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Hollywood Elites

Jake The Muss

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These over the top privileged spastic heads get right on old Jake's tits. They come out in their programmed droves to tell you to get pricked up with some poison, to wear a suffocation piece of Chinese cloth over your breathing apparatus , to not go anywhere near your family and friends, to tell you to stand with Nazi Ukraine and to tell you to stop having any sort of enjoyable life and go green and watch your carbon footprint while they swan around in private jets...yet these same mothfuckers remain very quite about standing up against child sex trafficking and child sex rings.

Fucking cunts fuck the lot of em, Hollywood is a cesspit.

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21 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

These over the top privileged spastic heads get right on old Jake's tits. They come out in their programmed droves to tell you to get pricked up with some poison, to wear a suffocation piece of Chinese cloth over your breathing apparatus , to not go anywhere near your family and friends, to tell you to stand with Nazi Ukraine and to tell you to stop having any sort of enjoyable life and go green and watch your carbon footprint while they swan around in private jets...yet these same mothfuckers remain very quite about standing up against child sex trafficking and child sex rings.

Fucking cunts fuck the lot of em, Hollywood is a cesspit.

Bend, it would appear that you've graduated from huffing paint to developing a full on MDMA and Meow Meow addiction. I love a disjointed, mental as fuck rant as much as the next man, but you're going to end up doing yourself an injury.

Remember what happened to Paul Ross, one minute he was a family man and light entertainment favourite, the next he had a cock up his arse.

You've been warned.

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19 hours ago, Decimus said:

Bend, it would appear that you've graduated from huffing paint to developing a full on MDMA and Meow Meow addiction. I love a disjointed, mental as fuck rant as much as the next man, but you're going to end up doing yourself an injury.

Remember what happened to Paul Ross, one minute he was a family man and light entertainment favourite, the next he had a cock up his arse.

You've been warned.

Who's Paul Ross ? 

You tangible cunt.

Happy Saturnalia.

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19 hours ago, Decimus said:

Bend, it would appear that you've graduated from huffing paint to developing a full on MDMA and Meow Meow addiction. I love a disjointed, mental as fuck rant as much as the next man, but you're going to end up doing yourself an injury.

Remember what happened to Paul Ross, one minute he was a family man and light entertainment favourite, the next he had a cock up his arse.

You've been warned.

You leave Paul Ross alone. Being a humble daytime TV and chat magazine jobber - all the while struggling under the shadow of his brother with a huge cock and bank balance greater than the Prince of Monaco must be ego-crushing enough without your bizarre and churlish claim. Take it back Decimus you fiend.

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23 minutes ago, Meet Uncle Monty said:

You leave Paul Ross alone. Being a humble daytime TV and chat magazine jobber - all the while struggling under the shadow of his brother with a huge cock and bank balance greater than the Prince of Monaco must be ego-crushing enough without your bizarre and churlish claim. Take it back Decimus you fiend.

My brother in law was at the same school as both Ross brothers. Different years so not friends, but the opinion of most of their former schoolmates was that Paul was quite a nice bloke who retained links with the school and gave up time and money to support the place. And Jonathan was a fucking aloof cunt that wouldn’t give the time of day to any cunt he used to be mates with.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

How the fuck do you spastics turn a nomination titled Hollywood elites into a discussion about the 'W'oss brothers?




In much the same way as virtually any topic raised on here in the last decade can usually be turned into a speculative array of opinion regarding the capacity of Punkape or Frank’s anal cavity. Within half an hour.

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17 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:


I’ve developed a rather disturbing mental image of you over the years, which I’m going to try and describe. I see you sitting on some decrepit rocking chair, wearing a dirty and faded Little Bo Peep costume. You’re holding an an old Nokia mobile phone at arms length, squinting at it through ancient reading glasses and stabbing away at the keys, your tongue lolling from the side of your mouth as you compose your latest drivel. Under the chair, swinging gently as you rock, is the end of your cock. Horrifying.

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Guest Sir Gobshite
8 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

I’ve developed a rather disturbing mental image of you over the years, which I’m going to try and describe. I see you sitting on some decrepit rocking chair, wearing a dirty and faded Little Bo Peep costume. You’re holding an an old Nokia mobile phone at arms length, squinting at it through ancient reading glasses and stabbing away at the keys, your tongue lolling from the side of your mouth as you compose your latest drivel. Under the chair, swinging gently as you rock, is the end of your cock. Horrifying.


Shut up you bloated fat cunt, and merry xmas.

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9 hours ago, Ape™️ said:

I’ve developed a rather disturbing mental image of you over the years, which I’m going to try and describe. I see you sitting on some decrepit rocking chair, wearing a dirty and faded Little Bo Peep costume. You’re holding an an old Nokia mobile phone at arms length, squinting at it through ancient reading glasses and stabbing away at the keys, your tongue lolling from the side of your mouth as you compose your latest drivel. Under the chair, swinging gently as you rock, is the end of your cock. Horrifying.

Brilliant and Dr Fuckwit likes what you have written .. Ape, I have got abosolutely no image of you other than red propellor tips and broken balsa wood. Have you ever thought of getting a life?

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Guest Sir Gobshite
17 hours ago, Decimus said:

You better not be that old northern trollop. If you are you can consider yourself dead on arrival because I'll fucking destroy you.


I doubt it very much.

Do you suffer from Lupus ?

Merry Xmas. 

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