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Jihadi cunts in Brussels

Earl of Punkape

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Guest JackoTC
1 minute ago, Eddie said:

Yer right, anyone would think the media is owned by one group with an agenda.

I don't know whether to compliment you for being slyly astute Ed, or to tell you not to be so fucking sarky.

Either way, I'm glad to see you a broadening your mind.

If only we could get you to stop hanging about public lavs in ladies clothes......

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Guest DingTheRioja
10 minutes ago, JackoTC said:

The media are the real terrorists here. They just love spreading the terror. We have always had terrorists working in Europe, ETA, Islamic Jihad, Baader Meinhof gang, IRA & UVF etc. The media whip up hysteria to keep them all in job. I notice the bombings in Turkey only get a tiny percentage of this coverage ? Why ? Because they are arab women and kids being blown apart ?

Lets put it into perspective - the W.H.O. reckons 1.25 MILLION people are killed in car accidents every year !

  1. Turkish bombings involved "hardly any brits"
  2. Those 1.25m deaths in car accidents involve "hardly any brits"

therefore not really newsworthy, unlike "Julia, with her natural 38DDs, thinks that everyone should stop being so nasty to each other have a pool party"

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Guest JackoTC
8 minutes ago, Punkape said:

I wonder if the Jihadis blew up any male "cabin crew"? I'm sure that would be an added bonus for them.

You would then have flying minced mincer on the baggage carousel.

Is this a trap ?

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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Fair play to you, Scotters, I admire the admission. But if that blacked out square was removed, you would have found yourself staring into the yawning maw of a rabid, gummy badger.

I'm currently sitting in a pub dribbling over the female chorus of the welsh national opera deccs. Neil would be wanking himself into oblivion, fucking hell they have some lungs on them, it really shouldn't be allowed. I don't think I've seen less than a 42dd yet.

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Guest JackoTC
7 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I missed you jacko you jock poof, I was undercover looking for you in Glasgow 'hot spots' x

7 minutes ago, Eddie said:


8 hours ago, Punkape said:


I saw you Ed, but as I was being rimmed by prominent member of the SNP at the time, I thought it rude to call out to you.

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Given that the NSA can supposedly count the spots on a ladybird from orbit at night, and that the Pentagon controls roughly a billion drones and a metric fuckton of ordnance, how is that any Jihadist training camps still exist?

Not all Muslims are terrorists, granted, but on a Venn diagram of good Muslims and dead Muslims you'd only need to draw one circle.

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Guest Manky

I believe there was a suggestion off one of the political types that we could all be mates if we sat down together with a cup of tea. 

It must be serious, they cancelled The Jeremy Kyle Show.

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Guest DrCunt
8 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

can we just quit the name calling and slagging off? Remember what has happened. There could be children amongst the dead.

Seriously? Statements like this really boil my piss. Why is a child any more deserving of life than any other poor fucker that got blow up today?

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Guest JackoTC
1 hour ago, scotty said:

I'm currently sitting in a pub dribbling over the female chorus of the welsh national opera deccs. Neil would be wanking himself into oblivion, fucking hell they have some lungs on them, it really shouldn't be allowed. I don't think I've seen less than a 42dd yet.

I cant believe I just googled that Scotty you dirty cunt.

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Guest nobgobbler
1 hour ago, JackoTC said:

The media are the real terrorists here. They just love spreading the terror. We have always had terrorists working in Europe, ETA, Islamic Jihad, Baader Meinhof gang, IRA & UVF etc. The media whip up hysteria to keep them all in job. I notice the bombings in Turkey only get a tiny percentage of this coverage ? Why ? Because they are arab women and kids being blown apart ?

Lets put it into perspective - the W.H.O. reckons 1.25 MILLION people are killed in car accidents every year !

An accident is unintentional, this shit is deliberate indiscriminate murder.

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Guest JackoTC
Just now, nobgobbler said:

An accident is unintentional, this shit deliberate indiscriminate murder.

Every well heeled government worth their salt commits murder on a regular basis. Most estimates put Iraqi civilian deaths due to our invasion at up to half a million. Collateral damage that's called. We paid for it with our taxes.

But not Eddie. As he's a filthy dole scrounger living on aldi beans and lager.

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Guest DrCunt
2 minutes ago, JackoTC said:

Are you a real doctor ? If so, can you explain why one of my bollocks is the size of a grapefruit ?

Post a picture.


Then we can all have a fucking good laugh.

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7 minutes ago, JackoTC said:

Every well heeled government worth their salt commits murder on a regular basis. Most estimates put Iraqi civilian deaths due to our invasion at up to half a million. Collateral damage that's called. We paid for it with our taxes.

But not Eddie. As he's a filthy dole scrounger living on aldi beans and lager.

Just because you've the only cunt in scotland with a conservatory,  it doesn't make you special. 

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Guest Manky

Now, Tony Blair has said that "flabby liberals are scared of taking action in case they offend somebody"

I propose glassing over the Middle East. If they are all dead, nobody will be offended. Is that flabby liberal enough?

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