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Volodymyr Zelenskyy


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I'm sick to the back teeth of seeing this 5"2 dwarf prance about every fucking leading Western country's parliament, always in character and dressed in the same khaki military outfit, wearing the same paratrooper boots, drumming up the same support for his side's defence of "democracy".

While I don't accept Russia's argument for its invasion of Crimea (2014) or more recently Ukraine, Putin had warned in the past (20 years or so!) about the consequences of NATO's forces continually building up near or on his borders, whether in Poland or the Baltic states, and that a response was likely if it persisted. Our media acts as though it's a big shock that Russia has invaded its neighbour.

What the fuck would the Yanks' action be if China, for example, started sending troops and military equipment to its borders with Mexico or Canada?

If anyone is going to genuinely start WW3, this plump little bortsch-eating Slavic turd surely sits right at the top of the current list – along with Putin and Xi. While I don't doubt his skill as an effective politicizer, he's managed to draw the US, UK and EU into what millions in the eastern (and Russian-speaking) regions of his country see as a long-overdue civil war in the far reaches of Eastern Europe. It makes me chuckle how the media focuses on Russian war crimes (which have undoubtedly happened) while choosing to ignore Ukraine's unquestioned tit-for-tat illegal killings and torturing of young Russian troops, most of whom didn't sign up for this ongoing shitfest, which is also in breach of existing Geneva Convention laws.

Like most, my 'democratic' right didn't allow me to vote against the UK joining Zelenskyy's shitty little war. I'm writing this because about an hour ago, I received a Gov.uk emergency phone alert (despite me never signing up for such a thing), warning me of a potential imminent emergency which I will have to acknowledge if and when it happens.

Anyone with half a fucking brain cell will realise it looks very much like a precursor for biological or nuclear attack, despite our government telling us it's for "floods and other natural disasters". Now, didn't Putin move some of his nuclear arsenal to Belarus and point it squarely at Europe just days after Winnie-the-Pooh's red carpet stint in Moscow in March?   

Putin isn't the only prime candidate for assassination. Thanks for dragging everyone into your nasty conflict, you fat little shit. A cunt's cunt – and make no mistake.  

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57 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I'm sick to the back teeth of seeing this 5"2 dwarf prance about every fucking leading Western country's parliament, always in character and dressed in the same khaki military outfit, wearing the same paratrooper boots, drumming up the same support for his side's defence of "democracy".

While I don't accept Russia's argument for its invasion of Crimea (2014) or more recently Ukraine, Putin had warned in the past (20 years or so!) about the consequences of NATO's forces continually building up near or on his borders, whether in Poland or the Baltic states, and that a response was likely if it persisted. Our media acts as though it's a big shock that Russia has invaded its neighbour.

What the fuck would the Yanks' action be if China, for example, started sending troops and military equipment to its borders with Mexico or Canada?

If anyone is going to genuinely start WW3, this plump little bortsch-eating Slavic turd surely sits right at the top of the current list – along with Putin and Xi. While I don't doubt his skill as an effective politicizer, he's managed to draw in the US, UK and EU into what millions in the eastern (and Russian-speaking) regions of his country see as a long-overdue civil war in the far reaches of Eastern Europe. It makes me chuckle how the media focuses on Russian war crimes (which have undoubtedly happened) while choosing to ignore Ukraine's unquestioned tit-for-tat illegal killings and torturing of young Russian troops, most of whom didn't sign up for this ongoing shitfest, which is also in breach of existing Geneva Convention laws.

Like most, my 'democratic' right didn't allow me to vote against the UK joining Zelenskyy's shitty little war. I'm writing this because about an hour ago, I received a Gov.uk emergency phone alert (despite me never signing up for such a thing), warning me of a potential imminent emergency which I will have to acknowledge if and when it happens.

Anyone with half a fucking brain cell will realise it looks very much like a precursor for biological or nuclear attack, despite our government telling us it's for "floods and other natural disasters". Now, didn't Putin move some of his nuclear arsenal to Belarus and point it squarely at Europe just days after Winnie-the-Pooh's red carpet stint in Moscow in March?   

