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The Religious Are Less Charitable Than The Ungodly

Mrs Roops

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Well, who would have thort it? A Chicago developmental neuroscientist has, with colleagues from Canada, China, Jordan, South Africa and Turkey, theorised that children with a strong religious based education are les charitable then those from atheist families This was based on observing groups of religious and non-religious children play a "Dictator" game where they were offered a chance to share stickers amongst themselves. They found the religious children were less likely to share with others.

If ever you were suspicious of the gleaming new car in front of you with a 64 plate and fish badge on the boot, well now you know.....

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Guest Alfie Noakes

There is something very selfish about religion. They (those afflicted by it) don't or won't see it that way. Wanting eternal salvation and forgiveness for wrong doing from the big sky fairy is selfish, how about making things right for those you have wronged instead.

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Guest Bill Stickers

Religious folk always play the 'we are so humble and caring' card. Nothing could be further form the truth.

Religious fuckers think the whole universe is centered around them. They claim to know what is unknowable. The arrogance is astounding.

They also think anyone who questions them, or doesn't think like them, is going to be excluded from their little after-life party. Very nice.

Fuck off.

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Well, who would have thort it? A Chicago developmental neuroscientist has, with colleagues from Canada, China, Jordan, South Africa and Turkey, theorised that children with a strong religious based education are les charitable then those from atheist families This was based on observing groups of religious and non-religious children play a "Dictator" game where they were offered a chance to share stickers amongst themselves. They found the religious children were less likely to share with others.

If ever you were suspicious of the gleaming new car in front of you with a 64 plate and fish badge on the boot, well now you know.....

I would wonder why they didn't buy a 65 plate, they're out now.

I blame god, the bastard.

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I was raised by a "religious" mother and so was exposed to Sunday school, confirmation, etc etc. I was part of a social grouping of church going families. I pulled away from it in the teeth of much disapproval in my mid teens. I saw all sorts of base hypocrisy. Half of those I knew use religion to inform day to day decision making rather than common sense. Many are harsh and prejudicial with no charity or kindness. The trouble is that they fail to understand their basic religious code. It' can be surprising at just how unchristian your standard Christian can be.

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Just more proof that whatever particular kind of fucking sky-fairy you believe in you're still basically a hypocritical cunt who bends the rules of your religion to suit your own personal needs.

Fuck them all....twice!

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Especially those cunts who think there's 53 Virgins waiting for them,as Billy Cononley recently said "what fucking use are 53 virgins? give me 2 fucking whores,that'll do"

Edited by neil298
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Guest luke swarm

religion...where does one even start on such a huge and divisive subject.

The point raised that it always seem to mean that the religious person is somehow chosen and is superior to all others due to the particular Deity being worshiped is in my opinion where all our problems lie.

 We worship god A, so it equates that all the other Gods are false and heretical. Obviously this situation cannot be allowed and all these other false religions must either be brought over to God A or if they wont agree to this then its ok to either discriminate against them or in the worst cases, they can be killed with impunity. 

Its no use looking at the current crop of cunts in the middle east, Christianity has much blood on its hands.  In fact the only religion that is worthy of the name is the peace-loving Jedi branch........that is unless you are affiliated to the empire.    


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It's such a pile of fucking wank. I genuinely think that at least half of the cunts who claim to have a belief actually don't.

It's all about putting on a show and trying to appear caring, charitable or whatever other piss-poor justification they use to make themselves fucking feel better.


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There is something very selfish about religion. They (those afflicted by it) don't or won't see it that way. Wanting eternal salvation and forgiveness for wrong doing from the big sky fairy is selfish, how about making things right for those you have wronged instead.

I'm sorry i called you cunt frank. I meant to say boring cunt.

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I was raised by a "religious" mother and so was exposed to Sunday school, confirmation, etc etc. I was part of a social grouping of church going families. I pulled away from it in the teeth of much disapproval in my mid teens. I saw all sorts of base hypocrisy. Half of those I knew use religion to inform day to day decision making rather than common sense. Many are harsh and prejudicial with no charity or kindness. The trouble is that they fail to understand their basic religious code. It' can be surprising at just how unchristian your standard Christian can be.

did you get any special cuddles from the priest ?

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Guest Wizardsleeve

They didn't have to through so much work to arrive at a conclusion the rest of us have known for years. These cunts love to deprive people of good health, food, shelter, water, all under the guise that jesus said anybody unwilling to work should not eat. At a very basic and unsophisticated elementary level of thought, that sentiment does make sense, however things are never so easy, or elementary. The bastards stick to the literal interpretation, and don't bother to consider there are people who did work and were made redundant, or their job was sent to some chinky slave, or it was eliminated from the books outright. Those people have to look for work that doesn't even come close to the wage they were earning and all the while still need food, warer, etc... Just to exist. 

Kill all of the religious cunts and open the doors to tolerance ;)

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I don't think many of you are going up to my heaven. You can all fuck off to hell with 72  Susan Boyle's and Miranda Harts. Ungodly cunts.

Thats what these fuckwits don't seem to grasp, manky. 72 virgins sounds great, but for all eternity??  And why were they still virgins? I mean, to be fair, 72 would do me for quite a few lifetimes. But after the first few thousand years I'd probably be fucking sick of all of them.

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I was raised by a "religious" mother and so was exposed to Sunday school, confirmation, etc etc. I was part of a social grouping of church going families. I pulled away from it in the teeth of much disapproval in my mid teens. I saw all sorts of base hypocrisy. Half of those I knew use religion to inform day to day decision making rather than common sense. Many are harsh and prejudicial with no charity or kindness. The trouble is that they fail to understand their basic religious code. It' can be surprising at just how unchristian your standard Christian can be.

And they watch more porn than the average atheist.

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Well, who would have thort it? A Chicago developmental neuroscientist has, with colleagues from Canada, China, Jordan, South Africa and Turkey, theorised that children with a strong religious based education are les charitable then those from atheist families This was based on observing groups of religious and non-religious children play a "Dictator" game where they were offered a chance to share stickers amongst themselves. They found the religious children were less likely to share with others.

If ever you were suspicious of the gleaming new car in front of you with a 64 plate and fish badge on the boot, well now you know.....

What bullshit. I'm religious and I would happily give you the steam off my piss if need be.

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Guest nobgobbler

My dad was a roman catholic. Was taught by nuns and whipped by them on a regular basis. (yes I know, I said whipped). From what he told me they were a right bunch of selfish uncharitable nasty bastards. He went off to war when he was 21, just a boy really. Anyway, as soon as he came back he went to see his priest as he was struggling with the fact that he had killed german soldiers. The priest told him he was forgiven. He never went back to church again and spoke little about the war and what he's been through. I know he couldn't accept that this bloke in a frock could, on god's behalf, forgive him for he'd done and he was just supposed to forget about it. What happened to thou shalt not kill? hypocritical cunts change the rules to suit themselves. Just like the jo-bo's knocking on doors and telling everybody they can't have a blood transfusion to save their life. They get some life threatening disease themselves and the first thing they do is sign up for a blood transfusion. I don't much care if people want to follow a religion, that's their choice. Until I see them destroying the innocent, then it boils my piss. And an Irish priest tried to touch me up when I was 20, hypocritical cunt, isn't it written they shall only target choir boys?  

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