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Package holiday wankers


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11 minutes ago, Ape said:


You’re name dropping me an awful lot at the moment, Mark. I realise that spending your days in some ghastly little incar [sic] solution shop must be very boring, but that’s hardly my fault.

Where was your grubby “all inclusive” this year Ape?

Thomas Cook was obviously too exclusive for you.....Lol.

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On 23 September 2019 at 12:58, Mrs Roops said:

I think people are being a little snobbish about "inclusive package deals". Sure, the Magaluf type of all "you can eat and drink" hotels are best avoided, but there are some very exclusive resorts that make such deals quite attractive if the holiday is based at an isolated holiday complex away from the nearest urbanisation - great if one is looking only for a beach holiday.  Ten days at the Le Saint Geran, Mauritius was exceedingly relaxed and delightful. 

I would have thought the mountain gorillas of Rwanda or a trip to the Rocky Mountains to track down your Sasquatch kin folk would have been more up your street 

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
On 23/09/2019 at 07:15, Decimus said:

I get your point to an extent, but I'd be a hypocrite if I let myself cum with rage over a bit of poverty porn.

Package holidays are often booked by the sort of Lineker's Bar frequenting, egg and chips eating, culturally impaired fucking idiots that you allude to. Some of my best holidays have been booked independently by myself.

However, when you've got three children and just want a bit of entertainment and cheap food and drink, package holidays are pretty convenient and take the hassle out of the whole experience. 

I like private villas in off of the beaten track enclaves that aren't full of fat northern pigs, but I don't have any problems with booking a cheap two weeks in the sun as a package.

Sounds marvelous....


Is the extra couple of quid for the disease infested prostitute part of the package, or do you usually pay her in cash?

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18 minutes ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

Sounds marvelous....


Is the extra couple of quid for the disease infested prostitute part of the package, or do you usually pay her in cash?

You really aren't funny, Salty. Why are you continuing to post on a British site when you clearly don't understand our humour?

Fuck off and swap schoolboy homosexual insults with some children on an American forum, you'd be more at home there.


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Guest Cock Holster
1 hour ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

Sounds marvelous....


Is the extra couple of quid for the disease infested prostitute part of the package, or do you usually pay her in cash?

This is woeful stuff... it’s the kind of weak arse response I’d expect from a teenager.

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1 hour ago, Salty Piss Flap said:

Sounds marvelous....


Is the extra couple of quid for the disease infested prostitute part of the package, or do you usually pay her in cash?

Fucking hell, Piss flaps, I've got no axe to grind in this ongoing dispute, but I've heard that the Collins dictionary is considering redefining rattled as "See Salty Piss Flaps".

Would it not be more enjoyable to at least try and fit in a little rather than making yourself look a complete and utter twat all the time? Regrettably, that's what you're doing even if you don't see it.

We're actually quite an accepting bunch, unless you portray yourself as better than everyone else, without ever posting anything entertaining to back it up. I get the "I've joined this site to be a bit of a cunt" attitude, but when everyone is, justifiably, treating you as a fucktard eventually you'll melt down and everyone will simply enjoy the show whilst you're giving yourself brain damage by beating your head against a wall. The old timers here have seen it a million times and I loathe to say that you're a fair way down the path.

Feel free to ignore the friendly advice if you want, but a reboot wouldn't go a miss at this point.

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2 minutes ago, DrCunt said:

Fucking hell, Piss flaps, I've got no axe to grind in this ongoing dispute, but I've heard that the Collins dictionary is considering redefining rattled as "See Salty Piss Flaps".

Would it not be more enjoyable to at least try and fit in a little rather than making yourself look a complete and utter twat all the time? Regrettably, that's what you're doing even if you don't see it.

We're actually quite an accepting bunch, unless you portray yourself as better than everyone else, without ever posting anything entertaining to back it up. I get the "I've joined this site to be a bit of a cunt" attitude, but when everyone is, justifiably, treating you as a fucktard eventually you'll melt down and everyone will simply enjoy the show whilst you're giving yourself brain damage by beating your head against a wall. The old timers here have seen it a million times and I loathe to say that you're a fair way down the path.

Feel free to ignore the friendly advice if you want, but a reboot wouldn't go a miss at this point.

The cunt is already finished, Doc. Posting images of my missus was a step too far.

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13 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

The cunt is already finished, Doc. Posting images of my missus was a step too far.

I may have missed something due to being in Germany for several days.

Are we talking humane pentobarbital injection finished here, or stamp on his head until it explodes and leave it for mangy foxes to eat finished?

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16 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Its already over and done with at this point. The div just hasn't noticed he's missing his scalp.

I admire your confidence, but I've a feeling that Salty's a floater. I think everyone taking a step back could be warranted. He had a chance to be good and it's quite fun watching Jewdie cottaging him.

