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Asian grooming trials

Earl of Punkape

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A north Manchester lawyer whom I played golf with today indicated that the scale of Muslim grooming trials is huge and will clog up the courts for the next 3 years. He indicated that the type of abuse will certainly mean long custodial sentences for those convicted and will mean a substantial increase in the prison population as a result.

I'm a fan of deportation for these revolting individuals.....

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Just now, Punkape said:

A north Manchester lawyer whom I played golf with today indicated that the scale of Muslim grooming trials is huge and will clog up the courts for the next 3 years. He indicated that the type of abuse will certainly mean long custodial sentences for those convicted and will mean a substantial increase in the prison population as a result.

I'm a fan of deportation for these revolting individuals.....

Fuck off you stupid little wanker.

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17 minutes ago, Punkape said:

A north Manchester lawyer whom I played golf with today indicated that the scale of Muslim grooming trials is huge and will clog up the courts for the next 3 years. He indicated that the type of abuse will certainly mean long custodial sentences for those convicted and will mean a substantial increase in the prison population as a result.

I'm a fan of deportation for these revolting individuals.....

I'm a fan of decapitation for these revolting individuals.... 

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22 minutes ago, Punkape said:

A north Manchester lawyer whom I played golf with today indicated that the scale of Muslim grooming trials is huge and will clog up the courts for the next 3 years. He indicated that the type of abuse will certainly mean long custodial sentences for those convicted and will mean a substantial increase in the prison population as a result.

I'm a fan of deportation for these revolting individuals.....


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Guest Ollyboro
21 minutes ago, Punkape said:

A north Manchester lawyer whom I played golf with today indicated that the scale of Muslim grooming trials is huge and will clog up the courts for the next 3 years. He indicated that the type of abuse will certainly mean long custodial sentences for those convicted and will mean a substantial increase in the prison population as a result.

I'm a fan of deportation for these revolting individuals.....

First of all: Well done on your painfully pathetic attempt to jump on the current racism discussion bandwagon. The obvious question to then ask is, where exactly would you deport the "Asians" who were born in Britain? Thirdly: Fuck Off. And finally: LOL. 

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13 minutes ago, Ollyboro said:

First of all: Well done on your painfully pathetic attempt to jump on the current racism discussion bandwagon. The obvious question to then ask is, where exactly would you deport the "Asians" who were born in Britain? Thirdly: Fuck Off. And finally: LOL. 

1. What's racist about discussing grooming gangs from a particular ethnic area and creed. By playing the race card you cynically try to shut down the debate.

2. Deportation back to place of origin regardless of birthright. (Some want to be fucked off anyway)

3. Fuck off.

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Guest Ahriman
34 minutes ago, Ollyboro said:

First of all: Well done on your painfully pathetic attempt to jump on the current racism discussion bandwagon. The obvious question to then ask is, where exactly would you deport the "Asians" who were born in Britain? Thirdly: Fuck Off. And finally: LOL. 

You do realise that we are talking about a man whose geographical expertise only extends as far as to knowing all the best bumming spots within a five mile radius of his bedsit in Tower Hamlets.

The cock smoking cunt probably thinks that all Asians sailed over here from Curryland aboard a raft constructed from the mouldering corpses of sodomized goats.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

Hello Ahriman. 270 posts and I don't recall seeing a previous post from you yet you seem to think you know what you're talking about. I think it's quite clearly you don't. Fuck off. Lol

You peasant.

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9 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Hello Ahriman. 270 posts and I don't recall seeing a previous post from you yet you seem to think you know what you're talking about. I think it's quite clearly you don't. Fuck off. Lol

You peasant.

Uh... Punkape you forgot to sign out of your Pissflaps account...

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By kind permission.....


National coverage of these trials, coverage that much of the legacy media has been shockingly bad at achieving, may galvanise people, especially those in authority, to do something about a problem that is ruining the lives of thousands upon thousands of British girls. If that national coverage is not being supplied by newspapers of record such as the Times or the Telegraph and it is not being supplied by the state broadcaster that we all pay for, the BBC, then it’s the job of other more brave professional journalists to step up to the plate.

Misplaced concerns about ‘racism’ by journalists and editors which is leading them to play down these trials in national media, are condemning these often vulnerable children and young women to a life of sexual servitude and violence at the hands of these Islamic Rape Gangs. This is because without a national outcry about these Islamic Rape Gangs very little will be done about them because tackling them and admitting the root cause of these crimes, which is Islam and its attitude to women. This lack of action and lack of coordinated national publicity by media over the issue of Islamic sex crime and Islamic misogyny is not only letting down non Muslim British girls but is also letting down girls in Muslim families who are also often subjected to sexual, physical and emotional abuse. If the papers and the broadcasters will not cover the stories of non Muslim girls who’ve been outrageously abused what chance is there of this media turning their attention to girls I Muslim families who are enslaved?

