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33 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

We already have, in a way. Most of trade had seized, future orders cancelled. Add to us most of Europe, Yanks, Ozzies and others who won’t be buying much from chinks any time soon and you get the picture - and it’s not a pretty one ( particularly for chinks). I’m sure they will try to compensate by peddling more illegal shit like drugs and heavily subsidised and potentially dangerous goods. The cunts are currently  offering pharmaceutical “help” to various plague-riddled countries to further encroach onto their markets and outcompete local manufacturing. 
Little fuckers are very worried about the avalanche of their humongous debt, exploding number of retirees demanding pensions and shrinking, ageing  markets in the West. Their disease is certainly not helping anyone’s economy.

Bolsonaro’s son had some balls to rightfully point a finger at the chinks as the cause of the plague but the commie brigade demanded apologies, though hopefully they won’t get any. The Peking twats are throwing their weight around, but there is still a lot of counterbalance to the vermin in the West. Fucking Chinese indeed, Ratcum. 

I thought it was the greeks he was after? 

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11 hours ago, ratcum said:

without giving too much away Bill, I've had professional experience with these fucks. Their attitude to subordinates and women is disgusting, the 'bosses' are slovenly and arrogant and their personal habits are disturbing. Kick the lot out of Britain and exclude them from any form of business or property ownership here.

Oh and stick their spy phones up their loose stooled arses.

If Boris Johnson goes ahead with using Huawei for Britain’s 5G shit after this chink flu is gone then he needs to be dragged out of No.10 and burned at the stake in Trafalgsr Square. As you say we need to fuck the yellow bastards off and treat them as the enemy they are. The fucking cunts instead of hanging their mutant heads in shame over their cover up and wilful unleashing of this plague on the world have quickly identified our biggest weakness in the English speaking world..., ‘identity politics’ and the power that fucking libtard wankers wield over the young, the middle classes and the media. So now the commie bastards have been accusing Donald Trump of RACISM for calling it a Chinese virus, knowing full well that most of the US media have no interest in reporting the truth  (that this shit is 100%the fault of the Chinks) and will happily blame Trump. Ping Ding must be bursting his guts laughing at how easily he’s achieved this victory and even has the majority of the worlds free press on his side. The so called ‘progressive left’ who are basically Marxists at best and communists in reality should be crushed and never again be allowed to pollute western society. I for one would be more than happy to put the noose around Corbyn and all his followers necks and be rid of their poisonous doctrines forever.

In my opinion this will make Trump even stronger and more popular and he will make the Chinese bastards pay for this shit. And I for one am glad that he at least isn’t listening to their bullshit but quietly  getting on with the problem at hand and undoubtedly filing the Chinky slags in the ‘Urgent Business’ category.

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11 hours ago, White Cunt said:

We already have, in a way. Most of trade had seized, future orders cancelled. Add to us most of Europe, Yanks, Ozzies and others who won’t be buying much from chinks any time soon and you get the picture - and it’s not a pretty one ( particularly for chinks). I’m sure they will try to compensate by peddling more illegal shit like drugs and heavily subsidised and potentially dangerous goods. The cunts are currently  offering pharmaceutical “help” to various plague-riddled countries to further encroach onto their markets and outcompete local manufacturing. 
Little fuckers are very worried about the avalanche of their humongous debt, exploding number of retirees demanding pensions and shrinking, ageing  markets in the West. Their disease is certainly not helping anyone’s economy.

Bolsonaro’s son had some balls to rightfully point a finger at the chinks as the cause of the plague but the commie brigade demanded apologies, though hopefully they won’t get any. The Peking twats are throwing their weight around, but there is still a lot of counterbalance to the vermin in the West. Fucking Chinese indeed, Ratcum. 

stick it to the man WC, excellent analysis. The helping other countries is a cynical publicity stunt, with one slitty eye on the future. I can't believe for a moment that their own people don't need those pharmaceuticals. Having said that, we should force the fuckers to buy opium from us.


