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Death March 2021

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9 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

This is a concern for all members of taste on here Frank. At least you can take solace in your music, convalesce and come back reinvigorated.

As opposed to the usual MO. Get cancer, take solace in fucking a dead oriental wife, convalesce, come back worse than before. 

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1 minute ago, Goober said:

Ummmm. No. As you well know, there were none. No retreat, no surrender. No fucking apologies. 

Only the sucker is gay, not the suckee. 


Have you two been for tests immediately after Harold or summat? An H contaminated swab is the only explanation for this uncharacteristic spat.

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6 minutes ago, Goober said:

Ummmm. No. As you well know, there were none. No retreat, no surrender. No fucking apologies. 

Only the sucker is gay, not the suckee. 


I’m genuinely shocked by your blatant heterophobic attack on me. I’m not sure another of your apologies would even suffice in this case. However the fact that you ended your vile rant by calling me a poof to deescalate the situation has at least made me think that it’s not my heterosexuality that’s brought this dark side of your temper out into the open. Feel free to apologise if you think it might help your anger to ease. I won’t think any worse of you if you do.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

I’m genuinely shocked by your blatant heterophobic attack on me. I’m not sure another of your apologies would even suffice in this case. However the fact that you ended your vile rant by calling me a poof to deescalate the situation has at least made me think that it’s not my heterosexuality that’s brought this dark side of your temper out into the open. Feel free to apologise if you think it might help your anger to ease. I won’t think any worse of you if you do.


Is a heteroflobic [sic] attack even a thing? Poofs only exist in London and Cheshire so I know nothing about such things.

In Norfolk we don’t bother the outside world, we don’t want it bothering us.


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6 hours ago, Goober said:

Fuck, not you too SC. You do know that these things occur randomly? You're confusing geography with politics. Yes, it started in China, but it doesn't mean that their malodorus business practices or political system is to blame. There's a small possibility they could have nipped it in the bud if they were more transparent, but it's unlikely. It's not China's fault per se, it just happened to start there. Could have happened anywhere. They are a convenient scape goat though because they don't play by the same rules as us. When everything is going to shit, everyone wants to point a finger somewhere. Most are in danger of shoving it up their own arse in their haste though.

How many zoophilic viruses have to originate from that particular part of the world before we start to think that maybe their appalling animal husbandry and predilection for exotic fauna to dine on in barbaric wet markets might be to blame? 
I’m no conspiracy theorist, but this virus is different to all of the other SARS that came before it. It pairs incredibly well to human cells, it mutates at the drop of a hat, and originated conveniently a short distance away from a bio weapons laboratory. One could surmise that this virus started out like its predicate viruses, but at least to me it seems as though man has had a hand in boosting its efficacy. I don’t trust those fucking cunts. My take on it is that it was released from the wuhan lab, either deliberately or not, and the stonewalling of the chink government for the 2 week period was to buy time to blame a spontaneous appearance at a wet market.

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10 hours ago, Goober said:

You really should read that, and my previous comment, back if you want to know nonsensical. 

No insight, it was speculation, as written. You do understand that concept? How do you explain his Russia first attitude? Like almost everything else he did he envisaged some angle that likely benefited him. 

China didn't fuck up the world with a pandemic (which you seem now to be acknowledging when you seemed to think it was fake previously), but Russia definitely are rather generous with the nerve agents and cyber attacks. Didn't Russia put bounties on the heads of American troops? Is that not a threat to America? 

Would you advocate the whole  world black-balling the UK if in the future some pandemic originated here? It's not impossible, it's just statistically unlikely. Simply by virtue of China having a seventh of the world population, pandemics are most likely to originate there. 

You're a fucking idiot and I'm sick of people tip-toeing around you and other big breasts [sic] here because they are afraid of challenging the establishment. Stick to playing with lego and plasticine, it's all your intellect can truly grasp. Fucking deranged idiot. 

4 more years (in jail)! 


