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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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6 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

....saying that, boy am I glad I had 2x Astra Zeneca and 1x Moderna jab rather than this untested Pfizer shit. Before Covid the word Pfizer meant weedkiller to me.

@King Billy have any studies been carried out to determine if a daily pint of whiskey increases or decreases the effect of the Covid vaccine on the liver, especially in under 16's?

Drew, if 45 years of guzzling 6 litres of Frosty Jack's every day hasn't packed your liver in, I doubt that a little prick would.

I'd be more concerned about the inevitable hepatitis C you've picked up by being bummed senseless by tramps whilst passed out in Earlham Park every Tuesday. Those sort of little pricks are far more dangerous.


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56 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Drew, if 45 years of guzzling 6 litres of Frosty Jack's every day hasn't packed your liver in, I doubt that a little prick would.

I'd be more concerned about the inevitable hepatitis C you've picked up by being bummed senseless by tramps whilst passed out in Earlham Park every Tuesday. Those sort of little pricks are far more dangerous.



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5 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Who the fuck is that in your avatar? I demand you change it to something more reflective of your persona like a transgender girl or some irrelevant poof.

It’s definitely not Freddy Mercury. It could be his little known and rarely photographed identical twin brother though. 

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13 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Who the fuck is that in your avatar? I demand you change it to something more reflective of your persona like a transgender girl or some irrelevant poof.


12 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:


Uncle Joe. I'm just off the back of watching 'The Death of Stalin' which I thought was surprisingly good if somewhat loose with the truth.

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26 minutes ago, Decimus said:


Uncle Joe. I'm just off the back of watching 'The Death of Stalin' which I thought was surprisingly good if somewhat loose with the truth.

Is that the one where they drag the fat guy into a shack and execute him by drum head trial for being a nonce?

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Just now, Roadkill said:

Is that the one where they drag the fat guy into a shack and execute him by drum head trial for being a nonce?

No. That was ‘Shed and Buried’ featuring Henry Cole and Sam Lovegrove on the Quest channel most afternoons.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

No. That was ‘Shed and Buried’ featuring Henry Cole and Sam Lovegrove on the Quest channel most afternoons.

I'm working on my own series at the minute, Billy. Its about two dead people, Craig and Claire, stuck festering in the void between life and death together because the  church they were getting married in blew up in a gas explosion before the priest could get to the "Till death do us part" bit. Suffice to say, domestic hi-jinks and abusive adventures ensue - I'm thinking of offering it to the Disney channel. I could use some writers, interested?:


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15 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I'm working on my own series at the minute, Billy. Its about two dead people, Craig and Claire, stuck festering in the void between life and death together because the  church they were getting married in blew up in a gas explosion before the priest could get to the "Till death do us part" bit. Suffice to say, domestic hi-jinks and abusive adventures ensue - I'm thinking of offering it to the Disney channel. I could use some writers, interested?:


This sounds right up my street RK. The journey to school when I was a ‘wee lad’ invariably took us past the smouldering rubble of collapsed churches and other local places of interest to the ‘hoods’. As a thrice married gentleman who’s been fortunate enough to wriggle out of all of them with very little emotional damage but more than my fair share of financial ruination, which would have destroyed most men who didn’t conceal their assets from  their beautiful brides to be.  I think I could bring my personal experiences and widely acknowledged common sense to the table for a modest fee.

I would insist on conjugal rights with any half decent crumpet on the set, purely for reasons of keeping it real and true to life.

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22 hours ago, King Billy said:

Absolute fucking shit.


22 hours ago, King Billy said:

Shall we mow add microbiologist to your ever increasing list of incredible expertise? Or just note that you’re the sites greatest ever googleologist?


21 hours ago, King Billy said:


A ‘non story’ about an ‘interesting study’. That’s interesting. 😂


21 hours ago, King Billy said:

Your problem is that I know you’re not.

Problems eh?

I appear to have been living inside your head rent free. No worries - there was plenty of empty space albeit a little dim...



Stay warm!

