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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I have noticed Cunts Corner has balanced political representation and indeed hosts all kinds of people from the UK and beyond. You have Panzer who must be left leaning and loves the EU, considering that's all he ever fucking talks about, Earl of Punkape who is extremely right wing and told me to fuck off and live near Mtembe. You also have most of our fucked up society represented... Childeharold who has been given far too much mobile phone allowance in his mental hospital, tranny's like Dawn Chorus (so I have been led to believe) are given free reign to express themselves and decent respectable folk like me have been welcomed here. And not forgetting Frank who is like that relative everybody is ashamed of and is allowed to carry on talking utter bollocks whilst sat out of the way in his shit and piss filled pants. 

All presided over by the mysterious Mrs Roops...who declined my advances. 

Cunts Corner...it's the place to be. 

Whats political speak for unrepentant fenian bazturd ..dont feel to bad ..i too offered to take the roops out for an Irish coffee ifn she ever found herself in the fair city of Dublin..give her a break from high powered exec speak n pointin at graphs n pye charts..alas to no avail 


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4 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

And she deserves it...sigmund was right..ya become what ya detest..or somethin like that 


Hardly surprising.

VDL has a rap sheet as long as your arm when it comes to political fuck ups. Probably the best was, on her watch as German Armed Forces minister, when one Bundeswehr tank unit had to use broomsticks as guns on a military exercise.

Naturally given her CV she was a shoo-in for senior minsterial positions in the EU. 

Thankfully as Commisioner she can be voted out of her office by the electorate to which she is accountable.

Oh wait......

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4 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Whats political speak for unrepentant fenian bazturd ..dont feel to bad ..i too offered to take the roops out for an Irish coffee ifn she ever found herself in the fair city of Dublin..give her a break from high powered exec speak n pointin at graphs n pye charts..alas to no avail 


I was thinking I would like to visit Dublin...that famous city founded by Vikings. I may pop over Covid and Brexit permitting, if they say no I could always get a dinghy. Had an Irish bird years ago, she was beautiful.

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41 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Panzermurphy, what is your opinion on the EU's behaviour regarding vaccinations and generally acting like a load of spoilrd, bullying cunts?

I think their beef is with the pharma mob but they haven't the spoiled bullyin cunts market to themselves ya know..Whitehalls jacket has a few stains on it from the last 18 months 


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22 hours ago, Decimus said:

A lazy, slipshod explanation as to why you have trolled the site continuously since you first joined it.

First off, the majority of posters aren't right wing or racist. I'll give you that a vocal minority probably are, but to paint the entire site as a Stormfront offshoot says more about your own political naievity than the political realism of The Corner. I'm a pro European, old school left-wing, historic Labour voter. Others who you probably also imagine to be Nick Griffin clones actually have similar political leanings as me. The difference between us and you is that we have recognised and acknowledged that the left has been hijacked by extreme ideologists who are fervently trying to shoehorn identity, race and gender politics into the main political discourse of this country.

The fact of the matter is, Great Britain has more important things to be worrying about than a starving Somalian not getting a Covid jab, or a 6 year old boy being denied gender reassignment surgery on an already overwhelmed NHS.

You live in a fantasy Twitter world where idealism and principles trump Realpolitik and the base nature of the human race. Take a look at your communist heroes and see where idealism got them, with cunts like you in charge during one of the most challenging times in human history, we'd be reliving Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot.

Get off my fucking site.


Cunt and reported. 

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3 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:


Harold you stupid fucking spacker, my patience for your scatter gun posts of pointless shit is wearing thinner than frank toupee 

Now Johnny shit pants has been fucked off, you’re officially the biggest idiot on show. An even bigger cunt than the resident transvestite, pen. Up your fucking game, post less (much less) or I’ll be forced to destroy you



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