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70% Efficacy


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7 hours ago, cuntspotter said:

It has became soulless and faceless. Chiefs everywhere but there is no purpose to it. Go to a clinical area and you can’t find one person who runs it all ...authority is diffuse... too many disciplines , each with their own hierarchies...added to the fact that most people who work in these places are admin and not clinical.....and they are paid more!

They treat you like an insect or a thing stopping them getting on. Complain about anybody, any aspect and you will be discriminated against. The doctors are only too willing to work with external authorities, management etc AGAINST the wishes of the patient. They will denigrate your long standing love for the patient as misguided and they will go to Court to establish they have the best interest of the patient and you do not. Which includes attaching a DNR tag (like a parcel tag) to the bottom of the bed. Merry go round on top of illness guarantees poor results. Add constant reorganisation, privatisation and cuts and you have a disaster. 

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11 hours ago, Goober said:

Actually, running about 3rd best right now. Moderna and Pfizer/BioNtech are reporting 90% or better efficacy. 

Having said that, to suggest it's not a success is ridiculous. The Oxford /Astrazeneca vaccine has been developed on a comparative shoestring and cheap and cheerful will be gratefully received by developing countries, despite the possibly less than optimal protection offered. 

What we'll get much depends on what terms our government has reached with the groups. The slight worry is that being part British the government might have oversubscribed to the least effective vaccine. Definitely better than fuck all though. 

Especially for Sir Patrick Vallance who owns shares in Astra Zeneca 

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9 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I fucking hate the NHS. They killed my 17 month old granddaughter. She had a heart condition and caught a bug. She went in for treatment and 4 hours later she was dead. 15 fucking medics surrounded her bed and raised her stress levels so much she arrested. 

My sister in law was in hospital and she started having seizures in front of me. I got her on her side to stop her choking and called for the nurse. Well I could have been killed in the fucking stampede. 24 medical staff surrounded her bed. She arrested but thankfully survived. I left five years ago and have never regretted it. And then to top it all you get these cunts doing dance routines for the camera. Maybe people will call me a cunt for saying this but you wont catch me fucking clapping. 

You never see anybody in politics in a ward. I'd like to completely prohibit private medical care as a condition of working in government or Westmonster. Oh no. You can use the NHS. 

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9 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I fucking hate the NHS. They killed my 17 month old granddaughter. She had a heart condition and caught a bug. She went in for treatment and 4 hours later she was dead. 15 fucking medics surrounded her bed and raised her stress levels so much she arrested. 

My sister in law was in hospital and she started having seizures in front of me. I got her on her side to stop her choking and called for the nurse. Well I could have been killed in the fucking stampede. 24 medical staff surrounded her bed. She arrested but thankfully survived. I left five years ago and have never regretted it. And then to top it all you get these cunts doing dance routines for the camera. Maybe people will call me a cunt for saying this but you wont catch me fucking clapping. 

The Royals do very well on private medical care don't they? 

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13 hours ago, Decimus said:

You really are a complete, student fucking bellend, Harold.

Apart from @Last Cunt Standing who is clearly incredibly biased and a wanker to boot, the vast majority of people on this site despise the very notion of the NHS. Do you watch the London 2012 Olympics opening ceremony on repeat so you can wank over the Health Servive section? Because your view of it is similarly rose tinted and formed by a myth of supposed exceptionalism that doesn't hold up to historical reality.

It's not fit for purpose, privatise the fucking lot.


Your prolonged absence from The Corner has done nothing for your temperament Decimus. Your relaunch appears not to have gone quite as well as you would have hoped. Have you ever considered doing something else with your life? I hear UEA have a fast track medical course now. A man of your talents will be a neurosurgeon before Easter. 

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21 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

More sink estate musings from the Corner's Tub-Thumping political gumby.

The NHS is the fourth (?) biggest employer in the Western World. It's clearly a shame that, notwithstanding its £140bn p.a. budget, the NHS failed to prepare for the predictable and predicted increase in admissions as winter approaches.

Nevertheless, until this year, it had never occurred to me the state had the power to stop my sister's small business from operating simply because that might make it easier for one of its services to function.

What disdain the government must have for us! And what a dreadful precedent to set. That small businesses can be shut down and put at risk to compensate for management issues in public organisations for which we have no responsibility.!

