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Tarot readers, psychic crystal healers and all other nebulous hippy guff peddlars

Guest Bill Stickers

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9 minutes ago, Neil said:

Fucking hell you cunts,you're supposed to do April fools before midday.Ghosts do not ,never have and never will exist,it's a sign of weakness in someone's persona that allows them to believe in such bollocks.Exactly what it is their missing I don't know but it's a crock of shit

Neil, stick to wanking. We're saying that ghosts don't exist, you thick twat. That's exactly what we're saying. 

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20 minutes ago, Neil said:

Name them,I bet they're all cunts

Do your own research you lazy fat cunt. Winston Churchill is one such example.

What I'm saying is, there are rational and intelligent people who have claimed to have experienced a ghost sighting, and I'd believe their testimony over the complete dismissal of a thick as fuck, lecherous Transit van driver like yourself.

Besides, as has been pointed out, no one is saying that what people see are the souls of the deceased,  so try and keep up if you're moulding yourself into the corner's answer to James Randi.

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30 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Do your own research you lazy fat cunt. Winston Churchill is one such example.

What I'm saying is, there are rational and intelligent people who have claimed to have experienced a ghost sighting, and I'd believe their testimony over the complete dismissal of a thick as fuck, lecherous Transit van driver like yourself.

Besides, as has been pointed out, no one is saying that what people see are the souls of the deceased,  so try and keep up if you're moulding yourself into the corner's answer to James Randi.

I'm sure Neil has valid reasons for his opinion, chiefly that he has spent so much time masturbating over Daphne from Scooby Doo, that he now believes all ghost sightings are simply the result of a disgruntled caretaker wearing a sheet and stalking his previous place of employment to frighten off potential buyers, thus driving down the price so that he can buy it ridiculously cheaply and then engage MC to sell it on to gullible foreigners at a vast profit.

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Guest judgetwi
45 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Do your own research you lazy fat cunt. Winston Churchill is one such example.


  Churchill was staying in the White House and claimed he saw Abraham Lincoln . That’s what a bottle and a half of Jack Daniels can do for you.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I'm sure Neil has valid reasons for his opinion, chiefly that he has spent so much time masturbating over Daphne from Scooby Doo, that he now believes all ghost sightings are simply the result of a disgruntled caretaker wearing a sheet and stalking his previous place of employment to frighten off potential buyers, thus driving down the price so that he can buy it ridiculously cheaply and then engage MC to sell it on to gullible foreigners at a vast profit.



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Guest Bill Stickers
15 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:



Stubby, this is the most virgin shit you’ve posted to date.

I’ve tried to avoid abusing you, as you seem to be dealing admirably with the new tide of fuckwits.

I’ll treat this as a momentary lapse of judgement.

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22 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

Stubby, this is the most virgin shit you’ve posted to date.

I’ve tried to avoid abusing you, as you seem to be dealing admirably with the new tide of fuckwits.

I’ll treat this as a momentary lapse of judgement.

Thanks billiam, good to know you're on my side

Fuck off out of it

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Guest Wizardsleeve
17 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I'm sure Neil has valid reasons for his opinion, chiefly that he has spent so much time masturbating over Daphne from Scooby Doo, that he now believes all ghost sightings are simply the result of a disgruntled caretaker wearing a sheet and stalking his previous place of employment to frighten off potential buyers, thus driving down the price so that he can buy it ridiculously cheaply and then engage MC to sell it on to gullible foreigners at a vast profit.

I have a suspicion Neil isn't the only bloke who has done that.  Many was the time I wished the villain would have ripped her clothes off and given her one up the wrong'un! 

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19 minutes ago, Wizardsleeve said:

I have a suspicion Neil isn't the only bloke who has done that.  Many was the time I wished the villain would have ripped her clothes off and given her one up the wrong'un! 

Jessica Rabbit is by far the most shaggable cartoon character. I bet Lois from family guy is a right dirty bitch though.

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On 3/31/2018 at 2:12 PM, Decimus said:

I'm not so sure. I don't necessarily think that whatever a ghost is, it could be classed as a disembodied spirit of a previously living person.

I do believe in the stone tape theory though, as open as that probably leaves me to ridicule. It makes sense and would fit in with the aspects of most sightings i.e. repetetive, non-responsive, partially visible etc. Plus it gives it a natural explanation as opposed to a supernatural one. Far too many credible people have seen what they claim to be a ghost for it to all be bollocks.