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22 hours ago, The Beast said:

Yes another non story about these suspect poisons. Highlight that it is not an in vivo study and all will be well. Considering the mRNA should not be anywhere near the liver in the first place doesn’t matter. We will forget about that minor oversight.


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3 hours ago, The Beast said:

Is that it? What is so incomprehensible? To dumb it down for you,  how much of the spike protein reaches the blood supply? Where should it remain?

Gosh, silly me, I can be a klutz at times. Does mean that the covid-19 virus only affects the upper arm that has the less dominant motor cortex? I'm dumbing this down as per...

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Gosh, silly me, I can be a klutz at times. Does mean that the covid-19 virus only affects the upper arm that has the less dominant motor cortex? I'm dumbing this down as per...

I am not talking about how the virus manifests. You keep on with the tedium, it clearly your strongest suit. You can't answer or don't want to answer the two very simple questions I asked. 

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Gosh, silly me, I can be a klutz at times. Does mean that the covid-19 virus only affects the upper arm that has the less dominant motor cortex? I'm dumbing this down as per...


33 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I am not talking about how the virus manifests. You keep on with the tedium, it clearly your strongest suit. You can't answer or don't want to answer the two very simple questions I asked. 

Give it a fucking rest, the pair of you. Or I'll have no choice but to demand moderator privileges and throw you both in the cooler.

You've been warned.

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9 hours ago, The Beast said:

I am not talking about how the virus manifests. You keep on with the tedium, it clearly your strongest suit. You can't answer or don't want to answer the two very simple questions I asked. 

No apologies proffered for the "tedium" of calling out baseless assertions and inferences but as you well know the majority of Covid-19 vaccines are introduced by way of an injection into the upper arm where muscle tissue has an excellent supply of blood to help disperse the vaccine. Muscle also has a good supply of dendritic cells (DC) which have the ability to pick up antigens. DC will migrate to the lymph nodes which to "dumb down", are meeting places for the immune system. There the DC meet T and B cells which, again to dumb down, are white blood cells that help defend the body against specific pathogens, in this case the covid-19 virus. Given how the body's blood supply plumbing works its obvious (though not to some apparently) that the vaccine will pass through all areas.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

No apologies proffered for the "tedium" of calling out baseless assertions and inferences but as you well know the majority of Covid-19 vaccines are introduced by way of an injection into the upper arm where muscle tissue has an excellent supply of blood to help disperse the vaccine. Muscle also has a good supply of dendritic cells (DC) which have the ability to pick up antigens. DC will migrate to the lymph nodes which to "dumb down", are meeting places for the immune system. There the DC meet T and B cells which, again to dumb down, are white blood cells that help defend the body against specific pathogens, in this case the covid-19 virus. Given how the body's blood supply plumbing works its obvious (though not to some apparently) that the vaccine will pass through all areas.

That purchase of the complete 'How My Body Works' for 20 quid at that car boot sale a few years back, are certainly coming in to their own. Maybe you should sell them to Billy.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

No apologies proffered for the "tedium" of calling out baseless assertions and inferences but as you well know the majority of Covid-19 vaccines are introduced by way of an injection into the upper arm where muscle tissue has an excellent supply of blood to help disperse the vaccine. Muscle also has a good supply of dendritic cells (DC) which have the ability to pick up antigens. DC will migrate to the lymph nodes which to "dumb down", are meeting places for the immune system. There the DC meet T and B cells which, again to dumb down, are white blood cells that help defend the body against specific pathogens, in this case the covid-19 virus. Given how the body's blood supply plumbing works its obvious (though not to some apparently) that the vaccine will pass through all areas.

Many thanks for the copy and paste lesson relating to the intramuscular administration of medication, especially the sarcastic edit. I am grateful for the recap, being that I have probably given over a thousand intramuscular injections from analgesics, antiemetics, prophylactic antibiotics and indeed vaccines.

The pharmaceutical companies paid propagandists arm, (no pun) the fact checkers, say the spike protein is not so mobile. 

"Research shows that spike proteins (here) remain stuck to the cell surface around the injection site and do not travel to other parts of the body via the bloodstream, they added. The 1% of the vaccine that does reach the bloodstream is destroyed by liver enzymes."


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