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Henry Cole


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I have recently discovered this bastard on the Travel Channel fronting a pile of shit called "Great Motorcycle Journeys of The World." The cunt travels all over the world for fuck all. He gets his bikes loaned by manufacturers (usually KTM or BMW because they are shit) and his hotel rooms are free as long as he gives them a big plug and says they are "great value for money." All he pays for is his petrol and the cameraman's car. The wanker never has a breakdown or a puncture, doesn't carry any luggage, never gets stopped by the coppers, has never slept in a tent or on a bench in a layby, nobody has ever tried to mug him or fuck about with his bike, he has never had a shit at the side of the road and nobody has ever called him "Englander Schwein" or "Limey Cocksucker". If this poof went on a real motorcycle tour he would shit his leather strides and cry like a girl. I hate this nancyboy because (a) he is a smug ponce (b)he wears his glasses on top of his head, the sure sign of a wanker © i don't like his poncy beard (d) every bike he rides is a "nice bit of kit"(e) why didn't i think of this fucking scam? He is a cunt and that's an end of it.

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On 12/03/2024 at 15:14, Stuart said:

Totally agree there is no bigger cunt than henry cole, someone needs to slap him square in the jaw

Fucking annoying 


Stu, he’s come a long way since the OP posted this almost ten years ago. What on earth has he done now!?

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