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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Good morning, Frank. I see that you're yet again threatening to come up with some new material As you insist on banging on about the same old shit, let me repeat what I've told you before. If it's more of your Alexei Sayle, time warp John's got a new motor shit, you can shove it up your fucking arse. Idiot.
  2. I remember it fondly. It goes without saying that you are without doubt, the most disgusting, duplicitous, absolute fucking weasel I've ever had the misfortune to know. And that's why I love you.
  3. Shut you stupid cunt face, you absolute fucking bellend. You're like the human equivalent of tinnitus, an endless, unintelligible, repetitive fucking drone. Take your spastic waterlogged head and shove it in your fucking oven.
  4. Some say that Traven is mis-using the power of the Arch-Mage's position to further his personal agendas.
  5. @Joker I'm disgusted with this story. Your missus is out of control, put a fucking leash on her. Lol.
  6. Decimus

    Comic Relief 2021

    Good morning, brobdingnagian dick.
  7. Decimus

    Comic Relief 2021

    You'd love it if I was of Weimaraner stock. You really are a degenerate pervert, even when replying to accusations of dog bothering, your subconscious can't help but bring pooches into it. Filthy fucking cunt.
  8. Decimus

    Comic Relief 2021

    Frank did his bit. He blacked up and played an uncannily convincing background extra when Lenny Henry visited a Somalian famine camp.
  9. In the scenario that I was an absolutely despised, freak of fucking nature, a complete beast fucking cunt, I'd lay low on here or fuck off entirely. Yet here you are. Bold as fucking brass as if nothing ever happened. You're finished here, fuck off and don't come back, you sick fucking pervert.
  10. Not Clive Lewis. I've met the cunt, and his life matters not a jot to me. I'd happily shove his malteser head under your mobility scooter's wheels whilst you reversed over it, pissed out of your fucking nut and singing 'Black Betty'.
  11. Decimus

    Comic Relief 2021

    First dogs and now frogs, are there no limits to your fucking degeneracy? Sinister creep.
  12. Frank, you're like the star striker of a 1980s school football team who turns up thirty years later to a reunion still blowing his own rusty trumpet. Nobody gives a fuck about the bicycle kick goal you scored against Greenwich St Martin's College B team in a reserve match in 1986. Similarly, nobody cares about some stupid fucking video you posted on here nearly five years ago. Get fucked.
  13. I quite enjoyed 'Children of Men', which this daft cunt has obviously read/watched far too many times. Saying that, if you compare the 94 year old Pen's cock with most twenty year old males, "she's" got at least half a foot on them. Shanna might be on to something. Lol. Fuck off.
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