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5 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

From the EU which has dropped its strides, bent over and spread its cheeks for a country that runs a huge network of Nazi style concentration camps. Meanwhile, the UK has opened its doors to a potential 5.5 million people from Hong Kong so they can escape Chinese tyranny. 🖕🖕🖕🖕

We see new Zealand has signed up a similar trade deal with the chinee ..and speakin of   didnt yall invent the concentration camp way back in south Africa around the start of the 20th century..yer well known around the world already trukky O' babóg 


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15 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We see new Zealand has signed up a similar trade deal with the chinee ..and speakin of   didnt yall invent the concentration camp way back in south Africa around the start of the 20th century..yer well known around the world already trukky O' babóg 


Horse gob Ardern is a commie so this comes as no surprise but the Aussies wield more influence in NZ than China and they're fucking seething at her. When she's gone, China will be as well. 

The Romans invented the concentration camp during the Gothic wars Paddy, they just called them something else. What sort of history books have you got over there in Bogland ffs?

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1 hour ago, Trucking Funt said:

Horse gob Ardern is a commie so this comes as no surprise but the Aussies wield more influence in NZ than China and they're fucking seething at her. When she's gone, China will be as well. 

The Romans invented the concentration camp during the Gothic wars Paddy, they just called them something else. What sort of history books have you got over there in Bogland ffs?

Fair point, Trucking Funt. But @PANZER MURPHY has the high ground on this. Its not like any country who has a membership with the EU ever used concentration camps...

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13 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Fair point, Trucking Funt. But @PANZER MURPHY has the high ground on this. Its not like any country who has a membership with the EU ever used concentration camps...

The Krauts used them twice. The first time was in what is now Namibia during the Herero genocide at the beginning of the 20th century. Ironically, the the unwitting architect of it all was Hermann Goering's daddy.

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Our history books focus more on fact than past imperial glories usually at the expense of the natives..itll be difficult to negotiate trade deals for y'all now the option of rockin up with a gunboat n shelling the hottentots into handing over their lands isnt there anymore 


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Hmm..... I’m not that surprised. I’m cynical about politicians of all hues but European politicians are especially inept. So, where are we?  The EU Gang are back pedalling wildly  having threatened to impose a land border in Ireland.  The EU member states are stropping a razor for Van Der  Layen and anyone who has had anything to do with vaccination procurement. Mike Martin and Leo are extremely pissed off with Brussels for jumping the gun in a tuppeny ha’penny strop. Funnily enough... observers all around the world are crediting the uk govt with playing a blinder over this incident. The “torays” have even magnanimously offered to send excess vaccine to those who need it in Europe. This has had nothing to do with UK Govt but has been between AZ and Brussels. It just looks like amateur hour all over again...rather reminiscent of Merckel dismissing Cameron out of hand all those years ago...the incident that triggered Brexit? Seems to be a shortage of diplomats in Europe...but plenty of autocrats.

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2 minutes ago, cuntspotter said:

Hmm..... I’m not that surprised. I’m cynical about politicians of all hues but European politicians are especially inept. So, where are we?  The EU Gang are back pedalling wildly  having threatened to impose a land border in Ireland.  The EU member states are stropping a razor for Van Der  Layen and anyone who has had anything to do with vaccination procurement. Mike Martin and Leo are extremely pissed off with Brussels for jumping the gun in a tuppeny ha’penny strop. Funnily enough... observers all around the world are crediting the uk govt with playing a blinder over this incident. The “torays” have even magnanimously offered to send excess vaccine to those who need it in Europe. This has had nothing to do with UK Govt but has been between AZ and Brussels. It just looks like amateur hour all over again...rather reminiscent of Merckel dismissing Cameron out of hand all those years ago...the incident that triggered Brexit? Seems to be a shortage of diplomats in Europe...but plenty of autocrats.

They've reached the critical mass of ineptness where even our politicians can take the piss. Politically, they've just done a JohhnySaucePants.

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17 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Our history books focus more on fact than past imperial glories usually at the expense of the natives..itll be difficult to negotiate trade deals for y'all now the option of rockin up with a gunboat n shelling the hottentots into handing over their lands isnt there anymore 


This deal has been talked about in the FT for a little while....  it’s a rubber stamp job for UK PLC , apparently. Business is business after all.

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21 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Our history books focus more on fact than past imperial glories usually at the expense of the natives..itll be difficult to negotiate trade deals for y'all now the option of rockin up with a gunboat n shelling the hottentots into handing over their lands isnt there anymore 


I'll have you know we have two lovely new aircraft carriers that are only a little bit leaky and we can use them whenever they're not being rented out to the Americans.

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3 hours ago, Trucking Funt said:

Horse gob Ardern is a commie so this comes as no surprise but the Aussies wield more influence in NZ than China and they're fucking seething at her. When she's gone, China will be as well. 

The Romans invented the concentration camp during the Gothic wars Paddy, they just called them something else. What sort of history books have you got over there in Bogland ffs?