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Tackling these stories by journalists would blow apart the chimera of multculturalism which is an ideology that is set on pretty shaky ground in the first place. Multiculturalist ideas flounder when tested, especially when they are tested by the importation and pandering to cultural ideologies that are completely opposite to that of our own and that of other civilised societies. If journalists and editors are going out of their way to protect the ideology of multiculturalism by not highlighting these cases as much as they should be doing then they are no longer fit to be called journalists, but are merely unthinking propagandists of the sort who would not be out of place in Huxley’s Brave New World. I think we as a nation deserve much better from our Fourth Estate than that.

Or cuntish, hacks of totalitarianism.

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1 hour ago, Punkape said:

A north Manchester lawyer whom I played golf with today indicated that the scale of Muslim grooming trials is huge and will clog up the courts for the next 3 years. He indicated that the type of abuse will certainly mean long custodial sentences for those convicted and will mean a substantial increase in the prison population as a result.

I'm a fan of deportation for these revolting individuals.....

The word of some bloke on  a golf course is hardly proof is it? I imagine there is more bollox talked on golf courses than most places, with the possible exception of this place. Until investigations, trials and convictions have taken place this is pure speculation. And you can't deport someone to a place they didn't come from can you?

We can't even deport you since we have no idea which planet you came from.


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Guest Ollyboro
1 hour ago, Punkape said:

1. What's racist about discussing grooming gangs from a particular ethnic area and creed. By playing the race card you cynically try to shut down the debate.

2. Deportation back to place of origin regardless of birthright. (Some want to be fucked off anyway)

3. Fuck off.

Do you know what, Spunkwit? If we ever end up in an Orwellian society that fingerprints its citizens, records it's citizens' DNA, and takes stool samples from all its citizens; you would be required to provide none of the above- although you would no doubt volunteer to be a stool sample collector/milker- because the slope (non -Chinese) of your boring forehead is unique.

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40 minutes ago, Punkape said:

By kind permission.....


National coverage of these trials, coverage that much of the legacy media has been shockingly bad at achieving, may galvanise people, especially those in authority, to do something about a problem that is ruining the lives of thousands upon thousands of British girls. If that national coverage is not being supplied by newspapers of record such as the Times or the Telegraph and it is not being supplied by the state broadcaster that we all pay for, the BBC, then it’s the job of other more brave professional journalists to step up to the plate.

Misplaced concerns about ‘racism’ by journalists and editors which is leading them to play down these trials in national media, are condemning these often vulnerable children and young women to a life of sexual servitude and violence at the hands of these Islamic Rape Gangs. This is because without a national outcry about these Islamic Rape Gangs very little will be done about them because tackling them and admitting the root cause of these crimes, which is Islam and its attitude to women. This lack of action and lack of coordinated national publicity by media over the issue of Islamic sex crime and Islamic misogyny is not only letting down non Muslim British girls but is also letting down girls in Muslim families who are also often subjected to sexual, physical and emotional abuse. If the papers and the broadcasters will not cover the stories of non Muslim girls who’ve been outrageously abused what chance is there of this media turning their attention to girls I Muslim families who are enslaved?

Bollocks. Agreed, these cunts got away with horrible abuse under the noses of social services but to suggest this abuse and even attitude towards white girls is endemic in the Pakistani community is far fetched indeed, the stuff of rabid, foaming at the mouth pissed daily mail readers. These cases received plenty of coverage and the perpetrators are now banged up, hopefully getting back scuttled as we speak. 

Yes, much needs to be done to ensure all members of society respect and cherish "British" values of fair play, respect for all races and genders etc. but to think these high profile offenders are the only sectors of society who indulge is these awful crimes is naive. These cunts were easy to catch, eventually, and were bang to rights but other cunts such as politicians, the left hand shakers and the inbreed aristocracy that still runs this place have been and will keep doing forever. My kids will never go to church and every person who'll have contact with them is scrutinised and on my radar. 

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Guest Ahriman
17 minutes ago, Drew P Pissflaps said:

Hello Ahriman. 270 posts and I don't recall seeing a previous post from you yet you seem to think you know what you're talking about. I think it's quite clearly you don't. Fuck off. Lol

You peasant.