Putin isn't the only prime candidate for assassination. Thanks for dragging everyone into your nasty conflict, you fat little shit. A cunt's cunt – and make no mistake.  

The British public have got short memories. 

Ukraine is apparently a beacon of democracy, freedom and western ideals, standing up to the homophobic, racist, authoritarian and dictatorial Russian regime.

Funny how much a society can allegedly change in 11 years, isn't it?




Ukrainians are as backward, violent, intolerant and subhuman as every other group of tracksuit wearing, square-headed Slavic cunts. We should have no part in this, there are for more important and worthy hills to die upon.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

I'm sick to the back teeth of seeing this 5"2 dwarf prance about every fucking leading Western country's parliament, always in character and dressed in the same khaki military outfit, wearing the same paratrooper boots

I do wonder if those around him give him a wide berth cos he smells like a cunt.  Would you change your opinion if he changed his clothes a bit more often?

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25 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Never mind Wolfie, it's nearly 7pm on a Sunday evening and Family Fortunes will be on soon. Chill out and cheer the fuck up.

Doesn't this website's header read: 'Name the Cunts of the world'?

I trust you'll enjoy watching some loud, overpaid little burgling wop cunt it about on prime-time sheeple TV... isn't this what most drunks do on a Sunday evening?

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21 minutes ago, and said:

...as you.

Try reading some of your previous posts, you fuckin' hypocrite.

But I'm not asking for billions of pounds or for complete strangers to house everyone I know for free whilst singing my praises in the street. 

Your analogies are about as cogent as one of the many drunk dialled text messages you've sent to Battersea Dogs Home in the early hours of the morning.

Fuckin' idiot.

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I'm sick to the back teeth of seeing this 5"2 dwarf prance about every fucking leading Western country's parliament, always in character and dressed in the same khaki military outfit, wearing the same paratrooper boots, drumming up the same support for his side's defence of "democracy".

While I don't accept Russia's argument for its invasion of Crimea (2014) or more recently Ukraine, Putin had warned in the past (20 years or so!) about the consequences of NATO's forces continually building up near or on his borders, whether in Poland or the Baltic states, and that a response was likely if it persisted. Our media acts as though it's a big shock that Russia has invaded its neighbour.

What the fuck would the Yanks' action be if China, for example, started sending troops and military equipment to its borders with Mexico or Canada?

If anyone is going to genuinely start WW3, this plump little bortsch-eating Slavic turd surely sits right at the top of the current list – along with Putin and Xi. While I don't doubt his skill as an effective politicizer, he's managed to draw in the US, UK and EU into what millions in the eastern (and Russian-speaking) regions of his country see as a long-overdue civil war in the far reaches of Eastern Europe. It makes me chuckle how the media focuses on Russian war crimes (which have undoubtedly happened) while choosing to ignore Ukraine's unquestioned tit-for-tat illegal killings and torturing of young Russian troops, most of whom didn't sign up for this ongoing shitfest, which is also in breach of existing Geneva Convention laws.

Like most, my 'democratic' right didn't allow me to vote against the UK joining Zelenskyy's shitty little war. I'm writing this because about an hour ago, I received a Gov.uk emergency phone alert (despite me never signing up for such a thing), warning me of a potential imminent emergency which I will have to acknowledge if and when it happens.

Anyone with half a fucking brain cell will realise it looks very much like a precursor for biological or nuclear attack, despite our government telling us it's for "floods and other natural disasters". Now, didn't Putin move some of his nuclear arsenal to Belarus and point it squarely at Europe just days after Winnie-the-Pooh's red carpet stint in Moscow in March?   

Putin isn't the only prime candidate for assassination. Thanks for dragging everyone into your nasty conflict, you fat little shit. A cunt's cunt – and make no mistake.  

Both sides are just as bad as the other when it comes to war crimes. Plenty of footage online of cunts having grenades dropped on them when they're in the process of being evacuated on a stretcher or POWs being executed from both sides.

