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cunts that are not voting ukip


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I certainly won't be voting UKIP I'm afraid, Jizzer old boy. I don't buy into the hysterical liberal hand wringing arguement that any talk of tighter immigration controls is racist. That's certainly not the case. But I do object to some of the more fringe nutters that UKIP seems to attract. That popeyed fat bastard Nick Griffin, although not a member, is encouraging his fanboys to vote for them. And unfortunately, some on the extreme right appear to be gravitating towards them due to not having any meaningful or relevant party to represent their views. My worry is that with an expanding membership of racist wankers, some of their more sensible policies could take on an even more extreme edge due to internal party pressure. Not that any of you cunts care, but I'll be voting Tory for the first time ever. Never thought I would do it, but Labour offers no alternative in Milliband, the man is a blithering fucking idiot-no coherent policies, just reactive pandering to the masses who are jealous of anyone with wealth or success.

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I certainly won't be voting UKIP I'm afraid, Jizzer old boy. I don't buy into the hysterical liberal hand wringing arguement that any talk of tighter immigration controls is racist. That's certainly not the case. But I do object to some of the more fringe nutters that UKIP seems to attract. That popeyed fat bastard Nick Griffin, although not a member, is encouraging his fanboys to vote for them. And unfortunately, some on the extreme right appear to be gravitating towards them due to not having any meaningful or relevant party to represent their views. My worry is that with an expanding membership of racist wankers, some of their more sensible policies could take on an even more extreme edge due to internal party pressure. Not that any of you cunts care, but I'll be voting Tory for the first time ever. Never thought I would do it, but Labour offers no alternative in Milliband, the man is a blithering fucking idiot-no coherent policies, just reactive pandering to the masses who are jealous of anyone with wealth or success.

​Their appearance on the political scene has occurred purely because of the major parties traditional stance of ignoring the proles. I suspect they might enjoy a bit of success in the election. That'll put the cat among the tory voting pigeons.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Milibean claims he wants to become "Britain's first Jewish prime minister." Now, I might vote for a useless, lisping fuckwit, but I wouldn't vote for one who hasn't heard of Disraeli. 

​Shows how much the career cunt politician knows about the country he wants to represent... back-stabbing fuckwit....


There are a few elements of 'Our Nige' to endear himself to a lot of the normal UK population, not least our inherent distrust of anything foreign, and he can pull the "I'm not racist card" cos of his Missus (german, not a race but fuckit we've had a couple of spats with them..).. but the biggest plus is describing Robert Kilroy Silk as a "vain, orange baboon"...

...and he is a much better alternative to that fucking Turgid who wants to blackmail England for her own political ambitions of leading a "proper country" and fuck the consequences...

The Scots said "no", but that isn't the answer the cunting politicos wanted, so they are going to force it against the will of the people by backstabbing, blackmailing and fucking everyone up...

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​Shows how much the career cunt politician knows about the country he wants to represent... back-stabbing fuckwit....


There are a few elements of 'Our Nige' to endear himself to a lot of the normal UK population, not least our inherent distrust of anything foreign, and he can pull the "I'm not racist card" cos of his Missus (german, not a race but fuckit we've had a couple of spats with them..).. but the biggest plus is describing Robert Kilroy Silk as a "vain, orange baboon"...

...and he is a much better alternative to that fucking Turgid who wants to blackmail England for her own political ambitions of leading a "proper country" and fuck the consequences...

The Scots said "no", but that isn't the answer the cunting politicos wanted, so they are going to force it against the will of the people by backstabbing, blackmailing and fucking everyone up...

​Ah yes... t'was ever thus.

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I certainly won't be voting UKIP I'm afraid, Jizzer old boy. I don't buy into the hysterical liberal hand wringing arguement that any talk of tighter immigration controls is racist. That's certainly not the case. But I do object to some of the more fringe nutters that UKIP seems to attract. That popeyed fat bastard Nick Griffin, although not a member, is encouraging his fanboys to vote for them. And unfortunately, some on the extreme right appear to be gravitating towards them due to not having any meaningful or relevant party to represent their views. My worry is that with an expanding membership of racist wankers, some of their more sensible policies could take on an even more extreme edge due to internal party pressure. Not that any of you cunts care, but I'll be voting Tory for the first time ever. Never thought I would do it, but Labour offers no alternative in Milliband, the man is a blithering fucking idiot-no coherent policies, just reactive pandering to the masses who are jealous of anyone with wealth or success.

It's a fair point regarding ukip attracting the far right , however nigel can't be blamed. Obviously with controlled immigration being a key issue the far right will get a chubby and naturally gravitate towards ukip. Thus is a shame for ukip as the media can then jump all over it, find a headbanger in the street to interview and the party is made to look right of Hitler. 

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Guest Bill Stickers

I agree that labeling UKIP as racist just because they discuss some valid immigration issues is a cuntish thing to do. I attended an EDL rally to observe the other day however and that was a whole other kettle of cunts.

However, UKIP have various other more ludicrous policies. Do you believe global warming is a myth?

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I agree that labeling UKIP as racist just because they discuss some valid immigration issues is a cuntish thing to do. I attended an EDL rally to observe the other day however and that was a whole other kettle of cunts.

However, UKIP have various other more ludicrous policies. Do you believe global warming is a myth?

​I was there... did you see me on the stage with my tooth brush moustache and brown shirt. 

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The leader of the Monster Raving Loony Party was lamenting the fact yesterday, in all seriousness, that they appeared to be losing votes to UKIP.

At least, I think he was being serious - it's hard to tell.

​It certainly made I larf!!!!! I fancy going for a couple of pints.... maybe later.

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​Shows how much the career cunt politician knows about the country he wants to represent... back-stabbing fuckwit....


There are a few elements of 'Our Nige' to endear himself to a lot of the normal UK population, not least our inherent distrust of anything foreign, and he can pull the "I'm not racist card" cos of his Missus (german, not a race but fuckit we've had a couple of spats with them..).. but the biggest plus is describing Robert Kilroy Silk as a "vain, orange baboon"...

...and he is a much better alternative to that fucking Turgid who wants to blackmail England for her own political ambitions of leading a "proper country" and fuck the consequences...

The Scots said "no", but that isn't the answer the cunting politicos wanted, so they are going to force it against the will of the people by backstabbing, blackmailing and fucking everyone up...

I hadn't heard that farage quote about kilroy silk, when was that?? 

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Guest DingTheRioja

I hadn't heard that farage quote about kilroy silk, when was that?? 

​Can't remember exactly, but it was when kilroy left UKIP to start his own party.. he left under a bit of a cloud iirc...

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Guest Gong Farmer

I find it ironic that the average knuckle dragging Daily Mail reader intends to vote UKIP when the paper it's self does nothing but berate and attack UKIP and Farrage for it's own ends. Ironic also is that they intend to vote UKIP after reading the utter shit the DM spews forth on a daily basis.

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Guest Alfie Noakes

We really should campaign for a "none of the above" box on the paper that would be better than a spoiled paper as it would get the numbers of people not being properly represented on record.


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Guest Alfie Noakes

Then, oh large one, never EVER whinge about anything that happens during your interaction with society. If they stop your DLA, do not moan.

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