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Saint Billiam of Gates, multi billionaire philanthropist and absolutely not presently being divorced because of his past close association with Jeffrey Epstein.

King Billy

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8 hours ago, The Beast said:

So where are the piles of bodies from the pandemic?

Gibraltar, 1 Covid death pre vaccination. Since vaccination, 99% vaccine uptake, now 100 deaths. Vietnam, again big increases with Covid deaths after vaccines rolled out, 35 now over 20,000. 

And the scientific evidence that these deaths are due to taking the vaccine? And not the evidence beamed into your head by Dave Icke 

Its of course entirely possible all these dead bodies could be due to other reasons 

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11 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Firstly, Cunt, I have travelled through Europe this summer, I have also stated on here (yesterday to @Ape™️) that I have had my booster jab and therefore my vaccine passport thing which, during my travels, I have used. My son has travelled to Europe, very recently also, as I’ve stated, with his mates. So do fucking explain how my story has changed you dopey tart?

Now, just to humour you, IP check my movements as follows and for once in your wretched pompous life, have the good grace to retract the above and issue an apology for being the twat that you undoubtedly are :

13/7/21 for around 6 days, sailing from Spain around the Balearics (Menorca based)

3/9/21 a week sailing around the Aegean (Corfu based) and the subject of many posts alluding to my personal tragedy at sea. Visits to ten different islands.

6-7/11/21 for around a week sailing down the Rhine passing through Holland, Germany and Switzerland.

At no time was my NHS vaccine QR code scanned and that includes at multiple airports. So your contention that Billy’s a liar because of a 30 day expiry is complete bollocks and it is entirely feasible to travel internationally with a blag one…my son and his wanky student mates have done it, several times and very recently.

Over to you…smart-arse.

I already knew your itineraries DC, I have faults as much as the next person but being stupid isn't one of them. It just seemed strange that you would use your kids for anecdotal evidence when clearly you're a cosmopolitan man of international travel. I needed you to self-dox hence the nudge. As for the IP history you have indeed been to the Balearics, the Aegean and mainland Europe but all at fixed points - no island hopping or crossing several mainland borders. I don't buy that no-one checked your vaccination status or required Covid tests, especially in Spain, a country that has turned the early pandemic disaster around and is now seen as a benchmark for balancing control and prevention. As for KB, he's been itching to get his teeth fixed and isn't that much of a moron to jeopardise his treatment by playing fast and loose with the regs more so that the dental clinic would have insisted he be fully vaccinated before preforming surgically invasive surgery on his mouth. He's been jabbed to the hilt.

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39 minutes ago, Stubby Pecker said:

And the scientific evidence that these deaths are due to taking the vaccine? And not the evidence beamed into your head by Dave Icke 

Its of course entirely possible all these dead bodies could be due to other reasons 

The numbers I quoted are deaths with a positive PCR test, perhaps I didn't state that clearly.

There are other Islands, territories and countries that demonstrate the same thing. The only one I can see that vaguely demonstrates the opposite is Hong Kong, but I will put that down to one of these rare events. 



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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

You’re really struggling at the moment. 
You’ve nothing left, have you?


Get away, there's a huge back catalogue of failed predictions, embellishments, and porky-telling. The beauty is that you have a piss-poor memory and don't know when to shut up. 

10 hours ago, King Billy said:

... She’s a one trick pony mate, and the trick involves her gob and her bosses cock.

...and that's all you've got, not forgetting your habit of posting 3-5 emoji replies when you're stuck for an answer.

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41 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Really? I think we can both agree that the scientific community understands how vaccines work. Best leave it at that.

Of course they do. I may not be right, but I never had Eric down as vaccinologist. 

I don't doubt you have reassured them there are not going to be an uptick in auto-immune diseases over the next few years. Your word is as good as the President's of Pfizer.

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8 hours ago, The Beast said:

Yeah, I can't think of anyone else trying to sell a certain product right now and for the next 4 years.

So what doesn't he say? Is it censored? 

The message is that there is an unquantified potential for incorrect data forming an erroneous analysis. He won't commit himself to saying the wrong conclusions have been drawn just that there is a potential. The clue is the corporate logo (prop. This professor) that appears at the end of the vid. A new approach to risk analysis using Bayes modelling is required. The cost of the basic software (minus enhancements & developer tools) is £2100 per computer. For one year's use only.

