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Cunts who are against public urination.

Guest Keith Lard

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Guest Keith Lard

In Hamburg, St. Pauli's Community of Interest initiated an action where frequented walls in their neighbourhood were sprayed with a superhydrophobic coating. This coating is so water-repellent that urine splashes right back. By doing so, we want to stop those who pee wherever they please. This is fucking bullshit! Where am I supposed to piss after drinking ten bottles of Brothers Cider and then getting kicked out the night club for frotting?


Edited by BronyKeith
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Have you considered supersize Tena for men, keith? No need to even whip your cock out, just drain away to your hearts content. And no arrest for indecent exposure!!

​I once pissed in a postbox when very drunk. I don't know if that helps at all?

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Phone boxes were always the pissoir of choice way back when.

Judged by the number of prostitutes advertising cards there were knocking around in these places, you'd have to assume human urine was some kind of aphrodisiac - a theory underlined by the volume, depravity and creativity of homosexual graffiti found, where? Yup scrawled all over the walls in blokes toilets!


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Interesting Brony loitering in St Pauli. Naturally, he wasn't in this old sailor prossie supply catchment area looking at ships, was he? This business of visa-free travel has to stop, otherwise other nations will bill us for damage caused by serial pervs in their countries. Fucking Brony in Hamburg. You might as well get Saville Sausage to look after your kids. Fuck.

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Guest DingTheRioja

​I once pissed in a postbox when very drunk. I don't know if that helps at all?

​I'd be more impressed if Camberwell did that...


I wish I'd known gyppo when I was younger. I like a bit of class, plus she'd have saved me a fortune in rohypnol.

​Depends how  much she drank, could be more expensive...


On the plus side, HGV drivers can still legally piss on the side of the road, so long as they have are touching the lorry...

In France I beleive it's every Frenchmans legal right to piss on the side of the street, no matter where, at least from what I've seen whilest travelling extensively round France that it...

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Why don't they set up some simple toilet cubicles in the street ffs. So at least the piss can drain away to somewhere that doesn't involve puddling and festering in the street.  They welcome all the tourist money and encourage drinking of litre's of over priced crap beer but won't invest in basic infrastructure.  Oh no, that would be far too sensible.

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Guest nobgobbler

I once pissed in a McDonalds cup in the back of our van, then opened the side door and poured it down the gutter. Cringeworthy cunt I am at times.

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Guest DingTheRioja

I once worked with a load of young roofers and they would shit in a macdonald's burger box and leave it laying around to see if some cunt would open it. And they would wipe their arses with cement bags I kid you not.

Ring o Fire..!!

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Guest Snatch

Why don't they set up some simple toilet cubicles in the street ffs. So at least the piss can drain away to somewhere that doesn't involve puddling and festering in the street.  They welcome all the tourist money and encourage drinking of litre's of over priced crap beer but won't invest in basic infrastructure.  Oh no, that would be far too sensible.

Building public toilets/cubicles would only welcome graffiti and vandalism from mindless cunts,therefore costing more money for cleaning and repairs.

​It would be simpler if the cunts pissed in the toilets supplied in the pubs/clubs where they drank the fucking liquid in the first place.


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I am sure that PC Plod would look the other way if they saw somebody urinating in the gutter............................................................................. as long as it was over your rotting corpse Bronski.

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​Alkaline burns to the ringer must be a bastard

​Not as bad as you would imagine (although I do not have personal experience) Unlike acid burns, alkaline burns destroy the nerve fibres first and therefore you don't actually feel the cement burn until it is too late.


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​Yes, correct. most construction workers who suffer alkaline burns normally present to A&E 3 or 4 days after the injury. Even at this time their skin and soft tissues are still being damaged. Usually it is the reddening of the skin that causes them to seek help and not pain.

How would they spot reddening of the skin around their arses? Mirrors??

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Guest DingTheRioja

The video return slot at Blockbusters for me. I found it more accommodating for the larger gentleman. 

​Been a while since you took a piss has it?

How would they spot reddening of the skin around their arses? Mirrors??

G​o listen to Uncle Nobby by the Macc Ladds, might help..

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Guest Lady Penelope

I once went to a garden party where the "squat" was behind a wall and consisted of a stack of bricks with with a gap in the middle and a toilet seat placed on top.


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