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Those cunts at Viz didn't print my letter so I'll air the fucker on here. Cunts.


Why is it that when I drop my guts in the kitchen it stinks the room out for five minutes or so, yet when I have a shit - bearing in mind the turd is only airborne for an average 0.85 of a second - I manage to stink out the bathroom for the rest of the morning?


It's not going to win a Gold Dagger award but considering some of the bollocks they do print it has taken the wind out of my sails. (but not the bathroom)

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"FPiss up a rope, fuckstick!

'Fucksticks" is one of my favourite songs. Viz was good but has lost the plot. Not much in that type of vein any more. Maybe the odd seconds of Family Guy.

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Guest DingTheRioja

Franks summer house? i.e. a bin at Alton towers full of leftover ice creams and cans of coke? The fuckers positively swarm around it.

I went last year, but Frank was in France, i.e. Broadmoor.

Did he get promotion?

Being a catholic gypsy I doubt I'd be allowed in.


Practising or lapsed?

I need to know for my next order of, er, sweetners... ahem...

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Guest DingTheRioja

You'd have to explain that one. Fraid its gone over my curly head

Sorry, it's an extremely bad reference to roofies, can't remember which programme or film I heard it on...

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