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The strange and recent phenomena of people who seemed healthy and wouldn’t in normal times be OK one day and 3 days later be dead.

King Billy

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Super rattled. I love it.. you thick fucking monkey-brain toothless little tosser. 

I actually believe you do. Most people love a person, or a sport, or perhaps a hobby. But not you. No, your only source of pleasure in life appears to be trolling this forum, like some gangling, Gollum-like abomination. What on earth is wrong with you?

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22 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

I actually believe you do. Most people love a person, or a sport, or perhaps a hobby. But not you. No, your only source of pleasure in life appears to be trolling this forum, like some gangling, Gollum-like abomination. What on earth is wrong with you?

I despise the human race, Ape. I really do. This site just happens to attract the right balance of dopes to satisfy my needs. 


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6 minutes ago, Frank said:

Of course you do. I destroyed you when there were no restrictions on here several years ago. It was nasty and you were hurt. You still are... and it shows.

1) Frank. You are not capable of producing any content other than repeated insults. I asked you to put a nom up, you had time, but you failed. It's over.

Edited by Decimus
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27 minutes ago, Frank said:

I moved to Highgate the other week, WC.. next to the Heath and opposite the mens bathing pond. I feel mentally liberated. Have you ever tried American wine?

If I ever see you mincing past The Vine while I’m having a pint Frank, you’re in real trouble. 

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8 hours ago, Frank said:

I moved to Highgate the other week, WC.. next to the Heath and opposite the mens bathing pond. I feel mentally liberated. Have you ever tried American wine?

It can’t be worse than Atlanta’ tap water, from which, of course, they make ice.

It has a pungent smell, colouring and makes rings in the glass. Circa 1990, I sniffed and tasted the concoction and asked the waitress to bring me some orange juice, as it was absolutely vile and no doubt laced with every carcinogen under the sun.

Guess what - the cow brought the juice, which had added orange colouring and was full of fucking ice. I should add, I made it clear to her what was wrong with the water.

Never drink US water, Frank. It wants you dead.

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Does anyone remember way back nearly 2 years ago when Twat Spazcock the ‘Health Secretary’ appeared on GMB and turned on the fake tears over the AstraZeneca ‘wonder jab’ which was going to save the world from the deadliest virus ever? ‘A triumph of British invention and being supplied at ‘cost price’ for the good of the human race’, the Pom Pom waving pussies masquerading as journalists gleefully bleated. The centre court crowd at Wimbledon,  I recall giving a standing ovation to the  woman from Oxford University credited with inventing this ‘totally safe and totally effective’ wonder drug, and saving the human race.

Fast forward a couple of years and all you hear of AZ Covid vaccines is the sound of crickets in the dead of night.

The U.K. government no longer purchases the ‘cost price’ wonder drug, along with almost every other country on Earth. Most of them all dropped it off the menu long ago when it became impossible to ignore its ‘totally unsafe and totally ineffective’ reality. 
Our dishonest and imo criminally compromised leaders still won’t admit to having binned it, instead pretending that if someone asks for it specifically they can still have it. The reality is that it’s not available and has not been for quite some time. Hardly surprising as AZs order books have long been virtually empty, even the poorest countries won’t touch it with a barge pole. They did register a 115 billion pounds profit last year though during the ‘peak panic’ period of first and second jabs. Strangely the ‘booster jab’ frenzy hasn’t been so great for AZ in the U.K. as only 56,000 of their product has made its way into the biceps of us Brits, compared to the 30 odd million (apparently if anything can be believed nowadays) Pfizer and Moderna poisons who’s makers have obviously splashed a lot more cash to the decision makers in positions of power.

Yet still most of the people who’ve been worst affected by Covid, not the virus but the ruination of their lives, their businesses, their futures and their kids futures just nod along and don’t question what’s been done to them. And will meekly comply with whatever the next psyop is that the same cunts roll out on them soon.



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55 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Does anyone remember way back nearly 2 years ago when Twat Spazcock the ‘Health Secretary’ appeared on GMB and turned on the fake tears over the AstraZeneca ‘wonder jab’ which was going to save the world from the deadliest virus ever? ‘A triumph of British invention and being supplied at ‘cost price’ for the good of the human race’, the Pom Pom waving pussies masquerading as journalists gleefully bleated. The centre court crowd at Wimbledon,  I recall giving a standing ovation to the  woman from Oxford University credited with inventing this ‘totally safe and totally effective’ wonder drug, and saving the human race.

Fast forward a couple of years and all you hear of AZ Covid vaccines is the sound of crickets in the dead of night.

The U.K. government no longer purchases the ‘cost price’ wonder drug, along with almost every other country on Earth. Most of them all dropped it off the menu long ago when it became impossible to ignore its ‘totally unsafe and totally ineffective’ reality. 
Our dishonest and imo criminally compromised leaders still won’t admit to having binned it, instead pretending that if someone asks for it specifically they can still have it. The reality is that it’s not available and has not been for quite some time. Hardly surprising as AZs order books have long been virtually empty, even the poorest countries won’t touch it with a barge pole. They did register a 115 billion pounds profit last year though during the ‘peak panic’ period of first and second jabs. Strangely the ‘booster jab’ frenzy hasn’t been so great for AZ in the U.K. as only 56,000 of their product has made its way into the biceps of us Brits, compared to the 30 odd million (apparently if anything can be believed nowadays) Pfizer and Moderna poisons who’s makers have obviously splashed a lot more cash to the decision makers in positions of power.

