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Turning off the life support machine


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51 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I'm on holiday at the mo, so I have plenty of time in between gardening, mowing the lawn, drinking cider etc etc. We've only got a short while before your lights are permenantly switched off, so hit me with something that's gonna pull the carpet from under my feet, you vile, nonce-obsessed, spunk-gargling racist piece of shit.

Please tell me you’re not in Cape Verde? If you are, pass on my regards to @Trucking Funt…he’ll be at the Hilton, all inclusive.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Nothing to do with this old chap; we're all a little more thick-skinned than that, otherwise we wouldn't still be here. Only I'm a little shocked someone supposedly as educated as you can recurrently mock fun at some poor woman whose son has just died in hospital.

Education notwithstanding, I am a bit of a cunt, and have never pretended otherwise.

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46 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

What a purple-faced, veiny-nosed, DT-shaking talentless idiot. But enough about @Cunty BigBollox. Is this it, you big baby cunt?

You're meant to be on holiday and I'm hoping the time away might improve the quality of your posts. Glen the Spacker seems to be stuck in self-destruct mode so best not to engage him/it.

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11 minutes ago, Neil said:

I don't think Decs could be as spasticated if he tried, just bide your time, he'll be gone by 8 oclock. It's getting near to Jazz proportions.

What did that Pissflaps cunt say to you? He told me he was going to shit in my mam's fanny and called me a pedo.

Clearly a saddo bearing a grudge over perceived mistreatment. I thought it might have been Reptyle or Pete, but I can't remember either of them having beef with you as well.

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4 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I thought it might have been Reptyle or Pete, but I can't remember either of them having beef with you as well.

I'm faintly disappointed not to have received any DMs or general abuse, I must try harder in future.

That aside, at least my psychic credentials are not in any doubt:

On 05/08/2022 at 07:45, Cuntybaws said:

after a few posts we could get back to the business of calling each other virgins

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1 minute ago, Cuntybaws said:

I'm faintly disappointed not to have received any DMs or general abuse, I must try harder in future.

That aside, at least my psychic credentials are not in any doubt:

Would you like a copy of the PM for your archives like I did with Pete? It isn't nearly as graphic or shocking, but I know you like collecting this stuff.

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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Would you like a copy of the PM for your archives like I did with Pete? It isn't nearly as graphic or shocking, but I know you like collecting this stuff.

I'll add it to my memory palace, alongside the one from Eddie to ChildeHarold that got him banned.

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6 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I'll add it to my memory palace, alongside the one from Eddie to ChildeHarold that got him banned.



Started conversation: 19 hours ago

You still here doing this?

You sad little tosser

You dont deserve oxygen you moronic inbred

Now why dont you fuck yourself off before i take a shit up your mothers cunt


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9 minutes ago, Roadkill said:
You still here doing this? 
You sad little tosser

You dont deserve oxygen you moronic inbred

Now why dont you fuck yourself off before i take a shit up your mothers cunt


^ Doesn't believe in apostrophes or full stops, this cunt. At least Eddie used some commas.


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36 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

What did that Pissflaps cunt say to you? He told me he was going to shit in my mam's fanny and called me a pedo.

Clearly a saddo bearing a grudge over perceived mistreatment. I thought it might have been Reptyle or Pete, but I can't remember either of them having beef with you as well.

Here in all its glory 

You still on here, you sad little foreskin licker

Dont you think its time you got a life you childish prick

Now fuck yourself off before i tie your mother up and have a cack in her cunt.


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5 minutes ago, Neil said:

Here in all its glory 

You still on here, you sad little foreskin licker

Dont you think its time you got a life you childish prick

Now fuck yourself off before i tie your mother up and have a cack in her cunt.


You only got called a wanker - I think he liked you more.

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14 minutes ago, Glen The Spanker said:

Going marginally back OT for a minute, if you try to search for the heavyweight suicide champion of the world's mum, and her record, it all draws a blank.

1984 or what huh? This fucking country is a police state, run for the benefit of deviants and pikey fucking scum.

Same age, same town, same cunt, supposedly.

Southend: Road rage woman spared prison

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4 minutes ago, Glen The Spanker said:

Nice find! I'd forgot she changed her name.

@Wolfie/Mr.White, what do you have to say about your sordid grief fantasy now?

Nice find! Yo, hi-five!

Ironically, I'd say you're sounding more like Mr fucking Black with your ongoing remedial pidgin drivel. As for the dead boy's mother punching someone in the face, know you'd receive precisely the same treatment from me if I ever we meet. The clock's ticking, putrid gobshite.

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18 minutes ago, Glen The Spanker said:

Fucking hell, calm down Richard. I can picture you at your computer, purple faced, shaking with suppressed sexual rage.

I wish I could have seen the look on your face when that Journo doorsteped you that time.

Moped loving DSMO cunt.

How much do you charge?

Love ProfB XXX

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33 minutes ago, Glen The Spanker said:

Fucking hell, calm down Richard. I can picture you at your computer, purple faced, shaking with suppressed sexual rage.

I wish I could have seen the look on your face when that Journo doorsteped you that time.

Moped loving DSMO cunt.

Ah, a disgruntled ex-DSMOer.

Did howwible Wolfie kick you off the site for behaving like a wude, wacist, whingy little girl?

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39 minutes ago, Glen The Spanker said:

Fucking hell, calm down Richard. I can picture you at your computer, purple faced, shaking with suppressed sexual rage.

I wish I could have seen the look on your face when that Journo doorsteped you that time.

Moped loving DSMO cunt.

Is this about the Mary Beard incident? @Eric Cuntman is going to be peeved he missed you, he loves this historical shite.

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7 minutes ago, Glen The Spanker said:

So you admit you're Richard White?

Fuck me, I was just fishing. Incredible self-doxxing you moron.

How's Lee keeping BTW, do you pair of benders still run The Mocking Shop?


2 minutes ago, Glen The Spanker said:

Here's a quote from our very own @Wolfie after shitting his pants the Beard affair: “If she is genuinely hurt then I am sorry, because we never try to hurt people’s feelings. My suspicion is that she used our site to deflect the debate because she was so roundly thrashed after her appearance on Question Time last week.” 

What a limp wristed wanker.

Shit! You've caught me red-handed. What a cunning trap you have set, and how gullibly I fell into it.

As soon as the authorities discover my true identity, I'll be fired from my job, thereafter spending my mornings in bed watching Ch4's The Big Breakfast.

Try again.

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1 minute ago, Wolfie said:


Shit! You've caught me red-handed. What a cunning trap you have set, and how gullibly I fell into it.

As soon as the authorities discover my true identity, I'll be fired from my job, thereafter spending my mornings in bed watching Ch4's The Big Breakfast.

Try again.

To be fair, it does sound like something you'd say, Wolfie. You're too nice for this place.

Either way, I couldn't give less of a fuck who you are and you already know my personal thought over what happened to you lot.

Eric will fucking love this when he shows up though, he'll probably want an interview and an official quote for his History of the Corner project.


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