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Women's World 800 metres organiser cunts

Earl of Punkape

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The women should be wearing their ' Little Miss Waitress' or 'Little Miss Cleaning Lady' running shoes by Clark's so they are reminded that after fucking about on a running track there is woman's work to be done.

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Guest Lady Penelope
13 hours ago, Punkape said:

The winner of the "women's" 800metres has a "wife".

What does the wife think she has ?

Where's Paul Hogan when you need him.


That's Princess Di

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Guest Lady Penelope
2 hours ago, Manky said:

The women should be wearing their ' Little Miss Waitress' or 'Little Miss Cleaning Lady' running shoes by Clark's so they are reminded that after fucking about on a running track there is woman's work to be done.

You doing The Tour de Manchester this year?

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Guest Ollyboro
17 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Cassius Clay (that's his fucking name) was arguably a great boxer, but I think wrongly credited with being the greatest of all time. I would give that title to Marciano, more fights, no defeats and according to most of his opponents, impossible to knock out. Definitely my pick for a time travel showdown. Marciano vs Clay.

Marciano's legend is based almost entirely on his unbeaten record, Eric. But his record doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Unfortunately Marciano fought during a particularly weak period in the heavyweight division. Not his fault, but he never had the career defining fights like Ali did when he fought Liston, Foreman (both considered unbeatable) and Frazier. The great names on Marciano's résumé (Walcott, Archie Moore, Joe Louis) were well past their best when he fought them. They were in their thirties and forties when he battered them. It's also worth remembering only 7 of his fight's were title bouts.

Something else to consider is Marciano's size. Pound for pound he was probably the hardest puncher in heavyweight history, but he hardly fought anyone over 200 pounds. Someone like Lennox would have fought him with a four/five stone advantage, and a massive reach advantage. He was a fighter who liked to fight on the inside; throwing lots of punches, but missing with most. His stamina was legendary, and he could keep an insane pace to the last bell, but some of the bigger cunts who followed him would have jabbed his head off.

A final point to consider is contemporary opinion of Marciano. Boxing writers, during his peak,  rated him below Dempsey, Jack Johnson and Joe Louis. And these were writers who had seen these fighters in the flesh. Having said all that, at least Rocky never raped anyone, appeared in fucking panto, and nor was he a pikey. 


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28 minutes ago, Ollyboro said:

Marciano's legend is based almost entirely on his unbeaten record, Eric. But his record doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Unfortunately Marciano fought during a particularly weak period in the heavyweight division. Not his fault, but he never had the career defining fights like Ali did when he fought Liston, Foreman (both considered unbeatable) and Frazier. The great names on Marciano's résumé (Walcott, Archie Moore, Joe Louis) were well past their best when he fought them. They were in their thirties and forties when he battered them. It's also worth remembering only 7 of his fight's were title bouts.

Something else to consider is Marciano's size. Pound for pound he was probably the hardest puncher in heavyweight history, but he hardly fought anyone over 200 pounds. Someone like Lennox would have fought him with a four/five stone advantage, and a massive reach advantage. He was a fighter who liked to fight on the inside; throwing lots of punches, but missing with most. His stamina was legendary, and he could keep an insane pace to the last bell, but some of the bigger cunts who followed him would have jabbed his head off.

A final point to consider is contemporary opinion of Marciano. Boxing writers, during his peak,  rated him below Dempsey, Jack Johnson and Joe Louis. And these were writers who had seen these fighters in the flesh. Having said all that, at least Rocky never raped anyone, appeared in fucking panto, and nor was he a pikey. 


Very well put, Olly. I must admit I've become a big fan of Nicola Adams over the past couple of years. While she may 'bat for the other team' (so to speak), she has genuine power for her weight class and is capable of absorbing a thoroughly good fisting around the ring. A legend in the making.

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1 hour ago, Ollyboro said:

Marciano's legend is based almost entirely on his unbeaten record, Eric. But his record doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Unfortunately Marciano fought during a particularly weak period in the heavyweight division. Not his fault, but he never had the career defining fights like Ali did when he fought Liston, Foreman (both considered unbeatable) and Frazier. The great names on Marciano's résumé (Walcott, Archie Moore, Joe Louis) were well past their best when he fought them. They were in their thirties and forties when he battered them. It's also worth remembering only 7 of his fight's were title bouts.

Something else to consider is Marciano's size. Pound for pound he was probably the hardest puncher in heavyweight history, but he hardly fought anyone over 200 pounds. Someone like Lennox would have fought him with a four/five stone advantage, and a massive reach advantage. He was a fighter who liked to fight on the inside; throwing lots of punches, but missing with most. His stamina was legendary, and he could keep an insane pace to the last bell, but some of the bigger cunts who followed him would have jabbed his head off.

A final point to consider is contemporary opinion of Marciano. Boxing writers, during his peak,  rated him below Dempsey, Jack Johnson and Joe Louis. And these were writers who had seen these fighters in the flesh. Having said all that, at least Rocky never raped anyone, appeared in fucking panto, and nor was he a pikey. 


I'd still like to have seen him at his peak, fight Ali. Just to see if he could have kicked cunt out the religiously flip flopping, gobshite Muslim cunt.

