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Adrian Harrop


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This person is a 'Transgender Activist' (nope, me neither) who objected to a billboard posted in Liverpool for the duration of the Labour Party conference, which was the dictionary definition of the word 'Woman'

The copy read:

 ‘woman/noun/adult human female’

and was set on a grey background with no other images.

Harrop objected to this and that the billboard company was 'complicit in the spread of transphobic hate speech’. The company in question being so scared of the imbecilic Twitterati social justice warriors, they naturally had it removed.

So there you go folks! A dictionary definition is now officially 'hate speech'. Welcome to 1984

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Guest Gronda Gronda

I have had arguments in the past relating to the subject of discrimination towards transgender people.  I have no issue with them, I just don't understand how anyone can feel offended by something like that. 

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Guest Erroreptile404
51 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Last week I said someone was "Oriental" because I wasn't sure what country they were from (Japan? China?) only to be told that "Oriental' was racist. It should be 'Asian', which confuses things because I associate the term Asian as being from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh etc. 

Were they an american cunt by any chance? Those weirdos spurt jism out of their tiny cocks over the mention of slopes and think asia begins in japan and ends in korea. You ought to see the anti - Indian shit they write on the internet. Pure scum, probably hate them because they were heavily influenced by the British. Another one is you can't call black people "black" anymore and you have to refer to them as "coloured" get the fuck out of here with that shit.

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5 minutes ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

Were they an american cunt by any chance? Those weirdos spurt jism out of their tiny cocks over the mention of slopes and think asia begins in japan and ends in korea. You ought to see the anti - Indian shit they write on the internet. Pure scum, probably hate them because they were heavily influenced by the British. Another one is you can't call black people "black" anymore and you have to refer to them as "coloured" get the fuck out of here with that shit.

Nope. A latte slurping,Graudian reading middle class idiot who I had to persuade not to have a measles party for her little angel so as not to infect his little friends who haven't had measles yet. 

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Guest Erroreptile404
13 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Nope. A latte slurping,Graudian reading middle class idiot who I had to persuade not to have a measles party for her little angel so as not to infect his little friends who haven't had measles yet. 

I'm guessing they drove a massive Animal/toyota "suv" or v8 Range Rover to take their little darlings to school in too.

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Last week I said someone was "Oriental" because I wasn't sure what country they were from (Japan? China?) only to be told that "Oriental' was racist. It should be 'Asian', which confuses things because I associate the term Asian as being from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh etc. 

Or Luton

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What this thread needs is a visual depiction of just what an utter fucking four-eyed bellend this cunt is, just in case some readers are struggling to despise him enough.


If you really want to go the whole audio hog, here's a podcast from "Queer Liverpool" (sic) where he explains how he met his "husband" on Grindr.


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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

What this thread needs is a visual depiction of just what an utter fucking four-eyed bellend this cunt is, just in case some readers are struggling to despise him enough.


If you really want to go the whole audio hog, here's a podcast from "Queer Liverpool" (sic) where he explains how he met his "husband" on Grindr.


I'm so glad you were able to add the sound and vision to this nom Baws - your 'Elton John' to my 'Bernie Taupin'...by which I mean...er...oh hell...

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1 hour ago, EreptileDysfunction said:

Were they an american cunt by any chance? Those weirdos spurt jism out of their tiny cocks over the mention of slopes and think asia begins in japan and ends in korea. You ought to see the anti - Indian shit they write on the internet. Pure scum, probably hate them because they were heavily influenced by the British. Another one is you can't call black people "black" anymore and you have to refer to them as "coloured" get the fuck out of here with that shit.

I notice there's a huge online wave of anti-British/European sentiment from the septics at the moment, more so than usual anyway, concerning how we took the Native's land away. All of a sudden they're all 1/36 Cherokee and are getting in touch with their native roots. 

Of course this in turn means that they're blameless when it comes to segregation and slavery, as it was technically us that were responsible. However, it was them that landed on the moon.

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4 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Last week I said someone was "Oriental" because I wasn't sure what country they were from (Japan? China?) only to be told that "Oriental' was racist. It should be 'Asian', which confuses things because I associate the term Asian as being from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh etc. 

From "Over there" is probably the safe option  .. for the time being

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3 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

What this thread needs is a visual depiction of just what an utter fucking four-eyed bellend this cunt is, just in case some readers are struggling to despise him enough.


If you really want to go the whole audio hog, here's a podcast from "Queer Liverpool" (sic) where he explains how he met his "husband" on Grindr.


There are certain people who have faces that were made for punching. And this one is no exception. 

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Guest 'eavensabove

Fuck knows what will become of humankind by the end of this century. Thank fuck I wont be here. Transoids  will take over the world if they have their own way, what ever way that is, or is not.  It goes way beyond having your tackle remodified too. 'Make-up' for men, fucking blouses & skirts with 'FRANK' embroidered upon them, and fucking sissy barbers and all manner of 'MENs' trades being demoted to camp-cunts with tits or dyko's with dicks. 

I blame Spot, for such nonsense. 


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2 minutes ago, 'eavensabove said:

Fuck knows what will become of humankind by the end of this century. Thank fuck I wont be here. Transoids  will take over the world if they have their own way, what ever way that is, or is not.  It goes way beyond having your tackle remodified too. 'Make-up' for men, fucking blouses & skirts with 'FRANK' embroidered upon them, and fucking sissy barbers and all manner of 'MENs' trades being demoted to camp-cunts with tits or dyko's with dicks. 

I blame Spot, for such nonsense. 


R.I.P  Pete Burns

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Guest Wizardsleeve
6 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

This person is a 'Transgender Activist' (nope, me neither) who objected to a billboard posted in Liverpool for the duration of the Labour Party conference, which was the dictionary definition of the word 'Woman'

The copy read:

 ‘woman/noun/adult human female’

and was set on a grey background with no other images.

Harrop objected to this and that the billboard company was 'complicit in the spread of transphobic hate speech’. The company in question being so scared of the imbecilic Twitterati social justice warriors, they naturally had it removed.

So there you go folks! A dictionary definition is now officially 'hate speech'. Welcome to 1984

Careful Jiggers, the cunt will end being the Corners Mary Beard!  

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18 minutes ago, Wybunbury Bertie said:

Is this now a tranny cum bumboy forum? 

I dunno, but it's given me an idea. A bloke that identifies as a woman now has the right to become one and to be treated as one.

For many years I have identified as a multi millionaire, so the fact that I have not been provided with several million quid to allow me to live the lifestyle I feel I should be living, makes me the victim of a hate crime.

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20 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I dunno, but it's given me an idea. A bloke that identifies as a woman now has the right to become one and to be treated as one.

For many years I have identified as a multi millionaire, so the fact that I have not been provided with several million quid to allow me to live the lifestyle I feel I should be living, makes me the victim of a hate crime.

Undeniable logic - speak to Jeremy Cuntbin and he'll give you a few million, free childcare and a council flat 

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