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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

I see. You're now intimating that the remaniacs position is justified because they are better educated and smarter than those who chose to leave. Numpties or not, a democratic vote was taken and the majority chose to leave. FWIW, If Brexit means staying with the Customs Union and its restrictive practices or even worse, Article 50 is revoked then the recriminations will be seismic. The Irish people may be happy to bend over and take it up the arse with repeated referenda but the British become belligerent when they know when something is wrong and overriding the popular vote is very, very wrong. 

At least there are signs that the EU Parliament is starting to sniff the coffee. Its the MEP's and not the unelected Commission who have their ears to ground and clearly some of them have had a kicking from concerned constituents for they have recently passed a law that allows visa free travel to EU states even in the event of a hard Brexit.. Didn't the doomsayers warn us that that Brexit meant restrictive travel to favourite holiday hot spots?

Remainiac..thats a fine way to be talkin with the nation split down the middle..tween saboteurs n traitors n leavers n stayers yall need some healing..they sold ya a bag o shite is all ..not yer fault ..most people make decisions on sound bytes n what their prefered medias slant is on things..and its visa free travel  for 90 days ..dont be gettin ahead of yerself now roops baby


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Guest judgetwi
16 hours ago, Ollyboro said:

There hasn't been this many resignations since  a concerted grassing to matron campaign, led Judge to be installed as Chaircunt of the residents committee at the South London Home For The Terminally Aggrieved (poof's wing).

Shocking, unprovoked attack from the Smogmonster in a desperate attempt to court popularity with his dim so called friends.

Have you any idea of the suicide rate amongst white males in my age group? No, you fucking don’t and you don’t fucking care either you vicious cunt.

You are vile and nasty and i’m telling your Mum.





Muggy cunt.


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Guest Erroreptile404
9 hours ago, Decimus said:

It's perfectly clear to anyone who doesn't think that owning an inside toilet is the epitome of culture, that the south is by all measures superior to the north. The wages are higher, the standard of living is higher, the life expectancy is longer, there's more domestic and foreign investment, less childhood poverty, and fewer roving gangs of Asian taxi drivers sexually abusing children. 

Christ what century are you cunts in slum land stuck in? The south is by all standards a fucking shithole full of miserable, bitter, Danny Dyer cunts like yourself living in tiny shit houses in shitty areas and consider concrete a beach lol. I mean you live in fucking Norfolk ffs. Standard of living? I have about 10 stunning beaches in a 5 mile vicinity of where i live full of massive houses far too expensive for a 30'000 a year making twat like yourself to ever have a hope of owning. I imagine the boats around here cost more than you make in a year. Heck one of my mates at school lived in a Victorian rectory house with a bare minimum of 12 bedrooms, tennis court, swimming pool, and acres of forest surrounding it, all theres. It's funny when you Albert Square wankers come up here for a day out and are all wide eyed and in awe that it isn't covered in dog shit, have rubbish all over the streets, boarded up shops, smashed windows and doesn't resemble downtown Syria like the south lmao. Fuck off and shove your banjo up your arse you web fingered, swamp dwelling fucking mutant. Also everyone knows where you live "Ricky" your address is all over the internet.

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Guest Erroreptile404
2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

Ding-lite. What an accolade... 


Would that be the same Ding that hasn't logged in, in nearly 2 years and you all talk about non-stop everyday?

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2 hours ago, Erroreptile404 said:

Christ what century are you cunts in slum land stuck in? The south is by all standards a fucking shithole full of miserable, bitter, Danny Dyer cunts like yourself living in tiny shit houses in shitty areas and consider concrete a beach lol. I mean you live in fucking Norfolk ffs. Standard of living? I have about 10 stunning beaches in a 5 mile vicinity of where i live full of massive houses far too expensive for a 30'000 a year making twat like yourself to ever have a hope of owning. I imagine the boats around here cost more than you make in a year. Heck one of my mates at school lived in a Victorian rectory house with a bare minimum of 12 bedrooms, tennis court, swimming pool, and acres of forest surrounding it, all theres. It's funny when you Albert Square wankers come up here for a day out and are all wide eyed and in awe that it isn't covered in dog shit, have rubbish all over the streets, boarded up shops, smashed windows and doesn't resemble downtown Syria like the south lmao. Fuck off and shove your banjo up your arse you web fingered, swamp dwelling fucking mutant. Also everyone knows where you live "Ricky" your address is all over the internet.