Fuck only knows the crimes committed on civilians or defectors. Both sides are incredibly silent about the gas reserves that were discovered off the coast of Odessa a few years back of course - the real reason why cunts are being thrown into the meat grinder is, as always, buried by a shroud of national propaganda or historical cherry picking to get the plebs suitably enraged.

Ukraine is a NATO puppet and Russia is a fading superpower with a smiling Chink on its doorstep and a pocket full of nukes. All three are cunts, NATO and Belarus are cunts and any cunt thick enough to pick up a rifle for any fucking side is a massive fucking cunt.

We've entered into the age of the Resource Wars. Huge overpopulation, fewer natural resources, rampant disease outbreaks and a handy little thing called the hydrogen bomb that could solve the problem instantly and is solely controlled by cunts within running distance of a fallout shelter 24/7. I wonder what's going to happen next?

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13 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Russia is a fading superpower

So is the usa that's why they're desperate to start war with China.



13 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

We've entered into the age of the Resource Wars. Huge overpopulation, fewer natural resources,

Which is precisely why Britain should be building it's navy back up to a huge size if our thick as fuck government had any sense. A lot of Antarctica is British territory if I'm not mistaken and is meant to be sitting on natural resources that this country could use in the future and no doubt other cunts are going to want them too when things get desperate.

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54 minutes ago, LastoftheMullets said:

So is the usa that's why they're desperate to start war with China.



Which is precisely why Britain should be building it's navy back up to a huge size if our thick as fuck government had any sense. A lot of Antarctica is British territory if I'm not mistaken and is meant to be sitting on natural resources that this country could use in the future and no doubt other cunts are going to want them too when things get desperate.

The Navy will never reach the same level of might it had pre WW2. No Empire to defend anymore, no industry to produce the ships and no infrastructure capable of maintaining them.

It all got sold off to pay for lend-lease. Or to China or the third world.

The Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales are primarily NATO ships dependant on foreign support and technology. Any potential disagreement with, let's say, the Yanks over, let's say, valuable territory in Antarctica and they're nothing more than really big bath toys. What little navy we do still have has been built to this specification for seventy years.

I guess we could get some lads on HMS Victory to go and tell the cunts what for, but I wouldn't like their chances.

We'd never see the benefit of such resources if the situation got desperate enough for cunts to be willing to pay to extract them.

At best the territory would just be sold off by gurning politicians with suspiciously fat pockets assuring us that it strengthens Alliance X.

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28 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

The Navy will never reach the same level of might it had pre WW2. No Empire to defend anymore, no industry to produce the ships and no infrastructure capable of maintaining them.

It all got sold off to pay for lend-lease. Or to China or the third world.

The Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales are primarily NATO ships dependant on foreign support and technology. Any potential disagreement with, let's say, the Yanks over, let's say, valuable territory in Antarctica and they're nothing more than really big bath toys. What little navy we do still have has been built to this specification for seventy years.

I guess we could get some lads on HMS Victory to go and tell the cunts what for, but I wouldn't like their chances.

We'd never see the benefit of such resources if the situation got desperate enough for cunts to be willing to pay to extract them.

At best the territory would just be sold off by gurning politicians with suspiciously fat pockets assuring us that it strengthens Alliance X.

I think that Prince of Wales has partly been funded by France by some devious means to enable them to delay building and commissioning a new aircraft carrier until the mid 2030s.

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15 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

The Navy will never reach the same level of might it had pre WW2. No Empire to defend anymore, no industry to produce the ships and no infrastructure capable of maintaining them.

It all got sold off to pay for lend-lease. Or to China or the third world.

The Queen Elizabeth and Prince of Wales are primarily NATO ships dependant on foreign support and technology. Any potential disagreement with, let's say the Yanks over, let's say valuable territory in Antarctica and they're nothing more than really big bath toys. What little navy we do still have has been built to this specification for seventy years.

I guess we could get some lads on HMS Victory to go and tell the cunts what for, but I wouldn't like their chances.