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14 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Of course they do. I may not be right, but I never had Eric down as vaccinologist. 

I don't doubt you have reassured them there are not going to be an uptick in auto-immune diseases over the next few years. Your word is as good as the President's of Pfizer.

You've mentioned ADE a few months ago. Its a a fair point as ADE has been identified in several respiratory viruses but so far hasn't shown up in Covid 19.

Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies | Nature Microbiology

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

The message is that there is an unquantified potential for incorrect data forming an erroneous analysis. He won't commit himself to saying the wrong conclusions have been drawn just that there is a potential. The clue is the corporate logo (prop. This professor) that appears at the end of the vid. A new approach to risk analysis using Bayes modelling is required. The cost of the basic software (minus enhancements & developer tools) is £2100 per computer. For one year's use only.

One of his conclusions was the benefits do not outweigh the risks from his analysis, due to missing data and inconsistences.

He had difficulty explaining the large spikes of death in the unvaccinated at the roll out of the vaccine in the two older age cohorts. 

A video with a relatively small number of views,20,000, will generate how much interest in the product advertised? I doubt for one second his email inbox is full with enquires and he has installed new phone lines for this multi national business. I am sure his presumed cut from all this (implied by you) will put him in the big league of multi national, multi year government contracts.

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54 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I already knew your itineraries DC, I have faults as much as the next person but being stupid isn't one of them. It just seemed strange that you would use your kids for anecdotal evidence when clearly you're a cosmopolitan man of international travel. I needed you to self-dox hence the nudge. As for the IP history you have indeed been to the Balearics, the Aegean and mainland Europe but all at fixed points - no island hopping or crossing several mainland borders. I don't buy that no-one checked your vaccination status or required Covid tests, especially in Spain, a country that has turned the early pandemic disaster around and is now seen as a benchmark for balancing control and prevention. As for KB, he's been itching to get his teeth fixed and isn't that much of a moron to jeopardise his treatment by playing fast and loose with the regs more so that the dental clinic would have insisted he be fully vaccinated before preforming surgically invasive surgery on his mouth. He's been jabbed to the hilt.

Daily Telegraph…. Basingstoke man arrested in £750 counterfeit vaccine passport investigation.

The Irish Times….Fake vaccine passports on sale for 350€ on dark web.

Reuters…..Werder Bremen coach denies using fake vaccine passport.

The Sun….Fraudsters produce fake vaccine passport scam that lets users produce NHS documents

The Guardian…..Australian GPs offered bribes to fake vaccine passports.

The Straits Times…. Aussies skirt entry rules with fake vaccine passports.

Global News….. Thunder Bay Police investigating fake vaccine passports.

And on and on and on I could go. I won’t bother with any emojis this time as I keep them as a last resort when I have no answer to you apparently.



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33 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I already knew your itineraries DC, I have faults as much as the next person but being stupid isn't one of them. It just seemed strange that you would use your kids for anecdotal evidence when clearly you're a cosmopolitan man of international travel. I needed you to self-dox hence the nudge. As for the IP history you have indeed been to the Balearics, the Aegean and mainland Europe but all at fixed points - no island hopping or crossing several mainland borders. I don't buy that no-one checked your vaccination status or required Covid tests, especially in Spain, a country that has turned the early pandemic disaster around and is now seen as a benchmark for balancing control and prevention. As for KB, he's been itching to get his teeth fixed and isn't that much of a moron to jeopardise his treatment by playing fast and loose with the regs more so that the dental clinic would have insisted he be fully vaccinated before preforming surgically invasive surgery on his mouth. He's been jabbed to the hilt.

As close to a retraction and apology that most of us would expect from an arrogant, opinionated, never-wrong bint like your good self. Also completely loose and free with the truth, as is your want. Perhaps I walked down the Rhine, swam around the Balearics and the Greek Islands with my own wifi dongle up my my arse? I’m pretty sure that you are able to see that the IP addresses are varied enough to suggest that I am telling the truth…Ibiza, Menorca, Majorca, Barcelona, Corfu, Mykonos, Rhodes, Greece, Crete, Santorini, Kos, a tragic visit to Kleftiko, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Cologne, Boppard, Koblenz, Dortmund, Bonn, Basel…all on three ‘fixed’ mainland signals? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…you’re a liar.

