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Budget Pain for The Boomers

Last Cunt Standing

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These Cunts are about to get a rude awakening. Even a Tory government, traditionally in electoral thrall to the grey mafia, are turning on them. 

The feather-bedded golden generation, who love to cluck on about how hard it was in their day, in the style of the 4 Yorkshiremen, are about to get a taste o' the Cat from HM Treasury. Cabinet Ministers get wheeled out the week before Budget day to lay the ground - and look at the subtext of what Mr Javid is saying - "you lot have had it good for too long, the triple lock has kept you all insulated against the economic cold since the crash of '07, well stock up on blankets grandma, 'cos a change is gonna come, you voted for brexit and now you get the bill".

These old cunts do need a taste of fiscal pain. The average pensioner household now has a higher income that the average working household, which when you think about it, is completely unsustainable. They bang on about their free TV licences, prescriptions, council tax reductions, and how miserable their state pensions are, while at the same time rattling about in 500k+ houses way too big for them that they bought for 4k in the 1970's. Of course, thats when they aren't spending their winter fuel allowance on four bargain weeks in Tenerife every January to escape the cold. They cry crocodile tears for their struggling grandchildren as they write the annual £5 Christmas cheques, (grandchildren who unlike them don't enjoy free university education, job security, affordable housing and unfunded final salary pensions), while the same time muttering to Doris and Ada at the nightly bingo that if only these young 'uns would stop spending their McJob wages on iPhones and Avocados they could afford a little place in Dunstable, just like they did in the 1950's. Self-justification it may be, but it is also utter bollocks. 

So here's my few suggestions for the budget next week, Mr Hammond:

1) Scrap winter fuel allowance. Entirely.

2) Suspend the triple lock on pensions, which will rise by CPI only from 2018.

3) End free TV licences for everyone except the blind or the intellectually disabled. Or Punkape. 

4) No more single person reductions for council tax - you own the fucking place, pay for it all, or move.

5) Inheritance tax threshold to be set at £250k - though gifts to offspring in the 10 years pre-death will be exempt from IHT considerations. Let the wealth start to move down the generations.

6) Social Care costs to be capped at lifetime £100k - enough to pay for about 3-4 years in your average care home before the state kicks in (average residency is 5.2 years).

Anyone else care to add to the list?

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No problem with the analysis LCD, but I'm afraid you are going to attract some scorn as the "baby boomers" make up the largest segment of the site's punter list. I also fear that your budget proposals are merely tinkering at the edges. For decades the country has needed joined up thinking to issues that were predicted since the 60's. What you are proposing is more of the same with difficult decisions being kicked in to the long grass by successive governments. Mrs May was prepared to grasp the nettle but due to her poor salesmanship skills she was unable to take the country with her at the last general election.

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8 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

No problem with the analysis LCD, but I'm afraid you are going to attract some scorn as the "baby boomers" make up the largest segment of the site's punter list. I also fear that your budget proposals are merely tinkering at the edges. For decades the country has needed joined up thinking to issues that were predicted since the 60's. What you are proposing is more of the same with difficult decisions being kicked in to the long grass by successive governments. Mrs May was prepared to grasp the nettle but due to her poor salesmanship skills she was unable to take the country with her at the last general election.

I knew this would get your juices flowing treacle. 

Im all up for some culling but not everyone ascribes to my vision for the future of planet earth. Failing that, wealth redistribution from the toffs who got rich off the backs of the poor centuries ago?

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2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


These Cunts are about to get a rude awakening. Even a Tory government, traditionally in electoral thrall to the grey mafia, are turning on them. 

The feather-bedded golden generation, who love to cluck on about how hard it was in their day, in the style of the 4 Yorkshiremen, are about to get a taste o' the Cat from HM Treasury. Cabinet Ministers get wheeled out the week before Budget day to lay the ground - and look at the subtext of what Mr Javid is saying - "you lot have had it good for too long, the triple lock has kept you all insulated against the economic cold since the crash of '07, well stock up on blankets grandma, 'cos a change is gonna come, you voted for brexit and now you get the bill".