However, as the newbie, the ball is in his court. If he carries on in the current vein then feel free to push him until he flips, carries out a mass shooting at a "mall" and gets taken out by a 28 stone twinky eating cop. As I said, I'll just enjoy the show. All I know is that something has to give because his output thus far has been fucking awful.

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17 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Its already over and done with at this point. The div just hasn't noticed he's missing his scalp.

What caused Saltys present mental confusion? He wasn’t getting a particularly hard time compared to some.Most cunts don’t just suddenly develop Tasmanian devil syndrome overnight but he appears to have. He’s probably down at Walmart now filling his trolley with automatic weapons and making a list of all the cunts who’ve upset him over the years. I might tune in to CNN later on the offchance.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

What caused Saltys present mental confusion? He wasn’t getting a particularly hard time compared to some.Most cunts don’t just suddenly develop Tasmanian devil syndrome overnight but he appears to have. He’s probably down at Walmart now filling his trolley with automatic weapons and making a list of all the cunts who’ve upset him over the years. I might tune in to CNN later on the offchance.

Himself, for the most part. Complete inability to take any form of criticism, and a tendency to put a whole group of people into the same basket on a whim. I wouldn't trust the cunt near any clock towers.

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1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

Himself, for the most part. Complete inability to take any form of criticism, and a tendency to put a whole group of people into the same basket on a whim. I wouldn't trust the cunt near any clock towers.

Due to his nationality I wouldn’t leave my KFC bargain bucket with him for safe keeping either.

Salty piss flap

Faulty mishap

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12 minutes ago, King Billy said:

We can’t both be wrong can we Doc? I guess it would be too much to wish, for there to be a #me too rally in progress at the mall when he turns up dressed as Rambo.

If I'm honest I was hoping he'd get past the over sensitive 8 year old girl phase, but lately he's been voraciously biting on every bait dangled before him. He's making Roops look deficient in the last wordism department. I had considered plunging the size 11 boot in, but, call me a softie, I think he deserves a chance.

He's currently at 8 on the melt-down-o-meter and has not picked his enemies wisely so far. Alas, I fear he'll take any well meaning advice as criticism and dig the hole deeper because this is a corner for cunts.

C'est la vie.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap

Well ladies, I knew pretty much what I was going to be in for when I posted that bit of wickedly witty cunting, but that's what made it so fun.

I was laughing more at the thought of the snotty, pissed off, offended little girl reaction I knew was coming than the actual cunting itself which, I don't give a fuck what you thin-skinned tossers say, was pretty fucking funny.

This is a perfect example of why I can't believe that you twats have the sheer audacity to tell me that I'm the one who takes this shit too seriously. 

It was just a good-natured joke and you panty-pissers are acting like I've wiped my ass with your favorite team's flag.

Maybe if you fucktards stopped taking all this "British comedy superiority" bullshit so seriously, you could pull your heads out of your asses and see humor in something other than your own amateurish, self over-rated, mediocre-at-best attempts at wit and humor.

I'll say it again.... you fucks are not as funny as you think you are. 

My shit is at least as funny and quick-witted as the banal turds you plonkers plop out.

Maybe it's "you lot" who, due to your own myopic narrow-mindedness, don't understand humoUr. 

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1 minute ago, DrCunt said:

If I'm honest I was hoping he'd get past the over sensitive 8 year old girl phase, but lately he's been voraciously biting on every bait dangled before him. He's making Roops look deficient in the last wordism department. I had considered plunging the size 11 boot in, but, call me a softie, I think he deserves a chance.

He's currently at 8 on the melt-down-o-meter and has not picked his enemies wisely so far. Alas, I fear he'll take any well meaning advice as criticism and dig the hole deeper because this is corner for cunts.

C'est la vie.

I’ve never had a go at him either, just observed him slinging shit at anyone who entered into any sort of ping pong with him. It sort of looks like the ‘Special relationship’ really is over. I hope he bumps into Greta Thunderbird and she gives him a proper Alzheimers stare. He can take all his anger out on that backward little fucker.

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Guest Salty Piss Flap
7 minutes ago, DrCunt said:

If I'm honest I was hoping he'd get past the over sensitive 8 year old girl phase, but lately he's been voraciously biting on every bait dangled before him. He's making Roops look deficient in the last wordism department. I had considered plunging the size 11 boot in, but, call me a softie, I think he deserves a chance.

He's currently at 8 on the melt-down-o-meter and has not picked his enemies wisely so far. Alas, I fear he'll take any well meaning advice as criticism and dig the hole deeper because this is a corner for cunts.

C'est la vie.

Blah blah blah.

Hypocritical ass droppings from one of the thin-skinned little girls.

Now you unoriginal, uninspired fucks are copying my insults.

Not surprising coming out of a bunch of second-raters.


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