Someone's awfully salty about being laid off from their dream job as senior quality tester at the fisting butter factory.

Did you break down in tears when they gave you the news?

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You've got to hand it to these Asian grooming gangs; they MOSCOW look fuckin immaculate! Not a hair out of place, sharp suits, crisp white shirts and just a light touch of a sophisticated cologne. Nails and eyebrows in top condition. I would take my hat off to PRAGUE these dapper wallahs but I lack the urban cool to even wear one.

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1 hour ago, Punkape said:

By kind permission.....


National coverage of these trials, coverage that much of the legacy media has been shockingly bad at achieving, may galvanise people, especially those in authority, to do something about a problem that is ruining the lives of thousands upon thousands of British girls. If that national coverage is not being supplied by newspapers of record such as the Times or the Telegraph and it is not being supplied by the state broadcaster that we all pay for, the BBC, then it’s the job of other more brave professional journalists to step up to the plate.

Misplaced concerns about ‘racism’ by journalists and editors which is leading them to play down these trials in national media, are condemning these often vulnerable children and young women to a life of sexual servitude and violence at the hands of these Islamic Rape Gangs. This is because without a national outcry about these Islamic Rape Gangs very little will be done about them because tackling them and admitting the root cause of these crimes, which is Islam and its attitude to women. This lack of action and lack of coordinated national publicity by media over the issue of Islamic sex crime and Islamic misogyny is not only letting down non Muslim British girls but is also letting down girls in Muslim families who are also often subjected to sexual, physical and emotional abuse. If the papers and the broadcasters will not cover the stories of non Muslim girls who’ve been outrageously abused what chance is there of this media turning their attention to girls I Muslim families who are enslaved?

By kind permission? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? That you're asked permission to copy and paste massive chunks of text, word for word, from the Internet?


You really are a fucking wanker. Lol.

Fuck off.

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I`ve watched Tommy Robinson on the Rebel Media YouTube channel challenging these cunts on the way into court in Bristol i think and Cambridge. There are a few more trials he plans to highlight too. Strangely no BBC, ITV or C4 there which is odd as the BBC cunts were over Cliff Richard`s house like flies on shit. It`s documented on YouTube so hardly a figment of someone`s imagination or anecdotal evidence. Maybe all those kids only imagined it.

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Punky, you forgot to post this bit:

"I now move on to the Leeds trial itself. It’s astonishingly small number of non Muslim names on this list of defendants when compared to those with Muslim names. 26 out of 29 in fact. Surely this discrepancy, a discrepancy that we’ve seen in a number of similar cases, should open people’s eyes to what is going on? What is also noticeable, is that they are not all from one single area and those alleged to have committed thee offences appear to have travelled from significant distances in order to take part in the alleged offences. This is another bit of evidence to show that these types of offenders are not being brought together through geography or small group affinity, but through an allegiance to an ideology, an ideology that despises women and sees them as property, an ideology called Islam."


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16 minutes ago, ratcum said:

You've got to hand it to these Asian grooming gangs; they MOSCOW look fuckin immaculate! Not a hair out of place, sharp suits, crisp white shirts and just a light touch of a sophisticated cologne. Nails and eyebrows in top condition. I would take my hat off to PRAGUE these dapper wallahs but I lack the urban cool to even wear one.

What on earth goes KRAKOW in your head Ratty? You demonstrate a madness BUDAPEST unheard of among even the most MURMANSK fervent kipper kissers.

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

What on earth goes KRAKOW in your head Ratty? You demonstrate a madness BUDAPEST unheard of among even the most MURMANSK fervent kipper kissers.

You are a yam, a plantain fifth columnist working with the English Potato League.

"They should own up or earth up Ratty" my old dad to use to say about Asian moolis round our way.

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Guest Ollyboro

The central question is: How old should you be before a BBC presenter rapes you? Jimmy Savile had a very different and demonstrively practical answer than Phil Schofield. Yet I hate Schofield more 

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46 minutes ago, Ollyboro said:

The central question is: How old should you be before a BBC presenter rapes you? Jimmy Savile had a very different and demonstrively practical answer than Phil Schofield. Yet I hate Schofield more 

Schofield repeatedly raped Gordon the Gopher in a broom cupboard whenever the cameras were averted. You're hatred is just and vindicated, Timmy Mallett was also responsible for vile acts of sodomy, perpetrated against Roland Rat and Kevin the Gerbil, and Geoffrey from Rainbow was obviously a sadistic pervert.

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