These old cunts do need a taste of fiscal pain. The average pensioner household now has a higher income that the average working household, which when you think about it, is completely unsustainable. They bang on about their free TV licences, prescriptions, council tax reductions, and how miserable their state pensions are, while at the same time rattling about in 500k+ houses way too big for them that they bought for 4k in the 1970's. Of course, thats when they aren't spending their winter fuel allowance on four bargain weeks in Tenerife every January to escape the cold. They cry crocodile tears for their struggling grandchildren as they write the annual £5 Christmas cheques, (grandchildren who unlike them don't enjoy free university education, job security, affordable housing and unfunded final salary pensions), while the same time muttering to Doris and Ada at the nightly bingo that if only these young 'uns would stop spending their McJob wages on iPhones and Avocados they could afford a little place in Dunstable, just like they did in the 1950's. Self-justification it may be, but it is also utter bollocks. 

So here's my few suggestions for the budget next week, Mr Hammond:

1) Scrap winter fuel allowance. Entirely.

2) Suspend the triple lock on pensions, which will rise by CPI only from 2018.

3) End free TV licences for everyone except the blind or the intellectually disabled. Or Punkape. 

4) No more single person reductions for council tax - you own the fucking place, pay for it all, or move.

5) Inheritance tax threshold to be set at £250k - though gifts to offspring in the 10 years pre-death will be exempt from IHT considerations. Let the wealth start to move down the generations.

6) Social Care costs to be capped at lifetime £100k - enough to pay for about 3-4 years in your average care home before the state kicks in (average residency is 5.2 years).

Anyone else care to add to the list?

I don't how long you have before you retire but you'll be fucked if things don't change before then.

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22 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


These Cunts are about to get a rude awakening. Even a Tory government, traditionally in electoral thrall to the grey mafia, are turning on them. 

The feather-bedded golden generation, who love to cluck on about how hard it was in their day, in the style of the 4 Yorkshiremen, are about to get a taste o' the Cat from HM Treasury. Cabinet Ministers get wheeled out the week before Budget day to lay the ground - and look at the subtext of what Mr Javid is saying - "you lot have had it good for too long, the triple lock has kept you all insulated against the economic cold since the crash of '07, well stock up on blankets grandma, 'cos a change is gonna come, you voted for brexit and now you get the bill".

These old cunts do need a taste of fiscal pain. The average pensioner household now has a higher income that the average working household, which when you think about it, is completely unsustainable. They bang on about their free TV licences, prescriptions, council tax reductions, and how miserable their state pensions are, while at the same time rattling about in 500k+ houses way too big for them that they bought for 4k in the 1970's. Of course, thats when they aren't spending their winter fuel allowance on four bargain weeks in Tenerife every January to escape the cold. They cry crocodile tears for their struggling grandchildren as they write the annual £5 Christmas cheques, (grandchildren who unlike them don't enjoy free university education, job security, affordable housing and unfunded final salary pensions), while the same time muttering to Doris and Ada at the nightly bingo that if only these young 'uns would stop spending their McJob wages on iPhones and Avocados they could afford a little place in Dunstable, just like they did in the 1950's. Self-justification it may be, but it is also utter bollocks. 

So here's my few suggestions for the budget next week, Mr Hammond:

1) Scrap winter fuel allowance. Entirely.

2) Suspend the triple lock on pensions, which will rise by CPI only from 2018.

3) End free TV licences for everyone except the blind or the intellectually disabled. Or Punkape. 

4) No more single person reductions for council tax - you own the fucking place, pay for it all, or move.

5) Inheritance tax threshold to be set at £250k - though gifts to offspring in the 10 years pre-death will be exempt from IHT considerations. Let the wealth start to move down the generations.

6) Social Care costs to be capped at lifetime £100k - enough to pay for about 3-4 years in your average care home before the state kicks in (average residency is 5.2 years).

Anyone else care to add to the list?

A fucking cracking nomination.

I'd add to this by suggesting that anyone who purchased their council property for a ridiculously cheap price in the eighties, and then sells it at today's inflated prices, should have to give 50% of the equity back to local government in order to fund new affordable housing developments.

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Guest Alfie Noakes
3 hours ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

This is the best comeback you can think of because this nom is bang on the money and the situation indefensible.

No wasn't a come back, just a fuck you. None of it matters to me as I won't reach pension age.