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2 minutes ago, Punkape said:

I can only imagine what Marciano would have done to Brian London.....

Brian London wasn't a skilled boxer, just had a lot of stamina and a hard chin. Lenny McClean probably had more ability, but could never go pro on account of being a raving fucking psychopath, I've seen footage of a few of his fights, when after knocking out his opponent, he starts stamping on their heads because of the pre fight verbal bollocks. He was still better than Roy Shaw though.

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2 hours ago, Ollyboro said:

Marciano's legend is based almost entirely on his unbeaten record, Eric. But his record doesn't stand up to scrutiny.

Unfortunately Marciano fought during a particularly weak period in the heavyweight division. Not his fault, but he never had the career defining fights like Ali did when he fought Liston, Foreman (both considered unbeatable) and Frazier. The great names on Marciano's résumé (Walcott, Archie Moore, Joe Louis) were well past their best when he fought them. They were in their thirties and forties when he battered them. It's also worth remembering only 7 of his fight's were title bouts.

Something else to consider is Marciano's size. Pound for pound he was probably the hardest puncher in heavyweight history, but he hardly fought anyone over 200 pounds. Someone like Lennox would have fought him with a four/five stone advantage, and a massive reach advantage. He was a fighter who liked to fight on the inside; throwing lots of punches, but missing with most. His stamina was legendary, and he could keep an insane pace to the last bell, but some of the bigger cunts who followed him would have jabbed his head off.

A final point to consider is contemporary opinion of Marciano. Boxing writers, during his peak,  rated him below Dempsey, Jack Johnson and Joe Louis. And these were writers who had seen these fighters in the flesh. Having said all that, at least Rocky never raped anyone, appeared in fucking panto, and nor was he a pikey. 


Pound for pound I'd go for Sugar Ray Robinson.

I understand what you say about the size Olly. You have to remember that Ali's fighting weight was around the 14st mark. Henry Cooper 13 and half stone. This is why you have to look at the "pound for pound" when looking at fighters. My great grandfather was a pro boxer in the early 1920s. He fought at heavyweight and he was 5ft 8inch and around 14st. Can you imagine that now? 

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5 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Pound for pound I'd go for Sugar Ray Robinson.

I understand what you say about the size Olly. You have to remember that Ali's fighting weight was around the 14st mark. Henry Cooper 13 and half stone. This is why you have to look at the "pound for pound" when looking at fighters. My great grandfather was a pro boxer in the early 1920s. He fought at heavyweight and he was 5ft 8inch and around 14st. Can you imagine that now? 

Did your grandfather fight at the horse fairs ?

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Guest Wizardsleeve
1 minute ago, Stubby Pecker said:

You rotten cunt, I've just vomited thanks to that vision of hell. It took me all of 4 mins to cook that pot noodle as well 

My missus came up with that.  You'll thank us later, she's been reading about the shit they put in pot noodles....you don't want to know!  

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2 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

My missus came up with that.  You'll thank us later, she's been reading about the shit they put in pot noodles....you don't want to know!  

Real shit? Probably make it taste better. Joking aside this is my wife's idea of fine cooking, I actually cooked beef ravioli in red wine sauce and did the wash up, the silly cunt that I am!

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Guest Wizardsleeve
5 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Real shit? Probably make it taste better. Joking aside this is my wife's idea of fine cooking, I actually cooked beef ravioli in red wine sauce and did the wash up, the silly cunt that I am!

I tried making home made ravioli once, the fucking things came apart in the boil.  So I threw some brown sauce over the lot and called it a stew.  My wife was impressed with my adventurous spirit int he kitchen.  Bless.  

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2 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

I tried making home made ravioli once, the fucking things came apart in the boil.  So I threw some brown sauce over the lot and called it a stew.  My wife was impressed with my adventurous spirit int he kitchen.  Bless.  

If you honestly think I'm stupid enough (or be the the dog house in the big way) to attempt home made ravioli then you need help in assessing the culinary skills of fellow cunts! 

Back on topic, what caster semenyas lunch consist of?

Two Kiwi fruit and a gone black banana which she stashed in her running briefs!

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Guest Ollyboro
13 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Pound for pound I'd go for Sugar Ray Robinson.

I understand what you say about the size Olly. You have to remember that Ali's fighting weight was around the 14st mark. Henry Cooper 13 and half stone. This is why you have to look at the "pound for pound" when looking at fighters. My great grandfather was a pro boxer in the early 1920s. He fought at heavyweight and he was 5ft 8inch and around 14st. Can you imagine that now? 

Sugar Ray Robinson; 200 fights and left without a pot to piss in at the end of it all.

Marciano was about the same size as your great grandfather. If he'd got on his shoulders, the pair of them could have taken on that big cunt Valuev. All 7ft and 25 stone of him. Have you got any boxing posters of your great grandfather? That 'd be something else. I fear the only posters I could track down with my ancestors on would be 'Wanted' posters.

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Guest Drew P Pissflaps

At least the ones that look like blokes seem to have a sense of direction in that none of them took a wrong turn running around an oval like that woman in the steeple chase.

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