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The Lib Dem leader said that whilst his party are “very pro-European” and want to see the closest possible relationship with the EU following Brexit, they are “not a rejoin party”.

What a fucking two-faced, lying cunt, this EU apologist is.

After his cunt party got annihilated at the last election, precisely because of their boot-licking, ass-kissing, deferential subservience to the EU parasites.

He'd bend-over and take every cock in Europe (without lube) if they'd let the UK back in their rancid cunts club.

Davey is a chancer and a disgraceful fucking traitor, his party should remain on the outer fringes of British politics for ever, cunts!


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From what I see the typical LibDem supporter on Arsebook is a cunt who's profile picture say "I AM EUROPEAN". The party itself is a group of grubby treacherous cunts who made a play for power by joining in with a party that they claimed my entirely opposite to their own belief and philosophy. I have little doubt that had the Nazi been in the same position as the Tories in 2010 the the LibDems would have joined in with them under the claim that they were trying to change the system from within .. ironically exactly how the Nazis were able to achieve control in Germany in the 1930s. The LibDem's followers are deluded.

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They are so desperate for power and so devoid of any credble policies that they will espouse almost any cause. They failed to attract many punters from the moderate rump of Corbyn's Labour, missing an open goal and letting Johnson in. They are now pandering to the "woke" generation (whom they shafted over tuition fees).

I've voted for them since the seventies but abstained last time.

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21 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

They are so desperate for power and so devoid of any credble policies that they will espouse almost any cause. They failed to attract many punters from the moderate rump of Corbyn's Labour, missing an open goal and letting Johnson in. They are now pandering to the "woke" generation (whom they shafted over tuition fees).

I've voted for them since the seventies but abstained last time.

I have voted for them three times .. each vote was wasted. There is a very definite centerist area of politics in the UK. It covers people who are and believe that they are British and are not in denial of this. They are probably a little bit bigoted but tolerant. They like most nationalities actually think that they are a little bit better than every one else. They believe that certain things should be owned by the state but that private enterprise does the other 80%. They believe in supporting employment for UK residents. Most of these centerists are basically conservative but not extreme.

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50 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I have voted for them three times .. each vote was wasted. There is a very definite centerist area of politics in the UK. It covers people who are and believe that they are British and are not in denial of this. They are probably a little bit bigoted but tolerant. They like most nationalities actually think that they are a little bit better than every one else. They believe that certain things should be owned by the state but that private enterprise does the other 80%. They believe in supporting employment for UK residents. Most of these centerists are basically conservative but not extreme.

Sadly that isn't a compatible mindset with today's public. The majority of people can't seem to contemplate someone only agreeing with some of their ideals whilst disagreeing with others, you're either with them or against them and anyone taking the middle ground gets condemned by both sides whenever the opportunity shows itself. As long as we have the ridiculous "first past the post" election system no single vote will ever be counted at its fullest potential.

Centuries of lazy politicians choosing to bad mouth the other team for a quick boost in popularity and two decades of internet in every home slowly strangling the life out of mainstream media and making them become far more outrage focused and biased than ever before to the point that its comical have made democracy a reality TV show that only benefits oppressive regimes like China who can slowly take over the world when everyone is distracted.

As long as everything holds together long enough for me to watch the apocalypse from my death bed I couldn't give less of a shit at this point.

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2 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

As long as we have the ridiculous "first past the post" election system no single vote will ever be counted at its fullest potential.

53 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:


All of the other systems tend to produce hung parliaments and nothing gets done. Decentralisation makes it even worse.

Conservative, with a small "c" is fine by me. I don't think many would vote for sudden, radical change; any that did probably wouldn't like what they got.


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3 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

All of the other systems tend to produce hung parliaments and nothing gets done. Decentralisation makes it even worse.


Well then make the term factual and actually hang the cunts if they can't do their fucking jobs. Nothing would get done, but it would be a show.

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6 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

They are so desperate for power and so devoid of any credble policies that they will espouse almost any cause. They failed to attract many punters from the moderate rump of Corbyn's Labour, missing an open goal and letting Johnson in. They are now pandering to the "woke" generation (whom they shafted over tuition fees).

I've voted for them since the seventies but abstained last time.

Cyril Smith was certainly a big beast in the liberals past.  If he’d lost about 90% of his saturated gut and stopped raping kids he might not have needed the police and the leaders of his party covering up for him. 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
12 hours ago, Joker said:

The Lib Dem leader said that whilst his party are “very pro-European” and want to see the closest possible relationship with the EU following Brexit, they are “not a rejoin party”.

What a fucking two-faced, lying cunt, this EU apologist is.

After his cunt party got annihilated at the last election, precisely because of their boot-licking, ass-kissing, deferential subservience to the EU parasites.