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Guest Wizardsleeve
7 hours ago, Lady Penelope said:

I like Bill, I like him a lot but I am staying off his side.

Indeed...we all know you prefer the backside with a huge anal plug to destroy your poor male victims bums.  

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Guest Lady Penelope
30 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

We all wish you'd be found on your side. Dead

The side is the recovery position .. you are not very good at this sort of thing are you?

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Guest Tata Steely Dan

Baby Boomers are the greediest generation in human history. They take the credit for winning WW2, even though they are too young to have been there. They claim they had a rough time growing up, but they bought property at prices that will barely get you a used car these days. Beer cost fucking nothing back then, and petrol cost even less. Cars also cost fucking nothing back then, so when they give you that bullshit "we were only on forty bob a week" chat they don't realise that their shitty 'forty bob' went way further. 

They allowed paedophiles to roam freely across the entertainment, political and religious spheres, but claimed they were 'so innocent back then and didn't have a clue'. In 1971 you could get married (at 18, lol, losers), the husband could get a job doing shitty accountancy or in a factory or something, and the woman could quit work and start having kids. If you did this now you would be an idiot. Oh and the newlyweds would be able to buy a house with a 100% mortgage, because ICI or British Steel or the local Comprehensive paid entry-level wages that could support an entire single-income family.

Oh and they claim they had all the best bands, all the best films and all the best TV programmes. Utter bullshit, yet I still have to listen to old cunts telling me about how amazing "Little and Large" or "Cannon and Ball" were, or whoever. Barely functioning obese alcoholics telling Paki jokes in dreadful miners welfare clubs to crowds of chain-smoking domestic abusers. Yeah, sounds fucking great. 

Then there is the sob stories about them losing their timeshare in the Algarve, or how they struggled to buy their teenage son a flat in London "for uni" or whatever. These people do shitty jobs, and you have to share an office with Baby Boomers who type on laptops like its a fucking typewriter, and who can only deal with images if they are in "Word format" or some other technical incompetency like that. 

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Guest Alfie Noakes
49 minutes ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

Baby Boomers are the greediest generation in human history. They take the credit for winning WW2, even though they are too young to have been there. They claim they had a rough time growing up, but they bought property at prices that will barely get you a used car these days. Beer cost fucking nothing back then, and petrol cost even less. Cars also cost fucking nothing back then, so when they give you that bullshit "we were only on forty bob a week" chat they don't realise that their shitty 'forty bob' went way further. 

They allowed paedophiles to roam freely across the entertainment, political and religious spheres, but claimed they were 'so innocent back then and didn't have a clue'. In 1971 you could get married (at 18, lol, losers), the husband could get a job doing shitty accountancy or in a factory or something, and the woman could quit work and start having kids. If you did this now you would be an idiot. Oh and the newlyweds would be able to buy a house with a 100% mortgage, because ICI or British Steel or the local Comprehensive paid entry-level wages that could support an entire single-income family.

Oh and they claim they had all the best bands, all the best films and all the best TV programmes. Utter bullshit, yet I still have to listen to old cunts telling me about how amazing "Little and Large" or "Cannon and Ball" were, or whoever. Barely functioning obese alcoholics telling Paki jokes in dreadful miners welfare clubs to crowds of chain-smoking domestic abusers. Yeah, sounds fucking great. 

Then there is the sob stories about them losing their timeshare in the Algarve, or how they struggled to buy their teenage son a flat in London "for uni" or whatever. These people do shitty jobs, and you have to share an office with Baby Boomers who type on laptops like its a fucking typewriter, and who can only deal with images if they are in "Word format" or some other technical incompetency like that. 

The worst thing of all for them is that they have to work in a room with a whining twat like you. I am not a baby boomer, I am one of generation X. 

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1 hour ago, Tata Steely Dan said:

Baby Boomers are the greediest generation in human history. They take the credit for winning WW2, even though they are too young to have been there. They claim they had a rough time growing up, but they bought property at prices that will barely get you a used car these days. Beer cost fucking nothing back then, and petrol cost even less. Cars also cost fucking nothing back then, so when they give you that bullshit "we were only on forty bob a week" chat they don't realise that their shitty 'forty bob' went way further. 

