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First nationalist first minister for Norn Iron

Guest Basil

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Guest Basil

An Irish republican is now the first minister in Stormont. I wonder what the odds are now on a united Ireland?

On the potential of such: I must say, as a born and bred, fry up loving, working class brit, I couldnt give a rats arse. That province is an absolute drain on the mainland resources, all because a load of inbred Scottish animals don't fancy taking a 30 minute ferry and setting up back home.

When are the populace of Ulster, both Catholic and Protestant, going to realise nobody in mainland Britain actually cares what happens to their rubbish tip.

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5 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

Totally agree.

The fuckers tried to overturn the Labour Govt inder Wilson with the CIA and slitty eyed Mountbatten involved because Wilson would not send Britain into Vietnam (he saw what Korea did to this country) Wilson was the last genune Labour leader. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
Just now, Wolfie said:

She looks like the kind of brute who takes a dump with the toilet door wide open, much like our own @camberwell gypsy


Just now, Wolfie said:

She looks like the kind of brute who takes a dump with the toilet door wide open, much like our own @camberwell gypsy

Is it the peroxide blonde one we're  on about. She has a certain je ne sais quoi.I would check under the bed to make sure there's no semtex.Old habits die hard.

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Guest entitled little cunt
30 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Anything that looks like Baroness Dominatrix Mone gives you a cock stand. No fucking principles. Not even Victoria Principal is safe. 

I think you're right .I must have been torn from the mothers breast too early  hence I am forever subservient to the strong female .( with big tits).I would quite happily raid old moaners  bank account and do away with that fat cunt of a husband of hers .I have a feeling she would agree in a Basil rathbone sherlock Holmes female protagonist  kind of way .

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13 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

I think you're right .I must have been torn from the mothers breast too early  hence I am forever subservient to the strong female .( with big tits).I would quite happily raid old moaners  bank account and do away with that fat cunt of a husband of hers .I have a feeling she would agree in a Basil rathbone sherlock Holmes female protagonist  kind of way .

I'm trying to think of that actress's name as I looked her up, quite a stunner. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
31 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

I'm trying to think of that actress's name as I looked her up, quite a stunner. 

Eve Amber was in the woman in Green   she was gorgeous .Old Rathbone knew a fine looking filly whe he saw one so most female leads were stunning .He was a very talented  fencer , an excellent actor and still the best Sherlock Holmes .That imposter Benjamin Cumbersnatch is just an embarrassment. His mum was a very nice looking lady though , especially in her UFO days .

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53 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Calling @King Billyto the main board! So you will. 

After reading the uninformed and mostly illiterate ramblings of the cunts who’ve commented on this nom so far, I’ve decided not to take part for the time being, as I don’t think any of the participating fucking retards would learn anything  from my thoughts or opinions on the matter (that’s if I even gave a fuck enough to have any).

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8 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Eve Amber was in the woman in Green   she was gorgeous .Old Rathbone knew a fine looking filly whe he saw one so most female leads were stunning .He was a very talented  fencer , an excellent actor and still the best Sherlock Holmes .That imposter Benjamin Cumbersnatch is just an embarrassment. His mum was a very nice looking lady though , especially in her UFO days .

I quite fancy Mary Gordon as Mrs Hudson. You never see Mr Hudson. 

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Guest entitled little cunt
1 minute ago, King Billy said:

After reading the uninformed and mostly illiterate ramblings of the cunts who’ve commented on this nom so far, I’ve decided not to take part for the time being, as I don’t think any of the participating fucking retards would learn anything  from my thoughts or opinions on the matter (that’s if I even gave a fuck enough to have any).

Nothing ventured , nothing gained .Inspire us with you wisdom.How is it possible  to  educate with silence ?,Please,  allow us to bathe in the sun like  rays of your learnings .

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12 minutes ago, King Billy said:

After reading the uninformed and mostly illiterate ramblings of the cunts who’ve commented on this nom so far, I’ve decided not to take part for the time being, as I don’t think any of the participating fucking retards would learn anything  from my thoughts or opinions on the matter (that’s if I even gave a fuck enough to have any).

God bless Michael Stone 

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9 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

Nothing ventured , nothing gained .Inspire us with you wisdom.How is it possible  to  educate with silence ?,Please,  allow us to bathe in the sun like  rays of your learnings .

The pro Palestinian protesters who  parade in London every weekend have promised to protest"as long as it takes" .. doubtless both sides in Ireland will do the same an all an all.

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Guest entitled little cunt
2 minutes ago, Penny Farthing said:

The pro Palestinian protesters who  parade in London every weekend have promised to protest"as long as it takes" .. doubtless both sides in Ireland will do the same an all an all.

As long as it takes to achieve what exactly ? The eniliation  of the only Pro  west country in the Middle East ? After which the emergence of an emboldened muddle east super power who hate the west , who hate any person who doesn't believe in their brand of cult , who wants to kill any other who doesn't agree with their rather odd , out moded ,  medieval,  sexist , homophobic,  misogynistic peodo's  paradise of a belief system.good luck with that one,  I think they'll be waiting a long time .

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4 minutes ago, entitled little cunt said:

As long as it takes to achieve what exactly ? The eniliation  of the only Pro  west country in the Middle East ? After which the emergence of an emboldened muddle east super power who hate the west , who hate any person who doesn't believe in their brand of cult , who wants to kill any other who doesn't agree with their rather odd , out moded ,  medieval,  sexist , homophobic,  misogynistic peodo's  paradise of a belief system.good luck with that one,  I think they'll be waiting a long time .

The thing is we take our sovereignty and national identity very seriously so much so that we felt threatened enough about the EU we left it. The Tories seem to be against any international instiution or collective agreement to which this country is a signatory that restricts our freedom of action. 

By the same token you have to allow the Palestinians their own country and full independence and the same for Iran to carry on their own path. Let's face it. What the fuck gives the USA the right to station troops in another country?  They should fuck off back to their own borders and sort out their own problems. A laughable Presidential race. Escalating gun crime. Massive Latino illegal immigration. Social exclusiin, inequality and a drug taking epidemic. 

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