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As many of ya know there is the brewing of a long n dirty trade war over the UK n its allotment of vaccines..now im a pacifist and believe in solutions without pain and i think bojo is aswell..but i think he cant be seen to appease Brussels because of the mob of numpties hes whipped up fulla hate for the foreigner.. only for them he could have taken the stage as a statesman n friend to the EU ..here..here's a few million doses and reaped the benefits for years...im officially required to hate y'all..but i dont feel it in me heart atall much


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16 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

As many of ya know there is the brewing of a long n dirty trade war over the UK n its allotment of vaccines..now im a pacifist and believe in solutions without pain and i think bojo is aswell..but i think he cant be seen to appease Brussels because of the mob of numpties hes whipped up fulla hate for the foreigner.. only for them he could have taken the stage as a statesman n friend to the EU ..here..here's a few million doses and reaped the benefits for years...im officially required to hate y'all..but i dont feel it in me heart atall much


Do you gargle in the morning? 

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He could be a statesman, but he will want something in return, that is politics.

The EU only have themselves to blame. Britain was still in transition when it made decisions on vaccines, so made its decisions in compliance with the European medicines regulatory act to which it had to adhere. In usual non emergency situations, it would have had to wait for EU approval to use any new medicines, but EU regulation 174 (I think) allows the MHRA to give temporary approval in emergency situations. The U.K. plc chose to utilise this provision. All other member states decided not to. As fact, those that say Brexit helped us get the vaccine sooner are talking bollocks. This decision was made whilst U.K. plc was still operating under the rules of the shitty club.

The U.K. plc government has ballsed most things up with this Kung Flu, but the EU has been slow approving the use of vaccines. Now they are crying that it should not be first come first served. They would gleefully tell Johnson cunt to fuck off so as far as I am concerned this is their problem.

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1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

Do you gargle in the morning? 

...or just spit, then whistle?

Anyway, breaking the habit of a lifetime, in all seriousness once the UK has bought sufficient vaccine for our own population, I think we should offer supplies of the vaccine to Ireland. Strategically it makes sense, since there is a long-estabished freeflow of citizens between the two countries (The Republic being the only country not subject to the travel restrictions currently being introduced by the Home Office) and if Irish Citizens are to be allowed into the UK it makes sense that a large percentage as possible of them have had the vaccination

Ireland are close to the UK and, despite the 'bantz' in here and elsewhere, we have a shared culture and history (not all of it pleasant, true) and it would be the neigbourly as well as moral thing for us to do.

And, addressing the elephant in the room, it would be a chance for us to demonstrate the outward looking Britain I've always wanted us to be, post-Brexit to do a good thing without playing politics (assuming of course this was reciprocated by the EU Apparatchiks and actually allow this to one of their colonies)

Finally of course, it would mean Willie Mullins' horses able to travel to Cheltenham, where I've got a thuming great accumulator going on'em.

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First come first served only applies to the kebab shop. The EU has contracts in place that need to be honoured on an equal footing to the UK contracts. Whatever reduction applies has to be shared proportionately. The issue of "shitty club", what or how the EU deals with vaccination approval or other itself, or how the UK is vaccinating, doesn’t cone into it at all. You really need to get past your brexiteering xenophobia and support the UK as a respectable trading partner. 

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9 minutes ago, The Beast said:

He could be a statesman, but he will want something in return, that is politics.

The EU only have themselves to blame. Britain was still in transition when it made decisions on vaccines, so made its decisions in compliance with the European medicines regulatory act to which it had to adhere. In usual non emergency situations, it would have had to wait for EU approval to use any new medicines, but a provision in one section of act 134 (I think) allows an individual member not to wait for approval from the EU in emergency situations. U.K. plc chose to utilise  this provision. All other member states decided not to. As fact, those that say Brexit helped us get the vaccine sooner are talking bollocks. This decision was made whilst U.K. plc was still operating under the rules of the shitty club.

The U.K. plc government has ballsed most things up with this Kung Flu, but the EU has been slow approving the use of vaccines. Now they are crying that it should not be first come first served. They would gleefully tell Johnson cunt to fuck off so as far as I am concerned this is their problem.

It is their problem indeed. But being the mighty EU, facts will not get in the way of one-sided political fervour. Their marzipan-coated jobs are on the line and the fuckers will fight dirty to protect them.

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1 minute ago, Jiggerycock said:

...or just spit, then whistle?

