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Wong Flu id19.......part 2

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Guest 'eavensabove
1 hour ago, King Billy said:

The total number of deaths in the U.K. including those for Covid 19 has for the last 10 weeks been between 10 and 12 thousand every week. More or less constant, not up or down. So unless people have stopped dying from other illnesses there seems to be something we’re not being told. If the numbers don’t shoot up soon then What the fuck is going on? And more importantly Why? 

Also there have been some doctors having great success with a  Hydroxochloroquinne, Azithromycine and Zinc Sulphate cocktail. One doctor in New York has declared a 100% success rate with nearly 600 infected patients who were tested positive and after 5 to 6 days recovered and tested negative. According to him the earlier the treatment is given the better and people should not be left to isolate as the longer the virus is present in the lungs the harder it is to stop. 

The mystery I struggle with is why doesnt our government want to talk about any of this?

They cannot, dare not and they never will. They are now quite comfortable in knowing that their "Stay at Home" policy has ensured that the inevitable rioting and potential mass migration of terminally ill zombies will be able to be dispersed... The so-called "figures" that they release every day mention nothing about those who have died, and will most definitely die, in their homes.

Try the 111 NHS online facility for example?  You being with your Post Code and eventually get to describing your 'current' symptoms. "IF" you have reached the stage where you are gasping for your last breath, the page crashes. The next visitor to your home is undoubtedly The Grim Reaper... Coupled with this are those in care homes, sheltered accommodation facilities and the likes of. NONE of those infected are admitted into hospital or 'registered' amongst the 'infected cases' as reported.

It is also very peculiar perhaps, that kids are not dying at the rate that one would expect unless they already have an underlying illness or are in the 'vulnerable' category (as if none of us are?) and this surely points towards 'something' which makes them immune, as even those infected kids do not go on to show any symptoms...

I'm of the mind that we all, of us have the poxy thing. Some will die, but I will not, whilst others are well again within a week. I personally know of 4 that have/had it, one of which was very ill for two weeks and now is fine, a further one is still coughing-up ' thick chunks of string' as he calls it (don't bother with any pun) in this his 4th week having tried the 111 NHS malarkey when he truly thought he was snuffing it, and two more that have also been left alone in their homes to deal with it.  

This 'stay at home' bollocks will indeed save lives and the NHS, but not the lives of most who ARE staying at home, and no Chinkee bat-stew is ultimately responsible for this plague or the spread of it Every poxy government knows the true cause and the mass devastation that it is going to have on the entire population. 'Peak?' its barely even begun, and yet there are still people in total denial. Fuck em. Idiots to the last...

I was washing my hands before it became trendy... I need no more info about COVID 19 or any guidelines from so-called experts, but I sure as fuck aint going out, that's for sure. Nobody is getting in either.  

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3 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

They cannot, dare not and they never will. They are now quite comfortable in knowing that their "Stay at Home" policy has ensured that the inevitable rioting and potential mass migration of terminally ill zombies will be able to be dispersed... The so-called "figures" that they release every day mention nothing about those who have died, and will most definitely die, in their homes.

Try the 111 NHS online facility for example?  You being with your Post Code and eventually get to describing your 'current' symptoms. "IF" you have reached the stage where you are gasping for your last breath, the page crashes. The next visitor to your home is undoubtedly The Grim Reaper... Coupled with this are those in care homes, sheltered accommodation facilities and the likes of. NONE of those infected are admitted into hospital or 'registered' amongst the 'infected cases' as reported.

It is also very peculiar perhaps, that kids are not dying at the rate that one would expect unless they already have an underlying illness or are in the 'vulnerable' category (as if none of us are?) and this surely points towards 'something' which makes them immune, as even those infected kids do not go on to show any symptoms...

I'm of the mind that we all, of us have the poxy thing. Some will die, but I will not, whilst others are well again within a week. I personally know of 4 that have/had it, one of which was very ill for two weeks and now is fine, a further one is still coughing-up ' thick chunks of string' as he calls it (don't bother with any pun) in this his 4th week having tried the 111 NHS malarkey when he truly thought he was snuffing it, and two more that have also been left alone in their homes to deal with it.  

