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Council Rubbish Tips


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Fucking Jesus H Christ on a bike!....Have you tried dumpimg anything at one of these Gestapo run shitholes lately?. "Can't take wood mate" "Can't take that rubber mate,that'll cost ya £21" "Insulation?,nah mate can't take that". Well fuck you South Norfolk,you're just gonna have to send a van out to clear that wood,rubber and insulation from a ditch,fucking Nazi cunts

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26 minutes ago, Neil said:

Fucking Jesus H Christ on a bike!....Have you tried dumpimg anything at one of these Gestapo run shitholes lately?. "Can't take wood mate" "Can't take that rubber mate,that'll cost ya £21" "Insulation?,nah mate can't take that". Well fuck you South Norfolk,you're just gonna have to send a van out to clear that wood,rubber and insulation from a ditch,fucking Nazi cunts

I have a transit van and recently I took around 50 or 60 large flower pots ( mostly plastic, some ceramic) to the local dump, or recycling centre as it’s now been renamed. Herr Flick emerged from his commandants hut and proceeded to walk slowly around my van shaking his head and mumbling to himself before I even had time to switch off the engine and get out. He then declares that as I haven’t got a van permit he wouldn’t allow me to use the ‘facility’ as he called it. Upon producing said permit he studied it  with such intensity that I said to him without thinking “It’s not a fucking fake mate”. Wrong move on my part. He lifted his gaze and staring into my eyes he came out with the classic line “Now why would you say that?” By now I fucking hate this cunt and I’ve come back at him with “Sorry about that Columbo. Obviously a man such as yourself in a position of such importance wouldn’t be fooled by a fake document. Can we just get on with what we’re doing here?” He then says to me. “What you got in the back?”  I opened the back doors and showed him and it was as if I’d brought in a load of radioactive waste or something. “You gotta be joking son”. “What’s up?” I said. “Can’t take all them. Too many. Not domestic rubbish” By now Ive had enough of this cunt and can’t be bothered with this anymore so I took the fuckers home and burned them on a big bonfire the next day. The fucking black choking smoke was awful but fuck it, what else can I do? I guess it’s just the age old problem of the public and the jobsworths constantly at loggerheads.

Greta Spunkberg is a cunt

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3 hours ago, Neil said:

Fucking Jesus H Christ on a bike!....Have you tried dumpimg anything at one of these Gestapo run shitholes lately?. "Can't take wood mate" "Can't take that rubber mate,that'll cost ya £21" "Insulation?,nah mate can't take that". Well fuck you South Norfolk,you're just gonna have to send a van out to clear that wood,rubber and insulation from a ditch,fucking Nazi cunts

I can confirm that South Norfolk Council is the most inept, shoddily run local government authority I have ever encountered, and that's saying something.

Unfortunately, the authority I work for has got sucked into a working partnership with them. What that actually means is, we send staff to Long Stratton to clear up their fucking mess and at the same time have to take on half their share of the "efficiency savings" being implemented. And all because they've been splashing fucking cash like Ted DiBiase for the past ten years when all other councils have been tightening their belts. 

I'm afraid it'll get worse before it gets better. I'd suggest moving to another district, because the whole fucking edifice is about to come tumbling down.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I can confirm that South Norfolk Council is the most inept, shoddily run local government authority I have ever encountered, and that's saying something.

Unfortunately, the authority I work for has got sucked into a working partnership with them. What that actually means is, we send staff to Long Stratton to clear up their fucking mess and at the same time have to take on half their share of the "efficiency savings" being implemented. And all because they've been splashing fucking cash like Ted DiBiase for the past ten years when all other councils have been tightening their belts. 

I'm afraid it'll get worse before it gets better. I'd suggest moving to another district, because the whole fucking edifice is about to come tumbling down.

All I ever hear is leftie cunts whining about ten years of Tory cuts and local councils having no money to provide the services they exist purely  to provide.Then along comes a Panorama documentary the other week revealing the outrageous sums that most councils pay to private landlords to ‘care’ for vulnerable teenagers that they pack off to cities hundreds of miles away. In some cases up to 8 or 9 grand a month per person, to greedy fuckers who have become super rich on the gravy train of taxpayers money. Who the fuck authorises this? and has anyone had a good look at their bank accounts? 