You've proving to be a drunken, misinformed and unnecessarily abhorrent idiot - and not for the first time in recent Corner history. I don't have time to pull your piss-poor argument to pieces right now, but I do hope you wake today with the most vile, shitty hangover known to mankind.

You utter fucking bellend.

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

You've proving to be a drunken, misinformed and unnecessarily abhorrent idiot - and not for the first time in recent Corner history. I don't have time to pull your piss-poor argument to pieces right now, but I do hope you wake today with the most vile, shitty hangover known to mankind.

You utter fucking bellend.

No hangover, not sure why I would have. Thanks for your concern. Please try to find the time. I'll hang on your every word, before pissing myself laughing due to your ignorance. 

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5 hours ago, southerncunt said:

How many zoophilic viruses have to originate from that particular part of the world before we start to think that maybe their appalling animal husbandry and predilection for exotic fauna to dine on in barbaric wet markets might be to blame? 
I’m no conspiracy theorist, but this virus is different to all of the other SARS that came before it. It pairs incredibly well to human cells, it mutates at the drop of a hat, and originated conveniently a short distance away from a bio weapons laboratory. One could surmise that this virus started out like its predicate viruses, but at least to me it seems as though man has had a hand in boosting its efficacy. I don’t trust those fucking cunts. My take on it is that it was released from the wuhan lab, either deliberately or not, and the stonewalling of the chink government for the 2 week period was to buy time to blame a spontaneous appearance at a wet market.

Sounds like a conspiracy theory to me. 

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14 hours ago, Goober said:

China aside, you've surely got to admit that being soft on Putin as Trump was (allegedly due to the existence of kompromat) is not a particularly good idea. He's a dictator by any definition and given an inch he's always going to take a mile. His strong arm international diplomacy appeals domestically, but he gives not two fucks about what those outside Russia think, almost regardless of the consequences. 

Better to stand up to the fucker than to suck his cock, as Trump did. 

People misunderstand modern post "communist " Russia .. the reality is that it is mostly the same or similar cunts in charge compared with the cunts who were in charge 40 years ago. The reality of Russia is that it is still the same "communist" Russia with different job titles. As to Trump there is no real evidence that he did anything that did not somehow for a financial advantage to Trump or his family. In practical terms for the last 30 years at least Trump has lived and profited from his celebrity status rather than his business acumen. Back to Russia .. there is no alternative for any US leader but to stand up to Russia, the issue with Trump is that his methods have compromised that ability.

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
12 hours ago, Goober said:

Fuck, not you too SC. You do know that these things occur randomly? You're confusing geography with politics. Yes, it started in China, but it doesn't mean that their malodorus business practices or political system is to blame. There's a small possibility they could have nipped it in the bud if they were more transparent, but it's unlikely. It's not China's fault per se, it just happened to start there. Could have happened anywhere. They are a convenient scape goat though because they don't play by the same rules as us. When everything is going to shit, everyone wants to point a finger somewhere. Most are in danger of shoving it up their own arse in their haste though.

Surely if China (1) permits its citizens to play around with bat carcasses and engage in other unhygienic behaviour and (2) tolerate shoddy safety protocols regarding biolab operation this does mean they bear some responsibility when a new disease manages to jump the gap between small mammals and humans ?

Diseases like this don't happen without incompetence or foolhardy disregard for hygiene doc.  

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7 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Surely if China (1) permits its citizens to play around with bat carcasses and engage in other unhygienic behaviour and (2) tolerate shoddy safety protocols regarding biolab operation this does mean they bear some responsibility when a new disease manages to jump the gap between small mammals and humans ?

Diseases like this don't happen without incompetence or foolhardy disregard for hygiene doc.  

Perhaps a look inside some UK slaughterhouses would make you have a rethink.

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1 hour ago, southerncunt said:

Furnish an alternative then. My argument is based around geography and science. Politics are ex post facto.