This 'stay at home' bollocks will indeed save lives and the NHS, but not the lives of most who ARE staying at home, and no Chinkee bat-stew is ultimately responsible for this plague or the spread of it Every poxy government knows the true cause and the mass devastation that it is going to have on the entire population. 'Peak?' its barely even begun, and yet there are still people in total denial. Fuck em. Idiots to the last...

I was washing my hands before it became trendy... I need no more info about COVID 19 or any guidelines from so-called experts, but I sure as fuck aint going out, that's for sure. Nobody is getting in either.  

Where do you live? (general area not address).

Up here its just business as usual, probably because the covid deaths have simply replaced the upper-class university spastics throwing whities on synthetic high and dropping dead at raves in town and Mackem drownings...

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3 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

...The so-called "figures" that they release every day mention nothing about those who have died, and will most definitely die, in their homes...

This subject was actually addressed by the ONS two day's ago when they issued notes on the disparity between their stats and those issued by the NHS. Yesterday's larger than normal daily death rate was due to the "death at home" data being added to the usual "death in hospital" figs. There will always be a catch-up on reconciling the two sources.

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Guest 'eavensabove
2 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Where do you live? (general area not address).

Up here its just business as usual, probably because the covid deaths have simply replaced the upper-class university spastics throwing whities on synthetic high and dropping dead at raves in town and Mackem drownings...

Somewhere quite remote within the vicinity of Woodbridge, Suffolk. I have another home in Surrey where my kids are. London, by far has the most 'reported' cases... so far.  But Wales for example has a larger percentage overall... Just saying. As for Scatland, they'll make up their own minds, eventually. 

I'm of the mind that you should still be worried, RK. It's only a question of time, and a month is short time indeed once this cunt get's a hold. Stock-up on your pickled onion crisps, whilst the going is still good for you. 

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2 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

Somewhere quite remote within the vicinity of Woodbridge, Suffolk. I have another home in Surrey where my kids are. London, by far has the most 'reported' cases... so far.  But Wales for example has a larger percentage overall... Just saying. As for Scatland, they'll make up their own minds, eventually. 

I'm of the mind that you should still be worried, RK. It's only a question of time, and a month is short time indeed once this cunt get's a hold. Stock-up on your pickled onion crisps, whilst the going is still good for you. 

Don't worry about me. I've taken up sewing so I can make masks for my friends and family. 





So we can rob the local shops anonymously. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
7 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

This subject was actually addressed by the ONS two day's ago when they issued notes on the disparity between their stats and those issued by the NHS. Yesterday's larger than normal daily death rate was due to the "death at home" data being added to the usual "death in hospital" figs. There will always be a catch-up on reconciling the two sources.

Indeed, but nobody can tell me that ANY government will be totally transparent about it and they have already made steps to ensure that nobody else does either. Their 'terminology' and the ways that they continue to address 'the people' is very carefully structured, as so too is the information that they dish out close to every five minutes on GOV.UK and those like me who have subscribed to it. There are far more deaths in homes than they will dare to report, let alone know about, unless they are currently testing every single death which they are certainly not doing... Its clear enough when they try to scam with most topics, before this plague, when you look at their faces, but nothing can compare to the looks on them now... they know far more than they are letting on, and they are as frightened as hell in case the truth escapes them. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
9 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Don't worry about me. I've taken up sewing so I can make masks for my friends and family. 





So we can rob the local shops anonymously. 

Don't forget the most important mask of the lot. Yours, you ugly fucker. 

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1 minute ago, 'eavensabove said:

Indeed, but nobody can tell me that ANY government will be totally transparent about it and they have already made steps to ensure that nobody else does either. Their 'terminology' and the ways that they continue to address 'the people' is very carefully structured, as so too is the information that they dish out close to every five minutes on GOV.UK and those like me who have subscribed to it. There are far more deaths in homes than they will dare to report, let alone know about, unless they are currently testing every single death which they are certainly not doing... Its clear enough when they try to scam with most topics, before this plague, when you look at their faces, but nothing can compare to the looks on them now... they know far more than they are letting on, and they are as frightened as hell in case the truth escapes them. 

