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Child abusing, murdering mother to be released on parole


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Tracey Connelly, professional Andre the Giant lookalike and mother convicted of abusing and allowing others to abuse her child, Peter Connolly (Baby P), until his death in 2007 is, according to parole officers, ready to rejoin society.


Unfortunately, said parole officers have failed to ask society's opinion on the matter. In fact, I think society would be well within its rights to take this as an opportunity to hunt the horrible, child murdering cunt down the moment she ventures out into public and serve up some good old fashioned mob justice, seeing as regular justice simply doesn't seem to have the teeth to deal with this level of human scum anymore.

Of course the reality of the situation will be very different. Cunts will make a fuss for a bit before being distracted by the next celebrity punch up and a parent who was responsible and actively involved in the painful and humiliating death of her own child will be quietly whisked away, given a new identity and life, and offered all the support she desires at the taxpayer's expense to ensure her second chance is successful, despite ensuring that her own son's first chance at life was cut short early. 

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5 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Tracey Connelly, professional Andre the Giant lookalike and mother convicted of abusing and allowing others to abuse her child, Peter Connolly (Baby P), until his death in 2007 is, according to parole officers, ready to rejoin society.


Unfortunately, said parole officers have failed to ask society's opinion on the matter. In fact, I think society would be well within its rights to take this as an opportunity to hunt the horrible, child murdering cunt down the moment she ventures out into public and serve up some good old fashioned mob justice, seeing as regular justice simply doesn't seem to have the teeth to deal with this level of human scum anymore.

Of course the reality of the situation will be very different. Cunts will make a fuss for a bit before being distracted by the next celebrity punch up and a parent who was responsible and actively involved in the painful and humiliating death of her own child will be quietly whisked away, given a new identity and life, and offered all the support she desires at the taxpayer's expense to ensure her second chance is successful, despite ensuring that her own son's first chance at life was cut short early. 

She’ll find it difficult to integrate back into society probably. She’ll most likely find it very hard to get a well paid job and end up on minimum wage as a live in nanny or part time babysitter I reckon.

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5 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Tracey Connelly, professional Andre the Giant lookalike and mother convicted of abusing and allowing others to abuse her child, Peter Connolly (Baby P), until his death in 2007 is, according to parole officers, ready to rejoin society.


Unfortunately, said parole officers have failed to ask society's opinion on the matter. In fact, I think society would be well within its rights to take this as an opportunity to hunt the horrible, child murdering cunt down the moment she ventures out into public and serve up some good old fashioned mob justice, seeing as regular justice simply doesn't seem to have the teeth to deal with this level of human scum anymore.

Of course the reality of the situation will be very different. Cunts will make a fuss for a bit before being distracted by the next celebrity punch up and a parent who was responsible and actively involved in the painful and humiliating death of her own child will be quietly whisked away, given a new identity and life, and offered all the support she desires at the taxpayer's expense to ensure her second chance is successful, despite ensuring that her own son's first chance at life was cut short early. 

It's boat race looks like one of them clay composite ones, they make on a skull of a neanderthal tart that some farmer has dug up in some Leicestershire Wheatfield.  Fucking ugly, missing link cunt that should be burned at the stake. 

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15 minutes ago, King Billy said:

She’ll find it difficult to integrate back into society probably. She’ll most likely find it very hard to get a well paid job and end up on minimum wage as a live in nanny or part time babysitter I reckon.

She was an unemployed, in bed until 3 P.M. council slag before she was arrested, now she'll expect the same on release. All it'll take is one soppy therapist writing down whatever fucking tragic upbringing she blames for making her a cunt and she won't even need to squeeze any sprogs out for the child benefit money.

She'll be able to leach off society until the end of her days and probably end up making more than enough as a certified "vulnerable person" to live a standard of life she's clearly happy with on whatever benefits she can squeeze out of the situation.

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20 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

She was an unemployed, in bed until 3 P.M. council slag before she was arrested, now she'll expect the same on release. All it'll take is one soppy therapist writing down whatever fucking tragic upbringing she blames for making her a cunt and she won't even need to squeeze any sprogs out for the child benefit money.

