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Johnny Depp

Total Cuntbreed

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4 hours ago, Total Cuntbreed said:


I see this absolute wankstain has lost his libel case.

Without doubt a talentless,make-up wearing utter cunt of the  highest order.

If he hadn't married the useless, gold-digging, slag, in the first place, there wouldn't have been a problem!

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9 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

It amazes me how many wealthy men fall for these type of slags let alone marry them. She looks like a wrong un and turned out to be, that bellend Depp should have gave her one up the arse, shot his load over her face and sent her away in an Uber.

Fuck off.

Oh how I miss my friday nights

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6 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

It amazes me how many wealthy men fall for these type of slags let alone marry them. She looks like a wrong un and turned out to be, that bellend Depp should have gave her one up the arse, shot his load over her face and sent her away in an Uber.

Fuck off.

Charlie Sheen knew how to be a star. When asked how he felt about being diagnosed with HIV, he responded... "I can't really complain, I've spent every day of the last 35 years drinking bourbon, snorting cocaine and banging strippers three at a time."


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14 minutes ago, Neil said:

1976-3 pints of Double Diamond 96p,chinky chips and rice 80p,a long walk home and a wank.........sometimes I'd even wait till I got home.

You knew how to live.... in my neck of the woods...it was a little cheaper in 1973....  six pints of AK 66p.  Fish and chips 30p... you could probably get a cigar for 4p...I had to walk as I was quite a way off the bus route.

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
8 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

When humanity was blessed with me.

The doctor and a couple of nurses spontaneously started singing Handel's Messiah, and three wise men left gifts of Terrys all gold, Frankenstein and Grrrrr.  

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How times change for the worse. In a week when Sean Connery has died, great bloke who openly stated that occasionally, in a relationship, a woman needs a bit of a slapping, poor old Johnny Depp has had his illustrious career and reputation obliterated for administering a bit of corporal rectification to his betrothed. Reminds me of my ex-wife who was such a vile Cunt, that when she left me and checked her bruised and bloodied self into a battered woman’s hostel...even they kicked fuck out of her.

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