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Yes, Morrisons, what a fucking shithole. 

Picture the scene, in my bid to become to become a naturalised citizen of the Greatest Britain I decided to go for a fry up... In Morrisons. 

I take a (pre breakfast) wander around this shithole supermarket (of northern origin) only to notice the tight bastards have really dimmed the lights (either to save the leccy bill or to hide the shite they call food. 

As I'm strolling around said shithole, I can't help but notice an assortment of vile and disgusting individuals... Fat bellied chav Mum's sat stuffing doughnuts at around 9am, some fat (heart attack waiting to happen) former hooligan looking cunt stuffing a fry up with his vile Mrs sat next to him, various mentally unwell cunts wandering around looking lost and some cunts even the Jeremy Kyle show would reject. I have to say the food is fucking shite there as well, both bought and eaten in store. 

More reasons to shop at Morrisons the advert says, fuck that, I'm off to Lidl. 

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Depends where you are. I went to a morrisons in Saarf Laaandon a few years ago to wait for my car that was having its MOT and service and witnessed more or less the same as you did. The brekkie wasn't bad in all fairness. Last week I popped into the Morrison's a couple of miles outside my village and it was peopled by the 'Twin set and pearls' mob with Maggie Thatcher hair do and old geezers in trilby hats waiting for their missus do the shopping. It's got to a point where I can't remember what a black person looks like anymore.

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26 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

to wait for my car that was having its MOT

I can’t remember what a black person looks like anymore.

Two questions for you Gypps.

1. Did you need to MOT both cars when they spotted the cut and shut and different front and rear number plates?

2. Haven’t you seen an ITV advert or BBC program recently?

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55 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Two questions for you Gypps.

1. Did you need to MOT both cars when they spotted the cut and shut and different front and rear number plates?

2. Haven’t you seen an ITV advert or BBC program recently?

To answer your questions:

1. No

2. I turn off as soon as I see a black face. Hence, my TV is hardly on.

I'll report myself. 

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On 05/06/2023 at 14:41, camberwell gypsy said:

Depends where you are. I went to a morrisons in Saarf Laaandon a few years ago to wait for my car that was having its MOT and service and witnessed more or less the same as you did. The brekkie wasn't bad in all fairness. Last week I popped into the Morrison's a couple of miles outside my village and it was peopled by the 'Twin set and pearls' mob with Maggie Thatcher hair do and old geezers in trilby hats waiting for their missus do the shopping. It's got to a point where I can't remember what a black person looks like anymore.

I had you down as Waitrose regular CG, you know, as in nicking from there regularly? 

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  • 10 months later...

I made the mistake of going into this vile shit hole again, didn't I. Feeling a bit peckish and unable to resist chicken and ribs, due to my heritage, I went in, dodged the assortment of fat cunts, chavs, addicts, down and outs and spastics and headed to the hot food counter. As I'm waiting some drunk looking twat in fake The North Face tracksuit bottoms is swarming around said hot food counter, staring at shit he can't afford, lol. The lady working at the counter ignored the tramp and asked me what I wanted. After placing my order the cunt gets brave and says 'Did you nahht see me waiting here before ya' in an Irish accent... I thought he was @PANZER MURPHY so I thought I'd be nice and replied 'Yeah I see you and what the fuck are you going to do abaaaht it, you fucking prick'. The Paddy realises he might get a slap and tries to blame the woman serving saying... 'You caused this, I want to speak to the manager' blah, blah, blah. I left the stupid cunt bitching to a staff member. 

The morals of this story are... Dont get in the way of Raas and chicken and pork ribs, stay away from the Irish and always 'forget' to put something through the self checkout.

I got some free meatballs. Lol.



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33 minutes ago, and said:

Did you get the free sausage that goes between them? Lol lol Lol

You know what, and, on reflection I've be been a right cunt to you during my time here. Considering the Morrisons Meatballs are most likely not very good, how about I give them to my neighbours dog and let you know when the dogs shits out said meatballs? I doubt you have Eau de Meatball in your vast Dog shit collection, or am I wrong? Lol 

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4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I made the mistake of going into this vile shit hole again, didn't I. Feeling a bit peckish and unable to resist chicken and ribs, due to my heritage, I went in, dodged the assortment of fat cunts, chavs, addicts, down and outs and spastics and headed to the hot food counter. As I'm waiting some drunk looking twat in fake The North Face tracksuit bottoms is swarming around said hot food counter, staring at shit he can't afford, lol. The lady working at the counter ignored the tramp and asked me what I wanted. After placing my order the cunt gets brave and says 'Did you nahht see me waiting here before ya' in an Irish accent... I thought he was @PANZER MURPHY so I thought I'd be nice and replied 'Yeah I see you and what the fuck are you going to do abaaaht it, you fucking prick'. The Paddy realises he might get a slap and tries to blame the woman serving saying... 'You caused this, I want to speak to the manager' blah, blah, blah. I left the stupid cunt bitching to a staff member. 

The morals of this story are... Dont get in the way of Raas and chicken and pork ribs, stay away from the Irish and always 'forget' to put something through the self checkout.

I got some free meatballs. Lol.



I asked for a bacon roll in ASDAs cafe. She asked… “would you like butter in it?”