She'll be able to leach off society until the end of her days and probably end up making more than enough as a certified "vulnerable person" to live a standard of life she's clearly happy with on whatever benefits she can squeeze out of the situation.

Thing is, she's got a face that will be a bastard to alter. They will need more plastic than the Mattoy toy company uses in a year. The only way to change her looks is to use a Magnus carbon steele demolition hammer, wielded by Geoff Capes. 

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6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

She was an unemployed, in bed until 3 P.M. council slag before she was arrested, now she'll expect the same on release. All it'll take is one soppy therapist writing down whatever fucking tragic upbringing she blames for making her a cunt and she won't even need to squeeze any sprogs out for the child benefit money.

She'll be able to leach off society until the end of her days and probably end up making more than enough as a certified "vulnerable person" to live a standard of life she's clearly happy with on whatever benefits she can squeeze out of the situation.

The current ‘Clownworld’ that we live in will be perfect for this bag of shite to self identify as a ‘perfect mother’ and ‘professor of child protection’. GMB, BBC Breakfast News, The Jeremy Vile Show and all the other lizard media would of course enter into a bidding war, to secure the pig ugly shitcunt as a guest on their mainstream fake news propaganda channels, while still finding time to bum each other senseless in the non gender toilets for most of the day.

I’d quite like to dress her up as a baby and smash her sorry excuse for a face to a pulp with   5 telegraph poles dipped in Rottweiler shite, duck taped together.

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It was most definitely a shock to hear this child-abusing bitch's release has been approved, before Dominic Raab said he would ask the parole board to reconsider.

And so they should. This revolting cunt murdered her child, or at the very least did nothing to prevent her boyfriend from torturing him. Poor little man. If she walks under a new identity (Jamie Bulger killers), what sort of deterrent is this signalling?

I often wonder who these 'parole boards' are comprised of. I can imagine the very ones who warranted her release, sitting around a fucking modern office table, covered in a clean white cloth, each drinking water, or weak tea or shitty instant coffee, armed with a copy of The Guardian and hot flask of lentil soup, each genty trying not to fart as they recall the times Baby P's mother put cigarettes out on his head, or egged her boyfriend on to punch him in the face. Let the people vote. You don't need a psychology degree to see why this cunt should never be released.


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8 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Well personally I think she should be released into society, together with a current photograph of her printed on to 30 million or so 'Wanted: Dead or Alive' posters with a reward of a £1, a Blue Peter badge or some other worthless shit.

Alright, calm the fuck down Pudsey.


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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

It was most definitely a shock to hear this child-abusing bitch's release has been approved, before Dominic Raab said he would ask the parole board to reconsider.

And so they should. This revolting cunt murdered her child, or at the very least did nothing to prevent her boyfriend from torturing him. Poor little man. If she walks under a new identity (Jamie Bulger killers), what sort of deterrent signal is it sending out?

I often wonder who these 'parole boards' are comprised of. I can imagine the very ones who warranted her release, sitting around a fucking modern office table, covered in a clean white cloth, each drinking water, or weak tea or shitty instant coffee, armed with a copy of The Guardian and hot flask of lentil soup, each genty trying not to fart as they recall the times Baby P's mother put cigarettes out on his head, or egged her boyfriend on to punch him in the face. Let the people vote. You don't need a fucking psychology degree to see why this cunt should never be released.


Your last two sentences sums up how decent people might feel about this. There has been much said on this site recoiling from the sub-human, primitive and barbaric retributions apportioned by people of the peaceful religion, for example. Yet sometimes I feel it might be justified, and perhaps if just a little bit of this  rubbed off on us, we may be in a position to bypass our pathetic judiciary and deal with this filth ourselves in a way that is quite fitting. 


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37 minutes ago, Arnold said:

Your last two sentences sums up how decent people might feel about this. There has been much said on this site recoiling from the sub-human, primitive and barbaric retributions apportioned by people of the peaceful religion, for example. Yet sometimes I feel it might be justified, and perhaps if just a little bit of this  rubbed off on us, we may be in a position to bypass our pathetic judiciary and deal with this filth ourselves in a way that is quite fitting. 