I'll admit that I had similar thoughts about the lab in Wuhan initially and I doubt anyone could discount out of hand the possibility that the virus originated there. However, there is no evidence of this virus having been engineered and definitely none that it was deliberately released. Such actions leave evidence which has not been found. What is possible is that they were studying a naturally occurring virus and poor safety standards let the cat (bat?) out of the bag. That could simply be the actions of a foolhardy individual though. 

From what is known at the moment, it's far, far more likely that the virus originated naturally in the wet market. To suggest otherwise based on the currently available evidence is just speculation and straying into the realms of conspiracy theory. 

Are their animal welfare standards appalling? Absolutely. Could they do more to stop such practices? Probably and I've little doubt they'll try harder in future. No one wants this again. However, such practices are cultural through much of oriental Asia and even a government as controlling as China's creates problems for itself when they start interfering with cultural practices that have continued for centuries. 

China has a massive population problem, with a large proportion living in comparative poverty. They've tried to employ some draconian practices to control their population with limited success. Huge, densely populated cities with, what to us are backward cultural practices and far less than optimal sanitary conditions are melting pots for diseases. In such scenarios it's inevitable that well adapted and highly infectious new viruses crop up from time to time. It's as certain as the sun rising each day. Epidemics happen frequently but often they get little or no attention because most don't affect humans. Think Ash die back or viral haemorrhagic disease in rabbits as examples. Even in human populations they happen frequently, but that's only apparent if thinking beyond our own experience or the time scale of single human lives. Eventually host populations evolve and live with these diseases. 

This virus doesn't actually mutate particularly quickly compared to the majority. However, all viruses constantly mutate. Most mutations are neutral, some lessen their impact whilst some increase virulence and or lethality. Mutation is entirely random, directionless and happening frequently. 

Back to the original point of China having inflicted this on the world. This strikes me as laziness and human nature looking for someone to blame. The reality is, sometimes shit just happens. The fact that it happened in China when coupled with their cultural differences, which make them alien to us, means it's easy, and convenient, to point the finger. It could have just as easily started in Thailand or Vietnam or anywhere else.

Could they have been more transparent and reacted quicker? Probably, but ultimately its likely that would have made little difference. 20/20 hindsight is great, but when diseases first appear there's just no information on which to base the appropriate level of response. Should cities or countries of millions or billions of people be locked down immediately every time someone gets a slightly unusual sniffle? 

Did it originate from the lab? It's not impossible, but they are far, far from being the only country in the world that plays with fire in this way. 

Ultimately, its just bad luck and blaming China for the current ills of the world is just scapegoating based on people's own, entirely natural, prejudice. 

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36 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

Surely if China (1) permits its citizens to play around with bat carcasses and engage in other unhygienic behaviour and (2) tolerate shoddy safety protocols regarding biolab operation this does mean they bear some responsibility when a new disease manages to jump the gap between small mammals and humans ?

Diseases like this don't happen without incompetence or foolhardy disregard for hygiene doc.  

See my response to SC. Ultimately though, yes, they can and do happen without the need for malice or incompetence. 

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7 minutes ago, Goober said:

I'll admit that I had similar thoughts about the lab in Wuhan initially and I doubt anyone could discount out of hand the possibility that the virus originated there. However, there is no evidence of this virus having been engineered and definitely none that it was deliberately released. Such actions leave evidence which has not been found. What is possible is that they were studying a naturally occurring virus and poor safety standards let the cat (bat?) out of the bag. 

From what is known at the moment, it's far, far more likely that the virus originated naturally in the wet market. To suggest otherwise based on the currently available evidence is just speculation and straying into the realms of conspiracy theory. 

Are their animal welfare standards appalling? Absolutely. Could they do more to stop such practices? Probably and I've little doubt they'll try harder in future. No one wants this again. However, such practices are cultural through much of oriental Asia and even a government as controlling as China's creates problems for itself when they start interfering with cultural practices that have continued for centuries. 