Anyway, breaking the habit of a lifetime, in all seriousness once the UK has bought sufficient vaccine for our own population, I think we should offer supplies of the vaccine to Ireland. Strategically it makes sense, since there is a long-estabished freeflow of citizens between the two countries (The Republic being the only country not subject to the travel restrictions currently being introduced by the Home Office) and if Irish Citizens are to be allowed into the UK it makes sense that a large percentage as possible of them have had the vaccination

Ireland are close to the UK and, despite the 'bantz' in here and elsewhere, we have a shared culture and history (not all of it pleasant, true) and it would be the neigbourly thing for us to do, morally.

And, addressing the elephant in the room, it would be a chance for us to demonstrate the outward looking Britain I've always wanted us to be, post-Brexit to do a good thing withoutplaying politics

Finally of course, it would mean Willie Mullins' horses able to travel to Cheltenham, where I've got a thuming great accumulator going on'em.

You just like horses arses. Fucking pretentious prig. Who gives a fucking tuppenny toss about GB or what it does outside the major trading blocs? Small fry and shrimp. 

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3 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

First come first served only applies to the kebab shop. The EU has contracts in place that need to be honoured on an equal footing to the UK contracts. Whatever reduction applies has to be shared proportionately. The issue of "shitty club", what or how the EU deals with vaccination approval or other itself, or how the UK is vaccinating, doesn’t cone into it at all. You really need to get past your brexiteering xenophobia and support the UK as a respectable trading partner. 

Try to use your foot to think as it's too late for the fucking head.

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39 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

First come first served only applies to the kebab shop. The EU has contracts in place that need to be honoured on an equal footing to the UK contracts. Whatever reduction applies has to be shared proportionately. The issue of "shitty club", what or how the EU deals with vaccination approval or other itself, or how the UK is vaccinating, doesn’t cone into it at all. You really need to get past your brexiteering xenophobia and support the UK as a respectable trading partner. 

Absolutely pitiful, even by by your 'Sixth Form barrack-room-lawyer' standards.

The EU knows perfectly well what 'best endeavours' means.

Put simply, 'I promise to try' is not 'I promise to do'. After all, it was the EU itself that insisted the Political Declaration tacked on to the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement could not be binding, and that the EU could only offer its own 'best endeavours' to reach a trade deal with the UK.

Oh how Barnier and co giggled and winked knowingly at each other and at their supporters when they stated that!

EU's health commissioner Stella Kyriakides (her suitability for this huge-stage role, coming from a background in Child Psychiatry....in Cyprus....before becoming a politician.....makes for interesting reading) has conflated a reasonable/best efforts undertaking with a concrete obligation to supply and now the EU is doing what the EU does best - laying blame trails as thick as you, to divert attention from where the real culpability lies.


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43 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You just like horses arses. Fucking pretentious prig. Who gives a fucking tuppenny toss about GB or what it does outside the major trading blocs? Small fry and shrimp. 


It's read the 'Ladybird Book of Marxism' and follows Owen Jones on Twitter - and thinks it's Wat Tyler!

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57 minutes ago, The Beast said:

He could be a statesman, but he will want something in return, that is politics.

The EU only have themselves to blame. Britain was still in transition when it made decisions on vaccines, so made its decisions in compliance with the European medicines regulatory act to which it had to adhere. In usual non emergency situations, it would have had to wait for EU approval to use any new medicines, but a provision in one section of act 134 (I think) allows an individual member not to wait for approval from the EU in emergency situations. U.K. plc chose to utilise  this provision. All other member states decided not to. As fact, those that say Brexit helped us get the vaccine sooner are talking bollocks. This decision was made whilst U.K. plc was still operating under the rules of the shitty club.

The U.K. plc government has ballsed most things up with this Kung Flu, but the EU has been slow approving the use of vaccines. Now they are crying that it should not be first come first served. They would gleefully tell Johnson cunt to fuck off so as far as I am concerned this is their problem.

It's almost as if a bunch of bureaucrats getting paid to make important decisions like how curved bananas should be aren't the best suited to handle a crisis situation.

Maybe they wanted to wait until the vaccine was available in a specific colour?

Brace for another year of Italy screaming they're going to leave and this time they really, really mean it, guys!  When they inevitably have to go begging all the other member "states" for their fair share and get told to fuck off by everyone and to get back in line behind Germany and France.

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