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Till tuskery do us apart

White Cunt

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8 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Have a friend who's missus is an obese whale, and he's a slightly built guy. He's always like obese fatties. His explanation is, they make the best shags. Because not only are the fat on the outside, but on the inside as well, so having tighter snatches. His missus apparently is a right gripper. 

Plus there’s their ‘gratitude’ excuse and willingness to rim. So I’ve, erm, heard.

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2 hours ago, Neil said:

I think it was all a bit of a rush because the cunts made the driver stop at Macdonalds on the way,as for the 2 of them in the same ambulance,do we have articulated ambulances these days?

Indeed they had. Why, are you thinking of providing free services in your van?

https://nypost.com/2021/01/21/london-buses-turned-into-ambulances-amid-covid-19-outbreak/?utm_source=url_sitebuttons&utm_medium=site buttons&utm_campaign=site buttons

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25 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

It’s a big thing (‘scuse the pun) in Africa and the Caribbean. Many of the West Indian guys I worked with were in great shape, ate well, exercised etc, yet they were weirdly attracted to utter whales. The smaller & slimmer the bloke the more monstrously huge his wife. Two guys couldn’t get their women into the mess via the front door they had to enter via a bigger sliding door. Odd spooks.

I will bet that a large slice of the "slim" and most vociferous membership here will actually be topping the scales at 20 stones plus.

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39 minutes ago, Dawn Chorus said:

I will bet that a large slice of the "slim" and most vociferous membership here will actually be topping the scales at 20 stones plus.

Perhaps. But they’ll be male and averaging 5’10” in height I’d suggest. I’m referring to women (who’s main role is to make themselves attractive to extract and benefit from our semen/money/intelligence.) No amount of lipstick and mascara’s gonna make a 5’3”  26 stone truffle-pig enjoy the fruits of my testicles/wallet/prefrontal cortex. Them’s the facts....Honey x

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3 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Perhaps. But they’ll be male and averaging 5’10” in height I’d suggest. I’m referring to women (who’s main role is to make themselves attractive to extract and benefit from our semen/money/intelligence.) No amount of lipstick and mascara’s gonna make a 5’3”  26 stone truffle-pig enjoy the fruits of my testicles/wallet/prefrontal cortex. Them’s the facts....Honey x

But do you have any fruit?

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It surprises me how many fat fuckers are still waddling around even though we were told 10 months ago that that obesity increased your chances of dying from Kung Flu. The fat cunts just don't want to help themselves and I reckon anyone weighing over 22 stone should be last on the vaccine list regardless of age.

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16 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Here is this charming couple of young tuskers who declared their un-dying love while trying to catch a breath swamping their local hospital’ facilities. It’s a prime example of a crazy nannied attitude of the BBC’s happy-ending story telling, while overlooking the disastrous fact that it was their “lifestyle” that most likely put them there and may have deprived two other people of life- saving facility.


Good luck to them. Bad luck to the BBC. The BBC which is an out of date incubus with deep state roots IS THE PROBLEM not the two people. TV and Media are parts of a mature economy that should be privatised. I am astounded that the Tories who are so keen on injecting privatisation into every aspect of life have never and look like never getting around to holding this fucking gang of shits up by the ankles and beating them to death with glass encrusted baseball bats. Every time I switch on radio 3 or 4 it's shit weak miserable programming with so much feminist activism and pedarestic promotion of Britten it churns my stomach. 

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Guest Weary&Disgusted
9 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Good luck to them. Bad luck to the BBC. The BBC which is an out of date incubus with deep state roots IS THE PROBLEM not the two people. TV and Media are parts of a mature economy that should be privatised. I am astounded that the Tories who are so keen on injecting privatisation into every aspect of life have never and look like never getting around to holding this fucking gang of shits up by the ankles and beating them to death with glass encrusted baseball bats. Every time I switch on radio 3 or 4 it's shit weak miserable programming with so much feminist activism and pedarestic promotion of Britten it churns my stomach. 

You have a point Harry, however, remember that if the Beeb was completely commercial, it might be even WORSE, because then they would be totally reliant on revenue from adverts, and the last vestiges of programmes on science and history would be very quickly swept away to be replaced with TOWIE style trash.  

Totally agree with you about the miserable feminist content on the radio though.  I have to change channels when women's hour pops up on radio 4, as I find it unbearable, infuriating shit.  Bad for my blood pressure.  

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57 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

Good luck to them. Bad luck to the BBC. The BBC which is an out of date incubus with deep state roots IS THE PROBLEM not the two people. TV and Media are parts of a mature economy that should be privatised. I am astounded that the Tories who are so keen on injecting privatisation into every aspect of life have never and look like never getting around to holding this fucking gang of shits up by the ankles and beating them to death with glass encrusted baseball bats. Every time I switch on radio 3 or 4 it's shit weak miserable programming with so much feminist activism and pedarestic promotion of Britten it churns my stomach. 

These two waste buckets had way too much luck, being serviced beyond the expected level of public  provisions, while encumbering the system long term with their selective morbidity. Luck wise, the female will eventually catch another incarnation of the covid when back at work on the ward, before passing it on to Jabba the Hubb,  and end up sucking out more juice out of the system, the pair of them.