You’ll get two options on your 30 day expiring NHS App. One ‘Domestic’ the other for ‘Travel.’ A quick photo of the ‘Travel’ certificate, which has two QR codes for Jab1&2 (3 for me now) is all you’ll need to travel throughout Europe and you can, and people do, stump up £400 for a snide one, and then you can travel. Furthermore you’ll not see any Spaniard or any other cunt, toting a QR scanner, a cursory glance and nod is all you’ll get. In any case, there is a very good chance that even a jarg one would pass a QR scan…there are clearly some NHS workers who are bent, I mean, how hard is it to defraud?

So, madam, clouding the issue with ‘I don’t buy’ and ‘it just seemed strange’ and the hilarious, ‘I knew all along and wanted you to self-dox’ makes you look a bigger cunt than, perhaps you are. The ‘extensive’ travel you questioned actually happened, snide Travel certificates exist and work, Billy definitely  could have travelled with an ‘expired’ fake QR code (mine was issued in early May ffs!) and, to the members here,  you’ve been exposed as the intolerable, insufferable and graceless tart that you are. Now fuck off, them stairs aren’t going to Hoover themselves.

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9 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Tell him I'll draw monkeys for him for only £2k. They'll all be of dead monkeys, though, I don't like the cunts.

I tried my best to understand this bollocks but I don’t get it and it stinks of ‘scam’ but people are making a lot of money out of it. If @Ape™️ is behind it he’s a very wealthy man now. Clever cunts them aero engs.


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5 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I tried my best to understand this bollocks but I don’t get it and it stinks of ‘scam’ but people are making a lot of money out of it. If @Ape™️ is behind it he’s a very wealthy man now. Clever cunts them aero engs.


I clean floors and empty fucking bins, DC. I'm just as lost as you are...

As far as I can tell, it sounds like Pokemon cards online, but with real money and no physical card... And implied forced genetic manipulation?

You buy a cartoon monkey, pump it full of cartoon drugs and it gets sexier and more valuable.

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56 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

You've mentioned ADE a few months ago. Its a a fair point as ADE has been identified in several respiratory viruses but so far hasn't shown up in Covid 19.

Antibody-dependent enhancement and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines and therapies | Nature Microbiology

ADE has not been evidential so far. As well as the mouse studies, the RSV vaccine in children in the 1960's, where it did occur, perhaps were driving concerns.

Guillain-Barre syndrome is an auto immune disease. The background case rate of this appears to be up. There are undisputed post vaccination cases.

The cavalier attitude shown to ladies reporting irregular menses post vaccine was disgusting. At least it is now currently being looked into. It took a lot of wrangling for this investigation. 

As you have no doubt observed, I will not under state my concerns. I don't trust these vaccines. The history of the companies selling them is dubious. The eagerness and insistence for their administration is not clinically evidenced in many cohorts.

I'll just have to wait until 2076 to find out if my foil hat was up to standard.

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4 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I clean floors and empty fucking bins, DC. I'm just as lost as you are...

As far as I can tell, it sounds like Pokemon cards online, but with real money and no physical card... And implied forced genetic manipulation?

You buy a cartoon monkey, pump it full of cartoon drugs and it gets sexier and more valuable.

I’m sure some clever Cunt on here can explain it to us. The lad buys them with some weird credit card thing called ‘When Lambo’ suggesting that it’s only a matter of time and the user will own the said vehicle. I admire his optimism as he drives a ‘56 plate Yaris that I bought for him from a scrapyard four years ago. He does, however, wear an arctic survival parka that retails at £1200! This after we moved from Newcastle, where he considered wearing a coat is poofery, to the Wirral…so technically closer to the equator. Kids eh?

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24 minutes ago, The Beast said:

ADE has not been evidential so far. As well as the mouse studies, the RSV vaccine in children in the 1960's, where it did occur, perhaps were driving concerns.

Guillain-Barre syndrome is an auto immune disease. The background case rate of this appears to be up. There are undisputed post vaccination cases.

The cavalier attitude shown to ladies reporting irregular menses post vaccine is currently being looked into. It took a lot of wrangling for this investigation. 

As you have no doubt observed, I will not under state my concerns. I don't trust these vaccines. The history of the companies selling them is dubious. The eagerness and insistence for their administration is not clinically evidenced in many cohorts.

I'll just have to wait until 2076 to find out if my foil hat was up to standard.

