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BBC Africa Cup of nations

Guest entitled little cunt

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Guest entitled little cunt

How wonderful of the BBC  to spend millions televising  African football live .I'm sure millions around the country will be glued to the TV watching  this televisual feast of sporting prowess .Sending BBC  personal  on a jolly to the ivory Coast for the next month to guide us through the upcoming orgy of football magic really does display foresight worthy of praise .I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels safe in the knowledge that my  180 quid of licence fee is well spent. I'm certain the 4 viewers residing in  Tower Hamlets  are beside themselves pride .Once again , thankyou BBC for a marvelous use of taxpayers  money. 

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1 hour ago, entitled little cunt said:

How wonderful of the BBC  to spend millions televising  African football live .I'm sure millions around the country will be glued to the TV watching  this televisual feast of sporting prowess .Sending BBC  personal  on a jolly to the ivory Coast for the next month to guide us through the upcoming orgy of football magic really does display foresight worthy of praise .I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels safe in the knowledge that my  180 quid of licence fee is well spent. I'm certain the 4 viewers residing in  Tower Hamlets  are beside themselves pride .Once again , thankyou BBC for a marvelous use of taxpayers  money. 

Buying a TV licence is for gaylords, pooftas and nancy boys. And benders.

and homos.

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Guest entitled little cunt
7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Buying a TV licence is for gaylords, pooftas and nancy boys. And benders.

and homos.

How do you deal with the goons who  knock on the door asking what I do in my spare time  , what are the legalities?.Can I pour a saucepan of boiling oil onto his head from an upstairs window?.I was thinking of digging  a pit and placing sharpened sticks in the bottom of it vietcong style, what about a man trap , the type used to  teach poachers a lesson in Agatha Christie  novels. When its clamped around his ankle , the teeth of the trap piercing his  flesh  simply get a shovel and wrap it around the cunts head .It does all seem a bit extreme but what fun.It would be ridding the  world of a  nuisance so justifiable surely .

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2 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

How do you deal with the goons who  knock on the door asking what I do in my spare time  , what are the legalities?.Can I pour a saucepan of boiling oil onto his head from an upstairs window?.I was thinking of digging  a pit and placing sharpened sticks in the bottom of it vietcong style, what about a man trap , the type used to  teach poachers a lesson in Agatha Christie  novels. When its clamped around his ankle , the teeth of the trap piercing his  flesh  simply get a shovel and wrap it around the cunts head .It does all seem a bit extreme but what fun.It would be ridding the  world of a  nuisance so justifiable surely .

Fucked if I know. Most members on here are trying to work out how to deal with you. Stupid verbose little cunt.

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Guest entitled little cunt
4 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Fucked if I know. Most members on here are trying to work out how to deal with you. Stupid verbose little cunt.

Verbose , that's a good word. Well done.

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8 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

How do you deal with the goons who  knock on the door asking what I do in my spare time  , what are the legalities?.Can I pour a saucepan of boiling oil onto his head from an upstairs window?.I was thinking of digging  a pit and placing sharpened sticks in the bottom of it vietcong style, what about a man trap , the type used to  teach poachers a lesson in Agatha Christie  novels. When its clamped around his ankle , the teeth of the trap piercing his  flesh  simply get a shovel and wrap it around the cunts head .It does all seem a bit extreme but what fun.It would be ridding the  world of a  nuisance so justifiable surely .

Flick him in the Adam’s apple with the edge of your hand and tell him to mind his own fucking business. You need to be firm with these cunts or they smell weakness.

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Guest entitled little cunt
17 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Flick him in the Adam’s apple with the edge of your hand and tell him to mind his own fucking business. You need to be firm with these cunts or they smell weakness.

I did tell him to fuck off and he pointed his camera thing at me so I told him to fuck off again.No doubt the beak will want to bang me up but let an illegal run around free to rape and pillage .

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18 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Buying a TV licence is for gaylords, pooftas and nancy boys. And benders.

and homos.

Queers, shirt-lifters, uphill gardeners, rent boys, footballers, faggots, friends of Dorothy, pillow biters, Guardian readers etc.

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11 hours ago, entitled little cunt said:

How do you deal with the goons who  knock on the door asking what I do in my spare time  , what are the legalities?.Can I pour a saucepan of boiling oil onto his head from an upstairs window?.I was thinking of digging  a pit and placing sharpened sticks in the bottom of it vietcong style, what about a man trap , the type used to  teach poachers a lesson in Agatha Christie  novels. When its clamped around his ankle , the teeth of the trap piercing his  flesh  simply get a shovel and wrap it around the cunts head .It does all seem a bit extreme but what fun.It would be ridding the  world of a  nuisance so justifiable surely .