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

I can confirm that South Norfolk Council is the most inept, shoddily run local government authority I have ever encountered, and that's saying something.

Unfortunately, the authority I work for has got sucked into a working partnership with them. What that actually means is, we send staff to Long Stratton to clear up their fucking mess and at the same time have to take on half their share of the "efficiency savings" being implemented. And all because they've been splashing fucking cash like Ted DiBiase for the past ten years when all other councils have been tightening their belts. 

I'm afraid it'll get worse before it gets better. I'd suggest moving to another district, because the whole fucking edifice is about to come tumbling down.

I really hope that the pikey loving cunt on the council(I wont name him but his initials show that he was born in Great Britain) is underneath it when it all comes crashing down and they never find the cunt.

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37 minutes ago, King Billy said:

All I ever hear is leftie cunts whining about ten years of Tory cuts and local councils having no money to provide the services they exist purely  to provide.Then along comes a Panorama documentary the other week revealing the outrageous sums that most councils pay to private landlords to ‘care’ for vulnerable teenagers that they pack off to cities hundreds of miles away. In some cases up to 8 or 9 grand a month per person, to greedy fuckers who have become super rich on the gravy train of taxpayers money. Who the fuck authorises this? and has anyone had a good look at their bank accounts? 

Our director (yes, they call him a fucking director) is on £160,000 a year. That's for running a tin pot council at the arse-end of nowhere, the Prime Minister of the entire fucking country gets less than that.

I also know, due to a recent pay and regrading review, how much untrained, menial staff are getting paid. There's a postal and scanning team with two members in it, and one of them is classed as a team leader, despite being in charge of one fucking member of staff. The TL is paid 30k a year and the underling is on 24k. 24k for collecting fucking post and scanning it, and 30k to sit and watch him do it.

There's money there, Bill, and it's getting pissed up the fucking wall. I'm like the British Ron Swanson, I work in local government but I largely despise its culture and the fucking gormless cunts who make up the majority of the staff.

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33 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Our director (yes, they call him a fucking director) is on £160,000 a year. That's for running a tin pot council at the arse-end of nowhere, the Prime Minister of the entire fucking country gets less than that.

I also know, due to a recent pay and regrading review, how much untrained, menial staff are getting paid. There's a postal and scanning team with two members in it, and one of them is classed as a team leader, despite being in charge of one fucking member of staff. The TL is paid 30k a year and the underling is on 24k. 24k for collecting fucking post and scanning it, and 30k to sit and watch him do it.

There's money there, Bill, and it's getting pissed up the fucking wall. I'm like the British Ron Swanson, I work in local government but I largely despise its culture and the fucking gormless cunts who make up the majority of the staff.

I don’t know much about local government Decs but my ex missus worked in the NHS for years and she was forever telling me about the massive wastage and theft etc. and the lack of action to do anything about it. The trust she worked for was, and probably still is, run by a clique of incompetent and dishonest crooks who all live very well off the taxpayer. A proper ‘cabal’ if you like.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

I don’t know much about local government Decs but my ex missus worked in the NHS for years and she was forever telling me about the massive wastage and theft etc. and the lack of action to do anything about it. The trust she worked for was, and probably still is, run by a clique of incompetent and dishonest crooks who all live very well off the taxpayer. A proper ‘cabal’ if you like.

Back in the 80s I worked for a certain local authority where one of the officers had a scam going. He was African and he was employing fresh off the plane Africans as cleaners in the council and claiming 20 quid a week off of each of them. He was only caught when he went back to Africa on holiday and one of the workers popped into the office to give "bwana" his 20 quid. Of course the cunt caught wind that his scam had been sussed and stayed where he was. It was worked out that over 6 years he'd creamed off over 30k. 