The NHS, born in the 1940s, and 'free at the point of use' has developed into a black hole, a bottomless pit. No matter how much money is thrown at it, it will never be enough, and like all 'free' things, its users abuse it. For example, one only has to look at the millions that evaporate into thin air through missed appointments to confirm it. The whole edifice requires dismantling and reassembling in a wholly different form. The true problem being that such is its sacred status in the National psyche, that there is currently no political party with the balls to propose a reform as part of their manifesto.

70% success rate against a disease which doesn't affect 99-plus percent of the population? Oh just bring it the fuck on! We've seen the direction of travel on this - vaccination compliance is going to be the passport with which The State allows you to function - so whatever is the cheapest that enables me to get into Cheltenham, White Hart Lane and Hammersmith Odeon 

At long last; some sense being written.

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14 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

And some initiate the ills of others to generate profits

What I don't understand is the old measley rationing mentality in Britain has kicked in with comments like "the Oxford vaccine works well on just half a dose so in that case we can have more doses"... and "it costs less than the 20-25$ for the other vaccines"... fucking saving a few lousy quid on each fucking person protected. Talk about put a price on a human life: quibbling over a few paltry dollars per dose. You fucking cunts who run our public services and who are elected to protect and serve us. May you die in the 9th pit of hell. 

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What I don't understand is the old measley rationing mentality in Britain has kicked in with comments like "the Oxford vaccine works well on just half a dose so in that case we can have more doses"... and "it costs less than the 20-25$ for the other vaccines"... fucking saving a few lousy quid on each fucking person protected. Talk about put a price on a human life: quibbling over a few paltry dollars per dose. You fucking cunts who run our public services and who are elected to protect and serve us. May you die in the 9th pit of hell. 


 PS mean and shit attitude as as in YOU CAN'T USE THE UNDERGROUND DURING AN AIR RAID IN THE LAST WAR. More fucking examples of that tight arse thinking abounds today. No routine Lateral Test with instant results in Care Homes. We can do it for fucking footballers why can't we do it for our generation who fought in the last great War? 


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14 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

What I don't understand is the old measley rationing mentality in Britain has kicked in with comments like "the Oxford vaccine works well on just half a dose so in that case we can have more doses"... and "it costs less than the 20-25$ for the other vaccines"... fucking saving a few lousy quid on each fucking person protected. Talk about put a price on a human life: quibbling over a few paltry dollars per dose. You fucking cunts who run our public services and who are elected to protect and serve us. May you die in the 9th pit of hell. 

I think we've established the price of human lives, at least as far as this government and Covid is concerned - £ fucking millions, mortgaging our childrens futures and crushing civil liberties in an over-arching power grab that would make Pol Pot shit treacle.

We've got the Astra Zeneca (Patrick Vallance Retirement Fund) one, we've got the advanced degree in Cryogenics one and the one with the fairy light on one.....millions of doses, enabling the vaccination of the population several times over (they don't fuck about theses lizard people). Take your pick because - statistically - chances are you don't actually need it anyway.

...course, if you want to remain employed, travel anywhere or see anyone / anything you're going to have to get it; it's a question of 'Freedom for the most compliant' (the most compliant should be the last to be entrusted with freedom, surely?)

Anyway, any vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe.

If they don’t, then the country is safe.

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25 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

What I don't understand is the old measley rationing mentality in Britain has kicked in with comments like "the Oxford vaccine works well on just half a dose so in that case we can have more doses"... and "it costs less than the 20-25$ for the other vaccines"... fucking saving a few lousy quid on each fucking person protected. Talk about put a price on a human life: quibbling over a few paltry dollars per dose. You fucking cunts who run our public services and who are elected to protect and serve us. May you die in the 9th pit of hell. 

Perhaps you should try reading the press release rather than just firing off dog shit reactions like this? 


Half doses are nothing to do with saving a few quid, although that is a unforseen benefit, it's primarily to do with efficacy since it works better if a half dose is administered followed by a full dose two weeks later. 

A few lousy quid? Even a $5 cost reduction per dose would equate to around a $700M saving for the UK. No bad thing. 

You're as thick as pig shit. 

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32 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

What I don't understand is the old measley rationing mentality in Britain has kicked in with comments like "the Oxford vaccine works well on just half a dose so in that case we can have more doses"... and "it costs less than the 20-25$ for the other vaccines"... fucking saving a few lousy quid on each fucking person protected. Talk about put a price on a human life: quibbling over a few paltry dollars per dose. You fucking cunts who run our public services and who are elected to protect and serve us. 