 Since when did that become an optional extra? I wasn’t in a venomous mood otherwise I would have asked if it was also available minus the bread roll and bacon too. This is the fault of millennials. They’re all fucking scared of everything… 





In fact the only thing they’re not scared of, is the one thing that is likely to kill them. Darkies.

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10 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I asked for a bacon roll in ASDAs cafe. She asked… “would you like butter in it?”

 Since when did that become an optional extra? I wasn’t in a venomous mood otherwise I would have asked if it was also available minus the bread roll and bacon too. This is the fault of millennials. They’re all fucking scared of everything… 





In fact the only thing they’re not scared of, is the one thing that is likely to kill them. Darkies.

Just make sure the cunts don't try and slip in that little green "V" they have on menus these days - it means you grow a vagina if you eat it.

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You know what, and, on reflection I've be been a right cunt to you during my time here. Considering the Morrisons Meatballs are most likely not very good, how about I give them to my neighbours dog and let you know when the dogs shits out said meatballs? I doubt you have Eau de Meatball in your vast Dog shit collection, or am I wrong? Lol 

Alternatively, leave me out of the equation.

I'm sure the meatball-dog-turd would go down well as an appetiser, before you feast on the sweetcorn encrusted human turds you usually find so irresistible. Lol lol lol

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2 minutes ago, and said:

Alternatively, leave me out of the equation.

Is that you asking me nicely to stop picking on you? I might consider it when you show some respect to the Windrush lot that fought in the war to save your lot. You ungrateful piece of shit. Whoops, I said shit, calm down, and. Lol. 

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I asked for a bacon roll in ASDAs cafe. She asked… “would you like butter in it?”

“Yes please, just butter and no bacon thanks”.

Fuck ASDA, George is a cunt.

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3 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Just make sure the cunts don't try and slip in that little green "V" they have on menus these days - it means you grow a vagina if you eat it.

Someone should let Pen know.

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Guest entitled little cunt

Asda is worse I reckon. Shit everywhere ,they always look like they've been looted .The food is fucking horrible. Everything is laced with  tons of  sugar.The customers are mostly menacing , tattooed ,foul mouthed vermin  overweight chavs with tombstone teeth  , the males are even worse .

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On 12/04/2024 at 23:12, entitled little cunt said:

Asda is worse I reckon. Shit everywhere ,they always look like they've been looted .The food is fucking horrible. Everything is laced with  tons of  sugar.The customers are mostly menacing , tattooed ,foul mouthed vermin  overweight chavs with tombstone teeth  , the males are even worse .

Shut up you cunt. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
38 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Shut up you cunt. 

You're not making the most your o'level English .I'm surprised you can even sign your tenancy agreement .

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Guest entitled little cunt
On 05/06/2023 at 16:16, camberwell gypsy said:

To answer your questions:

1. No

2. I turn off as soon as I see a black face. Hence, my TV is hardly on.

I'll report myself. 

You must be replacing your remote batteries every 2 days . I'm going to black up before it's made compulsory. Be ahead of the curve .

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

You must be replacing your remote batteries every 2 days . I'm going to black up before it's made compulsory. Be ahead of the curve .

This site is at it's limit with soul brothers without a fucking black and white minstrel to add to the mix. OCR and Eddie won't be happy. 

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5 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

You're not making the most your o'level English .I'm surprised you can even sign your tenancy agreement .

Blimey, elc... I think I may have picked the wrong fight here. If you keep firing these heavyweight retorts at me, I'll be on the ropes later this evening. Anyways, I was wondering how you are able to run your own business, be on here all day, every day making a cunt of yourself whilst clearly being a thick spastic who can't even write a proper sentence. Lol. 

PS. I am 140 years old and I knew you're Grandad and I still speak with him from time to time. He told me to tell you he thinks you've let the family down and that you're a fucking idiot. 

What do you want me to tell him?




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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Blimey, elc... I think I may have picked the wrong fight here. If you keep firing these heavyweight retorts at me, I'll be on the ropes later this evening. Anyways, I was wondering how you are able to run your own business, be on here all day, every day making a cunt of yourself whilst clearly being a thick spastic who can't even write a proper sentence. Lol. 

PS. I am 140 years old and I knew you're Grandad and I still speak with him from time to time. He told me to tell you he thinks you've let the family down and that you're a fucking idiot. 

What do you want me to tell him?




This bloke’s a class one spunkbubble, Raaso. I can’t be doing with the talentless try-too-hard bellwipe.

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Blimey, elc... I think I may have picked the wrong fight here. If you keep firing these heavyweight retorts at me, I'll be on the ropes later this evening. Anyways, I was wondering how you are able to run your own business, be on here all day, every day making a cunt of yourself whilst clearly being a thick spastic who can't even write a proper sentence. Lol. 

PS. I am 140 years old and I knew you're Grandad and I still speak with him from time to time. He told me to tell you he thinks you've let the family down and that you're a fucking idiot. 

What do you want me to tell him?




Firstly tell him Operation Barbarossa was a fucking stupid idea .Any idiot could have seen the weather was going to change and the reds would always win a war of attrition.Also tell him his bird was quite hot , especially in those Baverian outfits , I can see why the old cunt was keen.

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