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Driving in this fucking country

Guest MikeD

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Guest Gong Farmer

You'd feel like a foreigner in your own country,believe me.

I know. I was last time I was in the UK was around three ago visiting family in London, Berkhamstead and Aylesbury. As soon as I got off the plane at Luton airport I was confronted by a customs official that could barely string a coherent sentence together in English, some Eastern European cunt checking my passport to see if I allowed in. You couldn't make it up.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

I've tried driving in Amsterdam. What a fucking chore that is. Not only have you got to dodge the other Johnny Foreigners that are stupid enough to bring a car into the centre but you have the trams and the high as a kite yokels on pushbikes as you avoid driving into the canal because you've been distracted by another window display. The M25 is a doddle.

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Guest DingTheRioja

... because you've been distracted by another window display. ....

So why take a car into the centre of an ancient and beautiful city with many arresting and alluring 'tourist attractions'..?

I'll be fucked if I'm going to Dam and having my licence even in the same fucking country.....

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Hey, Slickers you arse. Did I tell you I have got a bike. As I ride down Gasworks Street past the Whippet Farm, I can see Tripe Colony in the distance. I then often dismount, cast my gaze over the Cotton Mills and the Flat Cap assembly plant and think," I wish I was as clever as that Bill-Stickers bloke. He seems like a gradely chap" Then reality reasserts itself and I remember you are really nothing but an online bully who has no friends, no life, and I hope you get invited to a Michael Barrymore pool party. Hail Stickers, King of Cunts. Now what was this thread about?

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Hey, Slickers you arse. Did I tell you I have got a bike. As I ride down Gasworks Street past the Whippet Farm, I can see Tripe Colony in the distance. I then often dismount, cast my gaze over the Cotton Mills and the Flat Cap assembly plant and think," I wish I was as clever as that Bill-Stickers bloke. He seems like a gradely chap" Then reality reasserts itself and I remember you are really nothing but an online bully who has no friends, no life, and I hope you get invited to a Michael Barrymore pool party. Hail Stickers, King of Cunts. Now what was this thread about?

Is the black pudding factory still there? You know, the one next to the clog shop.

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Is the black pudding factory still there? You know, the one next to the clog shop.

I enjoy the sterotypes of the place which, unfortunately are now very far from the reality of my home city. All the industry has gone and the local youth are identical to those everywhere else. The estate dialect is ugly, is in the Gallagher brothers accents. It is an interesting place with lots of history, some good and some bad. Despite everything, I have on intention of ever leaving and consider everywhere else to be shit and even fuller of cunts.

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I enjoy the sterotypes of the place which, unfortunately are now very far from the reality of my home city. All the industry has gone and the local youth are identical to those everywhere else. The estate dialect is ugly, is in the Gallagher brothers accents. It is an interesting place with lots of history, some good and some bad. Despite everything, I have on intention of ever leaving and consider everywhere else to be shit and even fuller of cunts.

I hate stereotyping. So I just ignore it and get on with my life of selling lucky heather, telling fortunes, cursing people, dancing barefoot with a tambourine and fencing nicked lead

Edited by camberwell gypsy
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I hate stereotyping. So I just ignore it and get on with my life of selling lucky heather, telling fortunes, cursing people, dancing barefoot with a tambourine and fencing nicked lead


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Guest Bill Stickers

I enjoy the sterotypes of the place which, unfortunately are now very far from the reality of my home city. All the industry has gone and the local youth are identical to those everywhere else. The estate dialect is ugly, is in the Gallagher brothers accents. It is an interesting place with lots of history, some good and some bad. Despite everything, I have on intention of ever leaving and consider everywhere else to be shit and even fuller of cunts.

The repeated assertion that people on this site bully others is nothing short of pathetic.

How the fuck do you cunts function in life if you let people 'bully' you on a site called Cunts Corner? 

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The repeated assertion that people on this site bully others is nothing short of pathetic.

How the fuck do you cunts function in life if you let people 'bully' you on a site called Cunts Corner? 

I like this site because of cunts like you having a go. It is the other poor little souls I am worried about. Did I tell you I've got a bike ?

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"You're a cunt, no you're a cunt", because that's what it usually amounts to, is hardly hard-core bullying.

If you don't like what's being said then don't go on the site. Apart from having a few laughs nobody really cares if anyone goes and doesn't come back.

And you're all cunts.

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"You're a cunt, no you're a cunt", because that's what it usually amounts to, is hardly hard-core bullying.

If you don't like what's being said then don't go on the site. Apart from having a few laughs nobody really cares if anyone goes and doesn't come back.

And you're all cunts.

Thats what some of us have been trying say all along but certain others think it's hardcore shoot yourself stuff.

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You want to drive in Melbourne. Every cunt has a dirty big 4WD. Biggest cunts on the road anywhere. I have driven in England, and its a fucking fairy tale compared to here. And you think you have a problem with speed cameras? They are fucking everywhere here, and have a 4 kmh tolerance, which is lower that the 10% speedo error allowed for in the design rules. Money grubbing cunts. Driving in Melbourne can inhale a phallus.

And I ride a bike too. Take a photo of that, why don't you. Cunts

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Guest nobgobbler

Baws we've never really got to know one another. Shyness and stuff often holds me back in a relationship. I think it's time we shared a little something together. I like you... a lot.

He's after your arse Baws.

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I very much doubt they're one and the same. Two totally different types of crazy.

That pmail from the sheep to our antipodean friend was pure, undiluted,  classic wad. Southern never saw it as the thick cunt sent it to me instead, presumably by mistake. Then she spent the next 48 hours trying to apologise, fuck knows why. 

If there's any doubt about the wad/profb  link I'm sure one of the modmins could either confirm or correct the notion.

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Guest Wizardsleeve

After ploughing through the crispy cobwebs of your ancient dried up hairy, I'll take any old hole. Bint.

I'm chuffed to see you prefaced your preference with "old."  It would be a huge disappointment if you had regressed that far. 

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