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Article 50 - The Miracle Cure


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27 minutes ago, ratcum said:

I've just accidentally done a multi quote as I was interrupted by Frau Rat. What's more, I can't remember how I did it!! Better still, I don't care because multi quoting is horsewank of the lowest order

Multi quoting is a perfectly legitimate way of replying to multiple people at once whilst not cluttering the activity board with your posts. It's also the only way Ding has ever talked to me.

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Guest Lady Penelope
Just now, Roadkill said:

Multi quoting is a perfectly legitimate way of replying to multiple people at once whilst not cluttering the activity board with your posts. It's also the only way Ding has ever talked to me.

I do not agree :P

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6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Multi quoting is a perfectly legitimate way of replying to multiple people at once whilst not cluttering the activity board with your posts. It's also the only way Ding has ever talked to me.

I will not respond to a multi quote. My missives deserve someone's full attention, and cannot be blended with ejaculations of the lower orders. Ding is equine splooge

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I too have worked with a lot of Polish immigrants. They have a very different set of values and ethics to us but I found that if you make the effort to learn a bit of their language they are a fairly decent people. Where in south East London were you trying to get work? That's my neck of the woods and I probably know of the project you mentioned earlier.

I have nothing against the EU workers, they're only doing their best to earn a living like everyone else and some of them were decent fellas, the point being that the EU rules made by cunts that we don't know are preventing skilled british workers from getting a lot of work.

The project was in Charlton, called the Charlton Triangle.

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1 minute ago, Fender777 said:

I have nothing against the EU workers, they're only doing their best to earn a living like everyone else and some of them were decent fellas, the point being that the EU rules made by cunts that we don't know are preventing skilled british workers from getting a lot of work.

The project was in Charlton, called the Charlton Triangle.

Fairlawn near the main road. I'm a Valley Red so yeah, I know that area quite well. It's got a bit more civilised around Charlton these days, whereas Woolwich has become a Somali ghetto.

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3 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:

Because they are fucking stupid.

The original* reason was because after the war we were desperate for workers and/or population.

In 1962 the Govt had the bottle to limit it, effectively creating a quota system for only those we wanted, eg certain professions, there was no "open door" policy any more.

Amended, or rather strengthened in '68 due to the Kenyan crisis, with the main aim to stop thousands of refugees flooding the country.  This was strongly supported by the main parties.  A rather similar situation to todays refuges crisis eh?


* not the original reason, just main recent reason.

There is only one reason that the level of immigrants coming into this country is so high, and one reason only. Put simply, it makes economic sense. If it didn't, the government would have put a stop to it decades ago.

I've quoted statistics elsewhere on here suggesting that a reduction in the amount of people coming into this country on a yearly basis, will damage the economy and significantly reduce GDP by 2030. The vast majority of foreigners who come to this country contribute and work, providing a large tax base that can be tapped by our government. 

The fact that our infrastructure is struggling to cope has been conveniently blamed on immigrants, which is exactly what the elite want you to believe. The fact is, they are contributing and paying their way in most cases, but their taxable income is not being diverted to provide new schools, hospitals etc to cope with an increase in population levels. Point the finger and admonish decent, hardworking people if you want, but I'll reserve my ire for a political elite who refuse to invest in public sector funding because it goes against their right wing, neoconservative beliefs.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

There is only one reason that the level of immigrants coming into this country is so high, and one reason only. Put simply, it makes economic sense. If it didn't, the government would have put a stop to it decades ago.

I've quoted statistics elsewhere on here suggesting that a reduction in the amount of people coming into this country on a yearly basis, will damage the economy and significantly reduce GDP by 2030. The vast majority of foreigners who come to this country contribute and work, providing a large tax base that can be tapped by our government. 

The fact that our infrastructure is struggling to cope has been conveniently blamed on immigrants, which is exactly what the elite want you to believe. The fact is, they are contributing and paying their way in most cases, but their taxable income is not being diverted to provide new schools, hospitals etc to cope with an increase in population levels. Point the finger and admonish decent, hardworking people if you want, but I'll reserve my ire for a political elite who refuse to invest in public sector funding because it goes against their right wing, neoconservative beliefs.

Have you finished, or are you just getting your breath back.

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15 minutes ago, Decimus said:

There is only one reason that the level of immigrants coming into this country is so high, and one reason only. Put simply, it makes economic sense. If it didn't, the government would have put a stop to it decades ago.

I've quoted statistics elsewhere on here suggesting that a reduction in the amount of people coming into this country on a yearly basis, will damage the economy and significantly reduce GDP by 2030. The vast majority of foreigners who come to this country contribute and work, providing a large tax base that can be tapped by our government. 

The fact that our infrastructure is struggling to cope has been conveniently blamed on immigrants, which is exactly what the elite want you to believe. The fact is, they are contributing and paying their way in most cases, but their taxable income is not being diverted to provide new schools, hospitals etc to cope with an increase in population levels. Point the finger and admonish decent, hardworking people if you want, but I'll reserve my ire for a political elite who refuse to invest in public sector funding because it goes against their right wing, neoconservative beliefs.