You fucking idiot.

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On 3/31/2018 at 2:44 PM, Eric Cuntman said:

I would go along with the stone tape theory. 22 years ago, walking along the beach with an ex girlfriend at about 1am, we walked under the pier, the tide was about 30 yards from fully in, we both froze in our tracks. There were half a dozen men, up to their knees in the water, illuminated by an oil lamp on a pole and pulling wooden crates out of the water, then after a few seconds there was nothing. Neither of us spoke for about a minute. I asked her what she saw, and she described exactly what I'd just seen, without me describing it first, even down to the detail of the metal hook they were whacking into the crates to pull them from the sea.

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Mrs Cuntman.

I don't think so.


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53 minutes ago, Frank said:

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Mrs Cuntman.

I don't think so.


This sort of shit was funny once, mainly due to the shock value.

However, as with everything else you post, you've rehashed it to fucking death and now it just comes across as tired, stale, and a little bit crass.

Here's the Rocky theme tune, watch it on an infinite loop and forget to eat or drink.

Fucking boring cunt.


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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Mrs Cuntman.

I don't think so.


Nice try, Frank, but it's two lines and one syllable too many for a haiku, which would have been its saving grace. 

Knock once for "pwaan kwacker" and twice for a face fuck. 

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Knock, knock.

Who's there?

Mrs Cuntman.

I don't think so.


Frank, seeing as how you're being beckoned by death's tender embrace, you are ideally placed to test these ghost theories for your fellow cunts. I for one would be most grateful if you could leap across the Styx into the eternal abyss, and report back from the hereafter.  

Preferably today. 

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Guest Bill Stickers
1 hour ago, Decimus said:

This sort of shit was funny once, mainly due to the shock value.

However, as with everything else you post, you've rehashed it to fucking death and now it just comes across as tired, stale, and a little bit crass.

Here's the Rocky theme tune, watch it on an infinite loop and forget to eat or drink.

Fucking boring cunt.


When Frank dies, do you think his bedsit walls will record the event?

And then with the right conditions (subsequent renters also being skinny legged shit bin twats playing a Spanish guitar), the lyrics of Mike’s got a walnut head will be heared echoing the trauma from the asbestos tape? 

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8 minutes ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

When Frank dies, do you think his bedsit walls will record the event?

And then with the right conditions (subsequent renters also being skinny legged shit bin twats playing a Spanish guitar), the lyrics of Mike’s got a walnut head will be heared echoing the trauma from the asbestos tape? 

I hope for posterity's sake that his walls will remain silent and that the only reminder that the useless cunt ever polluted this earth with his gay-jeaned presence will be a dusty wig growing cobwebs in a cancer charity shop.

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Guest luke swarm
2 hours ago, Decimus said:

This sort of shit was funny once, mainly due to the shock value.

However, as with everything else you post, you've rehashed it to fucking death and now it just comes across as tired, stale, and a little bit crass.

Here's the Rocky theme tune, watch it on an infinite loop and forget to eat or drink.

Fucking boring cunt.


just remind me again when this tedious cunt was funny again Decimus, I have a memory nearly half as good as Cuntybaws but I simply cannot recall any such period of humorous content from this tiresome imbecile. 

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1 hour ago, William T.D. Stickers said:

When Frank dies, do you think his bedsit walls will record the event?

And then with the right conditions (subsequent renters also being skinny legged shit bin twats playing a Spanish guitar), the lyrics of Mike’s got a walnut head will be heared echoing the trauma from the asbestos tape? 

When frank does snuff it from stranglewanking or aids in his above-the-kebab-shop flat he'll be sliced and diced by his heroin dealing Turk landlords and fed to the piss heads on a Friday night. We've one doner scoffing regular here so stick to the pita and chips

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9 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

When frank does snuff it from stranglewanking or aids in his above-the-kebab-shop flat he'll be sliced and diced by his heroin dealing Turk landlords and fed to the piss heads on a Friday night. We've one doner scoffing regular here so stick to the pita and chips

Stubby, you're back to your fucking best. Bygones are bygones, carry on like this and you'll be back eating at the top table by the end of the week.

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