I have about 10 stunning beaches in a 5 mile vicinity

So who the fuck wants to see them? 


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Guest Khiwa
18 hours ago, Ollyboro said:

Interesting that you reported me for knowing what Rule 9 is, but don't bat a fucking eyelid to me apparently recognising a double-ended butt plug. I can only assume that double-ended butt plugs are normal in your world. Anyhow, I'm reporting you for naming yourself after a brand of shoe polish. You racist cunt.

Reported for reporting me about shoe polish.

(By the way, I have no idea how to report, and wouldn't be bothered to even if I did)

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2 hours ago, Erroreptile404 said:

Christ what century are you cunts in slum land stuck in? The south is by all standards a fucking shithole full of miserable, bitter, Danny Dyer cunts like yourself living in tiny shit houses in shitty areas and consider concrete a beach lol. I mean you live in fucking Norfolk ffs. Standard of living? I have about 10 stunning beaches in a 5 mile vicinity of where i live full of massive houses far too expensive for a 30'000 a year making twat like yourself to ever have a hope of owning. I imagine the boats around here cost more than you make in a year. Heck one of my mates at school lived in a Victorian rectory house with a bare minimum of 12 bedrooms, tennis court, swimming pool, and acres of forest surrounding it, all theres. It's funny when you Albert Square wankers come up here for a day out and are all wide eyed and in awe that it isn't covered in dog shit, have rubbish all over the streets, boarded up shops, smashed windows and doesn't resemble downtown Syria like the south lmao. Fuck off and shove your banjo up your arse you web fingered, swamp dwelling fucking mutant. Also everyone knows where you live "Ricky" your address is all over the internet.

I looked at Coronation Street once,  and it is nothing like your description of the north. Bullshitting Northern monkey.  Victorian Rectory indeed.

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4 hours ago, Erroreptile404 said:

Christ what century are you cunts in slum land stuck in? The south is by all standards a fucking shithole full of miserable, bitter, Danny Dyer cunts like yourself living in tiny shit houses in shitty areas and consider concrete a beach lol. I mean you live in fucking Norfolk ffs. Standard of living? I have about 10 stunning beaches in a 5 mile vicinity of where i live full of massive houses far too expensive for a 30'000 a year making twat like yourself to ever have a hope of owning. I imagine the boats around here cost more than you make in a year. Heck one of my mates at school lived in a Victorian rectory house with a bare minimum of 12 bedrooms, tennis court, swimming pool, and acres of forest surrounding it, all theres. It's funny when you Albert Square wankers come up here for a day out and are all wide eyed and in awe that it isn't covered in dog shit, have rubbish all over the streets, boarded up shops, smashed windows and doesn't resemble downtown Syria like the south lmao. Fuck off and shove your banjo up your arse you web fingered, swamp dwelling fucking mutant. Also everyone knows where you live "Ricky" your address is all over the internet.

You and I have always got on, and I've hitherto stayed out of this, watching from a distance, and it appears you've exploded like a nuclear anus in recent weeks. The above is the biggest mountain of dogshit I've seen lately – and this during a time in which 'eavens has been commenting frequently.

