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Guest Lairy Larry
7 minutes ago, cunt said:

And here's the problem, rearing it's ugly head yet again.

Some cunts think they should be allowed to dictate who posts an opinion, and if they don't like it they can start throwing their weight around.
Simple solution, create another website, make it private, you can slap each other's backs, kiss each other's arses and suck each other's cocks as much as you like, everybody will be happy:D

How much would you like to suck mine?

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1 hour ago, cunt said:

Some cunts think they should be allowed to dictate who posts an opinion, and if they don't like it they can start throwing their weight around.

Says the fixated cunt to someone who was, ironically, posting an opinion. Some people just don't do irony.

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8 hours ago, cunt said:

Here's the deal Woofles.
You lost the argument re.hypocrite carnivore, so now you resort to threats of violence, like the savage you've been trying to keep hidden.
You will sit there and call me all the names under the sun, makes no difference to me, you're a self-righteous, smug cunt, tainted with wokeism.

I don't give a fuck about your psycho posturing, go tell it to your sycophantic friends, I'm sure they'll be impressed.🤪

There was no argument because you were incapable of listening and using information provided for you to create an informed opinion in your response. An argument needs two or more (Roops the exception, who needs only a mirror).

So, having tried in vain to explain the basics of animal welfare to you, which your moral compass seemingly cannot detect, I ask for myself (and on behalf of others) again: a) why do you hate dogs (and cats at Yulin) to such a degree that you enjoy seeing them suffer? And b), not care about the process and well-being of sentient creatures which ultimately wind up being discharged into your covert collection of storage jars?

It's not rocket science, dimbo. These are two pretty straightforward questions. Is there a reason? Were you attacked as a child by a dog, for example? Did you once slip in cowshit during a solitary walk and hit your head, cursing the damn beast, heading to Wetherspoon's on the way home for a £5.99 sirloin?

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12 hours ago, Wolfie said:

There was no argument because you were incapable of listening and using information provided for you to create an informed opinion in your response. An argument needs two or more (Roops the exception, who needs only a mirror).

So, having tried in vain to explain the basics of animal welfare to you, which your moral compass seemingly cannot detect, I ask for myself (and on behalf of others) again: a) why do you hate dogs (and cats at Yulin) to such a degree that you enjoy seeing them suffer? And b), not care about the process and well-being of sentient creatures which ultimately wind up being discharged into your covert collection of storage jars?

It's not rocket science, dimbo. These are two pretty straightforward questions. Is there a reason? Were you attacked as a child by a dog, for example? Did you once slip in cowshit during a solitary walk and hit your head, cursing the damn beast, heading to Wetherspoon's on the way home for a £5.99 sirloin?


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16 hours ago, Wolfie said:

There was no argument because you were incapable of listening and using information provided for you to create an informed opinion in your response. An argument needs two or more (Roops the exception, who needs only a mirror).

So, having tried in vain to explain the basics of animal welfare to you, which your moral compass seemingly cannot detect, I ask for myself (and on behalf of others) again: a) why do you hate dogs (and cats at Yulin) to such a degree that you enjoy seeing them suffer? And b), not care about the process and well-being of sentient creatures which ultimately wind up being discharged into your covert collection of storage jars?

It's not rocket science, dimbo. These are two pretty straightforward questions. Is there a reason? Were you attacked as a child by a dog, for example? Did you once slip in cowshit during a solitary walk and hit your head, cursing the damn beast, heading to Wetherspoon's on the way home for a £5.99 sirloin?

How dare you even allude to the outrageous suggestion that I am a homosexual.
Furthermore, don't even try to begin to lecture me with talk of a 'moral compass', something which you, as a beligerant hypocrite, have scant regard for at the best of times.
You're a fuckin' disgrace to humanity, if you actually had any morals, you'd douse yourself with petrol and light a match, you horrible cunt.
Fuck off! :angry:

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35 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

This you out of that rut or just a reflex cunting?

I've been smoked out of my pit of self-despair by all this Russia business, Killer. 

I was hoping that the Gamesmaster would create yet another account and regale us all with his armchair general theories on how he'd sort out the Ivans.

