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Lizzys house repair bill


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Guest Extremecunt
3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Haven't visited the 5 points for a while either. Might dig out the DVD tomorrow.

William cutting was a ninja. Walked like he was on stilts lol.

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Guest Extremecunt
4 minutes ago, Panzerknacker said:

It's probably becrusted in corgi shite already 


And corgi ***** lol

Edited by Extremecunt
Don't wanna get clipped by hrh
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Guest Lady Penelope
3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Love that film, DD Lewis is a bit overrated as an actor though I think. Ham more than a pigs back leg. Gyps flying ability suggests superpowers. Career with Marvel franchise pending. Or perhaps DC really stands for Diddi Coy.

You are entirely wrong on that "film scene" .. that was the cunt who blocked my Princess in on the Cumberland car park at Crewe back in 1988

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps
4 hours ago, Extremecunt said:

Think so yeah. Have watched that film about 10 times. Last time was a while back tho.

You are Barry Norman and I claim my UPVC fiver.

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Guest Extremecunt
35 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

You are Barry Norman and I claim my UPVC fiver.

Ah good old Barry. I can just picture him sitting on his fart smelling sofa, with a plate of egg and chips and a pint of Stella. Telling his wife to shut the fuck up as he's trying to finish off terminator 2.

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Much as I dislike the Royals, I feel I should point out that Buckingham Palace doesn't belong to the Windsor/Sax Coberg Gotha family. It belongs to the state, thus the reigning monarch and family get to live there.

So asking them to foot repair bills, is pretty much the same as you being asked to foot the repair bill when your company car breaks down.

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30 minutes ago, deebom said:

Much as I dislike the Royals, I feel I should point out that Buckingham Palace doesn't belong to the Windsor/Sax Coberg Gotha family. It belongs to the state, thus the reigning monarch and family get to live there.

So asking them to foot repair bills, is pretty much the same as you being asked to foot the repair bill when your company car breaks down.

The Crown Estate owns Buckingham palace , Windsor Castle and Clarence House, as well as London’s Regent Street and all of the UK’s seabed. 

The Queen receives an annual grant worth 15% of the Estate’s profits. This year, she received £43 million, while the Treasury was paid £301.4 million.

She gets paid to live there.

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4 hours ago, Lady Penelope said:

You are entirely wrong on that "film scene" .. that was the cunt who blocked my Princess in on the Cumberland car park at Crewe back in 1988

I would hate to see what would happen to any of the 250.000 Nigerian parking enforcement officers working in London had they been stupid enough to slap a ticket on your faithful old Austin!

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2 hours ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

You are Barry Norman and I claim my UPVC fiver.

The bloke in front of me at our local shop had one of those new fivers, when the cashier remarked that they were supposed to be indestructible, he promptly ripped in half in a pedantic act of machismo. He had to put all 6 litres of frosty jacks back on the shelf when she then refused to accept it. The fucking stupid piss soaked fucking twat.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The bloke in front of me at our local shop had one of those new fivers, when the cashier remarked that they were supposed to be indestructible, he promptly ripped in half in a pedantic act of machismo. He had to put all 6 litres of frosty jacks back on the shelf when she then refused to accept it. The fucking stupid piss soaked fucking twat.

Serves you right for taking your dad shopping then.

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Out of court settlements for the 350 or so individuals who Phil the Greek upsets every month.

It's a well known fact on here that I'm a rabid republican. But you can't knock a man who, when asked to describe Stoke-on-Trent, succinctly said "Ghastly".

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