I suppose horse gob Ardern ..as ya charmingly refer to her doesnt matter either trukky baby..yer list of things that dont matter gets longer with each passing day..im still waiting on ya to post the link about hauliers in the UK raking it in n homegrown supply chains of produce..was it in viz?


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On 29/01/2021 at 08:24, Mrs Roops said:

@ChildeHarold, you are off the site for 48 hours, not only for the Rule 10 violation but also for continuing to ignore my previous advice. I fear you will not survive long at The Corner.

I take your points onboard but feel compared to some of the abuse that has been tossed in my direction a question about gargling is fairly tame stuff. I aim to offer an alternative to the the monotonous White Power/Little Nationalism/Anti-EU/Petty Peculiar circle of weirdos who seem to be on 24hr alert on this site. I notice as with ProfB when a nom is put up it just becomes an opportunity for some of the old lags on this site I include in the weirdo category above to cut shreds off the nominator. It's fucking pointless. Honestly - arguing about kids getting more food during these pandemic times? What sort of cunts are on here and they have a fucking giggle when they get you to shit on somebody by pulling out the ruke book. I think I'll do what the Neils and Southerncunts do. Not bother very much. 

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51 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I take your points onboard but feel compared to some of the abuse that has been tossed in my direction a question about gargling is fairly tame stuff. I aim to offer an alternative to the the monotonous White Power/Little Nationalism/Anti-EU/Petty Peculiar circle of weirdos who seem to be on 24hr alert on this site. I notice as with ProfB when a nom is put up it just becomes an opportunity for some of the old lags on this site I include in the weirdo category above to cut shreds off the nominator. It's fucking pointless. Honestly - arguing about kids getting more food during these pandemic times? What sort of cunts are on here and they have a fucking giggle when they get you to shit on somebody by pulling out the ruke book. I think I'll do what the Neils and Southerncunts do. Not bother very much. 

A lazy, slipshod explanation as to why you have trolled the site continuously since you first joined it.

First off, the majority of posters aren't right wing or racist. I'll give you that a vocal minority probably are, but to paint the entire site as a Stormfront offshoot says more about your own political naievity than the political realism of The Corner. I'm a pro European, old school left-wing, historic Labour voter. Others who you probably also imagine to be Nick Griffin clones actually have similar political leanings as me. The difference between us and you is that we have recognised and acknowledged that the left has been hijacked by extreme ideologists who are fervently trying to shoehorn identity, race and gender politics into the main political discourse of this country.

The fact of the matter is, Great Britain has more important things to be worrying about than a starving Somalian not getting a Covid jab, or a 6 year old boy being denied gender reassignment surgery on an already overwhelmed NHS.

You live in a fantasy Twitter world where idealism and principles trump Realpolitik and the base nature of the human race. Take a look at your communist heroes and see where idealism got them, with cunts like you in charge during one of the most challenging times in human history, we'd be reliving Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

Get off my fucking site.


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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

A lazy, slipshod explanation as to why you have trolled the site continuously since you first joined it.

First off, the majority of posters aren't right wing or racist. I'll give you that a vocal minority probably are, but to paint the entire site as a Stormfront offshoot says more about your own political naievity than the political realism of The Corner. I'm a pro European, old school left-wing, historic Labour voter. Others who you probably also imagine to be Nick Griffin clones actually have similar political leanings as me. The difference between us and you is that we have recognised and acknowledged that the left has been hijacked by extreme ideologists who are fervently trying to shoehorn identity, race and gender politics into the main political discourse of this country.

The fact of the matter is, Great Britain has more important things to be worrying about than a starving Somalian not getting a Covid jab, or a 6 year old boy being denied gender reassignment surgery on an already overwhelmed NHS.

You live in a fantasy Twitter world where idealism and principles trump Realpolitik and the base nature of the human race. Take a look at your communist heroes and see where idealism got them, with cunts like you in charge during one of the most challenging times in human history, we'd be reliving Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

Get off my fucking site.



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On 31/01/2021 at 09:25, Mrs Roops said:

Firstly let's remind ourselves as to how Ms von de Layen came to be President of the EU Commission...

As German Defence Minister, Ursula von de Layen had a reputation for making rash decisions borne through petty-minded stroppiness so it comes as no great surprise that after years of preaching the mantra of open and free trade the EU would invoke Article 16 simply because they were out-manoeuvred by a more nimble former EU member over what is effectively a single trade issue. The hypocrisy is outstanding.

Did ya vote for the fat lad to be PM?


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23 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Sez the corners jim McDonald...hey jim..liz wants a hand with the kegs


Panzy boy, you’ve got yourself into a right old state over Brexit. It’s done and dusted mate. The only subject you ever talk about nowadays is Brexit, Brexit, Brexit. You used to be quite amusing but you’ve morphed into a bitter, twisted, anti British one trick donkey. 