Fuck that, they all stink and have reintroduced T.B, the dirty spitting savages 

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Guest DingTheRioja
21 minutes ago, Decimus said:

There is only one reason that the level of immigrants coming into this country is so high, and one reason only. Put simply, it makes economic sense. If it didn't, the government would have put a stop to it decades ago.

I've quoted statistics elsewhere on here suggesting that a reduction in the amount of people coming into this country on a yearly basis, will damage the economy and significantly reduce GDP by 2030. The vast majority of foreigners who come to this country contribute and work, providing a large tax base that can be tapped by our government. 

The fact that our infrastructure is struggling to cope has been conveniently blamed on immigrants, which is exactly what the elite want you to believe. The fact is, they are contributing and paying their way in most cases, but their taxable income is not being diverted to provide new schools, hospitals etc to cope with an increase in population levels. Point the finger and admonish decent, hardworking people if you want, but I'll reserve my ire for a political elite who refuse to invest in public sector funding because it goes against their right wing, neoconservative beliefs.


There are statistics "proving" each side of the argument, and since you can't be arsed to put them here, you are copping out again. The mini-explosion at the end of the 90s has been shown to have provided no net GDP increase at all.

I never said that "they" didn't contribute in some way, however, their contribution is vastly overstated.  You reckon for each of those 1.4m(*) people there will be, assuming a nuclear family of 2 working parents and 2 kids, 700k new jobs. New jobs that all contribute money that is new to this country, not a re-circulation of the same old dosh?  A re-circulation of the money that other people already here would not be re-circulating anyway?

As for taxable income, the vast majority are on the lowest minimal wage incomes, with housing benefit, child benefit, free healthcare, free education and minimal taxation because of their low incomes.  So you're idea of all this tax floating around to pay for the MPs beanos to Saudi is a load of bollocks, it isn't there.

Again, you are tainting me with the "blame it on the immigrants you racist cunt" brush.  I am specifically not blaming it on the immigrants. If I live in some god-forsaken hole in eastern europe or "arabia" with little prospect of work or life, I'd be on the fucking boat here.... I am specifically blaming it on Govt, it is the Govts failures in immigration, health, eduction, taxation (amazon etc) and many other areas that is the problem.  They are only interested in todays headlines, not doing their fucking job.

My point, which you have failed to answer, as per fucking usual, is how is it a good idea to bring in millions of new people to a system which is currently collapsing, and has been since before this recent immigration explosion?  Their minimal taxes will not fix the problem even if they are used correctly.


*1.4m was the number of Polish and Romania migrants over the last 5 years.  No one else, and not before 5 years ago either.

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52 minutes ago, Decimus said:

There is only one reason that the level of immigrants coming into this country is so high, and one reason only. Put simply, it makes economic sense. If it didn't, the government would have put a stop to it decades ago.

I've quoted statistics elsewhere on here suggesting that a reduction in the amount of people coming into this country on a yearly basis, will damage the economy and significantly reduce GDP by 2030. The vast majority of foreigners who come to this country contribute and work, providing a large tax base that can be tapped by our government. 

The fact that our infrastructure is struggling to cope has been conveniently blamed on immigrants, which is exactly what the elite want you to believe. The fact is, they are contributing and paying their way in most cases, but their taxable income is not being diverted to provide new schools, hospitals etc to cope with an increase in population levels. Point the finger and admonish decent, hardworking people if you want, but I'll reserve my ire for a political elite who refuse to invest in public sector funding because it goes against their right wing, neoconservative beliefs.

As you say, the taxes collected from immigrant workers are not being directed toward schools hospitals and facilities to cope with population growth, where are these funds being directed? 

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Guest Wizardsleeve
16 minutes ago, ratcum said:

Shit, Frank's wife's still at it is she?

Franks wife is a pre op Thai ladyboy with breast implants and advanced hormone treatments. 

Think the old spinning cock gif that made the rounds years back only with a fat furry, greasy Greek shit-stabber on the bottom. 

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3 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

They are worse than yer cooooons Edward, worse than yer cooooooons.

R.I.P. Dandy Nichols

Jamal who lives in the flat below me cooks all day long with his windows wide open sending vile smells of fish mixed with dogs shit into the block. I've now got to hold my breath when I enter the flats, I don't even have time to piss in the lift, fucking dirty cunts.

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1 minute ago, Eddie said:

Jamal who lives in the flat below me cooks all day long with his windows wide open sending vile smells of fish mixed with dogs shit into the block. I've now got to hold my breath when I enter the flats, I don't even have time to piss in the lift, fucking dirty cunts.

You'd be better off if you had a long haired lazy scaaarrrssse git as a neighbour.