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3 hours ago, Erroreptile404 said:

Christ what century are you cunts in slum land stuck in? The south is by all standards a fucking shithole full of miserable, bitter, Danny Dyer cunts like yourself living in tiny shit houses in shitty areas and consider concrete a beach lol. I mean you live in fucking Norfolk ffs. Standard of living? I have about 10 stunning beaches in a 5 mile vicinity of where i live full of massive houses far too expensive for a 30'000 a year making twat like yourself to ever have a hope of owning. I imagine the boats around here cost more than you make in a year. Heck one of my mates at school lived in a Victorian rectory house with a bare minimum of 12 bedrooms, tennis court, swimming pool, and acres of forest surrounding it, all theres. It's funny when you Albert Square wankers come up here for a day out and are all wide eyed and in awe that it isn't covered in dog shit, have rubbish all over the streets, boarded up shops, smashed windows and doesn't resemble downtown Syria like the south lmao. Fuck off and shove your banjo up your arse you web fingered, swamp dwelling fucking mutant. Also everyone knows where you live "Ricky" your address is all over the internet.

I think you'll find that the coastline of Norfolk is renowned for being one of the most pristine and picturesque in the whole country. I also think you'll find that the likes of Blakeney, Holkham, Cley and Holt have far bigger and far more expensive houses than whatever desolate strip of coastline your two-up-two down prefab perches on.

As for being wide eyed in amazement when I "come up there", I try my best to never go "up there". But whenever I have been unfortunate to make the journey, the only thing that's made me stare in amazement are the amount of mosques, sink estates and bargain booze shops littered about the place. 

The very fact that you won't even say where this mythical northern narnia is tells me you know that as soon as you do you'll be ripped to pieces because I'll start showing you real statistics which confirms what we all know- you live in a deprived, timewarp shithole.

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5 hours ago, Panzerknacker said:

Remainiac..thats a fine way to be talkin with the nation split down the middle..tween saboteurs n traitors n leavers n stayers yall need some healing..they sold ya a bag o shite is all ..not yer fault ..most people make decisions on sound bytes n what their prefered medias slant is on things..and its visa free travel  for 90 days ..dont be gettin ahead of yerself now roops baby


90 days in every 180 days which is more than ample for the holiday and business traveller ie 98% of people who go to Europe.

Incidentally, you're going to have to come up with a better argument against Brexit than its "a bag o shite". I don't think you've ever given a reasoned economic argument for Europe or why the UK shouldn't wish for self-determination and the return of sovereignty. 

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Guest judgetwi
3 hours ago, Erroreptile404 said:

Christ what century are you cunts in slum land stuck in? The south is by all standards a fucking shithole full of miserable, bitter, Danny Dyer cunts like yourself living in tiny shit houses in shitty areas and consider concrete a beach lol. I mean you live in fucking Norfolk ffs. Standard of living? I have about 10 stunning beaches in a 5 mile vicinity of where i live full of massive houses far too expensive for a 30'000 a year making twat like yourself to ever have a hope of owning. I imagine the boats around here cost more than you make in a year. Heck one of my mates at school lived in a Victorian rectory house with a bare minimum of 12 bedrooms, tennis court, swimming pool, and acres of forest surrounding it, all theres. It's funny when you Albert Square wankers come up here for a day out and are all wide eyed and in awe that it isn't covered in dog shit, have rubbish all over the streets, boarded up shops, smashed windows and doesn't resemble downtown Syria like the south lmao. Fuck off and shove your banjo up your arse you web fingered, swamp dwelling fucking mutant. Also everyone knows where you live "Ricky" your address is all over the internet.

Fuck me! Pretend posh rich cunt goes on the internet and brags about how posh and rich he is and then blows it out of his arse because other cunts take the piss out of his pretend posh life.

Is this wanker real or have I missed something? Yeah ok, i’ve walked right into it. What a stupid cunt I am.