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12 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Back in the 80s I worked for a certain local authority where one of the officers had a scam going. He was African and he was employing fresh off the plane Africans as cleaners in the council and claiming 20 quid a week off of each of them. He was only caught when he went back to Africa on holiday and one of the workers popped into the office to give "bwana" his 20 quid. Of course the cunt caught wind that his scam had been sussed and stayed where he was. It was worked out that over 6 years he'd creamed off over 30k. 

Fuckin Africans 

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

Our director (yes, they call him a fucking director) is on £160,000 a year. That's for running a tin pot council at the arse-end of nowhere, the Prime Minister of the entire fucking country gets less than that.

I also know, due to a recent pay and regrading review, how much untrained, menial staff are getting paid. There's a postal and scanning team with two members in it, and one of them is classed as a team leader, despite being in charge of one fucking member of staff. The TL is paid 30k a year and the underling is on 24k. 24k for collecting fucking post and scanning it, and 30k to sit and watch him do it.

There's money there, Bill, and it's getting pissed up the fucking wall. I'm like the British Ron Swanson, I work in local government but I largely despise its culture and the fucking gormless cunts who make up the majority of the staff.

The productivity problem is widespread. My nephew did some temp work in the Electoral Services office of his local council in Yorkshire earlier this year. A bloke and two women paid to oversee the electoral roll, print ballot papers etc. I’ve no reason to disbelieve his summary of the unsupervised 9-5 work day.

920 - arrive for work yelping something about traffic, TOIL or childcare. 925 - brew up and chat about last nights telly. 10 - do some work, mostly open post and check emails. 1025 Brew up listen to PopMaster then share memories of nights out on the piss from 10 years ago. 1115 - Bacon butty run to Greggs 1200 - half an hour of personal phone calls 1230 lunch hour and a shopping trip in town, arriving back about 2 with a dozen bags 1400 loud debate between the three of them on who can’t be arsed the least/most 1430 the girls decide to do each other’s hair while the bloke pops out to Ladbrokes 1530 a spot more work/email 1600 girl A books an online holiday with the help of girl B 1630 final brew of the day and a 5 minute diary meeting about the rest of the week 1645 one girl leaves early for a doctors appointment 1655 end of work day “ because it takes five minutes to get to the bus stop”. 

My nephew is 17 and after 4 weeks observing this shit while mailing postal ballots, he has decided a career in Local Government is for him. Perhaps “something in planning” said his mother. @Decimus..any need for a feckless 17 year old in your patch?

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Just now, King Billy said:

Shame the cunts mother hadn’t discovered ‘family planning’ about 18 years ago.

I agree and so does the wife, to whom he is related. In the short time since my post I have now learned the young man plans to do Sports Science at Loughborough and be a PE Teacher (dissertation: sniffing the pommel horse). So now he’s marked as dubious as well as stupid. Thank fuck he’s 9000 miles away but I’m just waiting for the ignorance wheel to flick around to “gap year” and the suggestion he call uncle LCS....

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5 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I know of this shit. PM me for details. 

I reckon that an unrestricted Jean Gray would fuck up Thanos good and proper. 

Fuckin Marvel cunts.

Its not actually Hidden Eric .. possibly you or Baws did a nom on Comic Con events. A world where cunts dress up as anything from Luke Skywalker, Daleks to Zelda from Planet Arse,. For a lot of them it is just a hobby that they enjoy but there are some really odd cunts who even live it 24/7. There is a woman who is seen at some of them who has had surgery on the face and ears to make her look like a pixie .

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10 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The productivity problem is widespread. My nephew did some temp work in the Electoral Services office of his local council in Yorkshire earlier this year. A bloke and two women paid to oversee the electoral roll, print ballot papers etc. I’ve no reason to disbelieve his summary of the unsupervised 9-5 work day.