The Yanks have been talking about waves if that helps. My guess is the Chinks have given us the forever flu.

No pesky dependance on seasons, twice the strength and extra effective on the elderly, male and infirm.

If one was particularly into conspiracy theories they could point out that it seems to be the perfect virus for population control in a country with an ever increasing elderly population which is unevenly dominated by the male sex due to a few generations of badly planned birth control laws set by a communist government that can only see its subjects as resources for the machine.

But that would be paranoid. And waycist. 

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Guest 'eavensabove
3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

The Yanks have been talking about waves if that helps. My guess is the Chinks have given us the forever flu.

No pesky dependance on seasons, twice the strength and extra effective on the elderly, male and infirm.

If one was particularly into conspiracy theories they could point out that it seems to be the perfect virus for population control in a country with an ever increasing elderly population which is unevenly dominated by the male sex due to a few generations of badly planned birth control laws set by a communist government that can only see its subjects as resources for the machine.

But that would be paranoid. And waycist. 

I'd wager it's either some terrible experiment that has escaped for the lab (been there and done it as my avatar can testify) or ISIS perhaps (the mushies are very quiet and could be having a hey-day right now) or its from outer space and the Ruskies are behind it. That would be a good one. and is what I'd be broadcasting from No.10.. you know, we're all gonna grow one eye and be blind in it and deaf in all 3 of our feet come Christmas... Jazz it all-up a bit. (see what I did there) Give the people what they've been wanting, rather than 2 poxy Paracetamol to play with. Why, even the Vegans would fall for it.  

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51 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Don't worry about me. I've taken up sewing so I can make masks for my friends and family. 





So we can rob the local shops anonymously. 

That's made me laugh thinking of the scene from Django Unchained when Don Johnson's Klansmen are complaining that the eye holes in their hoods are in the wrong place.

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Guest 'eavensabove
5 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

That's made me laugh thinking of the scene from Django Unchained when Don Johnson's Klansmen are complaining that the eye holes in their hoods are in the wrong place.

I think you mean the scene from The War of Balaclava. It had just the one large hole and was knitted from wool and it itched like fuck if you recall.  

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

It may also surprise you that I have been arrested three times, been fingerprinted DNA'd, mugshotted and spent two separate nights in the cells on account of my fox-hunting sabbing activities. Long story short, no charges pressed on account of a pit-bull of a lawyer and calmer heads prevailing in the CPS. However, I do like money and lots of it but I am a one-nation tory and believe capitalism has its place but it does have to act in a socially responsible manner.

One Nation. As in One People, One Nation, One Leader? Catchy. 
Seriously, ickle wickle foxes get chased by your political bedfellows and you’re manning the barricades, but the poor just need to try a bit harder if they want a few more crumbs from your table? What a strange and contradictory creature you are. 

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Guest Fatty
On 26/03/2020 at 00:11, Monumental cunt said:

So here we are a few more weeks into this ultimately fucking disappointing disease that is killing less people than those who will choose to end their own life because of the angst and pressure the Wong flu has brought to society....not the bug death by the bug itself.  Suicide will kill way more than this Wong flu cough.  Fuck all this media shit fake concern bullshit.  They are just loving this media frenzy....anyone remeber Brexit or Australia on fire, climate change anyone?  Nope.

the excellent hack media has not even asked the three burning questions that are like a fucking massive elephant fucking your wife up the arse in the room

1). It originated in China just a couple of miles away from their biological test labs in wuhan.....funny that....in such a fucking immense country. Just happened to be right next door.  Coincidence?   Heard anyone on BBC news intrigued about this fact?  Nope they would rather focus on a few angry talking heads saying the Government aren’t telling me how many sheets of shit paper I should use to wipe my arse..is it 4 or only 3?

2) it has a completely alien way of manifesting itself by being very infectious BEFORE any symptoms show, which is different to all other corona flu viruses.  It also does not really affect young people, not even the very young who have not built up a natural catalogue of virus antibodies.  Strange.  It’s almost as if it was perfectly engineered to travel undetected and wipe out a selected section of society...the old and the spastics and the fat useless cunts.  What’s not to like?