He'd bend-over and take every cock in Europe (without lube) if they'd let the UK back in their rancid cunts club.

Davey is a chancer and a disgraceful fucking traitor, his party should remain on the outer fringes of British politics for ever, cunts!


He has said he is still in favour of free movement of people, so is instantly on my radar as untrustworthy.

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17 hours ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I have voted for them three times .. each vote was wasted. There is a very definite centerist area of politics in the UK. It covers people who are and believe that they are British and are not in denial of this. They are probably a little bit bigoted but tolerant. They like most nationalities actually think that they are a little bit better than every one else. They believe that certain things should be owned by the state but that private enterprise does the other 80%. They believe in supporting employment for UK residents. Most of these centerists are basically conservative but not extreme.

I voted for them in 2010, as did many of my peers who were either currently still at university or had recently just left. We ended up with one of the biggest political betrayals in British history and I'm looking forward to the day that they are consigned to the history books just like that Quisling cunt Clegg.


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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

I voted for them in 2010, as did many of my peers who were either currently still at university or had recently just left. We ended up with one of the biggest political betrayals in British history and I'm looking forward to the day that they are consigned to the history books just like that Quisling cunt Clegg.


In retrospect I actually think that without the LibDems support some of the worst excess of the the Cameron era would not have happened. With Libdem actually supporting legislation that was entirely opposite so called liberal principles. I think that they also pushed the Tories into a corner .. I do think that the promise of a vote on the membership of the EU was a desperate act by Cameron and co to escape from the clutches of the LibDems.

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

I voted for them in 2010, as did many of my peers who were either currently still at university or had recently just left. We ended up with one of the biggest political betrayals in British history and I'm looking forward to the day that they are consigned to the history books just like that Quisling cunt Clegg.


You voted Liberal because you stole a pair of Cyril Smith’s underpants and were subsequently blackmailed by Jeremy Thorpe to appear in a film with Norman Scott....


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1 hour ago, Earl of Punkape said:

You voted Liberal because you stole a pair of Cyril Smith’s underpants and were subsequently blackmailed by Jeremy Thorpe to appear in a film with Norman Scott....


I did, can you explain to me why "Punkape woz 'ere" was written in shit on the gusset?

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I have been genuinely confused by the Lib Dems stance post Brexit vote.

They supported the idea of a vote and said they would respect the result. When it didn't go their way, they backtracked and then their leader said  she would not respect a further vote if it went against their position.

This to me is the very antithesis of ' Democratic'.

To me, the Lib Dems have morphed into a neither democratic nor liberal party.

They now lean to authoritarian policies and prefer this country to be controlled via the 'wise decisions' of the EU unelected technocrats than the demos of their own citizenry.

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5 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

I have been genuinely confused by the Lib Dems stance post Brexit vote.

They supported the idea of a vote and said they would respect the result. When it didn't go their way, they backtracked and then their leader said  she would not respect a further vote if it went against their position.

This to me is the very antithesis of ' Democratic'.

To me, the Lib Dems have morphed into a neither democratic nor liberal party.

They now lean to authoritarian policies and prefer this country to be controlled via the 'wise decisions' of the EU unelected technocrats than the demos of their own citizenry.

The Lib Dems have lost all credibility and are now led by a thick,pompous windbag.

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6 hours ago, Jiggerycock said:

I have been genuinely confused by the Lib Dems stance post Brexit vote.

They supported the idea of a vote and said they would respect the result. When it didn't go their way, they backtracked and then their leader said  she would not respect a further vote if it went against their position.

This to me is the very antithesis of ' Democratic'.

To me, the Lib Dems have morphed into a neither democratic nor liberal party.

They now lean to authoritarian policies and prefer this country to be controlled via the 'wise decisions' of the EU unelected technocrats than the demos of their own citizenry.

Confused dot com or MuuunySuuuupermaaaarket. 

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13 hours ago, Decimus said:

I voted for them in 2010, as did many of my peers who were either currently still at university or had recently just left. We ended up with one of the biggest political betrayals in British history and I'm looking forward to the day that they are consigned to the history books just like that Quisling cunt Clegg.


Clegg’s now, having destroyed the political party he led, employed at a very senior level on Facebook. So his ambition to be at the top table of world leaders is actually a lot more likely to come to fruition, as the Silicon Valley oligarchs are fast becoming the most powerful and corrupt force on Earth.

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On 20/01/2021 at 15:43, Stubby Pecker said:

How you serve your dog shit fry up no doubt 

Wouldn't know Stubbly, I'm not the person you should ask, PM Dickless, he seems to know quite a lot about dog shit, he never lets a week pass without mentioning it and, seeing as you've now jumped on the bandwagon maybe he'll help you with your enquiry.


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