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Diversity's BLM dance shortlisted for BAFTA

camberwell gypsy

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1 hour ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Reinstate him then, you have the power. Eddie will vouch for his good behavior from now on.

Old fatty isn’t the brightest ( ie thick as fucking shite) and was easily led by decs into calling a certain punter (Harold?) a nonce. Taking advantage of the stupid is bad form. Ban the cunt

Poor fatty.

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7 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

Yes, yes, yes and yes... on a final note, I know nothing of your life...but you know nothing of mine either. I make no assumptions about you but you seem to making a few about me. Irrespective of what you think, irrespective of what ethnic minorities do to each other or call each other, we ain’t doing it here. 

Can you let me know how many people are ‘mods/admin’ on this forum please, no names just numbers and their ethnicity? All Caucos by any chance?

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

He must be fucking brain dead then, no offence, with all due respect etc...

Wow. Taken to selectively editing and misrepresenting other member’s posts now eh? I’m disappointed again Decs. What the fuck is up with you at the moment?

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I'm pleased to see in local social media that most decent Norfolk folk are fucked off with this bollocks. Who ever sanctioned this needs a fucking knee to the neck. I don't remember any annual show of remembrance for the likes of Lee Rigby,murdered female police officers or victims of Isis bombers and yet this convicted criminal is used as someone's leg up the political ladder.....or so they fucking think?. We need a fucking revolution and quick to right this lefty fucking point scoring bullshit,stand up white people and be heard.

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1 hour ago, Neil said:

I'm pleased to see in local social media that most decent Norfolk folk are fucked off with this bollocks. Who ever sanctioned this needs a fucking knee to the neck. I don't remember any annual show of remembrance for the likes of Lee Rigby,murdered female police officers or victims of Isis bombers and yet this convicted criminal is used as someone's leg up the political ladder.....or so they fucking think?. We need a fucking revolution and quick to right this lefty fucking point scoring bullshit,stand up white people and be heard.

Careful Neil, Spot will have you for such subversive non-blackness you intolerant cunt you...

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2 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I find myself experiencing a genuinely new experience, agreeing with Neil.

This is virtue signalling at its very worst. It's got absolutely nothing to do with Norwich and it doesn't have any relevance to the issues faced by the population of the city. As our fat friend said, why hasn't NCC endeavoured to provide similar memorials to indigenous British people who have been victims of violent crimes such as Lee Rigby? If I recall there was a march, but it wasn't organised or affiliated to the council. But that's what you get for your council tax when the two biggest electoral parties in your city hall are Labour and the Greens. 

Thankfully I don't live within their area and I don't work for them either, but if I did I'd be even more disgusted with this shit than I already am.



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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I find myself experiencing a genuinely new experience, agreeing with Neil.

This is virtue signalling at its very worst. It's got absolutely nothing to do with Norwich and it doesn't have any relevance to the issues faced by the population of the city. As our fat friend said, why hasn't NCC endeavoured to provide similar memorials to indigenous British people who have been victims of violent crimes such as Lee Rigby? If I recall there was a march, but it wasn't organised or affiliated to the council. But that's what you get for your council tax when the two biggest electoral parties in your city hall are Labour and the Greens. 

Thankfully I don't live within their area and I don't work for them either, but if I did I'd be even more disgusted with this shit than I already am.



Watch this little flower 



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On 24/05/2021 at 13:35, Decimus said:

I can one hundred percent understand the anger of white people in this country. There seems to be an insidious campaign by certain groups and media outlets to subtly, and sometimes not so subtly, imply that there should be a certain amount of guilt that white people should feel for the acts of a small minority of racists, both past and present.

I find this galling, as whenever all black, Muslim or other minority groups are tarred (excuse the pun) with the same brush due to the acts of a small minority, said opinion is deemed to be racist. What's good for the goose should be good for the gander. We can't have a society where it's ok to label a whole ethnic group as culpable for the crimes and attitudes of a small section of that group, but to say the opposite about another ethnic group is deemed to be racist. 

That's not how equality works, it seems to me that people like the woman we are discussing want to be more equal than others, instead of actually striving towards genuine equality. 

I agree with you that expressing your anger with racial slurs isn't right, but when a group of people feel like their whole identity and culture is being threatened, they will often resort to such behaviour. 

I don't have an answer as to how we can create a racially harmonious country, but I know for a fact that you don't go about it in the way that certain members of the BLM movement have been.

I think that the idea behind this is to dilute and spread the guilt. You have upper class and an upper middle class whose ancestors were the guilty party in the slavery trade, they try to divert or to attempt to divert the attention away from themselves to the (theoretically) less educated lower middle and working classes who were themselves little more than slaves themselves at that time.

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