3). Nobody seems intrigued at the BBC as to why Italy and Spain and New York are so heavily hit whereas the originator city of wuhan is now quietly calming down and is not as badly affected.   So the originator city has less deaths than Italy.  Mmmmh?  Was it just used as the incubator and was shut down quickly because they knew something.   So we’re ready?  

I would also like someone to interrogate the purchases of stocks on the depressed markets.  Did the Chinese purchase all the important corporate stocks at rock bottom prices this past week?  Bet they did.    Has  this been a dirty bomb released by the split links in retaliation to Trumps aggressive trade war.  Meanwhile they used the tumbling markets to Hoover up stocks in all the big companies they want to control.  The price being a few unwanted old and sick people in society dying....who cares?  Really?    Meanwhile they take over the world.

where is James Bond when you need him?   Been fucking replaced by a Lezza Noir and this is what happens.

one big fucking cunts trick

Actually MC, as much as I’d love to Cunt you off, you have fucking nailed it, this doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re a cunt by the way

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8 hours ago, Roadkill said:

The Yanks have been talking about waves if that helps. My guess is the Chinks have given us the forever flu.

No pesky dependance on seasons, twice the strength and extra effective on the elderly, male and infirm.

If one was particularly into conspiracy theories they could point out that it seems to be the perfect virus for population control in a country with an ever increasing elderly population which is unevenly dominated by the male sex due to a few generations of badly planned birth control laws set by a communist government that can only see its subjects as resources for the machine.

But that would be paranoid. And waycist. 

And true.

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

One Nation. As in One People, One Nation, One Leader? Catchy. 
Seriously, ickle wickle foxes get chased by your political bedfellows and you’re manning the barricades, but the poor just need to try a bit harder if they want a few more crumbs from your table? What a strange and contradictory creature you are. 

Well no to that as you probably know. As for fox-hunting I abhor cruelty to animals. I have no issues with hunting as long as hunters are prepared to eat what they kill. Fox hunting with hounds causes unnecessary suffering in the name of sport and despite what the Countryside Alliance says, provides zero conservation benefits.

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8 hours ago, Roadkill said:

The Yanks have been talking about waves if that helps. My guess is the Chinks have given us the forever flu.

No pesky dependance on seasons, twice the strength and extra effective on the elderly, male and infirm.

If one was particularly into conspiracy theories they could point out that it seems to be the perfect virus for population control in a country with an ever increasing elderly population which is unevenly dominated by the male sex due to a few generations of badly planned birth control laws set by a communist government that can only see its subjects as resources for the machine.

But that would be paranoid. And waycist. 

Yes that remains a mystery. It could be something in the viruses RNA (sic) that makes males more predisposed to contagion or something more prosaic like men paying less attention to personal hygiene. I'm sure the answer will eventually come out in the wash.

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9 hours ago, 'eavensabove said:

Somewhere quite remote within the vicinity of Woodbridge, Suffolk. I have another home in Surrey where my kids are. London, by far has the most 'reported' cases... so far.  But Wales for example has a larger percentage overall... Just saying. As for Scatland, they'll make up their own minds, eventually. 

I'm of the mind that you should still be worried, RK. It's only a question of time, and a month is short time indeed once this cunt get's a hold. Stock-up on your pickled onion crisps, whilst the going is still good for you. 

Woodbridge is a lovely town I've visited many times. I've friends there and my brother also lived there for a couple of years. Seals on the estuary, Minsmere and short distance, 100s of great pubs and places to walk a plenty. The true natives are interbred to fuck mind, so its like a home from home but flat as a witches tit.

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Guest 'eavensabove
39 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Woodbridge is a lovely town I've visited many times. I've friends there and my brother also lived there for a couple of years. Seals on the estuary, Minsmere and short distance, 100s of great pubs and places to walk a plenty. The true natives are interbred to fuck mind, so its like a home from home but flat as a witches tit.

Indeed it is Stub's. I am no Council Town dwelling oik, and my property is as picture-postcard as a Hamlet in Huddersfield, albeit that my vista is to die for and I have Grade Listed status... just saying like, but if you know Woodbridge like the back of your ass, I have the River Gull in the grounds of my garden.  Fucking handsome and COVID-free... Touch wood. No more info. 

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