After both shots, I spent time in bed with fever (a whole week), and kidney pain for weeks - worse after the second injection. I also had lupus-like face and body rashes, which returned several times, each seemed weaker and shorter. The kidney pain is now fully gone and no more rashes. Mrs WC had the same issues, but also developed kidney infection, which got cleared with antibiotics and she is fine now.

I fully documented both our cases, should our health be permanently damaged and we would need to make any claims with the government before the end of 2022.

On the upside - I had no need for inhaler for months now, my lung function and COPD (which tends to get worse and not better) has improved dramatically and so has my level of energy. I started to work out again and gained muscle mass. Go figure.

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11 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I’m sure some clever Cunt on here can explain it to us. The lad buys them with some weird credit card thing called ‘When Lambo’ suggesting that it’s only a matter of time and the user will own the said vehicle. I admire his optimism as he drives a ‘56 plate Yaris that I bought for him from a scrapyard four years ago. He does, however, wear an arctic survival parka that retails at £1200! This after we moved from Newcastle, where he considered wearing a coat is poofery, to the Wirral…so technically closer to the equator. Kids eh?

Considering he's technically a cyber-monkey pimp, he could be doing worse for himself.

Mind you, from what little I know about this kind of market, it could literally go toes up at any moment once the cunts in charge have hoarded enough money to buy a private island: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59129466#:~:text=A digital token inspired by,to be an apparent scam.&text=This happens when the promoter,the money raised from sales.

Don't invest in any of it yourself, and make sure the little cunt isn't using any of your cards to buy monkey drugs behind your back. The entire thing seems to centre around computer games and gambling, the collection of cartoon "tokens" heavily implying most investors are likely young and inexperienced and the whole operation is a fad that could falter the moment some cunt does the exact same thing, but with different pictures.

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6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Considering he's technically a cyber-monkey pimp, he could be doing worse for himself.

Mind you, from what little I know about this kind of market, it could literally go toes up at any moment once the cunts in charge have hoarded enough money to buy a private island: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-59129466#:~:text=A digital token inspired by,to be an apparent scam.&text=This happens when the promoter,the money raised from sales.

Don't invest in any of it yourself, and make sure the little cunt isn't using any of your cards to buy monkey drugs behind your back. The entire thing seems to centre around computer games and gambling, the collection of cartoon "tokens" heavily implying most investors are likely young and inexperienced and the whole operation is a fad that could falter the moment some cunt does the exact same thing, but with different pictures.

Indeed. They’re preying on the greed and fickle nature of this wannabe, bling, label-obsessed generation. The lure is a couple of early wins enabling them to buy the odd Omega, Canada-Goose, Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton item then kicking their financial cunts off as they invest bigger. What student with no job pays £500 for a white cotton t-shirt that his mother suggests will fall to pieces after two washes? I’d rather he was selling weed but he seems to be doing well and it won’t ever be with my money. Now, if he acquires enough to pay off his student loan…I’m all in…

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54 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

As close to a retraction and apology that most of us would expect from an arrogant, opinionated, never-wrong bint like your good self. Also completely loose and free with the truth, as is your want. Perhaps I walked down the Rhine, swam around the Balearics and the Greek Islands with my own wifi dongle up my my arse? I’m pretty sure that you are able to see that the IP addresses are varied enough to suggest that I am telling the truth…Ibiza, Menorca, Majorca, Barcelona, Corfu, Mykonos, Rhodes, Greece, Crete, Santorini, Kos, a tragic visit to Kleftiko, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Cologne, Boppard, Koblenz, Dortmund, Bonn, Basel…all on three ‘fixed’ mainland signals? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…you’re a liar.

You’ll get two options on your 30 day expiring NHS App. One ‘Domestic’ the other for ‘Travel.’ A quick photo of the ‘Travel’ certificate, which has two QR codes for Jab1&2 (3 for me now) is all you’ll need to travel throughout Europe and you can, and people do, stump up £400 for a snide one, and then you can travel. Furthermore you’ll not see any Spaniard or any other cunt, toting a QR scanner, a cursory glance and nod is all you’ll get. In any case, there is a very good chance that even a jarg one would pass a QR scan…there are clearly some NHS workers who are bent, I mean, how hard is it to defraud?