No doubt it would involve a crack team of overweight TAs commandeering the Navy's latest state of the art rowing boat and taking it straight up the Volga to sort this shit out. He had planned on diverting that tug boat the RN has in Japanese waters which is single handedly deterring the Chinks from having a go at the Nips, but master tactician that he is, he's decided to leave it be in case Winnie The Pooh senses an opportunity to kick off.


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44 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've been smoked out of my pit of self-despair by all this Russia business, Killer. 

I was hoping that the Gamesmaster would create yet another account and regale us all with his armchair general theories on how he'd sort out the Ivans.

No doubt it would involve a crack team of overweight TAs commandeering the Navy's latest state of the art rowing boat and taking it straight up the Volga to sort this shit out. He had planned on diverting that tug boat the RN has in Japanese waters which is single handedly deterring the Chinks from having a go at the Nips, but master tactician that he is, he's decided to leave it be in case Winnie The Pooh senses an opportunity to kick off.


We're truly paying the price for robbing ourselves of his tactical genius. The man served over two-thousand tours in Call of Duty - he'd have this sorted in the blink of an eye.

This is what we get for sending him mental and letting him run off into the woods like a diabetic, obese Rambo...

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48 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I've been smoked out of my pit of self-despair by all this Russia business, Killer. 

I was hoping that the Gamesmaster would create yet another account and regale us all with his armchair general theories on how he'd sort out the Ivans.

No doubt it would involve a crack team of overweight TAs commandeering the Navy's latest state of the art rowing boat and taking it straight up the Volga to sort this shit out. He had planned on diverting that tug boat the RN has in Japanese waters which is single handedly deterring the Chinks from having a go at the Nips, but master tactician that he is, he's decided to leave it be in case Winnie The Pooh senses an opportunity to kick off.


There seems to be an awful lot of unnecessary fear and speculation over the possibility of nuclear war.

As if the west is going to blow up anything expensive for the sake of a few thousand, partially microwaved Babushkas with hairy facial warts.

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

I've been smoked out of my pit of self-despair by all this Russia business

You'll be glad to hear that I've foresworn Beluga caviar in retaliation, and I also thought long and hard about smashing up my Faberge eggs. In the end, sadly, avarice got the better of me, and I've been snapping up distressed Russian stocks and investing in landmine manufacturers like there's no tomorrow. I feel a little bit bad for the Ukrainian peasants for whom there will quite literally be no tomorrow, but on balance, fuck them, fuck their stupid flag, and glory be to Mammon. 

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

You'll be glad to hear that I've foresworn Beluga caviar in retaliation, and I also thought long and hard about smashing up my Faberge eggs. In the end, sadly, avarice got the better of me, and I've been snapping up distressed Russian stocks and investing in landmine manufacturers like there's no tomorrow. I feel a little bit bad for the Ukrainian peasants for whom there will quite literally be no tomorrow, but on balance, fuck them, fuck their stupid flag, and glory be to Mammon. 

To me, Polacks, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Russians, Circassians and any other Aramis drenched, dirty fucking Slavs are indistinguishable from each other.

If they insist upon ethnically cleansing each other it leaves more Lebensraum for the rest of us, although I wouldn't fancy a time share in Sebastopol unless I could guarantee there was a local branch of Roy's of Wroxham.

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8 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Watch out, you'll have Ratty frothing at the clopper if you're not careful.

I'm not sure The Rat has got it in him anymore, Bawsey. He seems to have swapped virulent Nazism for the persona of an LSD casualty who's been on an Arthur Askey binge.

He'd be one of the first in line for the ovens if I had my way.

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7 hours ago, Decimus said:

I've been smoked out of my pit of self-despair by all this Russia business, Killer. 

I was hoping that the Gamesmaster would create yet another account and regale us all with his armchair general theories on how he'd sort out the Ivans.

No doubt it would involve a crack team of overweight TAs commandeering the Navy's latest state of the art rowing boat and taking it straight up the Volga to sort this shit out. He had planned on diverting that tug boat the RN has in Japanese waters which is single handedly deterring the Chinks from having a go at the Nips, but master tactician that he is, he's decided to leave it be in case Winnie The Pooh senses an opportunity to kick off.


Decs old bean, this place is more boring than analysing r-soles excel spreadsheets that catalog his scat collection 

Fancy starting up an old vendetta to liven this up, you stupid fucking wanker?

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