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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

If Boris Johnson goes ahead with using Huawei for Britain’s 5G shit after this chink flu is gone then he needs to be dragged out of No.10 and burned at the stake in Trafalgsr Square. As you say we need to fuck the yellow bastards off and treat them as the enemy they are. The fucking cunts instead of hanging their mutant heads in shame over their cover up and wilful unleashing of this plague on the world have quickly identified our biggest weakness in the English speaking world..., ‘identity politics’ and the power that fucking libtard wankers wield over the young, the middle classes and the media. So now the commie bastards have been accusing Donald Trump of RACISM for calling it a Chinese virus, knowing full well that most of the US media have no interest in reporting the truth  (that this shit is 100%the fault of the Chinks) and will happily blame Trump. Ping Ding must be bursting his guts laughing at how easily he’s achieved this victory and even has the majority of the worlds free press on his side. The so called ‘progressive left’ who are basically Marxists at best and communists in reality should be crushed and never again be allowed to pollute western society. I for one would be more than happy to put the noose around Corbyn and all his followers necks and be rid of their poisonous doctrines forever.

In my opinion this will make Trump even stronger and more popular and he will make the Chinese bastards pay for this shit. And I for one am glad that he at least isn’t listening to their bullshit but quietly  getting on with the problem at hand and undoubtedly filing the Chinky slags in the ‘Urgent Business’ category.

Death to these foreign devils Bill. We should smash Chinese takeaways in a new Kristallnacht


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4 hours ago, King Billy said:

If Boris Johnson goes ahead with using Huawei for Britain’s 5G shit after this chink flu is gone then he needs to be dragged out of No.10 and burned at the stake in Trafalgsr Square. As you say we need to fuck the yellow bastards off and treat them as the enemy they are. The fucking cunts instead of hanging their mutant heads in shame over their cover up and wilful unleashing of this plague on the world have quickly identified our biggest weakness in the English speaking world..., ‘identity politics’ and the power that fucking libtard wankers wield over the young, the middle classes and the media. So now the commie bastards have been accusing Donald Trump of RACISM for calling it a Chinese virus, knowing full well that most of the US media have no interest in reporting the truth  (that this shit is 100%the fault of the Chinks) and will happily blame Trump. Ping Ding must be bursting his guts laughing at how easily he’s achieved this victory and even has the majority of the worlds free press on his side. The so called ‘progressive left’ who are basically Marxists at best and communists in reality should be crushed and never again be allowed to pollute western society. I for one would be more than happy to put the noose around Corbyn and all his followers necks and be rid of their poisonous doctrines forever.

In my opinion this will make Trump even stronger and more popular and he will make the Chinese bastards pay for this shit. And I for one am glad that he at least isn’t listening to their bullshit but quietly  getting on with the problem at hand and undoubtedly filing the Chinky slags in the ‘Urgent Business’ category.

Trafalgar Square - too much prestige. We should let him lose in Hackney Downs after dark or China Town around lunch time.

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23 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Here's a little something to warm the cockles of your black heart, Ratty!


Course they didn't die in vain!

The government - in an 'industrial-strength hammer to crack a tennsy-weensy nut' scenario - introduced sweeping legislation affecting the self-employed, even those earning several hundred  squiddley-diddleys a day.

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On 22/03/2020 at 09:44, King Billy said:

If Boris Johnson goes ahead with using Huawei for Britain’s 5G shit after this chink flu is gone then he needs to be dragged out of No.10 and burned at the stake in Trafalgsr Square. As you say we need to fuck the yellow bastards off and treat them as the enemy they are. The fucking cunts instead of hanging their mutant heads in shame over their cover up and wilful unleashing of this plague on the world have quickly identified our biggest weakness in the English speaking world..., ‘identity politics’ and the power that fucking libtard wankers wield over the young, the middle classes and the media. So now the commie bastards have been accusing Donald Trump of RACISM for calling it a Chinese virus, knowing full well that most of the US media have no interest in reporting the truth  (that this shit is 100%the fault of the Chinks) and will happily blame Trump. Ping Ding must be bursting his guts laughing at how easily he’s achieved this victory and even has the majority of the worlds free press on his side. The so called ‘progressive left’ who are basically Marxists at best and communists in reality should be crushed and never again be allowed to pollute western society. I for one would be more than happy to put the noose around Corbyn and all his followers necks and be rid of their poisonous doctrines forever.

In my opinion this will make Trump even stronger and more popular and he will make the Chinese bastards pay for this shit. And I for one am glad that he at least isn’t listening to their bullshit but quietly  getting on with the problem at hand and undoubtedly filing the Chinky slags in the ‘Urgent Business’ category.

You got my vote POTUS!

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