to be forced to have him more. I'll be hearing zap zapping and bongs from that Cunting Xbox, not to mention the rolling thunder noises from the local douche kids on their skateboards and wanker posh kids gobbing off with their mincy fairy-boy voices from back gardens as I shuffle to the co-op to buy goods I know are now not available.

Hells teeth man, sounds like a fucking nightmare. My advice is to try bonding with the wee man in nature; get down the park and feed the ducks or take him tadpole hunting. 

If this fails you can always drown the cunt.

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Hells teeth man, sounds like a fucking nightmare. My advice is to try bonding with the wee man in nature; get down the park and feed the ducks or take him tadpole hunting. 

If this fails you can always drown the cunt.

I am a mountaineer. Will the cunt walk to the park without protesting because he encountered a zombie kettle, or some shit, in his game? Will he fuck. I got told off for forcing him to walk Mt Helvellyn by the fucking school, and for suggesting his waist is expanding, and for telling him that being a ginger nut is not a fucking passport. These cunt kids belong to the state, not us.

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You didn't mention he was a ginger in your initial post. I now understand that he can't help being a useless cunt. Are you positive he's definitely yours as your wife sounds as though she might have been a Michael Jackson fan and paid for the VIP experience at one of his concerts. He's currently posting on here now in a similarly useless cunt style as your alleged creation.

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
6 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You didn't mention he was a ginger in your initial post. I now understand that he can't help being a useless cunt. Are you positive he's definitely yours as your wife sounds as though she might have been a Michael Jackson fan and paid for the VIP experience at one of his concerts. He's currently posting on here now in a similarly useless cunt style as your alleged creation.

Much to the ex-partners disappointment, and mine, the 13% of yearly salary owed to the primary carer must come from my graft and not jacko's. He is not totallly orange, but too close for my liking. His mother is Scottish. Sorry all.

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2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You didn't mention he was a ginger in your initial post. I now understand that he can't help being a useless cunt. Are you positive he's definitely yours as your wife sounds as though she might have been a Michael Jackson fan and paid for the VIP experience at one of his concerts. He's currently posting on here now in a similarly useless cunt style as your alleged creation.

That’s an easy one CBB. Stand the little fucker up against the wall next to a cutout of Bubbles and just be honest with yourself.Choose which one you’d prefer to spend lots of years with and lots of cash on And more importantly which one looks most like you. Then move house and self isolate for the rest of your life 

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12 hours ago, King Billy said:

That’s an easy one CBB. Stand the little fucker up against the wall next to a cutout of Bubbles and just be honest with yourself.Choose which one you’d prefer to spend lots of years with and lots of cash on And more importantly which one looks most like you. Then move house and self isolate for the rest of your life 

Bubbles from Trailer Park Boyze or James Milner lookalike monkey, once belonging to Jacko? 

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As Mrs D is a teacher, her and my three kids will be stuck at home from Monday for the foreseeable future.

What the fuck is the agenda here? For a "global pandemic" that has thus far killed less than 4000 people and has a 95% survival rate, the international reaction has been completely fucking disproportionate.

Either someone somewhere is making a shit load of money from this or something far more sinister is at play.


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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

As Mrs D is a teacher, her and my three kids will be stuck at home from Monday for the foreseeable future.

What the fuck is the agenda here? For a "global pandemic" that has thus far killed less than 4000 people and has a 95% survival rate, the international reaction has been completely fucking disproportionate.

Either someone somewhere is making a shit load of money from this or something far more sinister is at play.


It's a rehearsal for when the shit really hits the fan, they want to know how people will react to an authoritarian government.

The NHS web page that pops up everywhere is noticeably less hysterical about it all.

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1 minute ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

It's a rehearsal for when the shit really hits the fan, they want to know how people will react to an authoritarian government.

The NHS web page that pops up everywhere is noticeably less hysterical about it all.

The interesting thing will be in a few months when people will get fed up and say "fuck it. No more. I'm going out". If curfews have been put in place and people start breaking these curfews, the reaction of the authorities in clamping down could turn into full scale riots. We should look at Italy to see whether it happens there.

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
55 minutes ago, Decimus said:

As Mrs D is a teacher, her and my three kids will be stuck at home from Monday for the foreseeable future.

What the fuck is the agenda here? For a "global pandemic" that has thus far killed less than 4000 people and has a 95% survival rate, the international reaction has been completely fucking disproportionate.

Either someone somewhere is making a shit load of money from this or something far more sinister is at play.


Sinister, definitely. Let's wait and see what legislation changes there are during and after. We are becoming fully state controlled people, freedoms likely further eroded. 

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

As Mrs D is a teacher, her and my three kids will be stuck at home from Monday for the foreseeable future.

What the fuck is the agenda here? For a "global pandemic" that has thus far killed less than 4000 people and has a 95% survival rate, the international reaction has been completely fucking disproportionate.

Either someone somewhere is making a shit load of money from this or something far more sinister is at play.


I suspect the measures they put in place, if adhered to by Joe Public, will knock this innocuous flu bollocks on the head in a few weeks and all will be back to normal. A culling of the weak and stupid is definitely needed however, especially in the UK where every other cunt seems to but a total fuckwit and a drain on the rest. If everyone got chink flu in a short time window the country would go to shit and hospitals would be overloaded. Best to allow it to spread slowly at a death rate that's sustainable. 

Even at a worst case death rate of 5% this would only mean around 3 million, most of which would be over 85 or with serious health issues. No need to build all those new homes on flood plains...

If the nationwide experiment of working from home is a success it could have profound positive affects on our society such as massively reducing the need to drive our cars and knock the HS2 bullshit on the head- not that we're going to be able to afford it for another generation 

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
12 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

If we see soldiers on the street then we are really fucked. 

Have a cop friend (retired, 60's) and a former paratrooper cousin (now a reservist), both have been put on standby. Imminent I would suggest. 

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6 minutes ago, Cunt-End Of The World said:

Have a cop friend (retired, 60's) and a former paratrooper cousin (now a reservist), both have been put on standby. Imminent I would suggest. 

I know the reserves are being called up to help with driving and logistics problems, if and when they occur. Seems pretty sensible really as most of them will be off work and stuck at home, so it’s money coming in for their families and necessary help for the massive problems to come.

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
1 hour ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

It's a rehearsal for when the shit really hits the fan, they want to know how people will react to an authoritarian government.

The NHS web page that pops up everywhere is noticeably less hysterical about it all.

As close to spot on an assessment I've seen. Trial run. Get us all psychologically accepting this way of life, whilst simultaneously getting permission to do it.  

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Guest Cunt-End Of The World
1 minute ago, King Billy said:

I know the reserves are being called up to help with driving and logistics problems, if and when they occur. Seems pretty sensible really as most of them will be off work and stuck at home, so it’s money coming in for their families and necessary help for the massive problems to come.

The army reserves have been on standby since March last year. Cousin Terry says all kinds of drills and exercises in last 6 months. All a bit much for a disease that has killed so few.

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2 minutes ago, Cunt-End Of The World said:

The army reserves have been on standby since March last year. Cousin Terry says all kinds of drills and exercises in last 6 months. All a bit much for a disease that has killed so few.

Maybe there's gonna be an invasion of mainland china. My chinese colleague has his call up papers from China. He's been drafted into the Motorised Wok Division. 

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