China has a massive population problem, with a large proportion living in comparative poverty. They've tried to employ some draconian practices to control their population with limited success. Huge, densely populated cities with, what to us are backward cultural practices and far less than optimal sanitary conditions are melting pots for diseases. In such scenarios it's inevitable that well adapted and highly infectious new viruses crop up from time to time. It's as certain as the sun rising each day. Epidemics happen frequently but often they get little or no attention because most don't affect humans. Think Ash die back or viral haemorrhagic disease in rabbits as examples. Even in human populations they happen frequently, but that's only apparent if thinking beyond our own experience or the time scale of single human lives. Eventually host populations evolve and live with these diseases. 

This virus doesn't actually mutate particularly quickly compared to the majority. However, all viruses constantly mutate. Most mutations are neutral, some lessen their impact whilst some increase virulence and or lethality. Mutation is entirely random, directionless and happening frequently. 

Back to the original point of China having inflicted this on the world. This strikes me as laziness and human nature looking for someone to blame. The reality is, sometimes shit just happens. The fact that it happened in China when coupled with their cultural differences, which make them alien to us, means it's easy, and convenient, to point the finger. It could have just as easily started in Thailand or Vietnam or anywhere else.

Could they have been more transparent and reacted quicker? Probably, but ultimately its likely that would have made little difference. 20/20 hindsight is great, but when diseases first appear there's just no information on which to base the appropriate level of response. Should cities or countries of millions or billions of people be locked down immediately every time someone gets a slightly unusual sniffle? 

Did it originate from the lab? It's not impossible, but they are far, far from being the only country in the world that plays with fire in this way. 

Ultimately, its just bad luck and blaming China for the current ills of the world is just scapegoating based on people's own, entirely natural, prejudice. 

A fair and comprehensive response. However I don’t agree that this is just “bad luck”. This is bad management at best, and bio terrorism at worst. We are dealing with the most aggressive and secretive government in recent Chinese history, and I have trouble believing anything they say. If you live where I do, and see the trade war they are waging you’d have little time for them. They are however conducting wars on multiple fronts, and any student of history knows that this gambit has a parlous history.  They have spent the last 60 years subjugating their own people, and are now looking to expand that ideology beyond their shores. They may win the battle, but they will not win the war. The last thing the west needs is left wing apologist cunts.

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1 minute ago, southerncunt said:

A fair and comprehensive response. However I don’t agree that this is just “bad luck”. This is bad management at best, and bio terrorism at worst. We are dealing with the most aggressive and secretive government in recent Chinese history, and I have trouble believing anything they say. If you live where I do, and see the trade war they are waging you’d have little time for them. They are however conducting wars on multiple fronts, and any student of history knows that this gambit has a parlous history.  They have spent the last 60 years subjugating their own people, and are now looking to expand that ideology beyond their shores. They may win the battle, but they will not win the war. The last thing the west needs is left wing apologist cunts.

I'm definitely no fan of the way China operates on the global stage. I'm just not entirely comfortable with conflating their international aggression with, what evidences suggests at this time, the random appearance of a virus that's caused a pandemic. 

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3 minutes ago, Goober said:

I'm definitely no fan of the way China operates on the global stage. I'm just not entirely comfortable with conflating their international aggression with, what evidences suggests at this time, the random appearance of a virus that's caused a pandemic. 

I just don’t think it’s random. I have trust issues.

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4 hours ago, southerncunt said:

I just don’t think it’s random. I have trust issues.

That's fair enough. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. It's unbalanced, improbable opinions stated with absolute conviction as fact that boil my piss. It's very rare for me to ever consider anything as set in stone fact. 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
3 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

No where near enough in my humble opinion. I think I speak for most on here, when I say I want him suicidal.

What has Frank said/done to you to make you feel this way ?

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15 minutes ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

What has Frank said/done to you to make you feel this way ?

Withers allowed him to stay in one of his holiday gites, free of charge. Frank left the place covered in excrement, toilet blocked by incontinence pants and a cheap wig, and stinking of gayness. So I'm told.

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