We'd never see the benefit of such resources if the situation got desperate enough for cunts to be willing to pay to extract them.

At best the territory would just be sold off by gurning politicians with suspiciously fat pockets assuring us that it strengthens Alliance X.

But that's what I'm saying, if we actually had a government with a spine that refused to play lackey to the yanks and actually put Britain first(yeah i know unlikely) they would actually be building our navy back up right now and making future plans for extracting resources from the antarctic to actually benefit this country. Scotland still has ship yards i think. It all boils down to our government being spineless and inept, giving zero shits about the population and only caring about lining their pockets as you said.


That's why I'm really hoping the fuckwit British government won't be so Gung-ho to get involved in some war between the yanks and china/taiwan 5'000 miles away in another part of the planet that has bearing on anything in the UK or europe and quite honestly isn't our problem. It would actually benefit europe on the whole if we let the cunts slaughter each other and capitalise on it afterwards like the septics did to us during and after WWII. Britain or Europe gains nothing from getting involved.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Both sides are just as bad as the other when it comes to war crimes. Plenty of footage online of cunts having grenades dropped on them when they're in the process of being evacuated on a stretcher or POWs being executed from both sides.

Fuck only knows the crimes committed on civilians or defectors. Both sides are incredibly silent about the gas reserves that were discovered off the coast of Odessa a few years back of course - the real reason why cunts are being thrown into the meat grinder is, as always, buried by a shroud of national propaganda or historical cherry picking to get the plebs suitably enraged.

Ukraine is a NATO puppet and Russia is a fading superpower with a smiling Chink on its doorstep and a pocket full of nukes. All three are cunts, NATO and Belarus are cunts and any cunt thick enough to pick up a rifle for any fucking side is a massive fucking cunt.

We've entered into the age of the Resource Wars. Huge overpopulation, fewer natural resources, rampant disease outbreaks and a handy little thing called the hydrogen bomb that could solve the problem instantly and is solely controlled by cunts within running distance of a fallout shelter 24/7. I wonder what's going to happen next?

With the current state of rising geopolitical tension, which is still very much an East-West thing, I sense we are coming to a conclusion somewhere RK, though I'm unsure precisely what this is. I've often said protecting clean water – arguably the world's most valuable natural resource – might trigger global war. But other factors have come into play (chiefly climate change at an unprecedented rate, as well as the West's ongoing support of Ukraine/Taiwan against Russia and China respectively), and what the world is beginning to experience is making the Cold War-era to the 1990s tame by comparison. I don't know RK – but humans have always warred with one another, only this time brute force seems to be outgunning the attrition of previous decades. There are just too many people inhabiting our little planet, and with fewer natural resources, which doesn't herald a peaceful future.

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Just now, Wolfie said:

With the current state of rising geopolitical tension, which is still very much an East-West thing, I sense we are coming to a conclusion somewhere RK, though I'm unsure precisely what this is. I've often said protecting clean water – arguably the world's most valuable natural resource – might trigger global war. But other factors have come into play (chiefly climate change at an unprecedented rate, as well as the West's ongoing support of Ukraine/Taiwan against Russia and China respectively), and what the world is beginning to experience is making the Cold War-era to the 1990s tame by comparison. I don't know RK – but humans have always warred with one another, only this time brute force seems to be outgunning the attrition of previous decades. There are just too many people inhabiting our little planet, and with fewer natural resources, which doesn't herald a peaceful future.

What the fuck am I supposed to say to this, Wolfie?

It could be Monday?

Stop prophesying the doom of mankind at me you miserable cunt. 

Jesus titty-fucking Christ!



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40 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

I think that Prince of Wales has partly been funded by France by some devious means to enable them to delay building and commissioning a new aircraft carrier until the mid 2030s.

So they paid us to build an aircraft carrier so they didn't have to pay for an aircraft carrier? I suppose it makes sense - they've always been shit at sea and we're obligated to save the fuckers for the umpteenth time if anything kicks off.