So, madam, clouding the issue with ‘I don’t buy’ and ‘it just seemed strange’ and the hilarious, ‘I knew all along and wanted you to self-dox’ makes you look a bigger cunt than, perhaps you are. The ‘extensive’ travel you questioned actually happened, snide Travel certificates exist and work, Billy definitely  could have travelled with an ‘expired’ fake QR code (mine was issued in early May ffs!) and, to the members here,  you’ve been exposed as the intolerable, insufferable and graceless tart that you are. Now fuck off, them stairs aren’t going to Hoover themselves.

Short and to the point DC. But seriously though, you’ll never force her to admit she got anything even slightly wrong. Whatever you or I say, she will find and quote as categoric proof some contradicting ‘evidence’. She’s just a very stubborn and obnoxious creature whose narcissistic self worship will never permit even the possibility that she could be wrong to enter her head. It’s wonderful, and her rattled responses are the only reason I enter into any conversations with her at all. Bless her.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Get away, there's a huge back catalogue of failed predictions, embellishments, and porky-telling. The beauty is that you have a piss-poor memory and don't know when to shut up. 

...and that's all you've got, not forgetting your habit of posting 3-5 emoji replies when you're stuck for an answer.

Irrelevant and weak. Stay on topic where you are getting a good hiding right now.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

Short and to the point DC. But seriously though, you’ll never force her to admit she got anything even slightly wrong. Whatever you or I say, she will find and quote as categoric proof some contradicting ‘evidence’. She’s just a very stubborn and obnoxious creature whose narcissistic self worship will never permit even the possibility that she could be wrong to enter her head. It’s wonderful, and her rattled responses are the only reason I enter into any conversations with her at all. Bless her.

It’s sad really. She’s very talented and I’d want no part of a squabble with her, ordinarily. But, when you’re wrong, you’re wrong and a better person would politely fess-up and move on. Gnashers in yet?

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2 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Indeed. They’re preying on the greed and fickle nature of this wannabe, bling, label-obsessed generation. The lure is a couple of early wins enabling them to buy the odd Omega, Canada-Goose, Balenciaga, Louis Vuitton item then kicking their financial cunts off as they invest bigger. What student with no job pays £500 for a white cotton t-shirt that his mother suggests will fall to pieces after two washes? I’d rather he was selling weed but he seems to be doing well and it won’t ever be with my money. Now, if he acquires enough to pay off his student loan…I’m all in…

Saying that, if we could get @Cuntybaws in to do all the teccy shit, me to do all the art shit, you as some completely useless (but highly paid) upper management/ advisor and your son as an "intern" on minimum wage, we could make a fucking killing.

There's an office block for rent up here in North Shields for very reasonable prices due to potential asbestos contamination, and my funeral/wedding clothes in the cupboard could at a glance pass as a business suit - hire some stoners from the local college for the day to pose next to computer towers  and monitors salvaged from the dump as "game developers" to make it look official, and we're in business.

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37 minutes ago, The Beast said:

I'll just have to wait until 2076 to find out if my foil hat was up to standard.

One day the new U.K. Prime Minister will proudly stand up in the House of Commons, carefully put on his tinfoil hat and take PMQs from the assorted group of triple masked twits on both sides of the chamber, feebly clutching their heart tablets and various other medicines needed to keep them barely alive.

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Just now, Roadkill said:

Saying that, if we could get @Cuntybaws in to do all the teccy shit, me to do all the art shit, you as some completely useless (but highly paid) upper management/ advisor and your son as an "intern" on minimum wage, we could make a fucking killing.

There's an office block for rent up here in North Shields for very reasonable prices due to potential asbestos contamination, and my funeral/wedding clothes in the cupboard could at a glance pass as a business suit - hire some stoners from the local college for the day to pose next to computer towers  and monitors salvaged from the dump as "game developers" to make it look official, and we're in business.

Give it twelve months and I’ll be able to retire from being unemployed. Baws is a terrible cunt though, he’d require a disproportionate remuneration to prevent his algorithms selling our kidneys to the Chinese triggered by us strolling through the VIP doors at Harrods. Perhaps I should have my friends, the Sayers brothers, lean on him?

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1 minute ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Give it twelve months and I’ll be able to retire from being unemployed. Baws is a terrible cunt though, he’d require a disproportionate remuneration to prevent his algorithms selling our kidneys to the Chinese triggered by us strolling through the VIP doors at Harrods. Perhaps I should have my friends, the Sayers brothers, lean on him?

We'll pay him in pikas. They're his heroin.

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