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19 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

Mike Martin and Leo are extremely pissed off with Brussels

Leo has a long-standing and permanent arseache.  Although he’s undoubtedly fucked off with Brussels, his stinging rectum can be traced back to a different cause completely.

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15 hours ago, Decimus said:

A lazy, slipshod explanation as to why you have trolled the site continuously since you first joined it.

First off, the majority of posters aren't right wing or racist. I'll give you that a vocal minority probably are, but to paint the entire site as a Stormfront offshoot says more about your own political naievity than the political realism of The Corner. I'm a pro European, old school left-wing, historic Labour voter. Others who you probably also imagine to be Nick Griffin clones actually have similar political leanings as me. The difference between us and you is that we have recognised and acknowledged that the left has been hijacked by extreme ideologists who are fervently trying to shoehorn identity, race and gender politics into the main political discourse of this country.

The fact of the matter is, Great Britain has more important things to be worrying about than a starving Somalian not getting a Covid jab, or a 6 year old boy being denied gender reassignment surgery on an already overwhelmed NHS.

You live in a fantasy Twitter world where idealism and principles trump Realpolitik and the base nature of the human race. Take a look at your communist heroes and see where idealism got them, with cunts like you in charge during one of the most challenging times in human history, we'd be reliving Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

Get off my fucking site.


I have noticed Cunts Corner has balanced political representation and indeed hosts all kinds of people from the UK and beyond. You have Panzer who must be left leaning and loves the EU, considering that's all he ever fucking talks about, Earl of Punkape who is extremely right wing and told me to fuck off and live near Mtembe. You also have most of our fucked up society represented... Childeharold who has been given far too much mobile phone allowance in his mental hospital, tranny's like Dawn Chorus (so I have been led to believe) are given free reign to express themselves and decent respectable folk like me have been welcomed here. And not forgetting Frank who is like that relative everybody is ashamed of and is allowed to carry on talking utter bollocks whilst sat out of the way in his shit and piss filled pants. 

All presided over by the mysterious Mrs Roops...who declined my advances. 

Cunts Corner...it's the place to be. 

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23 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I have noticed Cunts Corner has balanced political representation and indeed hosts all kinds of people from the UK and beyond. You have Panzer who must be left leaning and loves the EU, considering that's all he ever fucking talks about, Earl of Punkape who is extremely right wing and told me to fuck off and live near Mtembe. You also have most of our fucked up society represented... Childeharold who has been given far too much mobile phone allowance in his mental hospital, tranny's like Dawn Chorus (so I have been led to believe) are given free reign to express themselves and decent respectable folk like me have been welcomed here. And not forgetting Frank who is like that relative everybody is ashamed of and is allowed to carry on talking utter bollocks whilst sat out of the way in his shit and piss filled pants. 

All presided over by the mysterious Mrs Roops...who declined my advances. 

Cunts Corner...it's the place to be. 

I am pro european left leaning labour but I am not a member of the club and so far as you are concerned I have no beliefs.

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3 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I am pro european left leaning labour but I am not a member of the club and so far as you are concerned I have no beliefs.

Understood Dawn, most of my family are/were Labour voting etc however I cannot support the deluded idiots anymore especially after Corbyn. 

Not that it matters to me but are you a tranny?

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1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Understood Dawn, most of my family are/were Labour voting etc however I cannot support the deluded idiots anymore especially after Corbyn. 

Not that it matters to me but are you a tranny?

It is now "after orbyn" .. it might not interest you to know that today I resigned from two campaign groups .. fuck all to do with GBLTQQBWWWWTHTAB after informing them that the cost of what they are campaigning for will cost a cash-strapped local council at least £1.5million per year for which I was told that I had just plucked numbers out of the air.

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2 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

It is now "after orbyn" .. it might not interest you to know that today I resigned from two campaign groups .. fuck all to do with GBLTQQBWWWWTHTAB after informing them that the cost of what they are campaigning for will cost a cash-strapped local council at least £1.5million per year for which I was told that I had just plucked numbers out of the air.

Fair play to you, as I've got older I have noticed labour are the spend, spend, spend party and God knows what they would have spent had they been in charge at the moment. Imagine Dianne Abbott getting involved...she would allocate 7 vaccine jabs per person and allocate £400 to buy everybody a new house.

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6 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Fair play to you, as I've got older I have noticed labour are the spend, spend, spend party and God knows what they would have spent had they been in charge at the moment. Imagine Dianne Abbott getting involved...she would allocate 7 vaccine jabs per person and allocate £400 to buy everybody a new house.

Any future government will need to be spend, spend, spend and also make a lot of very unpopular decisions for many years to come that is why we will need petty council bean counters (and similar) there to do their best to control where the money actually goes to. To be honest what the campaigners would bring huge benefits to where they live and far beyond where they actually live .. but they have rejected easily double checked figures that I have given and also failed to appreciate that someone somewhere need to sign their name against underwriting the cost of what they whilst other people 30 miles away might think that, that £1.5million would pay for their pet project.

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