920 - arrive for work yelping something about traffic, TOIL or childcare. 925 - brew up and chat about last nights telly. 10 - do some work, mostly open post and check emails. 1025 Brew up listen to PopMaster then share memories of nights out on the piss from 10 years ago. 1115 - Bacon butty run to Greggs 1200 - half an hour of personal phone calls 1230 lunch hour and a shopping trip in town, arriving back about 2 with a dozen bags 1400 loud debate between the three of them on who can’t be arsed the least/most 1430 the girls decide to do each other’s hair while the bloke pops out to Ladbrokes 1530 a spot more work/email 1600 girl A books an online holiday with the help of girl B 1630 final brew of the day and a 5 minute diary meeting about the rest of the week 1645 one girl leaves early for a doctors appointment 1655 end of work day “ because it takes five minutes to get to the bus stop”. 

My nephew is 17 and after 4 weeks observing this shit while mailing postal ballots, he has decided a career in Local Government is for him. Perhaps “something in planning” said his mother. @Decimus..any need for a feckless 17 year old in your patch?

He sounds like a real go-getter, I'm not sure I could cope with being shown up by a jobsworth who works until almost 5pm.

If he can be persuaded to leave every day at 15:59 and laugh at everything I say, he'll have his own clipboard within a year and a car park space within five.

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7 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

Its not actually Hidden Eric .. possibly you or Baws did a nom on Comic Con events. A world where cunts dress up as anything from Luke Skywalker, Daleks to Zelda from Planet Arse,. For a lot of them it is just a hobby that they enjoy but there are some really odd cunts who even live it 24/7. There is a woman who is seen at some of them who has had surgery on the face and ears to make her look like a pixie .

Isn't that Amanda Holden?

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15 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I agree and so does the wife, to whom he is related. In the short time since my post I have now learned the young man plans to do Sports Science at Loughborough and be a PE Teacher (dissertation: sniffing the pommel horse). So now he’s marked as dubious as well as stupid. Thank fuck he’s 9000 miles away but I’m just waiting for the ignorance wheel to flick around to “gap year” and the suggestion he call uncle LCS....

Gap year. No doubt we'll read about some little cunt whose gone missing whilst backpacking in Somalia. 

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8 hours ago, Decimus said:

He sounds like a real go-getter, I'm not sure I could cope with being shown up by a jobsworth who works until almost 5pm.

If he can be persuaded to leave every day at 15:59 and laugh at everything I say, he'll have his own clipboard within a year and a car park space within five.

I've a school friend of mine who's become a big cheese at a certain council. He's certainly not the brightest bulb in the display, and takes full advantage of the lax council work ethic. Preferring to do as little as fucking possible in order not to rock the gravy train.

I've always considered career advancement in a local authority akin to the Communist Party. Whereby one is promoted through loyal service as opposed to actually knowing what the fuck their doing.

I've often contemplated asking him for a word in the right places, if I'm honest. Who doesn't like drawing a salary for doing fuck all.

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5 minutes ago, Major Cunt said:


I've often contemplated asking him for a word in the right places, if I'm honest. Who doesn't like drawing a salary for doing fuck all.

My friend, apparently.

There was an accountancy job available that I tapped him up for. I explained in detail the benefits of a lax flexi-system that allows you to have numerous days off per month on top of the already generous annual leave entitlement. I waxed lyrical about the out the door at four culture, the complete lack of accountability, and the two hour lunch breaks he could log as half hour because no cunt ever checks.

He said that when he'd lost all ambition and drive and was looking to coast for the last few years of his career he'd consider it, but until such time the thought of stagnating and not being stimulated with challenges was the most depressing career choice he could think of.

What a stupid fucking cunt.

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55 minutes ago, Decimus said:

My friend, apparently.

There was an accountancy job available that I tapped him up for. I explained in detail the benefits of a lax flexi-system that allows you to have numerous days off per month on top of the already generous annual leave entitlement. I waxed lyrical about the out the door at four culture, the complete lack of accountability, and the two hour lunch breaks he could log as half hour because no cunt ever checks.

He said that when he'd lost all ambition and drive and was looking to coast for the last few years of his career he'd consider it, but until such time the thought of stagnating and not being stimulated with challenges was the most depressing career choice he could think of.

What a stupid fucking cunt.

That's what you call 'looking a gift horse in the mouth,' or being a stupid, stupid wanker.

They both work equally well.

Edited by Major Cunt
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