They allowed paedophiles to roam freely across the entertainment, political and religious spheres, but claimed they were 'so innocent back then and didn't have a clue'. In 1971 you could get married (at 18, lol, losers), the husband could get a job doing shitty accountancy or in a factory or something, and the woman could quit work and start having kids. If you did this now you would be an idiot. Oh and the newlyweds would be able to buy a house with a 100% mortgage, because ICI or British Steel or the local Comprehensive paid entry-level wages that could support an entire single-income family.

Oh and they claim they had all the best bands, all the best films and all the best TV programmes. Utter bullshit, yet I still have to listen to old cunts telling me about how amazing "Little and Large" or "Cannon and Ball" were, or whoever. Barely functioning obese alcoholics telling Paki jokes in dreadful miners welfare clubs to crowds of chain-smoking domestic abusers. Yeah, sounds fucking great. 

Then there is the sob stories about them losing their timeshare in the Algarve, or how they struggled to buy their teenage son a flat in London "for uni" or whatever. These people do shitty jobs, and you have to share an office with Baby Boomers who type on laptops like its a fucking typewriter, and who can only deal with images if they are in "Word format" or some other technical incompetency like that. 

Excellent stuff Dan. Apart from the bit where you slagged off Bernard Manning without naming him, but I knew who you were talking about. Bernard was a legend, every time I quote one of his jokes on here, it gets 4 likes and then admin remove it as soon as they notice it. Little and large, and Cannon and Ball were utter shite though, can't argue with that one.

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26 minutes ago, Alfie Noakes said:

The worst thing of all for them is that they have to work in a room with a whining twat like you. I am not a baby boomer, I am one of generation X. 

What's Billy Idol really like? Are you that cunt who formed Sigue Sigue Sputnik with that weird cunt who put women's tights on his head?

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Guest judgetwi
On 17/11/2017 at 12:59 PM, Last Cunt Standing said:


These Cunts are about to get a rude awakening. Even a Tory government, traditionally in electoral thrall to the grey mafia, are turning on them. 

The feather-bedded golden generation, who love to cluck on about how hard it was in their day, in the style of the 4 Yorkshiremen, are about to get a taste o' the Cat from HM Treasury. Cabinet Ministers get wheeled out the week before Budget day to lay the ground - and look at the subtext of what Mr Javid is saying - "you lot have had it good for too long, the triple lock has kept you all insulated against the economic cold since the crash of '07, well stock up on blankets grandma, 'cos a change is gonna come, you voted for brexit and now you get the bill".

These old cunts do need a taste of fiscal pain. The average pensioner household now has a higher income that the average working household, which when you think about it, is completely unsustainable. They bang on about their free TV licences, prescriptions, council tax reductions, and how miserable their state pensions are, while at the same time rattling about in 500k+ houses way too big for them that they bought for 4k in the 1970's. Of course, thats when they aren't spending their winter fuel allowance on four bargain weeks in Tenerife every January to escape the cold. They cry crocodile tears for their struggling grandchildren as they write the annual £5 Christmas cheques, (grandchildren who unlike them don't enjoy free university education, job security, affordable housing and unfunded final salary pensions), while the same time muttering to Doris and Ada at the nightly bingo that if only these young 'uns would stop spending their McJob wages on iPhones and Avocados they could afford a little place in Dunstable, just like they did in the 1950's. Self-justification it may be, but it is also utter bollocks. 

So here's my few suggestions for the budget next week, Mr Hammond:

1) Scrap winter fuel allowance. Entirely.

2) Suspend the triple lock on pensions, which will rise by CPI only from 2018.

3) End free TV licences for everyone except the blind or the intellectually disabled. Or Punkape. 

4) No more single person reductions for council tax - you own the fucking place, pay for it all, or move.

5) Inheritance tax threshold to be set at £250k - though gifts to offspring in the 10 years pre-death will be exempt from IHT considerations. Let the wealth start to move down the generations.

6) Social Care costs to be capped at lifetime £100k - enough to pay for about 3-4 years in your average care home before the state kicks in (average residency is 5.2 years).

Anyone else care to add to the list?

