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Dave's Shed

Guest Lady Penelope

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Guest Spanky

It doesn't matter what it is, the puffin faced twat that is going to be writing a book inside is a complete and utter cunt on a stick and no mistake. Unless it is a detailed description of everyone who has called him a cunt since leaving office, I doubt many people will be putting it on their Amazon wishlist.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 hours ago, The Lady Penelope said:

The useless cunt is going to write a book in this shed ..



At least he's literate to do something with a book.  Rather than criticize the cunt for writing a book, perhaps your venom would best be used on yourself because you never learned to READ one!  

Fuck off! 

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Guest DingTheRioja

It's a shepherds hut, I knew that even before clicking the link.

Sam made all the design decisions, "Shit Boring Brown please..." rather apt for his book title as well?

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26 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

Doesn't look very fire proof. Still it will take longer to burn than punkape's cardboard box.

Punkers land rover shaped abode is piss shit and spunk soaked so won't burn easily-best to drag him out, douse him in petrol and chuck a match on the cunt. His countryside residence-burnt out Nissan which doubles as a pretent golf club and real feltching club, parked in a quaint corner of a Cheshire landfill site-has had all it's flammable bits torched a long time ago. 

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On 5/1/2017 at 1:11 AM, Spanky said:

It doesn't matter what it is, the puffin faced twat that is going to be writing a book inside is a complete and utter cunt on a stick and no mistake. Unless it is a detailed description of everyone who has called him a cunt since leaving office, I doubt many people will be putting it on their Amazon wishlist.

The  Lizard Woman May is thinking of buying a jet ski allegedly , just like in the panty liner advert.

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Guest Lady Penelope
4 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

At least he's literate to do something with a book.  Rather than criticize the cunt for writing a book, perhaps your venom would best be used on yourself because you never learned to READ one!  

Fuck off! 

That is true .. I can neither read nor write.

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Guest Lady Penelope
1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Right, you're fucking for it! And don't think I've forgotten about you either pen, you Vichy slag!

The Lady Penelope quite likes this.

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Guest nobgobbler

Bloody hell £25,000 for that! I'm sure we could all knock one up with a few lumps of lap fencing, a nail gun and a go-cart out of the nearest skip.

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7 hours ago, Wizardsleeve said:

At least he's literate to do something with a book.  Rather than criticize the cunt for writing a book, perhaps your venom would best be used on yourself because you never learned to READ one!  

Fuck off! 

Come on that's unfair. She's an avid reader.  She's near the end of Peter and Jane ladybird series. 'This is Peter. This is Jane. This is Pat the dog. Pat has a red ball. Pat likes the red ball'. 

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Guest Snatch
7 hours ago, Punkape said:

Your house will be smaller than this, filthy and full of vermin, dead cockroaches and used condoms......


At least he uses his condoms on women unlike your homosexual cock smoking self. 

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Guest DingTheRioja
6 hours ago, nobgobbler said:

Bloody hell £25,000 for that! I'm sure we could all knock one up with a few lumps of lap fencing, a nail gun and a go-cart out of the nearest skip.

I once bought a house for not much more than that, the BTL rules wouldn't allow a purchase price of less than £30k so had to pay £5 over the asking....


Punkers, no, you wouldn't be allowed within 100m of the place, even before we stripped it out so go fuck yourself sideways with a hammerdrill.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
On 5/1/2017 at 7:39 AM, camberwell gypsy said:

Come on that's unfair. She's an avid reader.  She's near the end of Peter and Jane ladybird series. 'This is Peter. This is Jane. This is Pat the dog. Pat has a red ball. Pat likes the red ball'. 

If not for the pictures, Gyps, those too, would be dusty old relics in her cellar, much like the dried out, empty husks of the blokes she used to see.  If you examine them closely, the fang puncture wounds are still noticeable on the thoracic cavity.  

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Guest Lady Penelope
On 01/05/2017 at 0:39 PM, camberwell gypsy said:

Come on that's unfair. She's an avid reader.  She's near the end of Peter and Jane ladybird series. 'This is Peter. This is Jane. This is Pat the dog. Pat has a red ball. Pat likes the red ball'. 

Five on Brexit Island

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7 minutes ago, Rick_B said:

I wonder what his book is going to be called. How To Shoot Yourself In The Foot Just Like Me Despite An Expensive Private Education maybe?

I too wonder, Rick. Perhaps it might be called: 'How I Made It to No.10 – Unlike Jeremy Corbyn'?

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