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Guest Quincy Cockfingers

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1 minute ago, witheredscrote said:

He was born in Falaise , France and was a true bastard so he was French. Admittedly the French were and still are cunning bastards and even today you inbred fucking cretins need us for your electric and water supply , somewhere to land your 4 jet fighters at sea and take your overspill of hip replacement patients . The bigger laugh is that so many of you cunts still choose to buy French cars ( yes we still have car manufacturer s here ). I like many French drive Lexus and Mazda.

If you're so fucking pleased to be French, and dislike us Brits so much, please join a French equivalent to Cunts Corner and post your drivel there, you stupid fucking idiot.

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Guest DingTheRioja
2 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:

He was born in Falaise , France and was a true bastard so he was French. Admittedly the French were and still are cunning bastards and even today you inbred fucking cretins need us for your electric and water supply , somewhere to land your 4 jet fighters at sea and take your overspill of hip replacement patients . The bigger laugh is that so many of you cunts still choose to buy French cars ( yes we still have car manufacturer s here ). I like many French drive Lexus and Mazda.

So, you reckon if he's born in France, he's French?

Funny how it's always referred to as the Norman Conquest... not the French Conquest...


So, where were you born?

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1 minute ago, witheredscrote said:

He was born in Falaise , France and was a true bastard so he was French. Admittedly the French were and still are cunning bastards and even today you inbred fucking cretins need us for your electric and water supply , somewhere to land your 4 jet fighters at sea and take your overspill of hip replacement patients . The bigger laugh is that so many of you cunts still choose to buy French cars ( yes we still have car manufacturer s here ). I like many French drive Lexus and Mazda.

Top work. Bang on topic, you dozey hypocritical fuck stain.

And please don't lie about owning any other car than a Renault or clapped out Citroen CV. 


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21 minutes ago, DingTheRioja said:

If you cared to actually read that fucking book you mention, they were not French, they were Normans, ie Norsemen... Danes etc going out viking (raiding to you simpletons)

They only became known as "Norman" through bad pronunciation.... they landed in northern France and told the French king to fuck off, they were having that whole fertlle agricultural area... the king, being french, pissed his pants and said "oooo fine.. just don't spike me terribly... s.v.p..."

It was viking fait accompli... if you will...


The frank king was called Charles the simple so hardly fucking fair was it?

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2 minutes ago, Ape said:

If you're so fucking pleased to be French, and dislike us Brits so much, please join a French equivalent to Cunts Corner and post your drivel there, you stupid fucking idiot.

They tried that concept, but people ran for Les hills at the first mention of conflict. The soppy cunts

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3 minutes ago, Ape said:

If you're so fucking pleased to be French, and dislike us Brits so much, please join a French equivalent to Cunts Corner and post your drivel there, you stupid fucking idiot.

Never once have I said I am pleased to be French , nor have I ever said that I dislike the  British. You are the stupid cunt and I will gladly fuck off and leave this site in your capable hands.

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1 minute ago, DingTheRioja said:

So, you reckon if he's born in France, he's French?

Funny how it's always referred to as the Norman Conquest... not the French Conquest...


So, where were you born?

Like most frogs, Withers tends to have a selective memory regarding French history. He no doubt conveniently forgets anything to do with the Nazi collaborating Vichy state.

As for William the Bastard being born in France, as I'm sure he knows, Falaise was part of the Duchy of Normandy, and not France, which at the time was less than half the size of the country it is today.

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1 minute ago, witheredscrote said:

Never once have I said I am pleased to be French , nor have I ever said that I dislike the  British. You are the stupid cunt and I will gladly fuck off and leave this site in your capable hands.

Oh sorry, it must have been someone else going on about "you inbred cretins" a few posts back, and crowing on about how great the French are. Please accept my humble apologies. 

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6 minutes ago, witheredscrote said:

Never once have I said I am pleased to be French , nor have I ever said that I dislike the  British. You are the stupid cunt and I will gladly fuck off and leave this site in your capable hands.

He's just being grumpy as he has to come  to this country for a few days and will have to shower to fit in 

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Guest Bill Stickers
2 hours ago, witheredscrote said:

Well do something positive about it you whinging cunt. Typical British attitude. ' Oh I am annoyed , I know !,  have a rant on CC , that will shake up the public'.  YOU  CUNT. Go out and   set fire to some lorries , blockade a road or 3 , close the tunnel & ferries and cost everybody millions a day.  Small fish with fucking great gob in very small pond .

What a load of blinkered bollocks, France is swamped with rampant bureaucracy hampering any attempt to get anything done.

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Interesting fact time...

When the fucking Normans invaded, the only reason they won is because Harold and his men had just marched down from Newcastle where they had repelled the fucking Viking cunts, giving them a good thrashing. They arrived fresh from war, heavily depleted and fucking knackered.

The filthy French/Norsemen/Normans took advantage of this fact and we have regretted it ever since. The dirty continental bastards.

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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
23 minutes ago, Bill Stickers said:

What a load of blinkered bollocks, France is swamped with rampant bureaucracy hampering any attempt to get anything done.

Boys, now now, it's not even kicking out time and already it's hair pulling. Bill, say your sorry. Withers, give bubbles a kiss. Mike, lube up and wince in advance. Quincy loving is en route to ringpiece land, willing or no, I'll have you all even if it be burglary. No means yes, and not gay means not yet. I'm not gay but by Jehoshaphat I'll give you all a three way straight-on-straight action you'll not forget if you all don't forget this little tiff, put your shit behind you, and bum Frank into 2017.

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2 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Boys, now now, it's not even kicking out time and already it's hair pulling. Bill, say your sorry. Withers, give bubbles a kiss. Mike, lube up and wince in advance. Quincy loving is en route to ringpiece land, willing or no, I'll have you all even if it be burglary. No means yes, and not gay means not yet. I'm not gay but by Jehoshaphat I'll give you all a three way straight-on-straight action you'll not forget if you all don't forget this little tiff, put your shit behind you, and bum Frank into 2017.

Lube's for poofs, hard and dry is the way.


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Guest Quincy Cockfingers
4 hours ago, Manky said:

Good post. Pay your tax or fuck off. Someone will take your place. I pay my taxes, so should you. Cunty cunt cunts.

Bollocks. I just converted a bunch of bed sit shit to top end student hmos on the strength of those Cunts lettering us to say all costs were 5% otherwise I wound t have bothered though after the fact fucks U turned and tapped me for 20%, fucking raging, yeah why bother ranting here about it but again this is the place to scream about utter cunts, and I've been left with a hoop bust and pasted. 

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5 minutes ago, Quincy Cockfingers said:

Bollocks. I just converted a bunch of bed sit shit to top end student hmos on the strength of those Cunts lettering us to say all costs were 5% otherwise I wound t have bothered though after the fact fucks U turned and tapped me for 20%, fucking raging, yeah why bother ranting here about it but again this is the place to scream about utter cunts, and I've been left with a hoop bust and pasted. 

I nearly understood that.

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