The judiciary does next to fuck all to punish perverted cunts who go after kids on the internet. You just look at the hard work these decoy sites put in to snare these fucking peado bastards, only to see these 'right on' middle class cunt judges give them non custodial sentences. It'll come to the point where instead of these groups handing over their evidence to the police, will just drag the cunt into a back alley and break every bone in the fuckers body. Which is, in my book, a result 

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17 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Tracey Connelly, professional Andre the Giant lookalike and mother convicted of abusing and allowing others to abuse her child, Peter Connolly (Baby P), until his death in 2007 is, according to parole officers, ready to rejoin society.


Unfortunately, said parole officers have failed to ask society's opinion on the matter. In fact, I think society would be well within its rights to take this as an opportunity to hunt the horrible, child murdering cunt down the moment she ventures out into public and serve up some good old fashioned mob justice, seeing as regular justice simply doesn't seem to have the teeth to deal with this level of human scum anymore.

Of course the reality of the situation will be very different. Cunts will make a fuss for a bit before being distracted by the next celebrity punch up and a parent who was responsible and actively involved in the painful and humiliating death of her own child will be quietly whisked away, given a new identity and life, and offered all the support she desires at the taxpayer's expense to ensure her second chance is successful, despite ensuring that her own son's first chance at life was cut short early. 

That's a challenging wank.

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18 hours ago, Goober said:

To minimise the risk of reoffending, enforced sterilisation is merited in this case,

Perhaps that should be standard in all such cases .. it might also reduce the attraction for naive fuckwits outside the prison from becoming their penpals and "lovers" and forming relationships with them people which often results in them being released to their "care" and all too often reofending.

Also it would prevent this shitbag from fighting to ever have this murderer's child


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2 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:


Surely this would make you reconsider?

I've never understood the fact that some people continue to over eat even when their hands, the the part of their body they see the most of every day, become obese. You can suck a beer gut in and wear baggy clothes to somewhat hide a fat arse, you can avoid mirrors and convince yourself that your cheekbones aren't submerged in blubber, but how the fuck can you bear to be a fat cunt when the evidence is right in front of your eyes every minute of the day?

I bet all of her personal belongings are covered in a fine layer of grease and whenever she's used the telly remote it feels disconcertingly warm and sticky for the next person to pick it up.  

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9 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I've never understood the fact that some people continue to over eat even when their hands, the the part of their body they see the most of every day, become obese. You can suck a beer gut in and wear baggy clothes to somewhat hide a fat arse, you can avoid mirrors and convince yourself that your cheekbones aren't submerged in blubber, but how the fuck can you bear to be a fat cunt when the evidence is right in front of your eyes every minute of the day?

I bet all of her personal belongings are covered in a fine layer of grease and whenever she's used the telly remote it feels disconcertingly warm and sticky for the next person to pick it up.  

Maybe big hands are beneficial in some way? For instance, when beating the crap out of one's defenceless child. 

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Sterilise any council house dweller at the age of 10, when they've reached 21 and can prove that they're not chavvy fucking arseholes let them multiply by reversing the op. If the cunts then revert to type take the little cunts off of them and re-sterilise. 

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

I've never understood the fact that some people continue to over eat even when their hands, the the part of their body they see the most of every day, become obese. You can suck a beer gut in and wear baggy clothes to somewhat hide a fat arse, you can avoid mirrors and convince yourself that your cheekbones aren't submerged in blubber, but how the fuck can you bear to be a fat cunt when the evidence is right in front of your eyes every minute of the day?

I bet all of her personal belongings are covered in a fine layer of grease and whenever she's used the telly remote it feels disconcertingly warm and sticky for the next person to pick it up.  

I very much doubt that she has got any sense of "self" or indeed recognises herself in the mirror. The real issue re these release decisions by the parole panel is whether or not they are seen as a danger to the public .. the punishment phase actually ends at the end of the defined minimum sentence any time served after that is for continued retraining of them. Ironically Venables will no longer be serving a sentence as punishment but simply being detained to protect the public until he can prove that he is no longer a public danger. The same will apply to Colin Pitchfork who has been recalled to prison.

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5 hours ago, Dead Penelope said:

...is whether or not they are seen as a danger to the public .......

They're only a danger to the public because with their new identity, no one knows who the fuck they are, or more importantly, were. Let them keep their original identity and then we'll see who really are the dangerous ones. 

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