Fuck a duck are you a professional politician? I’ve never read such a load of shit since the last time I picked up the Daily Torygraph. We all know who is robbing our pockets and it ain’t the little old lady next door ( yes I can use cliches too) who bought a house for 9 grand which is now worth half a mill. She bought a home she didn’t make an “investment” and she wasn’t trying to wash her dirty foreign money. But let’s go for the easy targets and forget about the tax dodging rich cunts, the multi national  corporates and, of course, their spineless arse licking friends in the Palace of Westminster. Fuck me, you have to be one seriously naive and braindead cunt to swallow this crock of shit


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Guest Wizardsleeve
6 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Fuck a duck are you a professional politician? I’ve never read such a load of shit since the last time I picked up the Daily Torygraph. We all know who is robbing our pockets and it ain’t the little old lady next door ( yes I can use cliches too) who bought a house for 9 grand which is now worth half a mill. She bought a home she didn’t make an “investment” and she wasn’t trying to wash her dirty foreign money. But let’s go for the easy targets and forget about the tax dodging rich cunts, the multi national  corporates and, of course, their spineless arse licking friends in the Palace of Westminster. Fuck me, you have to be one seriously naive and braindead cunt to swallow this crock of shit


Welcome back, Judge!  

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On 17/11/2017 at 12:59 PM, Last Cunt Standing said:


These Cunts are about to get a rude awakening. Even a Tory government, traditionally in electoral thrall to the grey mafia, are turning on them. 

The feather-bedded golden generation, who love to cluck on about how hard it was in their day, in the style of the 4 Yorkshiremen, are about to get a taste o' the Cat from HM Treasury. Cabinet Ministers get wheeled out the week before Budget day to lay the ground - and look at the subtext of what Mr Javid is saying - "you lot have had it good for too long, the triple lock has kept you all insulated against the economic cold since the crash of '07, well stock up on blankets grandma, 'cos a change is gonna come, you voted for brexit and now you get the bill".

These old cunts do need a taste of fiscal pain. The average pensioner household now has a higher income that the average working household, which when you think about it, is completely unsustainable. They bang on about their free TV licences, prescriptions, council tax reductions, and how miserable their state pensions are, while at the same time rattling about in 500k+ houses way too big for them that they bought for 4k in the 1970's. Of course, thats when they aren't spending their winter fuel allowance on four bargain weeks in Tenerife every January to escape the cold. They cry crocodile tears for their struggling grandchildren as they write the annual £5 Christmas cheques, (grandchildren who unlike them don't enjoy free university education, job security, affordable housing and unfunded final salary pensions), while the same time muttering to Doris and Ada at the nightly bingo that if only these young 'uns would stop spending their McJob wages on iPhones and Avocados they could afford a little place in Dunstable, just like they did in the 1950's. Self-justification it may be, but it is also utter bollocks. 

So here's my few suggestions for the budget next week, Mr Hammond:

1) Scrap winter fuel allowance. Entirely.

2) Suspend the triple lock on pensions, which will rise by CPI only from 2018.

3) End free TV licences for everyone except the blind or the intellectually disabled. Or Punkape. 

4) No more single person reductions for council tax - you own the fucking place, pay for it all, or move.

5) Inheritance tax threshold to be set at £250k - though gifts to offspring in the 10 years pre-death will be exempt from IHT considerations. Let the wealth start to move down the generations.

6) Social Care costs to be capped at lifetime £100k - enough to pay for about 3-4 years in your average care home before the state kicks in (average residency is 5.2 years).

Anyone else care to add to the list?

As a baby boomer let me point out a couple of things.

1. Most baby boomers do not have second pensions and are working til 70 to stave off old age poverty for as long as possible.

2. Numbers 6 and 7 in your list will not help their offspring at all and will not effect said boomers. It is a bit self defeating.

3. I agree with four of your other 5 points as long as the principle of means testing is brought in. Number two is frankly ridiculous and will only amplify the poverty of those with one pension.

4.Make all people and companies pay the correct amount of tax that is due from them. When are the banks going to repay the £700 bill for the crash that they caused...the removal of which from the economy was the trigger of the austerity con trick thatstripped away the entitlements of future generations? As a Society, we should all be banging on parliament’s doors demanding answers to these questions.

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