Yet still most of the people who’ve been worst affected by Covid, not the virus but the ruination of their lives, their businesses, their futures and their kids futures just nod along and don’t question what’s been done to them. And will meekly comply with whatever the next psyop is that the same cunts roll out on them soon.




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So the CDC have stated that the number of patients requiring anticoagulants will double by 2050. Why? Obviously not connected to the huge unexplained increase in the last 18 months of DVT, pulmonary embolisms and clots in the brain, especially in young people who historically were rarely affected by these conditions. And 100% not connected in any way to the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental wonder jabs which saved the world from the deadly Covid 19 lurgy (dry cough and other less avoidable propaganda induced  symptoms) but unfortunately killed Granny two years later than she statistically should have died previously.

A significant number of whistleblowers from the embalming profession have been reporting huge unnatural looking blood clots, some as much as 18 “ long in the legs of bodies they’ve worked on recently. Strangely these weird blockages which some have described as ‘like nothing they ever saw before’ only started to appear around early 2021 too.

Anyway enough of all this ‘anti vax’ nonsense, it’s ‘booster time again folks. Roll up your sleeves and take your medicine or Granny will come back from the dead and you’ll have to save her all over again.

Fuck off.


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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

So the CDC have stated that the number of patients requiring anticoagulants will double by 2050. Why? Obviously not connected to the huge unexplained increase in the last 18 months of DVT, pulmonary embolisms and clots in the brain, especially in young people who historically were rarely affected by these conditions. And 100% not connected in any way to the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental wonder jabs which saved the world from the deadly Covid 19 lurgy (dry cough and other less avoidable propaganda induced  symptoms) but unfortunately killed Granny two years later than she statistically should have died previously.

A significant number of whistleblowers from the embalming profession have been reporting huge unnatural looking blood clots, some as much as 18 “ long in the legs of bodies they’ve worked on recently. Strangely these weird blockages which some have described as ‘like nothing they ever saw before’ only started to appear around early 2021 too.

Anyway enough of all this ‘anti vax’ nonsense, it’s ‘booster time again folks. Roll up your sleeves and take your medicine or Granny will come back from the dead and you’ll have to save her all over again.

Fuck off.

Naturally being a conspiracy mug you avoid the bleedin' obvious of a changing demographic which will result in an increased demand for anticoagulants for an obese population that is aging. In fact the CDC has been calling for a wider choice of anticoagulant other than Warfarin and, more importantly, the development of inexpensive home testing kits. The CDC projected the 2050 date since 2010 as per this article in 2012.

New drugs could improve anticoagulation rates | ACP Internist

As for your risible and over-dramatic nonsense about "whistle-blower" undertakers...

Funeral director’s viral claims about vaccinated people not based in fact - Full Fact

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13 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Naturally being a conspiracy mug you avoid the bleedin' obvious of a changing demographic which will result in an increased demand for anticoagulants for an obese population that is aging. In fact the CDC has been calling for a wider choice of anticoagulant other than Warfarin and, more importantly, the development of inexpensive home testing kits. The CDC projected the 2050 date since 2010 as per this article in 2012.

New drugs could improve anticoagulation rates | ACP Internist

As for your risible and over-dramatic nonsense about "whistle-blower" undertakers...

Funeral director’s viral claims about vaccinated people not based in fact - Full Fact

🤣 I suppose you think the marked  rise in excess deaths across the globe in the last 18 months or so is just a conspiracy theory too? I’m sure ‘Full Fact’ can provide you with another ridiculous explanation, which like most of their partisan nonsense will be based on everything except the actual facts if they don’t  agree with the collapsing Covid 19 narrative.
 The entire Covid affair, from where (and how) it originated, the manner in which almost the entire world initiated unprecedented draconian policies in lockstep with the CCP, and pushed by the corrupt WHO, which any fool could see would have devastating consequences on the mental and physical health of future generations, and to my continuing amazement (notwithstanding your massive ego) you still stubbornly refuse to question (at least openly) the glaringly obvious con trick that a small group of powerful entities have managed to pull off on the sleepwalking human race.

You tube channel ‘Redacted’

title…’Oh SH•T The WEF …..


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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

🤣 I suppose you think the marked  rise in excess deaths across the globe in the last 18 months or so is just a conspiracy theory too? I’m sure ‘Full Fact’ can provide you with another ridiculous explanation, which like most of their partisan nonsense will be based on everything except the actual facts if they don’t  agree with the collapsing Covid 19 narrative.
 The entire Covid affair, from where (and how) it originated, the manner in which almost the entire world initiated unprecedented draconian policies in lockstep with the CCP, and pushed by the corrupt WHO, which any fool could see would have devastating consequences on the mental and physical health of future generations, and to my continuing amazement (notwithstanding your massive ego) you still stubbornly refuse to question (at least openly) the glaringly obvious con trick that a small group of powerful entities have managed to pull off on the sleepwalking human race.

You tube channel ‘Redacted’

title…’Oh SH•T The WEF …..


So nothing to add except the usual whinging tirade of whataboutery? Incidentally, if you think a two-hour vid of extreme partisan conjecture fronted by a couple on the run over an alleged Ponzi scheme adds heft to your bonkers theories then you are truly demented. Needless to say I'm not wasting my time watching this sorry excuse of "independent" investigative journalism so perhaps you could employ some of your amazing insight in working out how to embed a vid and provide time-stamps where the grifting Mr & Mrs Morris provide any evidence.

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