The cost saving is not having to equip every outlet with a freezer capable of storing the shittier (non British) vaccines at minus 170 degrees, you thick cunt. The Great British vaccine is stored in a normal fridge.

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13 minutes ago, Goober said:

Perhaps you should try reading the press release rather than just firing off dog shit reactions like this? 


Half doses are nothing to do with saving a few quid, although that is a unforseen benefit, it's primarily to do with efficacy since it works better if a half dose is administered followed by a full dose two weeks later. 

A few lousy quid? Even a $5 cost reduction per dose would equate to around a $700M saving for the UK. No bad thing. 

You're as thick as pig shit. 


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21 minutes ago, Jiggerycock said:

I think we've established the price of human lives, at least as far as this government and Covid is concerned - £ fucking millions, mortgaging our childrens futures and crushing civil liberties in an over-arching power grab that would make Pol Pot shit treacle.

We've got the Astra Zeneca (Patrick Vallance Retirement Fund) one, we've got the advanced degree in Cryogenics one and the one with the fairy light on one.....millions of doses, enabling the vaccination of the population several times over (they don't fuck about theses lizard people). Take your pick because - statistically - chances are you don't actually need it anyway.

...course, if you want to remain employed, travel anywhere or see anyone / anything you're going to have to get it; it's a question of 'Freedom for the most compliant' (the most compliant should be the last to be entrusted with freedom, surely?)

Anyway, any vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe.

If they don’t, then the country is safe.

The last part was ace. But the first 70% was shit. 

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1 hour ago, Jiggerycock said:

I think we've established the price of human lives, at least as far as this government and Covid is concerned - £ fucking millions, mortgaging our childrens futures and crushing civil liberties in an over-arching power grab that would make Pol Pot shit treacle.

We've got the Astra Zeneca (Patrick Vallance Retirement Fund) one, we've got the advanced degree in Cryogenics one and the one with the fairy light on one.....millions of doses, enabling the vaccination of the population several times over (they don't fuck about theses lizard people). Take your pick because - statistically - chances are you don't actually need it anyway.

...course, if you want to remain employed, travel anywhere or see anyone / anything you're going to have to get it; it's a question of 'Freedom for the most compliant' (the most compliant should be the last to be entrusted with freedom, surely?)

Anyway, any vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe.

If they don’t, then the country is safe.

I like your idea of givng the politicians a jab and then see if they croak it however theres a small yet significant flaw in that idea! You really think those cunts are not gonna have a placebo? All I can see is Boris 'no brains' gets the make believe jab and every fucking sheep out there believes it and queues up for theirs. 

It's almost fucking religious; everyone in line for their benediction "The body of Boris" and "May the Lord Boris smile upon you" and they exit the church believing themselves saved. 

No doubt you get papers saying that you have been saved and will have to present them to some officious cunt dressed in black on the entrance gate to Chessington World of Adventures to gain entry. 

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I like your idea of givng the politicians a jab and then see if they croak it however theres a small yet significant flaw in that idea! You really think those cunts are not gonna have a placebo? All I can see is Boris 'no brains' gets the make believe jab and every fucking sheep out there believes it and queues up for theirs. 

It's almost fucking religious; everyone in line for their benediction "The body of Boris" and "May the Lord Boris smile upon you" and they exit the church believing themselves saved. 

No doubt you get papers saying that you have been saved and will have to present them to some officious cunt dressed in black on the entrance gate to Chessington World of Adventures to gain entry. 

They have to bang the drum to save face over the mountain they have made from a modest mole heap. For me, it’s that simple. The whole charade has been mismanaged by a bunch of “one trick pony” cowboys.they don’t have the sense to be sinister.... they are dull enough to think that we are blind to the Tory “chumocracy” at work.

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3 hours ago, Goober said:

Perhaps you should try reading the press release rather than just firing off dog shit reactions like this? 


Half doses are nothing to do with saving a few quid, although that is a unforseen benefit, it's primarily to do with efficacy since it works better if a half dose is administered followed by a full dose two weeks later. 

A few lousy quid? Even a $5 cost reduction per dose would equate to around a $700M saving for the UK. No bad thing. 

You're as thick as pig shit. 

Interesting option, rather like challenge/neutralising allergy treatment.

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