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38 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

So they paid us to build an aircraft carrier so they didn't have to pay for an aircraft carrier? I suppose it makes sense - they've always been shit at sea and we're obligated to save the fuckers for the umpteenth time if anything kicks off.

Biden has just ordered some ballistic class submarines…

“Dear mister contractor.  
Can we hav sum underworter botes for our navey? Rearly big ones wiv nukular rockits (pointy ones) and the binocliars that come out of the top to see shipps an stuff. 
 Thank you.

Love Joey. ♥️

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1 hour ago, LastoftheMullets said:

But that's what I'm saying, if we actually had a government with a spine that refused to play lackey to the yanks and actually put Britain first(yeah i know unlikely) they would actually be building our navy back up right now and making future plans for extracting resources from the antarctic to actually benefit this country. Scotland still has ship yards i think. It all boils down to our government being spineless and inept, giving zero shits about the population and only caring about lining their pockets as you said.


That's why I'm really hoping the fuckwit British government won't be so Gung-ho to get involved in some war between the yanks and china/taiwan 5'000 miles away in another part of the planet that has bearing on anything in the UK or europe and quite honestly isn't our problem. It would actually benefit europe on the whole if we let the cunts slaughter each other and capitalise on it afterwards like the septics did to us during and after WWII. Britain or Europe gains nothing from getting involved.

All valid points, LotM, but incredibly similar to the jingoism displayed by a certain former member of this site. He fantastically claimed that we've single handedly managed to contain China within the Pacific because we've got a couple of rowing boats moored in a Japanese harbour.

Do you have XBox Live?

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Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

Biden has just ordered some ballistic class submarines…

“Dear mister contractor.  
Can we hav sum underworter botes for our navey? Rearly big ones wiv nukular rockits (pointy ones) and the binocliars that come out of the top to see shipps an stuff. 
 Thank you.

Love Joey. ♥️

They probably just tell him he's writing to Santa at this point.

I genuinely wonder how many DARPA employees have found themselves assigned to acquiring Ben and Jerry's and Twinkies.

The Secret Service blokes must change a lot of nappies.

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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

All valid points, LotM, but incredibly similar to the jingoism displayed by a certain former member of this site. He fantastically claimed that we've single handedly managed to contain China within the Pacific because we've got a couple of rowing boats moored in a Japanese harbour.

Do you have XBox Live?

I gave up with this one Decs.

"Why don't we?"

"Because we can't and even if we could it wouldn't work anyway."

"...We still should though..."


"I weawwy, weawwy wish we would."

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2 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I gave up with this one Decs.

"Why don't we?"

"Because we can't and even if we could it wouldn't work anyway."

"...We still should though..."


"I weawwy, weawwy wish we would."

Yeah but his neighbour drives a Porsche and has a four bed bungalow. So, you know, that actually makes ER Bill Gates.

What an absolute fucking worm.

I see you, Reptyle, consider this your notice period, I'm coming for you until you inevitably meltdown yet again. Expect no mercy because no quarter shall be given.


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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Yeah but his neighbour drives a Porsche and has a four bed bungalow. So, you know, that actually makes ER Bill Gates.

What an absolute fucking worm.

I see you, Reptyle, consider this your notice period, I'm coming for you until you inevitably meltdown yet again. Expect no mercy because no quarter shall be given.


You think they're Reptyle? Interesting.

I'm off to read Wolf of the Plains for the second time - a brilliant suggestion from @Eric Cuntman - and have a cuppa.

Hopefully the accused has a credible defence ready by tomorrow morning.

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36 minutes ago, Decimus said:

All valid points, LotM, but incredibly similar to the jingoism displayed by a certain former member of this site.

Who's that then? Wanting to secure British resources in overseas territories and having a big enough navy to deter other countries from taking advantage of them isn't jingoism, it's common sense.


37 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Do you have XBox Live?

No but I've got a PSN though, why?

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30 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I gave up with this one Decs.

"Why don't we?"

"Because we can't and even if we could it wouldn't work anyway."

"...We still should though..."


"I weawwy, weawwy wish we would."

great response, just as as well you're not a geopolitical strategist.

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