R.I.P Arthur English



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Guest Wizardsleeve
2 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Jamal who lives in the flat below me cooks all day long with his windows wide open sending vile smells of fish mixed with dogs shit into the block. I've now got to hold my breath when I enter the flats, I don't even have time to piss in the lift, fucking dirty cunts.

Edward, if I may...find an online supplier of gas masks and bottled animal scent.  Stop by his door with your mask in proper position and leave a generous application of said animal scent and your own bladder and bowel evacuations, and return to the veritable shangri la that is casa de Eduardo 

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3 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

Franks wife is a pre op Thai ladyboy with breast implants and advanced hormone treatments. 

Think the old spinning cock gif that made the rounds years back only with a fat furry, greasy Greek shit-stabber on the bottom. 

I don't want to think this Wizzo

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Guest Wizardsleeve
40 minutes ago, ratcum said:

I don't want to think this Wizzo

It is a disturbing image, Ratters, however, one we have already been exposed to.  We cannot unsee such horrors. 

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7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I too have worked with a lot of Polish immigrants. They have a very different set of values and ethics to us but I found that if you make the effort to learn a bit of their language they are a fairly decent people. Where in south East London were you trying to get work? That's my neck of the woods and I probably know of the project you mentioned earlier.

Where in SE London do u live? Don't worry I'm not gonna burgle you.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
6 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Where in SE London do u live? Don't worry I'm not gonna burgle you.

Careful Eric, she has nicked a collection of strap on's and double enders and burgling you is the last thing on her mind!  

Lock your doors and be afraid! 

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4 hours ago, DingTheRioja said:


There are statistics "proving" each side of the argument, and since you can't be arsed to put them here, you are copping out again. The mini-explosion at the end of the 90s has been shown to have provided no net GDP increase at all.

I never said that "they" didn't contribute in some way, however, their contribution is vastly overstated.  You reckon for each of those 1.4m(*) people there will be, assuming a nuclear family of 2 working parents and 2 kids, 700k new jobs. New jobs that all contribute money that is new to this country, not a re-circulation of the same old dosh?  A re-circulation of the money that other people already here would not be re-circulating anyway?

As for taxable income, the vast majority are on the lowest minimal wage incomes, with housing benefit, child benefit, free healthcare, free education and minimal taxation because of their low incomes.  So you're idea of all this tax floating around to pay for the MPs beanos to Saudi is a load of bollocks, it isn't there.

Again, you are tainting me with the "blame it on the immigrants you racist cunt" brush.  I am specifically not blaming it on the immigrants. If I live in some god-forsaken hole in eastern europe or "arabia" with little prospect of work or life, I'd be on the fucking boat here.... I am specifically blaming it on Govt, it is the Govts failures in immigration, health, eduction, taxation (amazon etc) and many other areas that is the problem.  They are only interested in todays headlines, not doing their fucking job.

My point, which you have failed to answer, as per fucking usual, is how is it a good idea to bring in millions of new people to a system which is currently collapsing, and has been since before this recent immigration explosion?  Their minimal taxes will not fix the problem even if they are used correctly.


*1.4m was the number of Polish and Romania migrants over the last 5 years.  No one else, and not before 5 years ago either.

Complete and utter bollocks. What statistics can you quote which proves that the vast majority of migrant workers are on low wages?

You do realise that I work within the welfare section of local government? I can quote you reams of statistics regarding the burden and strain that "native" Britons place upon our economy, and the relative percentage of that population group who require additional state aid compared to migrant workers. 5 million British born people claim some form of welfare benefit, compared to 115 000 EU nationals. Based upon comparative population figures, there is a much larger burden on the British taxpayer from the "native" population, than there is from migrants. 

So what would your solution to the current situation be? Based upon your spurious assertion which you can't back up with statistics, would you deport the 3.3 million E.U. citizens from this country, because you believe their contributions are negligible? You'd then have to accept the return of 1.2 million British migrants from the E.U., almost half of which will be either of pensionable age or on what you would classify as a low income. That's another strain on our infrastructure, but I'm guessing you accept that as they are "natives", even though they haven't potentially lived here for years or contributed taxes towards our welfare state?

Then maybe you'd turf out migrants from Non EU countries? Welcome back further British migrants from abroad who would be expelled quid pro quo, and let them automatically have access to our services just because they were born here? Your claims are complete and utter bollocks, and your assertion that you are not a racist is pathetic. Your objection to immigration is purely based upon the fact that they aren't British. Your economic and social arguments are unsound, and you can't give me one good reason, backed up by genuine figures or statistics, as to why you object to hard working, contributing immigrants coming to this country.

You're a racist Ding, an uninformed bigot who recycles rumours and cliches read in red top tabloids. Grow up, open your eyes, and realise that the problems we face in this country are solely down to an elite class of politicians who are more than happy to let the blame lay at the feet of immigrants, to disguise their own utter contempt for the majority of the British population.

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