As for a commie seed, you seem to have very little understanding of privatisation.

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7 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

These two waste buckets had way too much luck, being serviced beyond the expected level of public  provisions, while encumbering the system long term with their selective morbidity. Luck wise, the female will eventually catch another incarnation of the covid when back at work on the ward, before passing it on to Jabba the Hubb,  and end up sucking out more juice out of the system, the pair of them.

As for a commie seed, you seem to have very little understanding of privatisation.

You are likely to drown in your own bile. Why the judgemental attitude when you probably have the fitness level of a box of Jamaican bananas in Deptford market. 

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2 minutes ago, ChildeHarold said:

You are likely to drown in your own bile. Why the judgemental attitude when you probably have the fitness level of a box of Jamaican bananas in Deptford market. 

You were doing so well foe a moment there H. Sadly, the cataclysmic spastic in you has surfaced yet again. That bi-polar must be a right Cunt to live with.

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6 hours ago, Neil said:

I think it was all a bit of a rush because the cunts made the driver stop at Macdonalds on the way,as for the 2 of them in the same ambulance,do we have articulated ambulances these days?

They have special conversions for transporting these fat cunts. The official term is 'Bariatric Ambulance'.. but the drivers/paramedics refer to them as a 'Jumbulance'. Lol

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1 hour ago, Weary&Disgusted said:

You have a point Harry, however, remember that if the Beeb was completely commercial, it might be even WORSE, because then they would be totally reliant on revenue from adverts, and the last vestiges of programmes on science and history would be very quickly swept away to be replaced with TOWIE style trash.  

Totally agree with you about the miserable feminist content on the radio though.  I have to change channels when women's hour pops up on radio 4, as I find it unbearable, infuriating shit.  Bad for my blood pressure.  

Women's Hour has permeated the whole network - what was an acceptable part of the weekday schedule back in the day has been hijacked by increasingly right wibg and extreme feminists insoired by their mirror images in the USA. Radio 3 cannot broadcast a music programme containing Robert Schumann without mentioning Clara who was a well documented piece of shit. The same revision of music history is being undertaken by the Oxbridge feminist vanguard with regard to Fanny Mendelssohn. Neither of these non-entities composed anything apart from a few snippets worth listening to. Without Robert or Felix neither would be remembered now. Evert aspect of classical music has been cast as a conspiracy against women. 

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3 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Perhaps. But they’ll be male and averaging 5’10” in height I’d suggest. I’m referring to women (who’s main role is to make themselves attractive to extract and benefit from our semen/money/intelligence.) No amount of lipstick and mascara’s gonna make a 5’3”  26 stone truffle-pig enjoy the fruits of my testicles/wallet/prefrontal cortex. Them’s the facts....Honey x

I'm sure there's many "26 stone truffle-pigs" who will be very relieved to hear that. 

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2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

It surprises me how many fat fuckers are still waddling around even though we were told 10 months ago that that obesity increased your chances of dying from Kung Flu. The fat cunts just don't want to help themselves and I reckon anyone weighing over 22 stone should be last on the vaccine list regardless of age.

It doesn't help when you get these cunts who preach "big is beautiful" bollocks. No it ain't beautiful. And you won't look beautiful when your gut is stretching the hospital sheet like a fucking dome as you're wired up in an ICU ward. 

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2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

It surprises me how many fat fuckers are still waddling around even though we were told 10 months ago that that obesity increased your chances of dying from Kung Flu. The fat cunts just don't want to help themselves and I reckon anyone weighing over 22 stone should be last on the vaccine list regardless of age.

Fuck vaccine. Give them lead.

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson
18 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

The only thing that enabled the fat cunt to stay alive was the thought of the buffet, probably.

110%, they both look partial to a cocktail sausage by the kilo the fat pair of cunts. More chins than a Chinese phone book between them 

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson
16 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

All bollocks. If you need a ventilator, you're in no fit state to fuck about getting married. Imagine having some cunt sitting on your chest trying to strangle you? That's what it's like to need a ventilator. This is all a fucking set up. 

I think it feels like somones knotted up a tie round your throat too tight, its the only thing you will think about in that scenario never mind taking time to go through a wedding 

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson
12 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Have a friend who's missus is an obese whale, and he's a slightly built guy. He's always like obese fatties. His explanation is, they make the best shags. Because not only are the fat on the outside, but on the inside as well, so having tighter snatches. His missus apparently is a right gripper. 

Shagging a fat bird as a lot like riding a moped, all good fun till your mates catch ya 

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13 hours ago, JohnnySaucePants said:

Have a friend who's missus is an obese whale, and he's a slightly built guy. He's always like obese fatties. His explanation is, they make the best shags. Because not only are the fat on the outside, but on the inside as well, so having tighter snatches. His missus apparently is a right gripper. 

Your ‘friend’ doesn’t really exist Jonny. Does he? But his missus sounds exactly like I imagined yours to be. You’re not very clever are you?

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