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Old Chap Raasclaat

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What a fucking cunt this shit is.. 

Plastic here, plastic there, plastic fucking everywhere... and we're expected to recycle the cancer causing plastic wrapped food packaging and be grateful. 

'Rinse before recycling' they ask, fuck off I say. I gladly leave the blood on my steak and other meat packaging, knowing full well the recycling wankers will get covered in maggots in the summer, said cunts don't even bother recycling it when they collect it anyways, I've watched the cunts. Hopefully a load of stinking maggots will remind them of the poor Indian cunts, of varying ages, who have to sift through literally mountains of our plastic shite, sorting it in to it's various compounds. Does our recycling actually make a difference worldwide? I saw a program a while ago, where the found different London borough recycling bags, full of shite in Turkey, I mean what the fuck is going on here? It's a total fucking scam. In one place where I reside, I'm expected to recycle food waste for fucks sake, I throw the fruit and veg in the bin and give the Foxes the meat leftovers and bones, now that's recycling. 

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The underlying problem - same as on the "Laboratory made meat" thread - is that the current world population of 8 billion is twice as high as the planet can reasonably sustain. Simple arithmetic suggests a solution, however: half of that number can be eliminated by neutron bombing just three geographical regions, China (1.439 billion), India (1.380 billion) and Africa (1.426 billion). If some further margin is still required, and bearing in mind there will be some overlap with the preceding numbers, the world population of Muslims is estimated to be ~ 1.9 billion, and those cunts could be disposed of by more conventional means. 

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2 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The underlying problem for the world - same as on the "Laboratory made meat" thread - is that the current world population of 8 billion is twice as high as the planet can reasonably sustain. Simple arithmetic suggests a solution, however: half of that number can be eliminated by neutron bombing just three geographical regions, China (1.439 billion), India (1.380 billion) and Africa (1.426 billion). If some further margin is still required, and bearing in mind there will be some overlap with the preceding numbers, the world population of Muslims is estimated to be ~ 1.9 billion, and those cunts could be disposed of by more conventional means. 

Obviously using France as a practice run to make sure the bombs work properly.

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4 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The underlying problem - same as on the "Laboratory made meat" thread - is that the current world population of 8 billion is twice as high as the planet can reasonably sustain. Simple arithmetic suggests a solution, however: half of that number can be eliminated by neutron bombing just three geographical regions, China (1.439 billion), India (1.380 billion) and Africa (1.426 billion). If some further margin is still required, and bearing in mind there will be some overlap with the preceding numbers, the world population of Muslims is estimated to be ~ 1.9 billion, and those cunts could be disposed of by more conventional means. 

I like your style but what the fuck would I eat on the way back from the pub on a Friday night without any Chinese or Indian takeaways?, a fucking kebab like that homo Fwank?

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I knew it was a load of bollocks, but not as bad as this...


The UK produces more plastic waste per person than any other country in the world apparently. 50% or so of our shite gets sent abroad to be burned, we also incinerate loads of plastic here also. 

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20 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I like your style but what the fuck would I eat on the way back from the pub on a Friday night without any Chinese or Indian takeaways?, a fucking kebab like that homo Fwank?

Blimey, no wonder the local takeaways are going out of business near you... Imagine dining in one of Norfolk's Chinese or Indian restaurants, potentially enjoying your extra hot Lamb Balti or whatever, only to see you stagger through the door. Standing there with piss stained jeans on, retching, and telling any poor cunt within hearing distance your awful jokes. What the hell is wrong with you Big Bollock?

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26 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

The underlying problem - same as on the "Laboratory made meat" thread - is that the current world population of 8 billion is twice as high as the planet can reasonably sustain. Simple arithmetic suggests a solution, however: half of that number can be eliminated by neutron bombing just three geographical regions, China (1.439 billion), India (1.380 billion) and Africa (1.426 billion). If some further margin is still required, and bearing in mind there will be some overlap with the preceding numbers, the world population of Muslims is estimated to be ~ 1.9 billion, and those cunts could be disposed of by more conventional means. 

🎵Are you Bill Gates are you Bill Gates are you Bill Gates  in disguise? Are you Bill Gates in disguise?🎵

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3 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Blimey, no wonder the local takeaways are going out of business near you... Imagine dining in one of Norfolk's Chinese or Indian restaurants, potentially enjoying your extra hot Lamb Balti or whatever, only to see you stagger through the door. Standing there with piss stained jeans on, retching, and telling any poor cunt within hearing distance your awful jokes. What the hell is wrong with you Big Bollock?

I did a few weeks ago in some soulless shithole near Cromar. Fucking excellent chinky nosh though. 

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6 minutes ago, Lucy said:


(asking for a friend)

How is your girlfriend? You know the one you said had a stall at Billingsgate market... Does she know you've transitioned into a woman? Silly me, I was talking like she actually exists. Have you ever had a real friend, ever even had a girlfriend? You sad, stupid cunt. 

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

How is your girlfriend? You know the one you said had a stall at Billingsgate market... Does she know you've transitioned into a woman? Silly me, I was talking like she actually exists. Have you ever had a real friend, ever even had a girlfriend? You sad, stupid cunt. 

“Dunno” is the correct answer to all the questions (apart from the last 2 which is “no”)  but I’m sure you knew this before you even asked them. At least that’s how I would have answered them.

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

How is your girlfriend? You know the one you said had a stall at Billingsgate market... Does she know you've transitioned into a woman? Silly me, I was talking like she actually exists. Have you ever had a real friend, ever even had a girlfriend? You sad, stupid cunt. 

I imagine that the only 'girlfriends' he's ever had have either been attached to a lead, or tied to a radiator in his mother's cellar.

A genuinely sinister creep who needs to be watched very closely.

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13 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Fucking 21 hours between my last post and this. I've seen some lows on here before, but this could genuinely be the end.

It's concerning Decs, not even Pen is lurking about on here. Could it be the cost of living etc is getting to everyone? Or, God forbid, the Corner is dead. 

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