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3 hours ago, Erroreptile404 said:

Christ what century are you cunts in slum land stuck in? The south is by all standards a fucking shithole full of miserable, bitter, Danny Dyer cunts like yourself living in tiny shit houses in shitty areas and consider concrete a beach lol. I mean you live in fucking Norfolk ffs. Standard of living? I have about 10 stunning beaches in a 5 mile vicinity of where i live full of massive houses far too expensive for a 30'000 a year making twat like yourself to ever have a hope of owning. I imagine the boats around here cost more than you make in a year. Heck one of my mates at school lived in a Victorian rectory house with a bare minimum of 12 bedrooms, tennis court, swimming pool, and acres of forest surrounding it, all theres. It's funny when you Albert Square wankers come up here for a day out and are all wide eyed and in awe that it isn't covered in dog shit, have rubbish all over the streets, boarded up shops, smashed windows and doesn't resemble downtown Syria like the south lmao. Fuck off and shove your banjo up your arse you web fingered, swamp dwelling fucking mutant. Also everyone knows where you live "Ricky" your address is all over the internet.

You utter, utter fucking idiot.

Edited by Ape
p.s. houses you build on Minecraft aren’t real.
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4 minutes ago, judgetwi said:

Fuck me! Pretend posh rich cunt goes on the internet and brags about how posh and rich he is and then blows it out of his arse because other cunts take the piss out of his pretend posh life.

Is this wanker real or have I missed something? Yeah ok, i’ve walked right into it. What a stupid cunt I am.

So far he hasn't tried to claim to have anything beyond an Xbox and an unhealthy interest in Pokémon. He's bizarrely trying to impress us because his imaginary childhood friend lived in a fictional house and his "uncle" earns £22,000 a year.

And I thought that you were the biggest cunt on here!

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Guest judgetwi
7 minutes ago, Decimus said:


And I thought that you were the biggest cunt on here!

A terrible, uncaring, thing to say about a man with such a vulnerable state of mental health. What kind of fucking snowflake cunt are you?

Only last week I was diagnosed as being clinically obese. As if I haven’t got enough on my plate!




Muggy little wanker!

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Guest Erroreptile404
38 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I think you'll find that the coastline of Norfolk is renowned for being one of the most pristine and picturesque in the whole country

According to who? one of those pretentious biased bbc four programmes that only seems to focus on boring fucking crap, bland places in the south?

38 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I also think you'll find that the likes of Blakeney, Holkham, Cley and Holt have far bigger and far more expensive houses than whatever desolate strip of coastline your two-up-two down prefab perches on.

I haven't heard of any of those places that's how irrelevant they are.


38 minutes ago, Decimus said:

mosques, sink estates and bargain booze shops littered about the place. 

Again sounds like the south


38 minutes ago, Decimus said:

The very fact that you won't even say where this mythical northern narnia is tells me you know that as soon as you do you'll be ripped to pieces because I'll start showing you real statistics which confirms what we all know- you live in a deprived, timewarp shithole.

No i actually live in one of the most desirable parts of the country which is why your faux toff, wellington boot wearing contingent from the south always descend on the place like a plague of locusts every summer, bank holiday, easter and generally anytime the weather is nice. 


Now G'won treacle give us a fackin tinkle on the ol' joanna! 

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1 minute ago, Erroreptile404 said:

According to who? one of those pretentious biased bbc four programmes that only seems to focus on boring fucking crap, bland places in the south?

I haven't heard of any of those places that's how irrelevant they are.


Again sounds like the south


No i actually live in one of the most desirable parts of the country which is why your faux toff, wellington boot wearing contingent from the south always descend on the place like a plague of locusts every summer, bank holiday easter and generally anytime the weather is nice. 


Now G'won treacle give us a fackin tinkle on the ol' joanna! 

It's all very well saying that, but if it's so great why won't you say where it is? It's not like I'm asking for your mum and dad's address. If it's genuinely so desirable you won't mind telling us will you?

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Guest Erroreptile404
16 minutes ago, Decimus said:

He's bizarrely trying to impress us because his imaginary childhood friend lived in a fictional house and his "uncle" earns £22,000 a year.


Imaginary lol yeah keep telling yourself that and i'm not trying to impress anyone just simply stating facts that my part of the country is vastly better than your norfolk sewage outlet you call home.



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