Say "No thank-you." and close the door; they have no more powers than the Mormons or the Jehovah's Witnesses, both of whom claim to represent an authority even higher than th BBC.

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19 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Buying a TV licence is for gaylords, pooftas and nancy boys. And benders.

and homos.

I spent most of my life defending the Licence and the BBC as the last bastion of quality in broadcasting but by last year I could no longer do it. A glimpse at the BBC archive shows us how much we have lost. Even while I supported it I always detested the "other"  uses it has been put to and its character as a public school Oxbridge same old same old... 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 hour ago, ChildeHarold said:

I spent most of my life defending the Licence and the BBC as the last bastion of quality in broadcasting but by last year I could no longer do it. A glimpse at the BBC archive shows us how much we have lost. Even while I supported it I always detested the "other"  uses it has been put to and its character as a public school Oxbridge same old same old... 

It's biased, antisemitic and radicalised. A more rounded opinion can be gained at the local mosque than in the corridors of broadcasting House. The BBC insults British history.

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Say "No thank-you." and close the door; they have no more powers than the Mormons or the Jehovah's Witnesses, both of whom claim to represent an authority even higher than th BBC.

What if jehova witnesses are right , I'm well fucked .I wont be finding salvation,  I'll be in hell with all the dirty sluts, slags , booze,  fags  and everything thing else that's a sin.Actually it doesn't sound too bad  after all.

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36 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I'll be in hell with all the dirty sluts, slags ,

You can't be sure of that. You could hedge your bets on your death bed & confess to some depraved old priest while he tries to force his phallus  version of the Bible down your throat. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
13 hours ago, Greg said:

You can't be sure of that. You could hedge your bets on your death bed & confess to some depraved old priest while he tries to force his phallus  version of the Bible down your throat. 

The velvet clad types in the higher echelons  of most faiths or cults (depending on personal opinion)  prefer their meat rather more tender .Fucking misogynistic pervy cunts the lot of em.To see gays fawning around religion being thankful they're now blessed makes me raise an eyebrow considering those doing the blessing have spent the past 500 years burning them at the stake .Fucking idiots .

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13 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

The velvet clad types in the higher echelons  of most faiths or cults (depending on personal opinion)  prefer their meat rather more tender .Fucking misogynistic pervy cunts the lot of em.To see gays fawning around religion being thankful they're now blessed makes me raise an eyebrow considering those doing the blessing have spent the past 500 years burning them at the stake .Fucking idiots .

It's almost as if the Bible/Koran/Talmud wasn't the actual literal word of God at all, but rather a total fiction written by the pig-ignorant savages which reflected all the prejudices and biases of the time. 

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16 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's almost as if the Bible/Koran/Talmud wasn't the actual literal word of God at all, but rather a total fiction written by the pig-ignorant savages which reflected all the prejudices and biases of the time. 


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6 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

It's almost as if the Bible/Koran/Talmud wasn't the actual literal word of God at all

I've read all three, in English. Why I did this years ago is unclear to me now. If you're looking for sex/violence the Old Testament & Talmud (the core of the Talmud is from the Torah, which is the first 5 books of the Old Testament) are pretty good. The Koran is more like when you go inside for the first time & a screw gives you a list of things not to do; oddly, the Koran has lots of positive references about Jews, & Jesus, whom it claims was actually a proto-Muslim who wore an explosive device in his underpants.

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2 hours ago, Greg said:

I've read all three, in English. Why I did this years ago is unclear to me now. If you're looking for sex/violence the Old Testament & Talmud (the core of the Talmud is from the Torah, which is the first 5 books of the Old Testament) are pretty good. The Koran is more like when you go inside for the first time & a screw gives you a list of things not to do; oddly, the Koran has lots of positive references about Jews, & Jesus, whom it claims was actually a proto-Muslim who wore an explosive device in his underpants.

How fucking enlightening…twat.

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3 hours ago, Greg said:

I've read all three, in English. Why I did this years ago is unclear to me now. If you're looking for sex/violence the Old Testament & Talmud (the core of the Talmud is from the Torah, which is the first 5 books of the Old Testament) are pretty good. The Koran is more like when you go inside for the first time & a screw gives you a list of things not to do; oddly, the Koran has lots of positive references about Jews, & Jesus, whom it claims was actually a proto-Muslim who wore an explosive device in his underpants.

Greg, nevermind this blasphemous shite. I'm glad you seem to have learned your lesson and stopped with the accusations against @ChildeHarold that saw you coolered. He made you look a right cunt and now you're back, behaving yourself. 

Dont make any more mistakes, do you understand?

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